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    Tinder # representlove

    案例简介:概要 每天大约有 50亿个表情符号被发送,几乎是你能想象的一切。但尽管如此,还是有一个失踪了。越来越多的 Tinder 用户可能会认同这一点; 跨种族情侣表情符号。如果一对跨种族夫妇想在网上代表他们的爱情,他们唯一的选择是一对黄色夫妇 -- 大多数人认为这意味着 “白色”。由于预算有限,世界上最受欢迎的结识新人的应用程序需要一种经济高效的方式来促进全球运动。我们需要给用户一些如此独特的东西,让他们觉得有必要参与我们的事业。 结果 17亿媒体印象 (目标: 3亿) 520万视频视图 (目标: 240万) 我们与 # representlove 联系了 1730万人。(目标: 800万) 我们打破了我们的请愿目标,积累了 44,000 个签名,并依靠 change.org。(目标: 30,000) 在这场运动中,我们使用设计来给生活带来异族夫妇认为他们永远不会看到的东西 -- 表情符号来代表他们的关系。消费者和媒体对此的反馈非常积极。正如玛丽 · 克莱尔所说,“[与 # representlove] Tinder 赋予每个人表达自己的权利”。同时,跨种族表情符号的请愿通过社会渠道获得了压倒性的支持,导致了 change.org 有史以来最成功的表情符号请愿。有了 # representlove,我们用社交来动员我们的关键人口来争取跨种族情侣表情符号。Tinder 现在计划与 Unicode 板会面,使跨种族情侣表情符号成为现实。 执行 由于我们的活动采用了文化核心的风格,我们设计的情侣表情符号需要与真实的东西区分开来。但与标准表情符号不同,我们的设计都是关于细节的。我们创建了一个主文件,有两个身体形状,可以装饰 80 多个独立的矢量资产,从肤色、眼睛形状、头发、配饰和适合所有气候的服装, 每一个都可以改变为任何颜色。当然,我们的设计师会添加定制的风格,从牛仔裤的撕裂到金发。数十亿组合。我们知道我们回应的每个表情符号中的手艺会决定我们回来的订婚程度。我们在洛杉矶、柏林和悉尼有设计师团队昼夜不停地实时回复夫妇。结果呢?真正定制的表情符号代表全世界所有的爱。 活动描述 Tinder 知道 65% 的 18-34 岁用户积极支持多样性,并对社会问题充满热情。72% 的受访者也认为 Tinder 是最多样化的约会应用。因此,我们推出了 # representlove,这是一项全球运动,向 Unicode 请愿,向官方联盟添加跨种族情侣表情符号。为了推动签名和支持,Tinder 需要一种固有的可共享的社交执行,并且可以围绕代表性与用户进行双向对话。我们去了 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Instagram,要求真正的夫妇使用 # representlove 分享一张照片,并计划了一个非常特殊的回应。在三次区域中,我们让设计师团队实时回复完全基于他们两个的定制表情符号。从头到脚,每个表情都被完美地定制,这是一种值得庆祝和分享的微型艺术作品。

    Tinder # representlove

    案例简介:Synopsis There are around 5 billion emoji sent every day, of just about everything you can imagine. But despite this, there was one missing. One a growing amount of Tinder users could identify with; the interracial couple emoji. If an interracial couple wanted to represent their love online, their only option was a yellow couple - considered by most to mean ‘white’. With a limited budget, the world’s most popular app for meeting new people needed a cost-effective way to foster a global movement. We needed to give users something so unique they would feel compelled to engage with our cause. Outcome 1.7 billion media impressions (Objective: 300 million) 5.2 million video views (Objective: 2.4 million) We reached 17.3 million people on social with #representlove. (Objective: 8 million) We smashed our petition goal amassing 44,000 signatures and counting on change.org. (Objective: 30,000) In this campaign we used design to bring to life something interracial couples thought they would never see – emoji to represent their relationship. Consumer and press feedback off the back of this was overwhelmingly positive. As Marie Claire remarked, ‘[With #representlove] Tinder gives everyone the right to express themselves’. Simultaneously, the petition for interracial emoji generated overwhelming support through social channels, resulting in the most successful emoji petition of all time on change.org. With #representlove we used social to mobilise our key demographic in the fight for the interracial couple emoji. Tinder is now planning to meet with the Unicode board to make interracial couple emoji a reality. Execution As our campaign adopts a style at the heart of culture, the couple emoji we designed needed to be indistinguishable from the real thing. But unlike standard emoji, our designs were all about the details. We created a master file with two body shapes which could be adorned with over 80 indivudual vector assets, from skin colours, eye shapes, hair, accessories and clothing accommodating all climates, each of which could be changed to any colour. And, of course, our designers would add bespoke touches from rips in the jeans to streaks of blonde hair. Billions of combinations. We knew the craft in each emoji we responded with would dictate the level of engagement we got back. We had teams of designers in Los Angeles, Berlin and Sydney working around the clock replying to couples in real-time. The result? Truly custom emoji to represent all love, worldwide. CampaignDescription Tinder knew that 65% of their users 18-34 actively support diversity and are passionate about social issues. 72% of those surveyed also believe Tinder is the most racially diverse dating app. So we launched #representlove, a global campaign petitioning Unicode to add interracial couple emoji to the official consortium. To drive signatures and support, Tinder needed a social execution that was inherently shareable and could foster a two-way conversation with users around representation. We took to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and asked real couples to share a photo using #representlove, with a very special response planned. In three times zones, we had teams of designers reply in real-time with a bespoke emoji based entirely on the two of them. From head to toe each emoji was customised to perfection, a miniature work of art to be celebrated and shared.

