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    案例简介:概要 秘鲁是拉丁美洲工资差距29.2% 最高的国家,这种特殊的性别差距证据很难注意到,人们没有意识到这一点,因为在公司中看到女性薪酬不足是一种常见的做法。当您将成为职业母亲的事实添加到等式中时,秘鲁社会对母性的惩罚极为严厉,成为存在巨大差距的主要因素。在国际妇女节的背景下,所有类别的品牌都被用来做天真和肤浅的问候。歪曲国际妇女节的真正目的和追求。丰业银行作为一个品牌,相信每个客户都有更好的权利,希望打破这种传统的问候,采取行动产生颠覆性的体验。挑战在于只用20,000美元就能做到这一点。 战略 成功的关键因素是做一些相关的事情,而不仅仅是沟通,找到一种以简单但大胆的方式解释问题的方法。通过补偿我们所有的女性客户,我们希望在一天内最大限度地提高和快速了解这个问题,预算有限,只有20,000美元。在这一部分中,全国各地的影响者都支持并分享了增加想法范围的行动,作为支持我们的社交媒体渠道的一部分,这些渠道用于显示解释想法的内容。 相关性 与暴力或歧视不同,工资差距是性别不平等的一种无形症状,你通常不会看到,因为它发生在合同和工作条件的隐私中。为了使人们认识到秘鲁是拉丁美洲工资差距最大的国家,并开始改变这一现实,让人们更接近这一现实的一个关键因素是设计一种激活体验,以补偿来自丰业银行的所有女性客户的工资差距,但由于预算有限,因此在战略上进行了高度优化20,000美元. 结果 只有20,000美元的结果,其中巨大的:-超过7万人的影响与想法-我们的观众与这个想法这么多,这个想法的份额1.600超过主要竞争对手的银行。-使用丰业银行卡购买的人数95% 增加。-平均机票在61% 增加-最后但并非最不重要的是,国会批准了一项禁止男女工资歧视的法律。 执行 为国际妇女节2018制定了平等价格理念,使这一理念对所有或女性客户和普通民众都有影响力和相关性。我们与我们的附属商店建立伙伴关系,通过她们的消费了解女性客户通常在哪里和哪里使用她们的丰业银行卡,并在当天以29的价格使她们感到惊讶,2% 更低,以补偿秘鲁的工资差距。由于我们只有20,000美元的预算,银行分支机构被用作媒介,相当于500,000美元的当地货币,其价值为29,2% 在分支机构交付给客户,以最大限度地提高对问题的认识。然后,来自丰业银行的社交媒体渠道和一系列有影响力的人帮助我们传播这个词。 CampaignDescription 在经济和银行语言中,有一个非常普遍的术语被人们使用和理解,汇率,这个术语解释了一种货币与另一种货币相比的价格,就像工资差距,但与男性和女性相比。在这里,平等的观念价格诞生了,如果在秘鲁,男人和女人在劳动力市场上有不同的价值,丰业银行在每一家联营企业中以29.2% 的折扣向所有客户补偿了当天的工资。因此,在国际妇女节的背景下,她们所有的女性都可以按照日常生活的方式生活,并意识到女性在她们的作品中面临的巨大差距。作为激活体验的一部分,我们印刷了相当于500,000美元的秘鲁货币鞋底,上面印有价值29.2% 的女性面孔,并将其交付给我们的分支机构。


