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    案例简介:结果 在全球十大啤酒中,老虎现在是世界上增长最快的优质啤酒。Air-Ink 是迄今为止最努力和影响最广泛的品牌,加速了品牌向新市场的扩张,并重振了亚洲的品牌形象。就影响力而言,我们通过这次活动创造了超过 27.5亿次印象 (价值超过 4.6 美元) 和超过 3600万次视频观看。就环境影响而言,我们已经生产了 770l 的空气墨水,相当于在到达空气之前捕获了 20,000 小时的二氧化碳排放。我们装满了 26,000 支用来创作 1000 多件艺术品的笔。这些艺术品将于 2018年作为全球画廊装置在老虎啤酒酒吧展出。 相关性 空气墨水重新发明墨水,人类最古老的交流工具之一。它还创造了自己赢得的媒体,每次它被街头艺术家和活动家使用。凭借超过 21亿的媒体印象,它推动了全球关于解决污染的便捷方式的对话,并将老虎啤酒确立为承诺, 其渠道以及最终消费者和创造性的关键意见领袖的可持续合作伙伴。简而言之,世界上增长最快的啤酒为新一代啤酒饮用者发明的一种新的交流行为。 活动描述 空气墨水带走了让街道窒息的东西,空气污染,并重新利用它让它们再次变得美丽。这是街头聪明创造力的活生生的证明,从街头的啤酒到街头。除了技术之外,Air-Ink 是一个品牌、一系列产品、一个创意社区,以及一场庆祝街道文化力量和活力的运动。作为一个创造性的想法,Air-Ink 的影响会随着它的生活地点和在谁手中而增长和变化。在艺术家手中,它可以创作发人深省的作品,或者简单地美化他们的街道环境。在我们尽职尽责的其他人手中,它被用来请愿变革。这不是墨水故事的结束。Tiger 已经将该品牌的权利交给了 Graviky Labs,以便在下一阶段游说其大规模实施的道路上给它最好的机会。 概要 老虎啤酒是街头的啤酒。它的大部分收入 (62%) 来自街头食品店和户外场馆,老虎在激活和活动中支持街头文化的历史。简报是提出一个非常规的想法,实现两个目标: 第一,通过营销噪音,让年轻一代的啤酒饮用者诚实和引人注目的东西。第二,加强与独立街道商店和他们参加的前卫酒吧的关系。Tiger 没有其他全球优质啤酒品牌的媒体支出,需要一些挑衅性的东西,这些东西会在街头活动,产生公关,赢得影响力。洞察是老虎的街头遗产失去了所有的价值和意义,如果人们不能真正享受街头文化和街头生活。真正的敌人比任何竞争对手都大。它在我们呼吸的空气中。 战略 为了接触我们的观众,加强老虎的街头信誉,我们需要在有影响力但很难接触到的街头创意场景中发展他们的名声。我们通过做一些有用和鼓舞人心的事情来做到这一点。Air-Ink 品牌名称、定位、产品范围和分销策略是专门为吸引街头艺术家而设计的。然后,他们被邀请用空气墨水进行实验,参与核心激活和活动。地点和艺术家被精心挑选,因为他们与老虎啤酒有着共同的价值观,以及他们在创意社区中的影响力。这些人是竞选活动的主要意见领袖和大使。按照这种 “上街” 的方法,影响者和消费者的声音聚集在酒吧里,向地方政府请愿,要求将空气墨水提升到一个新的水平。 执行 我们与烟灰转化技术的发明者 Anirudh Sharma 合作,开发了连接渡轮、起重机和老虎啤酒运送卡车尾气的设备。这些污染在到达空气之前就被捕获了。收获的碳被净化并变成安全、高质量的墨水。空气墨水笔和记号笔被送给街头艺术家和活动家,他们用它们在伦敦、香港、新加坡、芝加哥、阿姆斯特丹、纽约创作艺术、壁画和广告, 悉尼和柏林。为了将这个故事推向世界,我们制作了一部短片,在受污染严重影响的主要市场播放。我们通过社区参与推动对话,庆祝创新并回答艺术家、工程师和日常消费者的问题。活动包括城市中心的广告牌网站和画廊收购,与公众和媒体一起进行现场绘画活动。空气墨水也被用来请愿市长在公共交通工具上接受审判。


    案例简介:Outcome Of the top ten biggest global beers, Tiger is now the fastest growing premium beer in the world. Air-Ink is the brands most hard-working and broad-reaching campaign to date, accelerating the brand’s expansion into new markets and reinvigorating brand perceptions in Asia. In terms of reach, we generated over 2.75 Billion impressions (worth over 4.6M$ US) and over 36 million video views with this campaign. In terms of environmental impact, we have produced 770l of Air-Ink, that’s equivalent to 20,000 hours of CO2 emissions captured before reaching the air. We filled 26,000 pens used to create over 1000 artworks. These artworks will be showcased in Tiger Beer bars as global gallery installation in 2018. Relevancy Air-Ink reinvents Ink, one of man’s oldest communication tools. It also creates its own earned media every time it’s used by street artists and activists to whom it’s given. With over 2.1 Billion earned media impressions it has fueled global conversation around accessible ways to address pollution and established Tiger beer as a committed, sustainable partner for its outlets as well as end consumers and creative key opinion leaders. In short, a new type of communication act, invented with and for a new generation of beer drinkers, by the fastest growing beer in the world. CampaignDescription Air-Ink takes what is suffocating the streets, air pollution, and repurposes it to make them beautiful again. It’s living proof of street-smart creativity, from the beer of the streets, for the streets. Beyond the technology, Air-Ink is a brand, a range of products, a creative community, and a campaign to celebrate the cultural