    Tinder #representlove

    案例简介:概要 每天大约有 50亿个表情符号被发送,几乎是你能想象的一切。但尽管如此,还是有一个失踪了。越来越多的 Tinder 用户可能会认同这一点; 跨种族情侣表情符号。如果一对跨种族夫妇想在网上代表他们的爱情,他们唯一的选择是一对黄色夫妇 -- 大多数人认为这意味着 “白色”。由于预算有限,世界上最受欢迎的结识新人的应用程序需要一种经济高效的方式来促进全球运动。我们需要给用户一些如此独特的东西,让他们觉得有必要参与我们的事业。 结果 17亿媒体印象 (目标: 3亿) 520万视频视图 (目标: 240万) 我们与 # representlove 联系了 1730万人。(目标: 800万) 我们打破了我们的请愿目标,积累了 44,000 个签名,并依靠 change.org。(目标: 30,000) 在这场运动中,我们使用设计来给生活带来异族夫妇认为他们永远不会看到的东西 -- 表情符号来代表他们的关系。消费者和媒体对此的反馈非常积极。正如玛丽 · 克莱尔所说,“[与 # representlove] Tinder 赋予每个人表达自己的权利”。同时,跨种族表情符号的请愿通过社会渠道获得了压倒性的支持,导致了 change.org 有史以来最成功的表情符号请愿。有了 # representlove,我们用社交来动员我们的关键人口来争取跨种族情侣表情符号。Tinder 现在计划与 Unicode 板会面,使跨种族情侣表情符号成为现实。 执行 由于我们的活动采用了文化核心的风格,我们设计的情侣表情符号需要与真实的东西区分开来。但与标准表情符号不同,我们的设计都是关于细节的。我们创建了一个主文件,有两个身体形状,可以装饰 80 多个独立的矢量资产,从肤色、眼睛形状、头发、配饰和适合所有气候的服装, 每一个都可以改变为任何颜色。当然,我们的设计师会添加定制的风格,从牛仔裤的撕裂到金发。数十亿组合。我们知道我们回应的每个表情符号中的手艺会决定我们回来的订婚程度。我们在洛杉矶、柏林和悉尼有设计师团队昼夜不停地实时回复夫妇。结果呢?真正定制的表情符号代表全世界所有的爱。 活动描述 Tinder 知道 65% 的 18-34 岁用户积极支持多样性,并对社会问题充满热情。72% 的受访者也认为 Tinder 是最多样化的约会应用。因此,我们推出了 # representlove,这是一项全球运动,向 Unicode 请愿,向官方联盟添加跨种族情侣表情符号。为了推动签名和支持,Tinder 需要一种固有的可共享的社交执行,并且可以围绕代表性与用户进行双向对话。我们去了 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Instagram,要求真正的夫妇使用 # representlove 分享一张照片,并计划了一个非常特殊的回应。在三次区域中,我们让设计师团队实时回复完全基于他们两个的定制表情符号。从头到脚,每个表情都被完美地定制,这是一种值得庆祝和分享的微型艺术作品。

    Tinder #representlove

    案例简介:Synopsis There are around 5 billion emoji sent every day, of just about everything you can imagine. But despite this, there was one missing. One a growing amount of Tinder users could identify with; the interracial couple emoji. If an interracial couple wanted to represent their love online, their only option was a yellow couple - considered by most to mean ‘white’. With a limited budget, the world’s most popular app for meeting new people needed a cost-effective way to foster a global movement. We needed to give users something so unique they would feel compelled to engage with our cause. Outcome 1.7 billion media impressions (Objective: 300 million) 5.2 million video views (Objective: 2.4 million) We reached 17.3 million people on social with #representlove. (Objective: 8 million) We smashed our petition goal amassing 44,000 signatures and counting on change.org. (Objective: 30,000) In this campaign we used design to bring to life something interracial couples thought they would never see – emoji to represent their relationship. Consumer and press feedback off the back of this was overwhelmingly positive. As Marie Claire remarked, ‘[With #representlove] Tinder gives everyone the right to express themselves’. Simultaneously, the petition for interracial emoji generated overwhelming support through social channels, resulting in the most successful emoji petition of all time on change.org. With #representlove we used social to mobilise our key demographic in the fight for the interracial couple emoji. Tinder is now planning to meet with the Unicode board to make interracial couple emoji a reality. Execution As our campaign adopts a style at the heart of culture, the couple emoji we designed needed to be indistinguishable from the real thing. But unlike standard emoji, our designs were all about the details. We created a master file with two body shapes which could be adorned with over 80 indivudual vector assets, from skin colours, eye shapes, hair, accessories and clothing accommodating all climates, each of which could be changed to any colour. And, of course, our designers would add bespoke touches from rips in the jeans to streaks of blonde hair. Billions of combinations. We knew the craft in each emoji we responded with would dictate the level of engagement we got back. We had teams of designers in Los Angeles, Berlin and Sydney working around the clock replying to couples in real-time. The result? Truly custom emoji to represent all love, worldwide. CampaignDescription Tinder knew that 65% of their users 18-34 actively support diversity and are passionate about social issues. 72% of those surveyed also believe Tinder is the most racially diverse dating app. So we launched #representlove, a global campaign petitioning Unicode to add interracial couple emoji to the official consortium. To drive signatures and support, Tinder needed a social execution that was inherently shareable and could foster a two-way conversation with users around representation. We took to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and asked real couples to share a photo using #representlove, with a very special response planned. In three times zones, we had teams of designers reply in real-time with a bespoke emoji based entirely on the two of them. From head to toe each emoji was customised to perfection, a miniature work of art to be celebrated and shared.

    Tinder # representlove


    Tinder #representlove










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