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    Redcard to Violence短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 秘鲁是世界上对妇女的性暴力发生率第三高的国家。性别暴力不仅猖獗,而且经常是显而易见的。可悲的是,大多数人似乎对这个问题视而不见。尽管一些媒体确实报道了暴力事件,但没有采取任何措施来结束暴力。我们的主要目标是提高对这场可怕危机的认识,赋予妇女和整个社会权力,如果她们是受害者或证人,就大声说话。为了使我们的信息具有影响力,我们需要每个人的关注。我们有一个认识: 什么比世界杯预选赛的直播一次聚集更多的秘鲁人?CMD 体育可以通过一次广播接触到数百万男性和女性,尤其是对于一场对秘鲁如此重要的比赛。 结果 直播后仅几个小时,该活动就在社交媒体上流行起来,并在一分钟内接触到更多的人。甚至妇女部也对这一问题引起了急需的关注表示祝贺,尤其是在一个大多数人都持相反态度的国家。通过我们的行动,我们通过直播接触了 300万多名观众,并通过社交媒体接触了 1500万人。然而,更重要的是,向当局提交的性别暴力报告增加了 25%。我们希望这个数字继续增长。 执行 在比赛的某个时刻,当摄像机传统上会拉进迷人女性的特写镜头时,每个特写镜头反而会暴露出性别暴力的受害者。随着每个受害者成为屏幕上的中心,他们会举起一个标志,希望鼓励性别暴力的受害者和证人说出他们的经历。视觉显示在体育场内的屏幕上,以及数百万观众的电视直播。视频内容也通过 CMD 体育社交媒体渠道分享,并在几个小时内被大量观众广泛观看和分享。 相关性 秘鲁足球队的世界杯预选赛是该国最受关注的体育赛事。在一场比赛中,CMD Sports 利用他们的直播来提高认识,改变国家对性别暴力的态度。我们把受虐的受害者放在体育场周围,让摄像机捕捉他们的图像并在屏幕上显示。接下来,他们传递了一个强有力的信息,“将性别暴力从家里驱逐出去”。目标是授权受虐待妇女向当局报告其袭击事件。我们知道这将是一个有效的策略,因为体育场摄像机通常关注有吸引力的女性观众。 战略 性别暴力影响到秘鲁许多人。受影响的人分为三类: 受害者、侵略者和证人。我们的挑战是同时接触所有这些人。我们认识到,现场直播秘鲁国家队足球比赛将是最有效的方式。CMD 体育希望以令人难忘的创新方式传递强大的信息。通过在一场非常重要的比赛中进行现场直播,并将受害者放在不同的部分,CMD 可以利用他们的影响力来引起对性别暴力受害者的关注, 有可能授权他们站出来说话。 活动描述 为了增加足球直播期间的娱乐,摄像机通常会转向观众,有时会聚焦于有吸引力的女性观众,以此来保持每个人的注意力。我们决定利用这一传统,以引起人们对性别暴力的关注。我们的想法是在特定时间将三名受虐受害者安置在体育场的不同地方。摄像机聚焦在他们每个人身上,每个受害者都举着一个牌子,上面写着 “将性别暴力从家里驱逐出去”。这是揭露性别暴力危机的一个极其有效的方法,同时也触及了数百万男女的眼睛和心灵。所有的镜头和材料都通过社交媒体传播,给我们的信息带来了更广泛的影响。


