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    案例简介:AXE 邀请年轻人去洗澡庆祝他们的 72 和阳光充足的阿姆斯特丹新战役中的 “沐浴” 在一场新的运动中,男人们被敦促放纵他们的 “洗澡” 一方 由斧头和 72 和阳光明媚的阿姆斯特丹,向世界介绍了一个新的单词和概念 -- Bathsculinity。 的 美国运动发起了一系列 15 秒的电影,由演员和喜剧演员 lil 'Rel Howery 主演,他们引入了 Bathsculinity 的概念, 一种对现代男人的态度,他对自己充满信心,并对自己感到高兴。 在浴室里,男人对自己充满信心。在这个时候,年轻的男人 阿克斯不断不辜负人们对成为一个男人意味着什么的过时期望,他想激励年轻人成为他们想成为的任何人 -- 并从中获得乐趣。 在电影中,lil 'Rel Howery 直接从浴缸中传递信息,whilst 一系列 其他有影响力的人也在一系列社交内容中探索他们自己的 “洗澡” 一面。 仍然不确定 “洗澡” 是什么?官方定义也将公布 在维基百科和城市词典上,试图让 “bathsculinity” 被正式承认为 的 2019年的新词。 这场运动紧随 AXE/Promundo 发表的最新研究之后 4月8日-' “男人盒子的成本” -- 这证明了有害的男性气质对经济有明显的影响。 研究发现,对男人意味着什么的陈旧刻板印象,以及 behaviours 他们每年花费美国 157亿美元。 '成本 男人盒子的建立在 Axe/Promundo 的初始“ 2017年发表的研究发现,美国超过 72% 的年轻人被告知 一个 “真正的男人” 应该以某种方式行事。 这场新的运动是 AXE 帮助摆脱过时的男子气概的使命的一部分 这阻碍了男人成为他们最有吸引力的自我 -- 通过展示没有一种方法可以解放男人成为自己。 AXE 全球品牌总监卡罗琳 · 格雷戈里 (Caroline Gregory) 表示: “这场运动是关于允许 男人享受乐趣,激励男人像没人看的那样洗澡,并在浴室内外展示他们的 “沐浴” 一面。我们正在展示纵容自己和庆祝自己的个性是有益的 令人愉快 -- 当然也让你成为一个男人。" 亚当 · 科佩尔,72 岁和阳光明媚的阿姆斯特丹创意总监,说:“ “Bathsculinity” 运动是为了在 21世纪开始一场围绕男性气质的新对话,谈论成为一个男人的真正含义。最后,人们认识到刻板印象,并鼓励男性更自由地表达自己。 并照顾自己。"


    案例简介:AXE invites young men into the bath to celebrate their ‘Bathsculinity’ in new campaign by 72andSunny Amsterdam Men are being urged to indulge their ‘bathsculine’ side in a new campaign created by AXE and 72andSunny Amsterdam that introduces a new word and concept to the world – Bathsculinity. The US campaign launched with a series of 15-second films starring actor and comedian Lil’ Rel Howery who introduces the concept of Bathsculinity, an attitude for the modern man who is confident being himself – and happy with it – inside and outside of the tub. In the bathroom, guys are confident being themselves. At a time when young men are constantly living up to outdated expectations of what it means to be a man, AXE wants to inspire young men to be whoever they want to be – and to have fun doing it. In the films, Lil’ Rel Howery delivers the message direct from the tub, whilst a range of additional influencers also explore their very own ‘Bathsculine’ side in a series of social content. Still not sure what ‘Bathsculinity’ is? The official definition will also be published on Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary, in an attempt to get ‘Bathsculinity’ officially recognized as the new word of 2019. The campaign follows hot on the heels of the latest research by AXE/Promundo published on April 8 – ‘The Cost of the Man Box’ – that proves that harmful masculinity has a tangible impact on the economy. The research finds that dated stereotypes of what it means to be a man, and the behaviours they lead to, are costing the United States $15.7 billion every year. ‘The Cost of the Man Box’ builds on Axe/Promundo’s initial ‘The Man Box’ study published in 2017 that found that over 72% of young guys in the US have been told that a ‘real man’ should behave a certain way. This new campaign is part of AXE’s mission to help shed outdated views of masculinity that are holding guys back from being their most attractive selves – liberating guys to be themselves by showing there is no one way to be a man. Caroline Gregory, Global Brand Director at AXE, said: “The campaign is about allowing men to have fun and enjoy themselves, inspiring guys to wash like no one’s watching and bring out their ‘Bathsculine’ side, both inside and outside of the bathroom. We are showing that pampering yourself and celebrating your individuality is beneficial and enjoyable – and certainly makes you no less of a man.” Adam Koppel, Creative Director at 72andSunny Amsterdam, said: “The purpose of the ‘Bathsculinity’ campaign is to start a new conversation around masculinity in the 21st century about what it really means to be a man. Finally, stereotypes are being recognized for what they are and men are being encouraged to express themselves more freely and to look after themselves.”


