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    Samsung Cycling - We Are Greater Than I - Les Domestiques短视频广告营销案例



    三星骑自行车 -- 我们比我更强大

    案例简介:条目摘要 为了让这部电影尽可能诚实,我们直接从 Trek Factory 赛车队那里学到了。通过采访和长途跋涉,我们了解了自治的独特性。自治领骑手的唯一目的是确保他们的领导人走到前面。意思是,domestiques 骑输了。铸造也是至关重要的。Trek Factory 赛车队车手法比安 · 坎塞拉拉和格雷戈里 · 拉斯特不仅帮助我们建立了叙事,也最终成为了这部电影的两位英雄。Phil Ligget,臭名昭著的自行车之声,作为终点线叙述者。前长途跋涉骑手延斯 · 沃伊特 (Jens Voigt) 扮演 teamcar 的声音。另一位退休的自行车传奇人物大卫 · 米勒读了 30 秒削减的画外音。最后,我们还用真实粉丝的小信息播种了我们的电影,向一名倒下的自行车手致敬,并确保骑车人的装备正确地符合他们的迷信。 媒体战略 电影摄影准备以最美丽的方式展示痛苦和紧张的时刻,一直专注于他和他对抗一切的战斗。在靠近我们的骑手的镜头和浅景深的宽镜头之间不断变化,以创造亲密和清晰的视角,转化为焦点。自然和环境光线是玩背光的关键元素,让你看起来更接近自然。 简要解释 这部电影是为了强调三星和 Trek Factory 赛车队之间的合作关系而创作的。这是一个关于自行车队中一个居民的故事。作为一个为他的领袖而骑自行车的人,他表现出了所有的牺牲,但最终却失败了。由于大多数居民都是无名骑手,我们想让他尽可能不露面,因此我们从后面拍摄了他。只有当他交给他的领袖时,我们才会在他移动的时候旋转摄像机来展示他的脸。为了确保真实性,我们从尽可能多的自行车手那里获得了专业知识。最后,我们的电影由《迷航工厂赛车》的自行车手法比安 · 坎塞拉和格雷戈里 · 拉斯特主演,并以大卫 · 米勒、菲尔 · 利格特和延斯 · 沃伊特等自行车传奇人物的声音为特色。这是一部帮助自行车社区制作的电影。

    三星骑自行车 -- 我们比我更强大

    案例简介:Entry Summary To make this film as honest as possible we learnt directly from the Trek Factory Racing Team. Through interviews and ride longs we learnt about the uniqueness of domestiques. Domestiques rider with the sole purpose of ensuring that their leader makes it to the front. Meaning, domestiques ride to lose.Casting was also crucial. Trek Factory Racing Team riders, Fabian Cancellara and Gregory Rast, not only helped build our narrative but also ended up being the two heroes of the film. Phil Ligget, the infamous voice of cycling, featured as the finish line narrator. Jens Voigt, a former Trek rider, plays the voice of the teamcar. And David Millar, another retired cycling legend, reads the voiceover of the 30-second cut down.Lastly we also seeded our film with little messages from real fans, a tribute to a fallen cyclist and made sure the riders’ kits were correct to their superstitions. Media Strategy The cinematography was prepared to show painful and intense moments in the most beautiful way possible, all the time focused on him and his battle against everything. There is constant change between shots close to our rider to wide lenses with shallow depth of field to create intimacy and sharpness of perspective that translates as focus. The natural and ambient light was a key element to play with backlights and allow a look close to nature. Brief Explanation This film was created to highlight the partnership between Samsung and the Trek Factory Racing Team. It is the story of a domestique in a cycling team. Showing all the sacrifices he, as a cyclist who rides for his leader, endures only to have to lose at the end.As most domestiques are nameless riders we wanted to make him as faceless as possible, hence why we filmed him from behind. Only when he hands over to his leader did we spin the camera around to reveal his face, just as he moves over.In order to ensure authenticity we enlisted the expertise from as many cyclists as possible. In the end our film starred Trek Factory Racing cyclists Fabian Cancellara and Gregory Rast and featured the voices of cycling legends such as David Millar, Phil Ligget and Jens Voigt. This was a film for the cycling community, made with the help.