power and vibrancy of the streets. As a creative idea, Air-Ink’s impact grows and changes depending on where it lives, and in whose hands. In the hands of artists, it can create thought-provoking pieces or simply beautify their street environments. In the hands of the rest of our conscientious demographic, it’s used to petition for change. This is not the end of the Air-Ink story. Tiger has handed the rights for the brand over to Graviky Labs, to give it the best chance during the next phases of lobbying on the road to its mass implementation. Synopsis Tiger Beer is the beer of the streets. A majority of its revenue (62%) comes from street-food outlets and outdoor venues and Tiger has a history of supporting street culture in activations and events. The brief was to come up with an unconventional idea that would achieve two goals: First, cut-through marketing noise to engage a young generation of beer drinkers with something honest and striking. Second, strengthen the relationship with independent street outlets and edgy bars they attend. Tiger does not have the media spend of other global premium beer brands and needed something provocative that would work streets-up, generating PR and earned reach. The insight was that Tiger’s street heritage loses all value and meaning if people can’t actually enjoy street culture and street life. The real enemy is bigger than any competitor. It is in the air we breathe. Strategy In order to reach our audience and strengthen Tiger’s street credentials we needed to grow their fame amongst the influential, but hard to reach, street-creativity scene. We did this by making something both useful and inspiring. The Air-Ink brand name, positioning, product range and distribution strategy were specifically designed to engage street-artists. They were then invited to experiment with Air-Ink to participate in core activations and events. Locations and artists were carefully selected for their shared values with Tiger Beer as well as their influence within their creative community. These people served as key opinion leaders and ambassadors for the campaign. In line with this “streets-up” approach, influencer and consumer voices came together in bars to petition local governments to take Air-Ink to the next level. Execution We partnered with Anirudh Sharma, the inventor of the soot-converting technology, to develop devices that attached to exhausts of ferries, cranes and Tiger Beer delivery trucks. These captured pollution before it reached the air. The harvested carbon was purified and turned into safe, high-quality ink. Air-Ink pens and markers were given to street artists and activists, who used them to create art, murals and advertising in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Chicago, Amsterdam, New York, Sydney and Berlin. To bring the story to the world, we created a short film, seeding it across key markets heavily affected by pollution. We drove conversation through community engagement, celebrating the innovation and answering questions - from artists, engineers and every-day consumers. Activations included billboard sites in city centres and gallery takeovers for live drawing events with members of the public and media. Air-Ink was also used to petition mayors to trial on public transport.


