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    # isitokforguys

    案例简介:概要 当AXE的 “找到你的魔力” 在2016年1月首次亮相时,它代表了该品牌一个戏剧性的新方向,现在,吸引力等于联系而不是征服。它提出了一种开明而进步的男性气质观点,引起了新一代男性的共鸣。如今,作为一个促进自我表达的品牌,AXE与限制世界各地的人成为自己的标签作斗争。作为第一个社会使命,该品牌决定与男性最大的敌人: 有毒的男性气质作斗争。鼓励所有人摆脱日常生活中束缚他们的文化压力和标签。目的是将这个看不见的问题暴露给世界,打开对话,并为受标签伤害的人提供真正的帮助。 战略 在分析搜索引擎数据时,我们在14-21岁的年轻人中发现了一种模式。在同一个问题下有很多疑问: “对男生来说可以吗?”。这些范围从轻松愉快的 “... 成为小勺子?” 为了 “…… 和其他人一起实验?” 还有更重的 “…… 沮丧?” 研究显示了问题的严重程度,这一策略得到了进一步的启发: 59% 的男性认为,即使他们感到害怕,他们也应该表现得坚强,近一半的人避免寻求帮助解决他们的问题,五分之一的人在过去两周内考虑过自杀。为了启动品牌第一社会使命,我们想让这个看不见的问题变得可见,以便围绕有毒的男性气质展开对话。 结果 凭借13亿的公关印象和92% 的积极参与,# isitokforguys就男性气质的含义展开了全球对话。在两周的时间里,这场运动给媒体留下了13亿的印象。《纽约时报》和《赫芬顿邮报》等出版物报道了这个故事,各地的男人和女人都动员起来,分享了154多篇文章,甚至在学校里教育了八岁的孩子,讨论了以前禁忌的有毒阳刚之气。尽管如此,我们的主要KPI是让他们自己参与进来。发布后,“对男人来说可以吗” 的搜索量增加了3倍。随着有影响力的视频获得92% 的积极参与,并且该活动在VICE的Snapchat Discover频道上获得了有史以来最高的刷卡率,我们帮助重新定义了男人可以做什么和不能做什么。 执行 该运动在英国和美国都启动了。我们在Youtube上用一部60英寸的国歌电影打开了对话,揭示了最常见的搜索查询,让他们没有回答,以突出可能导致欺凌、暴力甚至自杀的私人内部斗争和孤独。这部电影鼓励人们自己寻找和观看。当他们这样做的时候,他们从25个不同的影响者那里找到了他们的各种问题的答案,包括安东尼·约书亚和威尔·普尔特,他们从自己的社交渠道发帖。使用SEO,我们确保尽可能多的人会接触到竞选活动。对于更多的问题,我们的非政府组织合作伙伴提供了真正的帮助。所以当人们在网上搜索时,他们会发现做自己是可以的。 CampaignDescription 我们发现了一种搜索模式: 人们在网上搜索真正的男人应该或不应该做什么。“男人哭可以吗?” “喝豆浆?” “和其他男人一起实验?”。这些询问揭示了人们对社会强加给他们的性别规范的焦虑感受。我们想让真正的人提出真正的答案,以解决这些问题,并反对有毒的男子气概。最终帮助那些在过时的性别标签下默默地受苦的年轻人。 项目成果简介 在过去的一个世纪中,女性气质发生了巨大变化,但性别方程式的另一半却落在了后面。男子气概比以往任何时候都更具毒性,因为昨天的规范仍然影响着我们今天的生活。事实上,研究表明,72% 的男人已经被告知 “真正的男人” 应该如何表现,这些决定行为和外表的标准可能是非常有害的。在当今社会,93% 名联邦囚犯是男性,在美国1982年的所有大规模枪击事件中,只有三起是女性犯下的。与不遵守这些规范的男性相比,遵守这些规范的男性往往更年轻地死于自杀,酗酒和吸毒以及其他危险行为。为了对抗 “有毒的男性气质” 及其对年轻人的衰弱影响,我们需要通过承认这个问题的范围来帮助打开对话。