    案例简介:Synopsis Peru is the country in Latin America with highest wage gap 29.2%, this particular gender gap evidence is very hard to notice and people don’t realized it because is very common to see in the companies the under payment for women as a common practice. When you add to the equation the fact of being a working mother, Peruvian society punished extremely hard maternity becoming the main factor for the huge gap existence. In context of the International Women’s Day all category brands are used do naive and superficial greetings. Distorting the real purpose and pursuit of the International Women's day. Scotiabank as a brand believe that every client has the right to be better, wanted to disrupt this traditional greetings taking action generating a disruptive experience. The challenge was to make that happen with just $20,000 dollars. Strategy The key factor for success was doing something relevant not just communicating finding a way for explaining the problem in a simple but bold way. By compensating all our women clients, we wanted to maximize and generate quick awareness of the problem in just one day and with a limited budget of $20,000 dollars. In this part of reached influencers all over the country support and share the action increasing the reach of the idea, as part of the support our social media channels where used to show a content where the idea was explained. Relevancy Different from violence or discrimination, wage gap is an invisible symptom of gender inequality something you don’t usually see because it happens in the privacy of contracts and job conditions. In order to generate awareness of Peru as the country with the highest wage gap in Latin America and start changing this reality one key factor to get people closer to this reality was designing an activation experience that compensate the wage gap for all women clients from Scotiabank but with highly strategically optimization due to the limited budget of $20,000 dollar. Outcome With just $20,000 dollars the results where huge: - More than 7 Million people impact with the idea - Our audience engage with the idea so much that the shares of the idea where 1.600 more than the main competitors banks. - The use of Scotiabank cards for purchase grew 95% more. - The average ticket increased in 61% - And last but not least on that day the congress approved a law that prohibited wage discrimination between men and women. Execution Price of Equality idea was developed for the International Women’s Day 2018 to make the idea powerful and relevant to all or female clients and the general population. We use partnerships with our affiliate stores understanding through their consumption who and where were women clients usually use their Scotiabank cards and surprised them on that day with prices 29,2% less as a compensation for wage gap in Peru. As we have only $20,000 dollars of budget, bank branches were used as medium, the equivalent of $500,000 dollars in local currency whose value was 29,2% were delivered in the branches to the client to maximize awareness of the problem. Then the social media channels from Scotiabank and a series of influencers help us spread the word. CampaignDescription In the economic and banking language there’s a very common term used and understand by the people, exchange rate, a term that explains the price of one currency compared to another just like the wage gap but with men and women. Is here where the idea Price of Equality was born, if in Peru men and women have a different value in the labour market, Scotiabank compensated that wage it in that day to all their clients with a 29.2% discount in every associate business. So in the context of International Women’s Day all their women can live the way the should everyday and generate awareness of the huge gap women face in their works. As part of the activation experience we printed the equivalent of $500,000 dollars in Peruvian Currency Soles with faces of women that worth 29.2% less and deliver it on our branches.

    The Price of Equality

    案例简介:概要 秘鲁是拉丁美洲工资差距29.2% 最高的国家,这种特殊的性别差距证据很难注意到,人们没有意识到这一点,因为在公司中看到女性薪酬不足是一种常见的做法。当您将成为职业母亲的事实添加到等式中时,秘鲁社会对母性的惩罚极为严厉,成为存在巨大差距的主要因素。在国际妇女节的背景下,所有类别的品牌都被用来做天真和肤浅的问候。歪曲国际妇女节的真正目的和追求。丰业银行作为一个品牌,相信每个客户都有更好的权利,希望打破这种传统的问候,采取行动产生颠覆性的体验。挑战在于只用20,000美元就能做到这一点。 战略 成功的关键因素是做一些相关的事情,而不仅仅是沟通,找到一种以简单但大胆的方式解释问题的方法。通过补偿我们所有的女性客户,我们希望在一天内最大限度地提高和快速了解这个问题,预算有限,只有20,000美元。在这一部分中,全国各地的影响者都支持并分享了增加想法范围的行动,作为支持我们的社交媒体渠道的一部分,这些渠道用于显示解释想法的内容。 相关性 与暴力或歧视不同,工资差距是性别不平等的一种无形症状,你通常不会看到,因为它发生在合同和工作条件的隐私中。为了使人们认识到秘鲁是拉丁美洲工资差距最大的国家,并开始改变这一现实,让人们更接近这一现实的一个关键因素是设计一种激活体验,以补偿来自丰业银行的所有女性客户的工资差距,但由于预算有限,因此在战略上进行了高度优化20,000美元. 结果 只有20,000美元的结果,其中巨大的:-超过7万人的影响与想法-我们的观众与这个想法这么多,这个想法的份额1.600超过主要竞争对手的银行。-使用丰业银行卡购买的人数95% 增加。-平均机票在61% 增加-最后但并非最不重要的是,国会批准了一项禁止男女工资歧视的法律。 执行 为国际妇女节2018制定了平等价格理念,使这一理念对所有或女性客户和普通民众都有影响力和相关性。我们与我们的附属商店建立伙伴关系,通过她们的消费了解女性客户通常在哪里和哪里使用她们的丰业银行卡,并在当天以29的价格使她们感到惊讶,2% 更低,以补偿秘鲁的工资差距。由于我们只有20,000美元的预算,银行分支机构被用作媒介,相当于500,000美元的当地货币,其价值为29,2% 在分支机构交付给客户,以最大限度地提高对问题的认识。然后,来自丰业银行的社交媒体渠道和一系列有影响力的人帮助我们传播这个词。 CampaignDescription 在经济和银行语言中,有一个非常普遍的术语被人们使用和理解,汇率,这个术语解释了一种货币与另一种货币相比的价格,就像工资差距,但与男性和女性相比。在这里,平等的观念价格诞生了,如果在秘鲁,男人和女人在劳动力市场上有不同的价值,丰业银行在每一家联营企业中以29.2% 的折扣向所有客户补偿了当天的工资。因此,在国际妇女节的背景下,她们所有的女性都可以按照日常生活的方式生活,并意识到女性在她们的作品中面临的巨大差距。作为激活体验的一部分,我们印刷了相当于500,000美元的秘鲁货币鞋底,上面印有价值29.2% 的女性面孔,并将其交付给我们的分支机构。