    案例简介:结果 在全球十大啤酒中,老虎现在是世界上增长最快的优质啤酒。Air-Ink 是迄今为止最努力和影响最广泛的品牌,加速了品牌向新市场的扩张,并重振了亚洲的品牌形象。就影响力而言,我们通过这次活动创造了超过 27.5亿次印象 (价值超过 4.6 美元) 和超过 3600万次视频观看。就环境影响而言,我们已经生产了 770l 的空气墨水,相当于在到达空气之前捕获了 20,000 小时的二氧化碳排放。我们装满了 26,000 支用来创作 1000 多件艺术品的笔。这些艺术品将于 2018年作为全球画廊装置在老虎啤酒酒吧展出。 相关性 空气墨水重新发明墨水,人类最古老的交流工具之一。它还创造了自己赢得的媒体,每次它被街头艺术家和活动家使用。凭借超过 21亿的媒体印象,它推动了全球关于解决污染的便捷方式的对话,并将老虎啤酒确立为承诺, 其渠道以及最终消费者和创造性的关键意见领袖的可持续合作伙伴。简而言之,世界上增长最快的啤酒为新一代啤酒饮用者发明的一种新的交流行为。 活动描述 空气墨水带走了让街道窒息的东西,空气污染,并重新利用它让它们再次变得美丽。这是街头聪明创造力的活生生的证明,从街头的啤酒到街头。除了技术之外,Air-Ink 是一个品牌、一系列产品、一个创意社区,以及一场庆祝街道文化力量和活力的运动。作为一个创造性的想法,Air-Ink 的影响会随着它的生活地点和在谁手中而增长和变化。在艺术家手中,它可以创作发人深省的作品,或者简单地美化他们的街道环境。在我们尽职尽责的其他人手中,它被用来请愿变革。这不是墨水故事的结束。Tiger 已经将该品牌的权利交给了 Graviky Labs,以便在下一阶段游说其大规模实施的道路上给它最好的机会。 概要 老虎啤酒是街头的啤酒。它的大部分收入 (62%) 来自街头食品店和户外场馆,老虎在激活和活动中支持街头文化的历史。简报是提出一个非常规的想法,实现两个目标: 第一,通过营销噪音,让年轻一代的啤酒饮用者诚实和引人注目的东西。第二,加强与独立街道商店和他们参加的前卫酒吧的关系。Tiger 没有其他全球优质啤酒品牌的媒体支出,需要一些挑衅性的东西,这些东西会在街头活动,产生公关,赢得影响力。洞察是老虎的街头遗产失去了所有的价值和意义,如果人们不能真正享受街头文化和街头生活。真正的敌人比任何竞争对手都大。它在我们呼吸的空气中。 战略 为了接触我们的观众,加强老虎的街头信誉,我们需要在有影响力但很难接触到的街头创意场景中发展他们的名声。我们通过做一些有用和鼓舞人心的事情来做到这一点。Air-Ink 品牌名称、定位、产品范围和分销策略是专门为吸引街头艺术家而设计的。然后,他们被邀请用空气墨水进行实验,参与核心激活和活动。地点和艺术家被精心挑选,因为他们与老虎啤酒有着共同的价值观,以及他们在创意社区中的影响力。这些人是竞选活动的主要意见领袖和大使。按照这种 “上街” 的方法,影响者和消费者的声音聚集在酒吧里,向地方政府请愿,要求将空气墨水提升到一个新的水平。 执行 我们与烟灰转化技术的发明者 Anirudh Sharma 合作,开发了连接渡轮、起重机和老虎啤酒运送卡车尾气的设备。这些污染在到达空气之前就被捕获了。收获的碳被净化并变成安全、高质量的墨水。空气墨水笔和记号笔被送给街头艺术家和活动家,他们用它们在伦敦、香港、新加坡、芝加哥、阿姆斯特丹、纽约创作艺术、壁画和广告, 悉尼和柏林。为了将这个故事推向世界,我们制作了一部短片,在受污染严重影响的主要市场播放。我们通过社区参与推动对话,庆祝创新并回答艺术家、工程师和日常消费者的问题。活动包括城市中心的广告牌网站和画廊收购,与公众和媒体一起进行现场绘画活动。空气墨水也被用来请愿市长在公共交通工具上接受审判。


    案例简介:Outcome Of the top ten biggest global beers, Tiger is now the fastest growing premium beer in the world. Air-Ink is the brands most hard-working and broad-reaching campaign to date, accelerating the brand’s expansion into new markets and reinvigorating brand perceptions in Asia. In terms of reach, we generated over 2.75 Billion impressions (worth over 4.6M$ US) and over 36 million video views with this campaign. In terms of environmental impact, we have produced 770l of Air-Ink, that’s equivalent to 20,000 hours of CO2 emissions captured before reaching the air. We filled 26,000 pens used to create over 1000 artworks. These artworks will be showcased in Tiger Beer bars as global gallery installation in 2018. Relevancy Air-Ink reinvents Ink, one of man’s oldest communication tools. It also creates its own earned media every time it’s used by street artists and activists to whom it’s given. With over 2.1 Billion earned media impressions it has fueled global conversation around accessible ways to address pollution and established Tiger beer as a committed, sustainable partner for its outlets as well as end consumers and creative key opinion leaders. In short, a new type of communication act, invented with and for a new generation of beer drinkers, by the fastest growing beer in the world. CampaignDescription Air-Ink takes what is suffocating the streets, air pollution, and repurposes it to make them beautiful again. It’s living proof of street-smart creativity, from the beer of the streets, for the streets. Beyond the technology, Air-Ink is a brand, a range of products, a creative community, and a campaign to celebrate the cultural power and vibrancy of the streets. As a creative idea, Air-Ink’s