    Samsung Cycling - We Are Greater Than I - Les Domestiques

    案例简介:条目摘要 为了让这部电影尽可能诚实,我们直接从 Trek Factory 赛车队那里学到了。通过采访和长途跋涉,我们了解了自治的独特性。自治领骑手的唯一目的是确保他们的领导人走到前面。意思是,domestiques 骑输了。铸造也是至关重要的。Trek Factory 赛车队车手法比安 · 坎塞拉拉和格雷戈里 · 拉斯特不仅帮助我们建立了叙事,也最终成为了这部电影的两位英雄。Phil Ligget,臭名昭著的自行车之声,作为终点线叙述者。前长途跋涉骑手延斯 · 沃伊特 (Jens Voigt) 扮演 teamcar 的声音。另一位退休的自行车传奇人物大卫 · 米勒读了 30 秒削减的画外音。最后,我们还用真实粉丝的小信息播种了我们的电影,向一名倒下的自行车手致敬,并确保骑车人的装备正确地符合他们的迷信。 媒体战略 电影摄影准备以最美丽的方式展示痛苦和紧张的时刻,一直专注于他和他对抗一切的战斗。在靠近我们的骑手的镜头和浅景深的宽镜头之间不断变化,以创造亲密和清晰的视角,转化为焦点。自然和环境光线是玩背光的关键元素,让你看起来更接近自然。 简要解释 这部电影是为了强调三星和 Trek Factory 赛车队之间的合作关系而创作的。这是一个关于自行车队中一个居民的故事。作为一个为他的领袖而骑自行车的人,他表现出了所有的牺牲,但最终却失败了。由于大多数居民都是无名骑手,我们想让他尽可能不露面,因此我们从后面拍摄了他。只有当他交给他的领袖时,我们才会在他移动的时候旋转摄像机来展示他的脸。为了确保真实性,我们从尽可能多的自行车手那里获得了专业知识。最后,我们的电影由《迷航工厂赛车》的自行车手法比安 · 坎塞拉和格雷戈里 · 拉斯特主演,并以大卫 · 米勒、菲尔 · 利格特和延斯 · 沃伊特等自行车传奇人物的声音为特色。这是一部帮助自行车社区制作的电影。

    Samsung Cycling - We Are Greater Than I - Les Domestiques

    案例简介:Entry Summary To make this film as honest as possible we learnt directly from the Trek Factory Racing Team. Through interviews and ride longs we learnt about the uniqueness of domestiques. Domestiques rider with the sole purpose of ensuring that their leader makes it to the front. Meaning, domestiques ride to lose.Casting was also crucial. Trek Factory Racing Team riders, Fabian Cancellara and Gregory Rast, not only helped build our narrative but also ended up being the two heroes of the film. Phil Ligget, the infamous voice of cycling, featured as the finish line narrator. Jens Voigt, a former Trek rider, plays the voice of the teamcar. And David Millar, another retired cycling legend, reads the voiceover of the 30-second cut down.Lastly we also seeded our film with little messages from real fans, a tribute to a fallen cyclist and made sure the riders’ kits were correct to their superstitions. Media Strategy The cinematography was prepared to show painful and intense moments in the most beautiful way possible, all the time focused on him and his battle against everything. There is constant change between shots close to our rider to wide lenses with shallow depth of field to create intimacy and sharpness of perspective that translates as focus. The natural and ambient light was a key element to play with backlights and allow a look close to nature. Brief Explanation This film was created to highlight the partnership between Samsung and the Trek Factory Racing Team. It is the story of a domestique in a cycling team. Showing all the sacrifices he, as a cyclist who rides for his leader, endures only to have to lose at the end.As most domestiques are nameless riders we wanted to make him as faceless as possible, hence why we filmed him from behind. Only when he hands over to his leader did we spin the camera around to reveal his face, just as he moves over.In order to ensure authenticity we enlisted the expertise from as many cyclists as possible. In the end our film starred Trek Factory Racing cyclists Fabian Cancellara and Gregory Rast and featured the voices of cycling legends such as David Millar, Phil Ligget and Jens Voigt. This was a film for the cycling community, made with the help.

    三星骑自行车 -- 我们比我更强大


    Samsung Cycling - We Are Greater Than I - Les Domestiques










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