    案例简介:Synopsis Peru has the world’s third highest rate of sexual violence against women. Gender violence is not only rampant, it’s often in plain sight. Sadly, most people seem to be blind to the problem. Although some media outlets do report the violence, nothing has been done to end it.Our main objective was to raise awareness for this terrible crisis by empowering women, and society in general, to speak up if they are a victim or a witness.For our message to be impactful, we needed everyone’s attention. We had a realization: What gathers more Peruvians at one time than a live broadcast of a World Cup qualifying match? CMD Sports can reach millions of men and women with a single broadcast, especially for a match that carries so much importance for Peru. Outcome In only a couple of hours after the live broadcast, the event was trending on social media and reaching more people by the minute. Even the Ministry of Women offered their congratulations for bringing much-needed attention to the problem, especially in a country in which most people look the other way.Through our action, we reached more than 3 million viewers with the live broadcast, and 15 million impressions via social media. However, more importantly, there was a 25% increase in gender violence reports to authorities. We’re hoping this number continues to grow. Execution At a certain point in the match, when the cameras would traditionally pull in for close-ups of attractive women, each close-up instead revealed a victim of gender violence. As each victim became the onscreen centerpiece, they would hold up a sign in hopes of encouraging victims and witnesses of gender violence to speak out about their experiences. The visual was displayed on screens inside the stadium as well as the live television feed for millions of viewers.The video content was also shared through CMD Sports social media channels, and was widely viewed and shared by a massive audience within a couple of hours. Relevancy World Cup qualifying matches for the Peruvian football team are the most watched sporting events in the country. During a match, CMD Sports used their live broadcast to generate awareness and change the country’s attitude towards gender violence.We placed battered victims around the stadium and had cameras capture their image and display them on screen. Next, they delivered a powerful message, “Expel gender violence from home”. The objective was to empower abused women to report their attacks to the authorities. We knew this would be an effective tactic because stadium cameras typically focus on attractive female audience members. Strategy Gender violence affects many people in Peru. Those affected are in three categories: the victims, the aggressors, and the witnesses. Our challenge was to reach all of them at the same time. We recognized that a live broadcast of a Peruvian National Team football match would be the most effective way. CMD Sports wanted to deliver a powerful message in a memorable and innovative way. By using their live broadcast during a highly crucial match and placing victims in various sections, CMD could utilize their influence to bring attention to the victims of gender violence, potentially empowering them to come forward and speak up. CampaignDescription For added entertainment during live football broadcasts, the cameras will often turn to the audience, sometimes focusing on attractive female audience members as a means of keeping everyone’s attention. We decided to take advantage of this tradition in order to bring attention to gender violence.The idea was to place three battered victims in different parts of the stadium at a specific time. The cameras focused on each of them, and each victim held up a sign with the message “Expel gender violence from home”. It was an extremely effective way to expose the crisis of gender violence while reaching the eyes and hearts of millions of men and women. All footage and material was then circulated through social media, giving our message a broader impact.

    Redcard to Violence

    案例简介:概要 秘鲁是世界上对妇女的性暴力发生率第三高的国家。性别暴力不仅猖獗,而且经常是显而易见的。可悲的是,大多数人似乎对这个问题视而不见。尽管一些媒体确实报道了暴力事件,但没有采取任何措施来结束暴力。我们的主要目标是提高对这场可怕危机的认识,赋予妇女和整个社会权力,如果她们是受害者或证人,就大声说话。为了使我们的信息具有影响力,我们需要每个人的关注。我们有一个认识: 什么比世界杯预选赛的直播一次聚集更多的秘鲁人?CMD 体育可以通过一次广播接触到数百万男性和女性,尤其是对于一场对秘鲁如此重要的比赛。 结果 直播后仅几个小时,该活动就在社交媒体上流行起来,并在一分钟内接触到更多的人。甚至妇女部也对这一问题引起了急需的关注表示祝贺,尤其是在一个大多数人都持相反态度的国家。通过我们的行动,我们通过直播接触了 300万多名观众,并通过社交媒体接触了 1500万人。然而,更重要的是,向当局提交的性别暴力报告增加了 25%。我们希望这个数字继续增长。 执行 在比赛的某个时刻,当摄像机传统上会拉进迷人女性的特写镜头时,每个特写镜头反而会暴露出性别暴力的受害者。随着每个受害者成为屏幕上的中心,他们会举起一个标志,希望鼓励性别暴力的受害者和证人说出他们的经历。视觉显示在体育场内的屏幕上,以及数百万观众的电视直播。视频内容也通过 CMD 体育社交媒体渠道分享,并在几个小时内被大量观众广泛观看和分享。 相关性 秘鲁足球队的世界杯预选赛是该国最受关注的体育赛事。在一场比赛中,CMD Sports 利用他们的直播来提高认识,改变国家对性别暴力的态度。我们把受虐的受害者放在体育场周围,让摄像机捕捉他们的图像并在屏幕上显示。接下来,他们传递了一个强有力的信息,“将性别暴力从家里驱逐出去”。目标是授权受虐待妇女向当局报告其袭击事件。我们知道这将是一个有效的策略,因为体育场摄像机通常关注有吸引力的女性观众。 战略 性别暴力影响到秘鲁许多人。受影响的人分为三类: 受害者、侵略者和证人。我们的挑战是同时接触所有这些人。我们认识到,现场直播秘鲁国家队足球比赛将是最有效的方式。CMD 体育希望以令人难忘的创新方式传递强大的信息。通过在一场非常重要的比赛中进行现场直播,并将受害者放在不同的部分,CMD 可以利用他们的影响力来引起对性别暴力受害者的关注, 有可能授权他们站出来说话。 活动描述 为了增加足球直播期间的娱乐,摄像机通常会转向观众,有时会聚焦于有吸引力的女性观众,以此来保持每个人的注意力。我们决定利用这一传统,以引起人们对性别暴力的关注。我们的想法是在特定时间将三名受虐受害者安置在体育场的不同地方。摄像机聚焦在他们每个人身上,每个受害者都举着一个牌子,上面写着 “将性别暴力从家里驱逐出去”。这是揭露性别暴力危机的一个极其有效的方法,同时也触及了数百万男女的眼睛和心灵。所有的镜头和材料都通过社交媒体传播,给我们的信息带来了更广泛的影响。

