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    Four Things Marine Recruit Training Taught Me!短视频,海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:243 年来,美国海军陆战队一直被他们的战斗精神所定义。但是对于今天对军队持矛盾态度的年轻人来说,问题是今天哪些战斗值得战斗?随着技术和媒体改变了消费习惯,限制了广告的影响,海军陆战队招募了当今生活中最流行的声音 -- YouTube 内容创作者 -- 来帮助回答这个问题。这个独特的节目是从需要接触大部分时间花在 YouTube 上的青年观众开始的,并分享海军陆战队如何接受训练来克服任何挑战的故事。海军陆战队在南卡罗来纳州帕里斯岛创建了一个为期 3 天的传奇新兵训练营,并向 4 名内容创作者提出挑战,要求他们在整个 3 天内完成。当创作者踏上岛上时,他们遇到了他们的教官,并陪同他们完成了一项繁重的活动计划,其中包括所有最令人恐惧的新兵训练挑战: 信心课程, 攀爬塔,气室和坩埚徒步旅行。每个创作者都讲述了他们在岛上的故事,并与他们的 YouTube 追随者分享了视频。他们经历的真实性 -- 包括不是每个人都通过海军陆战队新兵训练, 正如一个创作者退出中期项目的事实所证明的那样 -- 加上他们讲故事的质量,仅在第一个月就导致了惊人的 159毫米个有机印象,以及所有视频的 6.5毫米次观看。“海军陆战队新兵训练非常艰难和具有挑战性。在高度联系的年轻人面前获得这种体验的更好方法是通过同样坚韧不拔和身临其境的偷看我们如何制造海军陆战队 -- 所有这些都是通过数字的个人体验捕捉到的影响者, 海军陆战队招募指挥部营销和传播战略总监 LtCol Christian Devine 说。“在某些方面,我们是一个 20 世纪的品牌,需要与 21世纪美国青年的心态架起桥梁。然而,我们可能有一个共同的理想: 寻找归属感和更高的目标。这种理想仍然跨越几代人,我们有责任找到当代的方法来不断重新评估和联系年轻人的兵役 -- 尤其是作为一名美国海军陆战队队员。在这个时代,美国人口和那些曾经服役的人之间越来越脱节, 我们必须采用相关的营销策略来弥合这一鸿沟,使下一代的全球差异制造商。"“战斗新兵必须战斗才能赢得海军陆战队的头衔。亚特兰大沃尔特 · 汤普森海军陆战队业务负责人肖恩 · 麦克尼利说: “他们必须在新兵训练中战胜青春期、自私、恐惧和怀疑。”。“我们希望广大观众看到他们在 YouTube 上钦佩和关注的人如何面对这些挑战。最终,他们都对那些值得战斗的事业有了更深的理解。"


    案例简介:The United States Marine Corps has been defined by their fighting spirit for 243 years. But for today’s youth who are ambivalent about the military, the question is which battles today are worth fighting? As technology and media have changed consumption habits and limited the effects of advertising, the Marines enlisted the help of those voices most prevalent in their lives today—YouTube content creators—to help answer that question. This unique program developed from a need to reach the youth audience that spends most of their time on YouTube, and share the story of how Marines are trained to overcome any challenge. The Marine Corps created a 3 day version of their legendary boot camp, set at Parris Island, South Carolina, and challenged 4 content creators to make it through the entire 3 days. The moment the creators set foot on the island they were met by their drill instructors and escorted through a grueling schedule of activities that included all of the most feared recruit training challenges: the Confidence Course, the Rappel Tower, the Gas Chamber and the Crucible Hike. Each creator told their own story of their time on the island and shared the videos with their YouTube followers. The authenticity of their experience – including the reality that not everyone makes it through Marine Corps recruit training, as demonstrated by the fact that one creator quit mid-program – plus the quality of their storytelling led to a phenomenal 159 mm organic impressions within the first month alone, as well as 6.5 mm views across all of the videos. "Marine Corps Recruit Training is extremely tough and challenging. What better way to get that experience in the faces of hyper-connected young people is through an equally gritty and immersive sneak-peek of how we make Marines--all captured through the personal experience of digital influencers," said LtCol Christian Devine, director of marketing and communication strategy for Marine Corps Recruiting Command. "In some ways we’re a 20th century brand that needs to bridge with the 21st century mentality of American youth. Yet we may share a common ideal: the search for belonging and higher purpose. That ideal still spans generations, and it's our responsibility to find contemporary ways to continually re-evaluate and connect with young people about military service--particularly as a U.S. Marine. In an era where there is a growing disconnect among the American population and those who have served in uniform, we must employ relevant marketing tactics to bridge that chasm to make the next generation of global difference makers." “The battles recruits have to fight to earn the title Marine are figurative. They have to defeat adolescence, selfishness, fear, and doubt at Recruit Training,” said Sean McNeeley, account lead on the Marine Corps business at J. Walter Thompson Atlanta. “We wanted a broad audience to see how people they admired and followed on YouTube faced those challenges. Ultimately, they all gained a deeper appreciation of the cause that makes those battles worth fighting.”

    Four Things Marine Recruit Training Taught Me!

