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    案例简介:为了纪念退伍军人节,美国海军陆战队 (USMC) 发起了一项名为 “全圈” 的新公共服务活动。该地点由长期代理合作伙伴Wunderman Thompson Atlanta创建,代表了几代海军陆战队如何为我们的国家而战并赢得胜利,然后以优质公民的身份返回家园,这些公民对他们的社区和周围的人产生了明显而积极的影响。这个想法源于一个简单而强大的海军陆战队座右铭: semperfidelis,意思是 “永远忠诚”。该活动描绘了海军陆战队旅程的生命周期故事: 从灵感到训练,到任务,到现役后在社区服务以及介于两者之间的一切,来一个完整的圈子来提醒我们他们的服务是如何激励下一代的。60秒的商业广告在社交网站上发布,以纪念退伍军人节。其他竞选资产将在未来几个月推出。艾伦·惠特利 (Alan Whitley) 说: “这对海军陆战队来说是一次重要的战役,因为它使我们想起了美国人民经常忘记的事情-海军陆战队赢得了制服并赢得了我们国家的战斗,然后经常返回家园成为他们社区的重要支柱。” 亚特兰大武侠汤普森集团创意总监。“没有制服,我们通常不会立即认出海军陆战队,但我们应该明白,它们是我们社区结构的重要组成部分 -- 为了每个人的利益与我们并肩作战。” “PSA是一项更大的运动的第一步,旨在提醒我们的退伍军人,那些获得海军陆战队头衔的人之间存在着特殊的纽带。” 海军陆战队招募司令部广告-AC/S营销和传播国家总监Thomas “Rob” Dolan中校说。“它将伴随着行动呼吁,以支持海军陆战队的需求。我相信这将有助于激发美国公众的信任。”“ 当美国人听到 “semperfidelis” 一词时,我们希望他们明白,这不仅仅是海军陆战队互相问候的一种方式-这是一个相互的承诺,”客户管理执行董事肖恩·麦克尼利 (Sean McNeeley) 说。武侠汤普森亚特兰大。“海军陆战队将永远忠于军团及其价值观,军团将永远忠于海军陆战队。遵守这一座右铭是造就海军陆战队的基础,它可以延续他们的一生。”由美国Wunderman Thompson Atlanta为美国海军陆战队制作的电影广告,类别为: 军事。


    案例简介:To commemorate Veteran’s Day, the United States Marine Corps (USMC) launched a new public service campaign entitled “Full Circle.” The spot, created by long-time agency partner Wunderman Thompson Atlanta, represents how generations of Marines have fought and won for our Nation and then returned home as quality citizens who visibly and positively impact their communities and those around them. This idea stems from a simple yet powerful Marine Corps motto: Semper Fidelis, which means “Always Faithful.” The campaign depicts the lifecycle story of a Marine’s journey: from the moment of inspiration to training, to missions, to service in their community after active duty and everything in-between, coming full circle to remind us how their service inspires the next generation. The 60-second commercial launches on social to commemorate Veterans Day. Other campaign assets will launch over the coming months. “This is an important campaign for the Marine Corps, because it reminds us of something the American people often forget—that the Marines who earn and wear the uniform fight and win our Nation’s battles, and then often return home to become important pillars of their communities,” said Alan Whitley, Group Creative Director at Wunderman Thompson Atlanta. “Without the uniform, we often don’t immediately recognize Marines, but we should understand they’re an important part of the fabric of our communities — working alongside us for the good of everyone.” “The PSA is the first step in a larger campaign to remind our veterans of the special bond that exists between those who earned the title Marine,” says Lieutenant Colonel Thomas “Rob” Dolan, National Director of Advertising – AC/S Marketing and Communication at Marine Corps Recruiting Command.” It will accompany a call to action to support Marine Corps needs. I believe it will help inspire the trust of the American Public.” “When Americans hear the words “Semper Fidelis,” we want them to understand that this is not just a way Marines greet each other—this is a reciprocal pledge,” said Sean McNeeley, Executive Director, Account Management, Wunderman Thompson Atlanta. “The individual Marine will always be faithful to the Corps and its values, and the Corps will be always faithful to the individual Marine. Living up to this motto is foundational to what makes a Marine, and it lasts their lifetime.” Film advertisement created by Wunderman Thompson Atlanta, United States for The United States Marine Corps, within the category: Military.

