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    Tinder # representlove

    案例简介:概要 每天大约有 50亿个表情符号被发送,几乎是你能想象的一切。但是尽管如此,还是缺少了一个表情符号。越来越多的 Tinder 用户可能会认同这一点; 跨种族情侣表情符号。如果一对跨种族夫妇想在网上代表他们的爱情,他们唯一的选择是一对黄色夫妇 -- 大多数人认为这意味着 “白色”。作为改变人们交往方式的品牌,Tinder 想继续推动关于数字时代约会的叙事,以及培养各种形式的爱的重要性。他们不得不通过媒体开始新的对话,这有可能发展一场运动 -- 社交。 战略 Tinder 知道 65% 的 18-34 岁用户积极支持多样性,并对社会问题充满热情。72% 的受访者也认为 Tinder 是最多样化的约会应用。考虑到这一点,我们知道我们的运动需要生活在大多数关于种族关系的辩论存在的地方 -- 推特和 Instagram。因此,我们创建了一部移动特定格式的在线电影 (9:16 和 1:1),将启动这场运动; 在 change.org 上向请愿书推送签名。为了传播这个消息,我们与 6 个市场的关键影响者合作,他们也有跨种族关系。对于每一对影响者夫妇,我们创建了一个个性化的跨种族夫妇表情符号,知道一旦他们使用 # representlove 分享了这个定制的作品,世界其他地方也忍不住想要一个。当他们这样做的时候,我们让 7 个国家的设计师和社区经理团队做好准备并等待。 结果 17亿媒体印象 (目标: 3亿) 520万视频视图 (目标: 240万) 我们与 # representlove 联系了 1730万人。(目标: 800万) 我们也打破了我们的请愿目标,收集了 44,000 个签名,并指望 change.org。(目标: 30,000) Unicode 同意在 2018年听取他们董事会的陈述。我们有 216 条全球报道; 包括有线电视新闻网,Buzzfeed,今日美国,时尚和独立。报道的质量是非常积极的。《赫芬顿邮报》说,“Tinder 继续投资于社会问题”,玛丽 · 克莱尔评论说,“[与 # representlove] Tinder 给了每个人表达自己的权利”。有了 # representlove,我们用社交来动员我们的关键人口来争取跨种族情侣表情符号。我们的请愿书成为 change.org 有史以来最成功的表情符号请愿书。Tinder 现在计划在 2018年与 Unicode 板会面,让跨种族情侣表情符号成为现实。 执行 我们的运动在美国发起,媒体独家宣布请愿书。同一天,我们在 Facebook 、 Snapchat 、 Instagram 和 YouTube 上推出了一部社交电影。在电影中,表情符号取代了现实世界的物体,但是我们的跨种族夫妇没有任何东西可以代表他们。为了推动签名,我们在推特和 Instagram 上启动了社交活动,从全球 7 个市场的影响者活动开始。我们想证明代表每个人是多么简单。我们要求真正的夫妇使用 # representlove 发布照片。作为回应,我们的设计师和社区经理团队用一个完全定制的表情符号实时回复,以匹配他们的形象。随着竞选活动的增加,辩论很快爆发。作为一个倡导多样性的品牌,Tinder 有责任做出回应。我们创建了针对巨魔的个人回应,也提醒种族主义在线攻击的受害者,他们得到了我们的支持。 活动描述 我们推出了 # representlove,这是一个全球运动,向 Unicode 请愿,向官方联盟添加跨种族情侣表情符号。为了推动签名和支持,我们需要一个固有的可共享的社交活动,并且可以围绕代表性与用户进行双向对话。所以,我们去了 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Instagram,并要求真正的夫妇使用 # representlove 分享一张照片。作为回应,我们的设计师和社区经理团队在三个时区回复了一个完全基于我们收到的照片的定制表情符号。从头到脚,每个表情符号都是一件值得珍惜和最终分享的艺术作品。

