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    西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的字体设计

    案例简介:新品牌标志着 LSO 历史的新篇章,著名指挥家西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士重返伦敦,他为 LSO 带来了充满激情的愿景, 创造一个真正的标志性管弦乐队,总是向前看,总是移动,接受没有限制,它可以实现什么,把音乐的力量带给每个人。受到 Partners 的原始身份的启发,这是一个代表指挥的历史性品牌,新品牌使用了音乐会表演的起点 -- 指挥。西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士是品牌的核心,我们创造了一种视觉语言,描述了指挥家的动作,他创作和塑造了一场音乐表演, 通过颜色、纹理和运动反映音乐的情感力量。从西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的指挥动作的现场动作捕捉开始,我们与 LSO 合作, vicon Systems 和朴茨茅斯大学创意技术学院的团队,捕捉西蒙爵士在巴比肯指挥运动的细微差别。使用一个运动捕捉套件,特别修改的指挥棒和 12 台顶级 Vicon Vantage 相机,我们以每秒 120 帧的速度捕捉到运动,从而获得令人难以置信的精确数据性能。然后,我们与数字艺术家托比亚斯 · 格雷姆勒合作,将数据转化为一系列动画电影,充分发挥音乐的力量, 在木头、黄铜、烟雾和绳子的漩涡中,西蒙 · 拨浪鼓爵士的手势用电线呈现,让人想起乐器本身的琴弦。定制的字体有两种不同的形式 -- 一种是通过扩展的丰富的、长措辞的段落使用的宏大的、广泛的手势; 另一种是快速的, 动态和戏剧性的手势 -- 表达只有音乐才能创造的性格和情感运动的细微差别。动画电影和随后的剧照构成了一种视觉语言,介绍了 LSO 的 2017/18 季,并为额外的视觉解释提供了基础,包括完整的个人玩家摄影, 激情的动作,和两个自定义的标题字体,用于通信,以反映在音乐表达的极端指挥的动作。我们继续与伦敦交响乐团合作,丰富正在进行的品牌的视觉语言,以支持乐团在其历史的新篇章。

    西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的字体设计

    案例简介:The new brand marks a new chapter in the history of the LSO, with a return to London of celebrated conductor, Sir Simon Rattle, who brings a passionate vision for the LSO, creating a truly iconic orchestra that is always looking forward, always moving, accepting no limitations on what it can achieve to bring the power of music to everyone. Inspired by the original identity by The Partners, a historic marque that represents a conductor, the new brand uses the very same starting point that a concert performance would – the conductor. With Sir Simon Rattle at the very heart of the brand, we created a visual language that depicts the conductor’s movements, as he creates and shapes a musical performance, reflecting the emotional power of music through colour, texture and motion. Starting with the live motion-capture of Sir Simon Rattle’s conducting movements to excerpts of Elgar’s Variations on an Original Theme, ‘Enigma’, we worked with the LSO, Vicon Systems and the teams at The University of Portsmouth’s School of Creative Technologies, to capture the nuances of Sir Simon’s conducting movement at the Barbican. Using a motion capture suite, specially modified baton, and 12 top-of-the-range Vicon Vantage cameras, we captured the movement at 120 frames per second, resulting in incredibly accurate data performance. We then worked with the digital artist, Tobias Gremmler, to transform the data into a series of animated films, bringing to life the sheer power of music at its full force, in a vortex of wood, brass, smoke and strings, with the sweeping gestures of Sir Simon Rattle rendered in wires reminiscent of the strings of the instruments themselves. The bespoke typography takes two distinct forms – one of grand, sweeping gestures used through extended rich, long-phrased passages; and one of fast, dynamic and dramatic gesture – to express the nuances of the character and feelings of emotive motion that only music can create. Collectively the animated film and subsequent stills form a visual language that introduces the LSO’s 2017/18 season, as well as providing the basis for additional visual interpretations including photography of the individual players in full, passionate motion, and two custom headline typefaces, used in communications, to reflect the conductor’s movements during extremes of musical expressions. We continue working with the London Symphony Orchestra to enrich the visual language of the ongoing brand to support the Orchestra on the new chapter of its history.

