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    Front Page Pack短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 为了证明贝利咖啡馆的新鲜度,我们做了一个动作,将该国最有影响力的报纸之一《圣保罗报》的真正头版印在其包装上。读者和消费者对贝利咖啡馆的包装感到惊讶,包装上印有当天报纸的头版,显示该产品每天都有包装, 提供一杯像当天新闻一样新鲜的咖啡。 活动描述 为了证明贝利咖啡馆每天都挤满了人,使用了最具标志性的时间参考: 报纸的头版。当天的报纸头版印在咖啡包装上,以证明它是每天包装的。PoS 的分销和将报纸放在产品旁边的图腾确保了产品的消费者受到这个想法的影响。 执行 我们修改了客户工厂包装的生产过程,以报纸作为时间参考,在 5,000 个咖啡贝利层压包装上打印第二天的头版。为了证明这一点,报纸的副本被分发并放在 PoS 的货架附近。该行动发生在圣保罗,但通过社交媒体在国家一级得到了数字媒体的加强。在完成整个行动后,在同一期报纸中,我们发布了一则广告 (在版本锁定前以特殊计划最终确定),首次宣布,一个品牌将该国最重要的报纸之一的头版变成了一个包装。作为证明,我们还以包装形式包括了广告的头版,以及所有用于印刷的轮廓切割细节。 概要 美食现象甚至出现在咖啡中。咖啡店提供的产品已经成为质量和新鲜度的基准,而超市出售的传统咖啡被视为工业化产品。然而,人们需要知道贝利咖啡馆是一种不同的产品。它是新鲜的,因为它是每天包装。我们的挑战是向人们证明贝利咖啡馆每天都挤满了人。我们需要通过一种赋予可信度的行动来宣传这一点,并需要有可能证明这些信息,其价值与印刷文件相同。 结果 -948,000 人受到影响的频率是 2.3x-页面出版物的平均参与度比平均高出 72%-页面的平均访问量比平均高出 149%-100, 在三天内,Facebook 上发生了 000 次互动 -- 销售额增长了大约 400%。 -超过 5,000 包-超过 2.5 吨的咖啡馆贝利被证明是新鲜的。 -超过 115,000 美元的免费媒体。 战略 在确定了产品的许多销售变化后,我们确定了没有提供服务的集群的横截面。我们需要恢复 AB 公众对质量的看法,并证明货架上的咖啡和咖啡店的咖啡一样有质量 (对观众来说, 产品方面比 C 类重要得多,目前正在与媒体合作)。选择《圣保罗报》是因为我们需要一个具有最大可信度和高度亲和力的渠道来帮助我们恢复对质量的看法。


    案例简介:Relevancy To prove Café Pelé's freshness, we did an action that featured the real front page of one of the country's most influential newspapers, O Estado de São Paulo, printed on its package. Readers and consumers were surprised by a Café Pelé package that featured the front page of that day's newspaper printed on it, showing that the product, since it is packed daily, offers a coffee as fresh as the day's news. Campaign Description To prove that Café Pelé is packed every day, the most iconic time reference was used: the front page of the newspaper. The day's newspaper front page was printed on the packages of the coffee itself, to prove that it is packed daily. The distribution at the PoS and a totem with the newspapers placed next to the product ensured that consumers of the product were impacted by the idea. Execution We modified the production process for the package at the client's factory, to use the newspaper as a reference of time, printing the next day's front page on 5,000 laminated packages of Café Pelé. To prove this, copies of the newspaper were distributed and placed near the shelves at the PoS. The action took place in São Paulo, but was enhanced by digital media at the national level through social media.After completing the entire action, in the same issue of the newspaper, we ran an ad (finalized in a special scheme before the edition was locked in) announcing that for the first time, a brand transformed the front page of one of the country's most important newspapers into a package. And as proof, we also included the front page of the ad in package form, with all the contour cutting details for printing. Synopsis The gourmet phenomenon has come even to coffee. The product offered at coffee shops has become the benchmark of quality and freshness, while the traditional coffee sold at the supermarket is seen as something industrialized. However, people need to know that Café Pelé is a different product. It is fresh because it is packed daily. Our challenge was to prove to people that Café Pelé is packed daily. We needed this to be publicized through an action that would confer credibility and needed it to be possible to prove the information, with the same value of as a printed document. Outcome -948,000 people impacted with a frequency of 2.3x-Average engagement of publications of the page was 72% above average-Average reach of the page was 149% above average-100,000 interactions on Facebook in three days-Approximately 400% increase in sales.-More than 5,000 packages -More than 2.5 tons of Café Pelé proven to be fresh.-More than US$ 115,000 of free media. Strategy After identifying many sales variations for the product, we identified that there was a cross-section of the clusters that were not served. We needed to recover the perception of quality for the AB public and prove that the coffee on the shelves has as much quality as that at coffee shops (for this audience, the product aspects are much more important than for class C, currently being worked with in the media).The choice of the O Estado de São Paulo newspaper was made because we needed an outlet with utmost credibility and high affinity to help us with this recovery in the perception of quality.