    # isitokforguys

    案例简介:Synopsis When AXE’s “Find Your Magic” debuted in January 2016, it represented a dramatic new direction for the brand where now, attraction equals connection instead of conquest. It presented an enlightened and progressive view of masculinity that resonated with a new generation of men. Today, as a brand promoting self-expression, AXE fights the labels that limit guys around the world from being themselves. As a first social mission, the brand decided to fight against guys’ biggest enemy: Toxic Masculinity. Encouraging all guys to rid themselves of the cultural pressures and labels that constrain them in their day to day. The objective was to expose this invisible problem to the world, open the conversation and provide genuine help to guys who are victimised by labels. Strategy In analysing search engine data, we discovered a pattern among young guys aged 14-21. There were many queries under the same question: ‘is it ok for guys’. These ranged from the lighthearted “...to be the little spoon?” to “...to experiment with other guys?” and the heavier “...to be depressed?” The strategy was further informed by research showing the extent of the problem: 59% of men believe they should act strong even if they feel scared, nearly half avoid asking for help with their problems, and one in five guys have considered suicide in the previous two weeks. To launch the brands first social mission, we wanted to make this invisible problem visible, in order to open the conversation around toxic masculinity. Outcome With 1.3 billion PR impressions and 92% positive engagement, #isitokforguys opened a global conversation on what masculinity means. In two weeks, the campaign had made 1.3 billion media impressions. Publications like ‘The New York Times’ and ‘The Huffington Post’ covered the story, and men and women everywhere were mobilising themselves, sharing over 154K articles and even educating children as young as eight years old in school on the previously taboo topic of toxic masculinity. Still, our main KPI was to engage guys themselves. After the launch, there was a 3x increase in search on “is it ok for guys”. With influencer videos receiving 92% positive engagement and the campaign earning the highest ever performing swipe rate ever on VICE’s Snapchat Discover channel, we helped redefine what men can and cannot do. Execution The campaign was launched in both the UK and US. We opened the conversation with a 60” anthem film on Youtube revealing the most common search queries, leaving them unanswered to highlight the private internal struggles and solitude that can contribute to bullying, violence and even suicide. The film encouraged guys to search and see for themselves. When they did, they found answers to their various questions from 25 different influencers including Anthony Joshua and Will Poulter, posting from their own social channels. Using SEO we made sure as many guys as possible would be exposed to the campaign. For heavier queries, our NGO partners offered real help. So when guys searched online, they would find that it was OK for them to be themselves. CampaignDescription We discovered a search pattern: guys were searching online what real man should or shouldn’t do. ‘Is it ok for guys to cry?’ ‘To drink soy milk?’ ‘To experiment with other guys?’. These queries revealed how anxious guys feel about gender norms imposed upon them by society. We wanted to put real guys forward with real answers to address these concerns and to take a stand against toxic masculinity. And ultimately help young men who silently suffer under outdated gender labels. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes While femininity has evolved dramatically over the past century, the other half of the gender equation is falling behind. Masculinity is more toxic than ever as the norms of yesterday still impact what our guys live today. In fact, research shows that 72% of guys have been told how a “real man” should behave and these standards that dictate both behaviour and appearance can be incredibly harmful. In today’s society, 93% of federal inmates are men and of all the mass shootings in the US since 1982, only three have been committed by women. Men abiding to these norms tend to die younger from suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and other kinds of risky behaviours compared to men who do not. To combat “toxic masculinity” and its debilitating effects on young men, we needed to help open the conversation by acknowledging the scope of the issue.


    案例简介:概要 当AXE的 “找到你的魔力” 在2016年1月首次亮相时,它代表了该品牌一个戏剧性的新方向,现在,吸引力等于联系而不是征服。它提出了一种开明而进步的男性气质观点,引起了新一代男性的共鸣。如今,作为一个促进自我表达的品牌,AXE与限制世界各地的人成为自己的标签作斗争。作为第一个社会使命,该品牌决定与男性最大的敌人: 有毒的男性气质作斗争。鼓励所有人摆脱日常生活中束缚他们的文化压力和标签。目的是将这个看不见的问题暴露给世界,打开对话,并为受标签伤害的人提供真正的帮助。 战略 在分析搜索引擎数据时,我们在14-21岁的年轻人中发现了一种模式。在同一个问题下有很多疑问: “对男生来说可以吗?”。这些范围从轻松愉快的 “... 成为小勺子?” 为了 “…… 和其他人一起实验?” 还有更重的 “…… 沮丧?” 研究显示了问题的严重程度,这一策略得到了进一步的启发: 59% 的男性认为,即使他们感到害怕,他们也应该表现得坚强,近一半的人避免寻求帮助解决他们的问题,五分之一的人在过去两周内考虑过自杀。为了启动品牌第一社会使命,我们想让这个看不见的问题变得可见,以便围绕有毒的男性气质展开对话。 结果 凭借13亿的公关印象和92% 的积极参与,# isitokforguys就男性气质的含义展开了全球对话。在两周的时间里,这场运动给媒体留下了13亿的印象。《纽约时报》和《赫芬顿邮报》等出版物报道了这个故事,各地的男人和女人都动员起来,分享了154多篇文章,甚至在学校里教育了八岁的孩子,讨论了以前禁忌的有毒阳刚之气。尽管如此,我们的主要KPI是让他们自己参与进来。发布后,“对男人来说可以吗” 的搜索量增加了3倍。随着有影响力的视频获得92% 的积极参与,并且该活动在VICE的Snapchat Discover频道上获得了有史以来最高的刷卡率,我们帮助重新定义了男人可以做什么和不能做什么。 执行 该运动在英国和美国都启动了。我们在Youtube上用一部60英寸的国歌电影打开了对话,揭示了最常见的搜索查询,让他们没有回答,以突出可能导致欺凌、暴力甚至自杀的私人内部斗争和孤独。这部电影鼓励人们自己寻找和观看。当他们这样做的时候,他们从25个不同的影响者那里找到了他们的各种问题的答案,包括安东尼·约书亚和威尔·普尔特,他们从自己的社交渠道发帖。使用SEO,我们确保尽可能多的人会接触到竞选活动。对于更多的问题,我们的非政府组织合作伙伴提供了真正的帮助。所以当人们在网上搜索时,他们会发现做自己是可以的。 CampaignDescription 我们发现了一种搜索模式: 人们在网上搜索真正的男人应该或不应该做什么。“男人哭可以吗?” “喝豆浆?” “和其他男人一起实验?”。这些询问揭示了人们对社会强加给他们的性别规范的焦虑感受。我们想让真正的人提出真正的答案,以解决这些问题,并反对有毒的男子气概。最终帮助那些在过时的性别标签下默默地受苦的年轻人。 项目成果简介 在过去的一个世纪中,女性气质发生了巨大变化,但性别方程式的另一半却落在了后面。男子气概比以往任何时候都更具毒性,因为昨天的规范仍然影响着我们今天的生活。事实上,研究表明,72% 的男人已经被告知 “真正的男人” 应该如何表现,这些决定行为和外表的标准可能是非常有害的。在当今社会,93% 名联邦囚犯是男性,在美国1982年的所有大规模枪击事件中,只有三起是女性犯下的。与不遵守这些规范的男性相比,遵守这些规范的男性往往更年轻地死于自杀,酗酒和吸毒以及其他危险行为。为了对抗 “有毒的男性气质” 及其对年轻人的衰弱影响,我们需要通过承认这个问题的范围来帮助打开对话。