    Typography conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

    案例简介:新品牌标志着 LSO 历史的新篇章,著名指挥家西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士重返伦敦,他为 LSO 带来了充满激情的愿景, 创造一个真正的标志性管弦乐队,总是向前看,总是移动,接受没有限制,它可以实现什么,把音乐的力量带给每个人。受到 Partners 的原始身份的启发,这是一个代表指挥的历史性品牌,新品牌使用了音乐会表演的起点 -- 指挥。西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士是品牌的核心,我们创造了一种视觉语言,描述了指挥家的动作,他创作和塑造了一场音乐表演, 通过颜色、纹理和运动反映音乐的情感力量。从西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的指挥动作的现场动作捕捉开始,我们与 LSO 合作, vicon Systems 和朴茨茅斯大学创意技术学院的团队,捕捉西蒙爵士在巴比肯指挥运动的细微差别。使用一个运动捕捉套件,特别修改的指挥棒和 12 台顶级 Vicon Vantage 相机,我们以每秒 120 帧的速度捕捉到运动,从而获得令人难以置信的精确数据性能。然后,我们与数字艺术家托比亚斯 · 格雷姆勒合作,将数据转化为一系列动画电影,充分发挥音乐的力量, 在木头、黄铜、烟雾和绳子的漩涡中,西蒙 · 拨浪鼓爵士的手势用电线呈现,让人想起乐器本身的琴弦。定制的字体有两种不同的形式 -- 一种是通过扩展的丰富的、长措辞的段落使用的宏大的、广泛的手势; 另一种是快速的, 动态和戏剧性的手势 -- 表达只有音乐才能创造的性格和情感运动的细微差别。动画电影和随后的剧照构成了一种视觉语言,介绍了 LSO 的 2017/18 季,并为额外的视觉解释提供了基础,包括完整的个人玩家摄影, 激情的动作,和两个自定义的标题字体,用于通信,以反映在音乐表达的极端指挥的动作。我们继续与伦敦交响乐团合作,丰富正在进行的品牌的视觉语言,以支持乐团在其历史的新篇章。

    Typography conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

    案例简介:The new brand marks a new chapter in the history of the LSO, with a return to London of celebrated conductor, Sir Simon Rattle, who brings a passionate vision for the LSO, creating a truly iconic orchestra that is always looking forward, always moving, accepting no limitations on what it can achieve to bring the power of music to everyone. Inspired by the original identity by The Partners, a historic marque that represents a conductor, the new brand uses the very same starting point that a concert performance would – the conductor. With Sir Simon Rattle at the very heart of the brand, we created a visual language that depicts the conductor’s movements, as he creates and shapes a musical performance, reflecting the emotional power of music through colour, texture and motion. Starting with the live motion-capture of Sir Simon Rattle’s conducting movements to excerpts of Elgar’s Variations on an Original Theme, ‘Enigma’, we worked with the LSO, Vicon Systems and the teams at The University of Portsmouth’s School of Creative Technologies, to capture the nuances of Sir Simon’s conducting movement at the Barbican. Using a motion capture suite, specially modified baton, and 12 top-of-the-range Vicon Vantage cameras, we captured the movement at 120 frames per second, resulting in incredibly accurate data performance. We then worked with the digital artist, Tobias Gremmler, to transform the data into a series of animated films, bringing to life the sheer power of music at its full force, in a vortex of wood, brass, smoke and strings, with the sweeping gestures of Sir Simon Rattle rendered in wires reminiscent of the strings of the instruments themselves. The bespoke typography takes two distinct forms – one of grand, sweeping gestures used through extended rich, long-phrased passages; and one of fast, dynamic and dramatic gesture – to express the nuances of the character and feelings of emotive motion that only music can create. Collectively the animated film and subsequent stills form a visual language that introduces the LSO’s 2017/18 season, as well as providing the basis for additional visual interpretations including photography of the individual players in full, passionate motion, and two custom headline typefaces, used in communications, to reflect the conductor’s movements during extremes of musical expressions. We continue working with the London Symphony Orchestra to enrich the visual language of the ongoing brand to support the Orchestra on the new chapter of its history.

    西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的字体设计


    Typography conducted by Sir Simon Rattle










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