    案例简介:AXE 邀请年轻人去洗澡庆祝他们的 72 和阳光充足的阿姆斯特丹新战役中的 “沐浴” 在一场新的运动中,男人们被敦促放纵他们的 “洗澡” 一方 由斧头和 72 和阳光明媚的阿姆斯特丹,向世界介绍了一个新的单词和概念 -- Bathsculinity。 的 美国运动发起了一系列 15 秒的电影,由演员和喜剧演员 lil 'Rel Howery 主演,他们引入了 Bathsculinity 的概念, 一种对现代男人的态度,他对自己充满信心,并对自己感到高兴。 在浴室里,男人对自己充满信心。在这个时候,年轻的男人 阿克斯不断不辜负人们对成为一个男人意味着什么的过时期望,他想激励年轻人成为他们想成为的任何人 -- 并从中获得乐趣。 在电影中,lil 'Rel Howery 直接从浴缸中传递信息,whilst 一系列 其他有影响力的人也在一系列社交内容中探索他们自己的 “洗澡” 一面。 仍然不确定 “洗澡” 是什么?官方定义也将公布 在维基百科和城市词典上,试图让 “bathsculinity” 被正式承认为 的 2019年的新词。 这场运动紧随 AXE/Promundo 发表的最新研究之后 4月8日-' “男人盒子的成本” -- 这证明了有害的男性气质对经济有明显的影响。 研究发现,对男人意味着什么的陈旧刻板印象,以及 behaviours 他们每年花费美国 157亿美元。 '成本 男人盒子的建立在 Axe/Promundo 的初始“ 2017年发表的研究发现,美国超过 72% 的年轻人被告知 一个 “真正的男人” 应该以某种方式行事。 这场新的运动是 AXE 帮助摆脱过时的男子气概的使命的一部分 这阻碍了男人成为他们最有吸引力的自我 -- 通过展示没有一种方法可以解放男人成为自己。 AXE 全球品牌总监卡罗琳 · 格雷戈里 (Caroline Gregory) 表示: “这场运动是关于允许 男人享受乐趣,激励男人像没人看的那样洗澡,并在浴室内外展示他们的 “沐浴” 一面。我们正在展示纵容自己和庆祝自己的个性是有益的 令人愉快 -- 当然也让你成为一个男人。" 亚当 · 科佩尔,72 岁和阳光明媚的阿姆斯特丹创意总监,说:“ “Bathsculinity” 运动是为了在 21世纪开始一场围绕男性气质的新对话,谈论成为一个男人的真正含义。最后,人们认识到刻板印象,并鼓励男性更自由地表达自己。 并照顾自己。"


    案例简介:AXE invites young men into the bath to celebrate their ‘Bathsculinity’ in new campaign by 72andSunny Amsterdam Men are being urged to indulge their ‘bathsculine’ side in a new campaign created by AXE and 72andSunny Amsterdam that introduces a new word and concept to the world – Bathsculinity. The US campaign launched with a series of 15-second films starring actor and comedian Lil’ Rel Howery who introduces the concept of Bathsculinity, an attitude for the modern man who is confident being himself – and happy with it – inside and outside of the tub. In the bathroom, guys are confident being themselves. At a time when young men are constantly living up to outdated expectations of what it means to be a man, AXE wants to inspire young men to be whoever they want to be – and to have fun doing it. In the films, Lil’ Rel Howery delivers the message direct from the tub, whilst a range of additional influencers also explore their very own ‘Bathsculine’ side in a series of social content. Still not sure what ‘Bathsculinity’ is? The official definition will also be published on Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary, in an attempt to get ‘Bathsculinity’ officially recognized as the new word of 2019. The campaign follows hot on the heels of the latest research by AXE/Promundo published on April 8 – ‘The Cost of the Man Box’ – that proves that harmful masculinity has a tangible impact on the economy. The research finds that dated stereotypes of what it means to be a man, and the behaviours they lead to, are costing the United States $15.7 billion every year. ‘The Cost of the Man Box’ builds on Axe/Promundo’s initial ‘The Man Box’ study published in 2017 that found that over 72% of young guys in the US have been told that a ‘real man’ should behave a certain way. This new campaign is part of AXE’s mission to help shed outdated views of masculinity that are holding guys back from being their most attractive selves – liberating guys to be themselves by showing there is no one way to be a man. Caroline Gregory, Global Brand Director at AXE, said: “The campaign is about allowing men to have fun and enjoy themselves, inspiring guys to wash like no one’s watching and bring out their ‘Bathsculine’ side, both inside and outside of the bathroom. We are showing that pampering yourself and celebrating your individuality is beneficial and enjoyable – and certainly makes you no less of a man.” Adam Koppel, Creative Director at 72andSunny Amsterdam, said: “The purpose of the ‘Bathsculinity’ campaign is to start a new conversation around masculinity in the 21st century about what it really means to be a man. Finally, stereotypes are being recognized for what they are and men are being encouraged to express themselves more freely and to look after themselves.”













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