    Full Circle

    案例简介:为了纪念退伍军人节,美国海军陆战队 (USMC) 发起了一项名为 “全圈” 的新公共服务活动。该地点由长期代理合作伙伴Wunderman Thompson Atlanta创建,代表了几代海军陆战队如何为我们的国家而战并赢得胜利,然后以优质公民的身份返回家园,这些公民对他们的社区和周围的人产生了明显而积极的影响。这个想法源于一个简单而强大的海军陆战队座右铭: semperfidelis,意思是 “永远忠诚”。该活动描绘了海军陆战队旅程的生命周期故事: 从灵感到训练,到任务,到现役后在社区服务以及介于两者之间的一切,来一个完整的圈子来提醒我们他们的服务是如何激励下一代的。60秒的商业广告在社交网站上发布,以纪念退伍军人节。其他竞选资产将在未来几个月推出。艾伦·惠特利 (Alan Whitley) 说: “这对海军陆战队来说是一次重要的战役,因为它使我们想起了美国人民经常忘记的事情-海军陆战队赢得了制服并赢得了我们国家的战斗,然后经常返回家园成为他们社区的重要支柱。” 亚特兰大武侠汤普森集团创意总监。“没有制服,我们通常不会立即认出海军陆战队,但我们应该明白,它们是我们社区结构的重要组成部分 -- 为了每个人的利益与我们并肩作战。” “PSA是一项更大的运动的第一步,旨在提醒我们的退伍军人,那些获得海军陆战队头衔的人之间存在着特殊的纽带。” 海军陆战队招募司令部广告-AC/S营销和传播国家总监Thomas “Rob” Dolan中校说。“它将伴随着行动呼吁,以支持海军陆战队的需求。我相信这将有助于激发美国公众的信任。”“ 当美国人听到 “semperfidelis” 一词时,我们希望他们明白,这不仅仅是海军陆战队互相问候的一种方式-这是一个相互的承诺,”客户管理执行董事肖恩·麦克尼利 (Sean McNeeley) 说。武侠汤普森亚特兰大。“海军陆战队将永远忠于军团及其价值观,军团将永远忠于海军陆战队。遵守这一座右铭是造就海军陆战队的基础,它可以延续他们的一生。”由美国Wunderman Thompson Atlanta为美国海军陆战队制作的电影广告,类别为: 军事。

    Full Circle

    案例简介:To commemorate Veteran’s Day, the United States Marine Corps (USMC) launched a new public service campaign entitled “Full Circle.” The spot, created by long-time agency partner Wunderman Thompson Atlanta, represents how generations of Marines have fought and won for our Nation and then returned home as quality citizens who visibly and positively impact their communities and those around them. This idea stems from a simple yet powerful Marine Corps motto: Semper Fidelis, which means “Always Faithful.” The campaign depicts the lifecycle story of a Marine’s journey: from the moment of inspiration to training, to missions, to service in their community after active duty and everything in-between, coming full circle to remind us how their service inspires the next generation. The 60-second commercial launches on social to commemorate Veterans Day. Other campaign assets will launch over the coming months. “This is an important campaign for the Marine Corps, because it reminds us of something the American people often forget—that the Marines who earn and wear the uniform fight and win our Nation’s battles, and then often return home to become important pillars of their communities,” said Alan Whitley, Group Creative Director at Wunderman Thompson Atlanta. “Without the uniform, we often don’t immediately recognize Marines, but we should understand they’re an important part of the fabric of our communities — working alongside us for the good of everyone.” “The PSA is the first step in a larger campaign to remind our veterans of the special bond that exists between those who earned the title Marine,” says Lieutenant Colonel Thomas “Rob” Dolan, National Director of Advertising – AC/S Marketing and Communication at Marine Corps Recruiting Command.” It will accompany a call to action to support Marine Corps needs. I believe it will help inspire the trust of the American Public.” “When Americans hear the words “Semper Fidelis,” we want them to understand that this is not just a way Marines greet each other—this is a reciprocal pledge,” said Sean McNeeley, Executive Director, Account Management, Wunderman Thompson Atlanta. “The individual Marine will always be faithful to the Corps and its values, and the Corps will be always faithful to the individual Marine. Living up to this motto is foundational to what makes a Marine, and it lasts their lifetime.” Film advertisement created by Wunderman Thompson Atlanta, United States for The United States Marine Corps, within the category: Military.



    Full Circle










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