    Redcard to Violence

    案例简介:Synopsis Peru has the world’s third highest rate of sexual violence against women. Gender violence is not only rampant, it’s often in plain sight. Sadly, most people seem to be blind to the problem. Although some media outlets do report the violence, nothing has been done to end it.Our main objective was to raise awareness for this terrible crisis by empowering women, and society in general, to speak up if they are a victim or a witness.For our message to be impactful, we needed everyone’s attention. We had a realization: What gathers more Peruvians at one time than a live broadcast of a World Cup qualifying match? CMD Sports can reach millions of men and women with a single broadcast, especially for a match that carries so much importance for Peru. Outcome In only a couple of hours after the live broadcast, the event was trending on social media and reaching more people by the minute. Even the Ministry of Women offered their congratulations for bringing much-needed attention to the problem, especially in a country in which most people look the other way.Through our action, we reached more than 3 million viewers with the live broadcast, and 15 million impressions via social media. However, more importantly, there was a 25% increase in gender violence reports to authorities. We’re hoping this number continues to grow. Execution At a certain point in the match, when the cameras would traditionally pull in for close-ups of attractive women, each close-up instead revealed a victim of gender violence. As each victim became the onscreen centerpiece, they would hold up a sign in hopes of encouraging victims and witnesses of gender violence to speak out about their experiences. The visual was displayed on screens inside the stadium as well as the live television feed for millions of viewers.The video content was also shared through CMD Sports social media channels, and was widely viewed and shared by a massive audience within a couple of hours. Relevancy World Cup qualifying matches for the Peruvian football team are the most watched sporting events in the country. During a match, CMD Sports used their live broadcast to generate awareness and change the country’s attitude towards gender violence.We placed battered victims around the stadium and had cameras capture their image and display them on screen. Next, they delivered a powerful message, “Expel gender violence from home”. The objective was to empower abused women to report their attacks to the authorities. We knew this would be an effective tactic because stadium cameras typically focus on attractive female audience members. Strategy Gender violence affects many people in Peru. Those affected are in three categories: the victims, the aggressors, and the witnesses. Our challenge was to reach all of them at the same time. We recognized that a live broadcast of a Peruvian National Team football match would be the most effective way. CMD Sports wanted to deliver a powerful message in a memorable and innovative way. By using their live broadcast during a highly crucial match and placing victims in various sections, CMD could utilize their influence to bring attention to the victims of gender violence, potentially empowering them to come forward and speak up. CampaignDescription For added entertainment during live football broadcasts, the cameras will often turn to the audience, sometimes focusing on attractive female audience members as a means of keeping everyone’s attention. We decided to take advantage of this tradition in order to bring attention to gender violence.The idea was to place three battered victims in different parts of the stadium at a specific time. The cameras focused on each of them, and each victim held up a sign with the message “Expel gender violence from home”. It was an extremely effective way to expose the crisis of gender violence while reaching the eyes and hearts of millions of men and women. All footage and material was then circulated through social media, giving our message a broader impact.



    Redcard to Violence






    广告公司: 伟门 (秘鲁 利马) 制作公司: Saturno




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