    案例简介:Synopsis When AXE’s “Find Your Magic” debuted in January 2016, it represented a dramatic new direction for the brand where now, attraction equals connection instead of conquest. It presented an enlightened and progressive view of masculinity that resonated with a new generation of men. Today, as a brand promoting self-expression, AXE fights the labels that limit guys around the world from being themselves. As a first social mission, the brand decided to fight against guys’ biggest enemy: Toxic Masculinity. Encouraging all guys to rid themselves of the cultural pressures and labels that constrain them in their day to day. The objective was to expose this invisible problem to the world, open the conversation and provide genuine help to guys who are victimised by labels. Strategy In analysing search engine data, we discovered a pattern among young guys aged 14-21. There were many queries under the same question: ‘is it ok for guys’. These ranged from the lighthearted “...to be the little spoon?” to “...to experiment with other guys?” and the heavier “...to be depressed?” The strategy was further informed by research showing the extent of the problem: 59% of men believe they should act strong even if they feel scared, nearly half avoid asking for help with their problems, and one in five guys have considered suicide in the previous two weeks. To launch the brands first social mission, we wanted to make this invisible problem visible, in order to open the conversation around toxic masculinity. Outcome With 1.3 billion PR impressions and 92% positive engagement, #isitokforguys opened a global conversation on what masculinity means. In two weeks, the campaign had made 1.3 billion media impressions. Publications like ‘The New York Times’ and ‘The Huffington Post’ covered the story, and men and women everywhere were mobilising themselves, sharing over 154K articles and even educating children as young as eight years old in school on the previously taboo topic of toxic masculinity. Still, our main KPI was to engage guys themselves. After the launch, there was a 3x increase in search on “is it ok for guys”. With influencer videos receiving 92% positive engagement and the campaign earning the highest ever performing swipe rate ever on VICE’s Snapchat Discover channel, we helped redefine what men can and cannot do. Execution The campaign was launched in both the UK and US. We opened the conversation with a 60” anthem film on Youtube revealing the most common search queries, leaving them unanswered to highlight the private internal struggles and solitude that can contribute to bullying, violence and even suicide. The film encouraged guys to search and see for themselves. When they did, they found answers to their various questions from 25 different influencers including Anthony Joshua and Will Poulter, posting from their own social channels. Using SEO we made sure as many guys as possible would be exposed to the campaign. For heavier queries, our NGO partners offered real help. So when guys searched online, they would find that it was OK for them to be themselves. CampaignDescription We discovered a search pattern: guys were searching online what real man should or shouldn’t do. ‘Is it ok for guys to cry?’ ‘To drink soy milk?’ ‘To experiment with other guys?’. These queries revealed how anxious guys feel about gender norms imposed upon them by society. We wanted to put real guys forward with real answers to address these concerns and to take a stand against toxic masculinity. And ultimately help young men who silently suffer under outdated gender labels. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes While femininity has evolved dramatically over the past century, the other half of the gender equation is falling behind. Masculinity is more toxic than ever as the norms of yesterday still impact what our guys live today. In fact, research shows that 72% of guys have been told how a “real man” should behave and these standards that dictate both behaviour and appearance can be incredibly harmful. In today’s society, 93% of federal inmates are men and of all the mass shootings in the US since 1982, only three have been committed by women. Men abiding to these norms tend to die younger from suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and other kinds of risky behaviours compared to men who do not. To combat “toxic masculinity” and its debilitating effects on young men, we needed to help open the conversation by acknowledging the scope of the issue.

    # isitokforguys












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