    Tinder # representlove

    案例简介:Synopsis There are around 5 billion emoji sent every day, of just about everything you can imagine. But despite this, there was one emoji missing. One a growing amount of Tinder users could identify with; the interracial couple emoji. If an interracial couple wanted to represent their love online, their only option was a yellow couple - considered by most to mean ‘white’. As the brand that changed how people meet, Tinder wanted to continue to drive the narrative about dating in the digital age and the importance of fostering love in all its forms. They had to start a new conversation through a media that has the potential to grow a movement – social. Strategy Tinder knew that 65% of their users 18-34 actively support diversity and are passionate about social issues. 72% of those surveyed also believe Tinder is the most racially diverse dating app. With this in mind, we knew our campaign needed to live where most of the debate around race relations exists - Twitter and Instagram. So we created an online film in mobile specific formats (9:16 and 1:1) that would kick-start the campaign; pushing signatures to the petition on change.org. To spread the word, we partnered with key influencers in 6 markets, who were also in interracial relationships. For each influencer couple, we created a personalised interracial couple emoji, knowing that once they shared this bespoke creation using #representlove, the rest of the world couldn’t help but want one too. When they did we had teams of designers and community managers in 7 countries ready and waiting. Outcome 1.7 billion media impressions (Objective: 300 million) 5.2 million video views (Objective: 2.4 million) We reached 17.3 million people on social with #representlove. (Objective: 8 million) We also smashed our petition goal amassing 44,000 signatures and counting on change.org. (Objective: 30,000) Unicode has agreed to hear a presentation to their board in 2018. We had 216 pieces of global coverage; including CNN, Buzzfeed, USA Today, Vogue and The Independent. Quality of the coverage is overwhelmingly positive. HuffPost said ‘Tinder is continuing to invest in social issues’, Marie Claire remarked that ‘[With #representlove] Tinder gives everyone the right to express themselves’. With #representlove we used social to mobilise our key demographic in the fight for the interracial couple emoji. Our petition became the most successful emoji petition of all time on change.org. Tinder is now planning to meet with the Unicode board in 2018 to make interracial couple emoji, a reality. Execution Our campaign launched in the US with media exclusives announcing the petition. On the same day, we launched a social film across Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube. In the film, emoji replaced real-world objects, but our interracial couple were left with nothing to represent them. To drive signatures, we launched our social activation on Twitter and Instagram, beginning with influencer activity across 7 global markets. We wanted to demonstrate how simple it could be to represent everyone. We asked real couples to post a photo using #representlove. In response, our teams of designers and community managers replied in real-time with an emoji that had been completely customised to match their image. As the campaign grew, debate quickly fired up. As a brand that champions diversity, Tinder had a responsibility to reply. We created individual responses to the trolls, also reminding the victims of racist online attacks that they had our support. CampaignDescription We launched #representlove, a global campaign petitioning Unicode to add interracial couple emoji to the official consortium. To drive signatures and support, we needed a social campaign that was inherently shareable and could foster a two-way conversation with users around representation. So, we took to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and asked real couples to share a photo using #representlove. In response, our teams of designers and community managers across three time zones replied with a bespoke emoji based entirely on the photo we received. From head to toe, each emoji was a little work of art to be treasured and ultimately – shared.

    Tinder #representlove

    案例简介:概要 每天大约有 50亿个表情符号被发送,几乎是你能想象的一切。但是尽管如此,还是缺少了一个表情符号。越来越多的 Tinder 用户可能会认同这一点; 跨种族情侣表情符号。如果一对跨种族夫妇想在网上代表他们的爱情,他们唯一的选择是一对黄色夫妇 -- 大多数人认为这意味着 “白色”。作为改变人们交往方式的品牌,Tinder 想继续推动关于数字时代约会的叙事,以及培养各种形式的爱的重要性。他们不得不通过媒体开始新的对话,这有可能发展一场运动 -- 社交。 战略 Tinder 知道 65% 的 18-34 岁用户积极支持多样性,并对社会问题充满热情。72% 的受访者也认为 Tinder 是最多样化的约会应用。考虑到这一点,我们知道我们的运动需要生活在大多数关于种族关系的辩论存在的地方 -- 推特和 Instagram。因此,我们创建了一部移动特定格式的在线电影 (9:16 和 1:1),将启动这场运动; 在 change.org 上向请愿书推送签名。为了传播这个消息,我们与 6 个市场的关键影响者合作,他们也有跨种族关系。对于每一对影响者夫妇,我们创建了一个个性化的跨种族夫妇表情符号,知道一旦他们使用 # representlove 分享了这个定制的作品,世界其他地方也忍不住想要一个。当他们这样做的时候,我们让 7 个国家的设计师和社区经理团队做好准备并等待。 结果 17亿媒体印象 (目标: 3亿) 520万视频视图 (目标: 240万) 我们与 # representlove 联系了 1730万人。(目标: 800万) 我们也打破了我们的请愿目标,收集了 44,000 个签名,并指望 change.org。(目标: 30,000) Unicode 同意在 2018年听取他们董事会的陈述。我们有 216 条全球报道; 包括有线电视新闻网,Buzzfeed,今日美国,时尚和独立。报道的质量是非常积极的。《赫芬顿邮报》说,“Tinder 继续投资于社会问题”,玛丽 · 克莱尔评论说,“[与 # representlove] Tinder 给了每个人表达自己的权利”。有了 # representlove,我们用社交来动员我们的关键人口来争取跨种族情侣表情符号。我们的请愿书成为 change.org 有史以来最成功的表情符号请愿书。Tinder 现在计划在 2018年与 Unicode 板会面,让跨种族情侣表情符号成为现实。 执行 我们的运动在美国发起,媒体独家宣布请愿书。同一天,我们在 Facebook 、 Snapchat 、 Instagram 和 YouTube 上推出了一部社交电影。在电影中,表情符号取代了现实世界的物体,但是我们的跨种族夫妇没有任何东西可以代表他们。为了推动签名,我们在推特和 Instagram 上启动了社交活动,从全球 7 个市场的影响者活动开始。我们想证明代表每个人是多么简单。我们要求真正的夫妇使用 # representlove 发布照片。作为回应,我们的设计师和社区经理团队用一个完全定制的表情符号实时回复,以匹配他们的形象。随着竞选活动的增加,辩论很快爆发。作为一个倡导多样性的品牌,Tinder 有责任做出回应。我们创建了针对巨魔的个人回应,也提醒种族主义在线攻击的受害者,他们得到了我们的支持。 活动描述 我们推出了 # representlove,这是一个全球运动,向 Unicode 请愿,向官方联盟添加跨种族情侣表情符号。为了推动签名和支持,我们需要一个固有的可共享的社交活动,并且可以围绕代表性与用户进行双向对话。所以,我们去了 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Instagram,并要求真正的夫妇使用 # representlove 分享一张照片。作为回应,我们的设计师和社区经理团队在三个时区回复了一个完全基于我们收到的照片的定制表情符号。从头到脚,每个表情符号都是一件值得珍惜和最终分享的艺术作品。