    案例简介:243 年来,美国海军陆战队一直被他们的战斗精神所定义。但是对于今天对军队持矛盾态度的年轻人来说,问题是今天哪些战斗值得战斗?随着技术和媒体改变了消费习惯,限制了广告的影响,海军陆战队招募了当今生活中最流行的声音 -- YouTube 内容创作者 -- 来帮助回答这个问题。这个独特的节目是从需要接触大部分时间花在 YouTube 上的青年观众开始的,并分享海军陆战队如何接受训练来克服任何挑战的故事。海军陆战队在南卡罗来纳州帕里斯岛创建了一个为期 3 天的传奇新兵训练营,并向 4 名内容创作者提出挑战,要求他们在整个 3 天内完成。当创作者踏上岛上时,他们遇到了他们的教官,并陪同他们完成了一项繁重的活动计划,其中包括所有最令人恐惧的新兵训练挑战: 信心课程, 攀爬塔,气室和坩埚徒步旅行。每个创作者都讲述了他们在岛上的故事,并与他们的 YouTube 追随者分享了视频。他们经历的真实性 -- 包括不是每个人都通过海军陆战队新兵训练, 正如一个创作者退出中期项目的事实所证明的那样 -- 加上他们讲故事的质量,仅在第一个月就导致了惊人的 159毫米个有机印象,以及所有视频的 6.5毫米次观看。“海军陆战队新兵训练非常艰难和具有挑战性。在高度联系的年轻人面前获得这种体验的更好方法是通过同样坚韧不拔和身临其境的偷看我们如何制造海军陆战队 -- 所有这些都是通过数字的个人体验捕捉到的影响者, 海军陆战队招募指挥部营销和传播战略总监 LtCol Christian Devine 说。“在某些方面,我们是一个 20 世纪的品牌,需要与 21世纪美国青年的心态架起桥梁。然而,我们可能有一个共同的理想: 寻找归属感和更高的目标。这种理想仍然跨越几代人,我们有责任找到当代的方法来不断重新评估和联系年轻人的兵役 -- 尤其是作为一名美国海军陆战队队员。在这个时代,美国人口和那些曾经服役的人之间越来越脱节, 我们必须采用相关的营销策略来弥合这一鸿沟,使下一代的全球差异制造商。"“战斗新兵必须战斗才能赢得海军陆战队的头衔。亚特兰大沃尔特 · 汤普森海军陆战队业务负责人肖恩 · 麦克尼利说: “他们必须在新兵训练中战胜青春期、自私、恐惧和怀疑。”。“我们希望广大观众看到他们在 YouTube 上钦佩和关注的人如何面对这些挑战。最终,他们都对那些值得战斗的事业有了更深的理解。"

    Four Things Marine Recruit Training Taught Me!

    案例简介:The United States Marine Corps has been defined by their fighting spirit for 243 years. But for today’s youth who are ambivalent about the military, the question is which battles today are worth fighting? As technology and media have changed consumption habits and limited the effects of advertising, the Marines enlisted the help of those voices most prevalent in their lives today—YouTube content creators—to help answer that question. This unique program developed from a need to reach the youth audience that spends most of their time on YouTube, and share the story of how Marines are trained to overcome any challenge. The Marine Corps created a 3 day version of their legendary boot camp, set at Parris Island, South Carolina, and challenged 4 content creators to make it through the entire 3 days. The moment the creators set foot on the island they were met by their drill instructors and escorted through a grueling schedule of activities that included all of the most feared recruit training challenges: the Confidence Course, the Rappel Tower, the Gas Chamber and the Crucible Hike. Each creator told their own story of their time on the island and shared the videos with their YouTube followers. The authenticity of their experience – including the reality that not everyone makes it through Marine Corps recruit training, as demonstrated by the fact that one creator quit mid-program – plus the quality of their storytelling led to a phenomenal 159 mm organic impressions within the first month alone, as well as 6.5 mm views across all of the videos. "Marine Corps Recruit Training is extremely tough and challenging. What better way to get that experience in the faces of hyper-connected young people is through an equally gritty and immersive sneak-peek of how we make Marines--all captured through the personal experience of digital influencers," said LtCol Christian Devine, director of marketing and communication strategy for Marine Corps Recruiting Command. "In some ways we’re a 20th century brand that needs to bridge with the 21st century mentality of American youth. Yet we may share a common ideal: the search for belonging and higher purpose. That ideal still spans generations, and it's our responsibility to find contemporary ways to continually re-evaluate and connect with young people about military service--particularly as a U.S. Marine. In an era where there is a growing disconnect among the American population and those who have served in uniform, we must employ relevant marketing tactics to bridge that chasm to make the next generation of global difference makers." “The battles recruits have to fight to earn the title Marine are figurative. They have to defeat adolescence, selfishness, fear, and doubt at Recruit Training,” said Sean McNeeley, account lead on the Marine Corps business at J. Walter Thompson Atlanta. “We wanted a broad audience to see how people they admired and followed on YouTube faced those challenges. Ultimately, they all gained a deeper appreciation of the cause that makes those battles worth fighting.”



    Four Things Marine Recruit Training Taught Me!










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