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    案例简介:结果 这个广告让人们更加意识到森林砍伐的影响,并明白一棵树可以杀死所有人。 活动描述 这场运动给每个人发出了强烈的警钟,提醒他们砍伐森林的令人震惊的影响,并促使人们重新思考毁灭性的影响。事实上,我们都知道砍伐森林的负面影响,但是我们大多数人认为一棵树倒下没有什么不同,因为我们仍然可以正常生活。因此,我们的想法是通过玩图像翻转让人们对砍伐森林的影响感到惊讶。起初,我们可能只看到一棵砍倒的树,但是如果我们从另一个角度来看,我们不仅会看到一棵树被砍倒,而且所有的生命也被杀死。我们想让人们重新思考砍伐森林的毁灭性影响。 概要 人们经常谈论砍伐森林。我们都知道树木被砍伐,鸟类死亡,木头里没有多少物种。然而,人们可能会说,这听起来没什么大不了的,因为我们还有空气可以呼吸,还有来自超级市场的食物。这正是问题所在。我们认为这个问题仍然遥遥无期。不幸的是,这个问题比我们想象的要近得多。我们现在正以每 60 秒 162 英亩的惊人速度失去我们的森林栖息地,52% 的物种在过去 40 年里灭绝了。如果我们现在不做点什么,我们也会灭绝。摘要是把砍伐森林的影响再次带回到人们的视线中。目标: 促使人们思考砍伐森林的影响,并试图立即拯救。 战略 目标: 全体人民对砍伐森林的影响不太关心,因为它被认为是一个小问题,不会直接影响他们。我们这次活动的策略是创造一个新的等式。人们过去常常明白砍倒一棵树只意味着失去了一棵树。我们想让人们重新思考砍树等于砍掉我们赖以生存的机会。这个策略中最重要的是让每个人都明白事件链是相互以指数方式影响的。我们的策略是让人们对树的翻转图像感到惊讶,以及一个激动人心的信息来扭转所有人的头脑。一棵树的惊人图像可能会让人们看起来,但是当他们翻转图像时,一个扭曲的转弯肯定会让他们行动。 执行 我们将印刷媒体提升到一个新的水平。从传统媒体到新媒体,从报纸媒体的性质来看,它是信息性和稳定性的。所以,以一种强大的方式传达砍伐森林的毁灭性影响对我们来说是一个巨大的挑战。我们创建的广告,它的第一眼 (垂直广告) 看起来就像一棵树,即将被砍伐。它的副本 “一剪杀了所有人”,这将提高观众的好奇心,让他们旋转广告,阅读更多从另一个角度写的信息。当他们旋转的时候,他们将开始意识到 “一刀切” 的真正含义。水平广告说明了砍伐森林的真正影响; 动物减少,植物减少,环境灾难性。

    案例简介:Outcome This ad makes people more aware of the deforestation impact and understand that one cut of tree can kills all. Campaign Description This campaign give a strong wake up call to everyone about the shocking impact of deforestation and provoke people to rethink about the devastating effects again.Actually we all know about the negative effect of deforestation but most of us think that a tree gone down make no different since we can still get to live normally on daily basis. Therefore, our idea is to make people surprised with the impact of deforestation by playing with image-flipping. At first we may see only one cutting-down tree but if we look in another perspective, we will see not only a tree is cut down, but also all lives are killed too. We want to make people rethink about the devastating impact of deforestation. Synopsis People talk about deforestation a lot. We all know that trees are being cut, birds die and not many species left in the wood. However, it doesn’t sound like a big deal since we still have got air to breathe and food from super market, one might say. And that is exactly where the problem is. We think that this problem is still too far ahead. Unfortunately, this problem is a lot closer than we think. We are now losing our forest habitats at the alarming rate of 162 acres in every 60 seconds, 52% of species gone extinct for the past 40 years. And if we don’t do something about it now, we will be extinct too. The brief is to bring the impact of deforestation back on people’s radar again. Objective: Provoke people to think about the impact of deforestation and try to save right now. Strategy Target: The whole people who have low concerns about the effects of deforestation since it was perceived as a small issue and does not directly affect them.Our strategy for this campaign is about creating a new equation. People used to understand that cutting down a tree just simply means one tree lost. We want to make people rethink that cutting down a tree is equal to cutting down a chance for us to live on. The most important thing in this strategy is to make everyone understand that the chains of events are affected to each other exponentially. Our tactic is to make people surprised by the flipping image of a tree together with an exciting message to turn all people head. A stunning image of a tree may make people look, but a twisting turn when they flip the image will definitely make them act. Execution We puts print media to the next level. Turning traditional media to new media.By the nature of newspaper media, it’s informative and stable. So, it’s such a big challenge to us to communicate the devastating impact of deforestation in a way that is powerful.We create the ad that its first glance (vertical ad) look like just a tree that is about to be cut down. With its copy “One cut kills all”, it will raise the curiosity among audiences and make them rotate the ad to read more information written in another angle. By the moment they rotate, they will start to realize the real meaning of “One cut kills all”. The horizontal ad illustrates the real effect of deforestation; less animal, less plant, and disastrous environment.