    Tinder #representlove

    案例简介:Synopsis There are around 5 billion emoji sent every day, of just about everything you can imagine. But despite this, there was one emoji missing. One a growing amount of Tinder users could identify with; the interracial couple emoji. If an interracial couple wanted to represent their love online, their only option was a yellow couple - considered by most to mean ‘white’. As the brand that changed how people meet, Tinder wanted to continue to drive the narrative about dating in the digital age and the importance of fostering love in all its forms. They had to start a new conversation through a media that has the potential to grow a movement – social. Strategy Tinder knew that 65% of their users 18-34 actively support diversity and are passionate about social issues. 72% of those surveyed also believe Tinder is the most racially diverse dating app. With this in mind, we knew our campaign needed to live where most of the debate around race relations exists - Twitter and Instagram. So we created an online film in mobile specific formats (9:16 and 1:1) that would kick-start the campaign; pushing signatures to the petition on change.org. To spread the word, we partnered with key influencers in 6 markets, who were also in interracial relationships. For each influencer couple, we created a personalised interracial couple emoji, knowing that once they shared this bespoke creation using #representlove, the rest of the world couldn’t help but want one too. When they did we had teams of designers and community managers in 7 countries ready and waiting. Outcome 1.7 billion media impressions (Objective: 300 million) 5.2 million video views (Objective: 2.4 million) We reached 17.3 million people on social with #representlove. (Objective: 8 million) We also smashed our petition goal amassing 44,000 signatures and counting on change.org. (Objective: 30,000) Unicode has agreed to hear a presentation to their board in 2018. We had 216 pieces of global coverage; including CNN, Buzzfeed, USA Today, Vogue and The Independent. Quality of the coverage is overwhelmingly positive. HuffPost said ‘Tinder is continuing to invest in social issues’, Marie Claire remarked that ‘[With #representlove] Tinder gives everyone the right to express themselves’. With #representlove we used social to mobilise our key demographic in the fight for the interracial couple emoji. Our petition became the most successful emoji petition of all time on change.org. Tinder is now planning to meet with the Unicode board in 2018 to make interracial couple emoji, a reality. Execution Our campaign launched in the US with media exclusives announcing the petition. On the same day, we launched a social film across Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube. In the film, emoji replaced real-world objects, but our interracial couple were left with nothing to represent them. To drive signatures, we launched our social activation on Twitter and Instagram, beginning with influencer activity across 7 global markets. We wanted to demonstrate how simple it could be to represent everyone. We asked real couples to post a photo using #representlove. In response, our teams of designers and community managers replied in real-time with an emoji that had been completely customised to match their image. As the campaign grew, debate quickly fired up. As a brand that champions diversity, Tinder had a responsibility to reply. We created individual responses to the trolls, also reminding the victims of racist online attacks that they had our support. CampaignDescription We launched #representlove, a global campaign petitioning Unicode to add interracial couple emoji to the official consortium. To drive signatures and support, we needed a social campaign that was inherently shareable and could foster a two-way conversation with users around representation. So, we took to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and asked real couples to share a photo using #representlove. In response, our teams of designers and community managers across three time zones replied with a bespoke emoji based entirely on the photo we received. From head to toe, each emoji was a little work of art to be treasured and ultimately – shared.

    Tinder # representlove


    Tinder #representlove










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