    The Price of Equality

    案例简介:Synopsis Peru is the country in Latin America with highest wage gap 29.2%, this particular gender gap evidence is very hard to notice and people don’t realized it because is very common to see in the companies the under payment for women as a common practice. When you add to the equation the fact of being a working mother, Peruvian society punished extremely hard maternity becoming the main factor for the huge gap existence. In context of the International Women’s Day all category brands are used do naive and superficial greetings. Distorting the real purpose and pursuit of the International Women's day. Scotiabank as a brand believe that every client has the right to be better, wanted to disrupt this traditional greetings taking action generating a disruptive experience. The challenge was to make that happen with just $20,000 dollars. Strategy The key factor for success was doing something relevant not just communicating finding a way for explaining the problem in a simple but bold way. By compensating all our women clients, we wanted to maximize and generate quick awareness of the problem in just one day and with a limited budget of $20,000 dollars. In this part of reached influencers all over the country support and share the action increasing the reach of the idea, as part of the support our social media channels where used to show a content where the idea was explained. Relevancy Different from violence or discrimination, wage gap is an invisible symptom of gender inequality something you don’t usually see because it happens in the privacy of contracts and job conditions. In order to generate awareness of Peru as the country with the highest wage gap in Latin America and start changing this reality one key factor to get people closer to this reality was designing an activation experience that compensate the wage gap for all women clients from Scotiabank but with highly strategically optimization due to the limited budget of $20,000 dollar. Outcome With just $20,000 dollars the results where huge: - More than 7 Million people impact with the idea - Our audience engage with the idea so much that the shares of the idea where 1.600 more than the main competitors banks. - The use of Scotiabank cards for purchase grew 95% more. - The average ticket increased in 61% - And last but not least on that day the congress approved a law that prohibited wage discrimination between men and women. Execution Price of Equality idea was developed for the International Women’s Day 2018 to make the idea powerful and relevant to all or female clients and the general population. We use partnerships with our affiliate stores understanding through their consumption who and where were women clients usually use their Scotiabank cards and surprised them on that day with prices 29,2% less as a compensation for wage gap in Peru. As we have only $20,000 dollars of budget, bank branches were used as medium, the equivalent of $500,000 dollars in local currency whose value was 29,2% were delivered in the branches to the client to maximize awareness of the problem. Then the social media channels from Scotiabank and a series of influencers help us spread the word. CampaignDescription In the economic and banking language there’s a very common term used and understand by the people, exchange rate, a term that explains the price of one currency compared to another just like the wage gap but with men and women. Is here where the idea Price of Equality was born, if in Peru men and women have a different value in the labour market, Scotiabank compensated that wage it in that day to all their clients with a 29.2% discount in every associate business. So in the context of International Women’s Day all their women can live the way the should everyday and generate awareness of the huge gap women face in their works. As part of the activation experience we printed the equivalent of $500,000 dollars in Peruvian Currency Soles with faces of women that worth 29.2% less and deliver it on our branches.



    The Price of Equality






    广告公司: 伟门 (秘鲁 利马) 制作公司: La Pepa




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