    案例简介:结果 这个广告让人们更加意识到森林砍伐的影响,并明白一棵树可以杀死所有人。 活动描述 这场运动给每个人发出了强烈的警钟,提醒他们砍伐森林的令人震惊的影响,并促使人们重新思考毁灭性的影响。事实上,我们都知道砍伐森林的负面影响,但是我们大多数人认为一棵树倒下没有什么不同,因为我们仍然可以正常生活。因此,我们的想法是通过玩图像翻转让人们对砍伐森林的影响感到惊讶。起初,我们可能只看到一棵砍倒的树,但是如果我们从另一个角度来看,我们不仅会看到一棵树被砍倒,而且所有的生命也被杀死。我们想让人们重新思考砍伐森林的毁灭性影响。 概要 人们经常谈论砍伐森林。我们都知道树木被砍伐,鸟类死亡,木头里没有多少物种。然而,人们可能会说,这听起来没什么大不了的,因为我们还有空气可以呼吸,还有来自超级市场的食物。这正是问题所在。我们认为这个问题仍然遥遥无期。不幸的是,这个问题比我们想象的要近得多。我们现在正以每 60 秒 162 英亩的惊人速度失去我们的森林栖息地,52% 的物种在过去 40 年里灭绝了。如果我们现在不做点什么,我们也会灭绝。摘要是把砍伐森林的影响再次带回到人们的视线中。目标: 促使人们思考砍伐森林的影响,并试图立即拯救。 战略 目标: 全体人民对砍伐森林的影响不太关心,因为它被认为是一个小问题,不会直接影响他们。我们这次活动的策略是创造一个新的等式。人们过去常常明白砍倒一棵树只意味着失去了一棵树。我们想让人们重新思考砍树等于砍掉我们赖以生存的机会。这个策略中最重要的是让每个人都明白事件链是相互以指数方式影响的。我们的策略是让人们对树的翻转图像感到惊讶,以及一个激动人心的信息来扭转所有人的头脑。一棵树的惊人图像可能会让人们看起来,但是当他们翻转图像时,一个扭曲的转弯肯定会让他们行动。 执行 我们将印刷媒体提升到一个新的水平。从传统媒体到新媒体,从报纸媒体的性质来看,它是信息性和稳定性的。所以,以一种强大的方式传达砍伐森林的毁灭性影响对我们来说是一个巨大的挑战。我们创建的广告,它的第一眼 (垂直广告) 看起来就像一棵树,即将被砍伐。它的副本 “一剪杀了所有人”,这将提高观众的好奇心,让他们旋转广告,阅读更多从另一个角度写的信息。当他们旋转的时候,他们将开始意识到 “一刀切” 的真正含义。水平广告说明了砍伐森林的真正影响; 动物减少,植物减少,环境灾难性。


    案例简介:Outcome This ad makes people more aware of the deforestation impact and understand that one cut of tree can kills all. Campaign Description This campaign give a strong wake up call to everyone about the shocking impact of deforestation and provoke people to rethink about the devastating effects again.Actually we all know about the negative effect of deforestation but most of us think that a tree gone down make no different since we can still get to live normally on daily basis. Therefore, our idea is to make people surprised with the impact of deforestation by playing with image-flipping. At first we may see only one cutting-down tree but if we look in another perspective, we will see not only a tree is cut down, but also all lives are killed too. We want to make people rethink about the devastating impact of deforestation. Synopsis People talk about deforestation a lot. We all know that trees are being cut, birds die and not many species left in the wood. However, it doesn’t sound like a big deal since we still have got air to breathe and food from super market, one might say. And that is exactly where the problem is. We think that this problem is still too far ahead. Unfortunately, this problem is a lot closer than we think. We are now losing our forest habitats at the alarming rate of 162 acres in every 60 seconds, 52% of species gone extinct for the past 40 years. And if we don’t do something about it now, we will be extinct too. The brief is to bring the impact of deforestation back on people’s radar again. Objective: Provoke people to think about the impact of deforestation and try to save right now. Strategy Target: The whole people who have low concerns about the effects of deforestation since it was perceived as a small issue and does not directly affect them.Our strategy for this campaign is about creating a new equation. People used to understand that cutting down a tree just simply means one tree lost. We want to make people rethink that cutting down a tree is equal to cutting down a chance for us to live on. The most important thing in this strategy is to make everyone understand that the chains of events are affected to each other exponentially. Our tactic is to make people surprised by the flipping image of a tree together with an exciting message to turn all people head. A stunning image of a tree may make people look, but a twisting turn when they flip the image will definitely make them act. Execution We puts print media to the next level. Turning traditional media to new media.By the nature of newspaper media, it’s informative and stable. So, it’s such a big challenge to us to communicate the devastating impact of deforestation in a way that is powerful.We create the ad that its first glance (vertical ad) look like just a tree that is about to be cut down. With its copy “One cut kills all”, it will raise the curiosity among audiences and make them rotate the ad to read more information written in another angle. By the moment they rotate, they will start to realize the real meaning of “One cut kills all”. The horizontal ad illustrates the real effect of deforestation; less animal, less plant, and disastrous environment.








    广告公司: 奥美 (泰国 曼谷)




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