impact grows and changes depending on where it lives, and in whose hands. In the hands of artists, it can create thought-provoking pieces or simply beautify their street environments. In the hands of the rest of our conscientious demographic, it’s used to petition for change. This is not the end of the Air-Ink story. Tiger has handed the rights for the brand over to Graviky Labs, to give it the best chance during the next phases of lobbying on the road to its mass implementation. Synopsis Tiger Beer is the beer of the streets. A majority of its revenue (62%) comes from street-food outlets and outdoor venues and Tiger has a history of supporting street culture in activations and events. The brief was to come up with an unconventional idea that would achieve two goals: First, cut-through marketing noise to engage a young generation of beer drinkers with something honest and striking. Second, strengthen the relationship with independent street outlets and edgy bars they attend. Tiger does not have the media spend of other global premium beer brands and needed something provocative that would work streets-up, generating PR and earned reach. The insight was that Tiger’s street heritage loses all value and meaning if people can’t actually enjoy street culture and street life. The real enemy is bigger than any competitor. It is in the air we breathe. Strategy In order to reach our audience and strengthen Tiger’s street credentials we needed to grow their fame amongst the influential, but hard to reach, street-creativity scene. We did this by making something both useful and inspiring. The Air-Ink brand name, positioning, product range and distribution strategy were specifically designed to engage street-artists. They were then invited to experiment with Air-Ink to participate in core activations and events. Locations and artists were carefully selected for their shared values with Tiger Beer as well as their influence within their creative community. These people served as key opinion leaders and ambassadors for the campaign. In line with this “streets-up” approach, influencer and consumer voices came together in bars to petition local governments to take Air-Ink to the next level. Execution We partnered with Anirudh Sharma, the inventor of the soot-converting technology, to develop devices that attached to exhausts of ferries, cranes and Tiger Beer delivery trucks. These captured pollution before it reached the air. The harvested carbon was purified and turned into safe, high-quality ink. Air-Ink pens and markers were given to street artists and activists, who used them to create art, murals and advertising in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Chicago, Amsterdam, New York, Sydney and Berlin. To bring the story to the world, we created a short film, seeding it across key markets heavily affected by pollution. We drove conversation through community engagement, celebrating the innovation and answering questions - from artists, engineers and every-day consumers. Activations included billboard sites in city centres and gallery takeovers for live drawing events with members of the public and media. Air-Ink was also used to petition mayors to trial on public transport.













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