    Front Page Pack

    案例简介:相关性 为了证明贝利咖啡馆的新鲜度,我们做了一个动作,将该国最有影响力的报纸之一《圣保罗报》的真正头版印在其包装上。读者和消费者对贝利咖啡馆的包装感到惊讶,包装上印有当天报纸的头版,显示该产品每天都有包装, 提供一杯像当天新闻一样新鲜的咖啡。 活动描述 为了证明贝利咖啡馆每天都挤满了人,使用了最具标志性的时间参考: 报纸的头版。当天的报纸头版印在咖啡包装上,以证明它是每天包装的。PoS 的分销和将报纸放在产品旁边的图腾确保了产品的消费者受到这个想法的影响。 执行 我们修改了客户工厂包装的生产过程,以报纸作为时间参考,在 5,000 个咖啡贝利层压包装上打印第二天的头版。为了证明这一点,报纸的副本被分发并放在 PoS 的货架附近。该行动发生在圣保罗,但通过社交媒体在国家一级得到了数字媒体的加强。在完成整个行动后,在同一期报纸中,我们发布了一则广告 (在版本锁定前以特殊计划最终确定),首次宣布,一个品牌将该国最重要的报纸之一的头版变成了一个包装。作为证明,我们还以包装形式包括了广告的头版,以及所有用于印刷的轮廓切割细节。 概要 美食现象甚至出现在咖啡中。咖啡店提供的产品已经成为质量和新鲜度的基准,而超市出售的传统咖啡被视为工业化产品。然而,人们需要知道贝利咖啡馆是一种不同的产品。它是新鲜的,因为它是每天包装。我们的挑战是向人们证明贝利咖啡馆每天都挤满了人。我们需要通过一种赋予可信度的行动来宣传这一点,并需要有可能证明这些信息,其价值与印刷文件相同。 结果 -948,000 人受到影响的频率是 2.3x-页面出版物的平均参与度比平均高出 72%-页面的平均访问量比平均高出 149%-100, 在三天内,Facebook 上发生了 000 次互动 -- 销售额增长了大约 400%。 -超过 5,000 包-超过 2.5 吨的咖啡馆贝利被证明是新鲜的。 -超过 115,000 美元的免费媒体。 战略 在确定了产品的许多销售变化后,我们确定了没有提供服务的集群的横截面。我们需要恢复 AB 公众对质量的看法,并证明货架上的咖啡和咖啡店的咖啡一样有质量 (对观众来说, 产品方面比 C 类重要得多,目前正在与媒体合作)。选择《圣保罗报》是因为我们需要一个具有最大可信度和高度亲和力的渠道来帮助我们恢复对质量的看法。

    Front Page Pack

    案例简介:Relevancy To prove Café Pelé's freshness, we did an action that featured the real front page of one of the country's most influential newspapers, O Estado de São Paulo, printed on its package. Readers and consumers were surprised by a Café Pelé package that featured the front page of that day's newspaper printed on it, showing that the product, since it is packed daily, offers a coffee as fresh as the day's news. Campaign Description To prove that Café Pelé is packed every day, the most iconic time reference was used: the front page of the newspaper. The day's newspaper front page was printed on the packages of the coffee itself, to prove that it is packed daily. The distribution at the PoS and a totem with the newspapers placed next to the product ensured that consumers of the product were impacted by the idea. Execution We modified the production process for the package at the client's factory, to use the newspaper as a reference of time, printing the next day's front page on 5,000 laminated packages of Café Pelé. To prove this, copies of the newspaper were distributed and placed near the shelves at the PoS. The action took place in São Paulo, but was enhanced by digital media at the national level through social media.After completing the entire action, in the same issue of the newspaper, we ran an ad (finalized in a special scheme before the edition was locked in) announcing that for the first time, a brand transformed the front page of one of the country's most important newspapers into a package. And as proof, we also included the front page of the ad in package form, with all the contour cutting details for printing. Synopsis The gourmet phenomenon has come even to coffee. The product offered at coffee shops has become the benchmark of quality and freshness, while the traditional coffee sold at the supermarket is seen as something industrialized. However, people need to know that Café Pelé is a different product. It is fresh because it is packed daily. Our challenge was to prove to people that Café Pelé is packed daily. We needed this to be publicized through an action that would confer credibility and needed it to be possible to prove the information, with the same value of as a printed document. Outcome -948,000 people impacted with a frequency of 2.3x-Average engagement of publications of the page was 72% above average-Average reach of the page was 149% above average-100,000 interactions on Facebook in three days-Approximately 400% increase in sales.-More than 5,000 packages -More than 2.5 tons of Café Pelé proven to be fresh.-More than US$ 115,000 of free media. Strategy After identifying many sales variations for the product, we identified that there was a cross-section of the clusters that were not served. We needed to recover the perception of quality for the AB public and prove that the coffee on the shelves has as much quality as that at coffee shops (for this audience, the product aspects are much more important than for class C, currently being worked with in the media).The choice of the O Estado de São Paulo newspaper was made because we needed an outlet with utmost credibility and high affinity to help us with this recovery in the perception of quality.



    Front Page Pack










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