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    案例简介:概要 AIG 致力于创造一种欢迎 LGBTQ 社区并向他们开放的企业文化,同时还提供保险产品和服务来满足社区的需求。然而,日本的文化规范使得男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者社区的成员和社区的 “盟友” 很难表达他们的支持。盟友仍然会发现很难公开宣布他们的支持,因为 “从人群中脱颖而出” 是令人不快的。我们明白,我们需要的是一个系统和文化氛围,让 LGBTQ 盟友更容易公开表达他们的支持和友谊。 战略 LGBTQ 社区通常是紧密结合的,并且精通信息。数据还表明,LGBTQ 社区的成员在社交媒体领域有很好的代表性和影响力。我们首先与 LGBTQ 相关活动和 LGBTQ 影响者合作,以提高对我们项目的兴趣。从那里,我们将网络扩大,包括所有需要爱与理解之光来洒在他们事业上的社区。这包括残疾人社区、外国人、职业妇女等…… 我们从不同的角度建立了一个团队和网络,有一个共同的原因…… 阻止来自这个世界的歧视。该运动不仅限于男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者运动,而是在这里煽动一场大规模的整体多样性运动的发展。 相关性 这个项目始于美国国际集团希望宣布其对 LGBTQ 纳入的立场。随着产品 “骄傲泽西” 作为信息的象征和体现,一项旨在发起公共话语和讨论的公关活动已经计划好了。这可以从没有媒体购买的事实中看出,但新闻和对话仍然是创造的…… 所有这些都导致了最终目标, 改变观念,让世界变得更加开放、理解和爱。 结果 就在新泽西推出之前,这位为澳大利亚效力的橄榄球运动员发表的反 LGBTQ 评论成为了亚太地区的一个社会问题。骄傲球衣是对此的有力回应,赢得了许多人的支持。这个消息立即在世界各地引起了轰动。这款球衣在 19 个国家的 272 家媒体上亮相,包括英国、南非、爱尔兰和新西兰 -- 全黑的故乡。支持多样性和包容性的声音不仅在日本传播,也在全球传播,仅在 7 天内就赢得了 53,764 多名支持。这项创新的球衣计划在 2019年日本橄榄球世界杯期间由全黑人穿。 执行 首先,我们让所有黑人传奇人物里奇 · 麦考 (在日本很受欢迎) 穿上骄傲的球衣。紧随其后的是男女同性恋、外国人或残疾人的运动员和名人,他们穿着骄傲的球衣并被拍照。这些图片通过社交媒体渠道分享,然后被各种新闻媒体接受。新骄傲球衣现在是公众的一个很酷的 “必备” 项目。这种整体结构是由这种整体的相互作用和从名人到有影响力的人,再到普通公众的欺骗效应所决定的…… 但其核心总是有一个强烈的爱和团结的信息。这件运动衫被更多的东京彩虹骄傲的人穿,并获得了更多的关注。 活动描述 我们开发了一件表面是黑色的运动衫,但是当拉伸时,会露出下面彩虹的所有颜色。这是特别开发的,是对这样一个事实的赞歌,即当彩虹的所有颜色 (多样性和包容性的颜色) 聚集在一起时,它会产生黑色。这种面料及其技术是世界第一,它被制成了世界上最强的橄榄球队全黑队的酷新泽西。从全黑选手开始,来自日本的 LGBTQ 活动人士、外国相扑选手和大量不同的人穿着这件球衣为我们表达了他们对我们的信息和事业的支持。这些影响者都是 “多样性的支持者和朋友” 的信息在交流中非常清楚,以确保观众带走的是 “嘿,我也可以公开表达我的支持”


    案例简介:Synopsis AIG is committed to creating a corporate culture that is welcoming and open to the LGBTQ community, while also offering insurance products and services to meet the needs of the community. However, cultural norms in Japan make it difficult, for both members of the LGBTQ community to come out, and also for “allies” of the community to express their support. Allies will still find it hard to openly declare their support, as “standing out from the crowd” is frowned upon. We understood that what we needed was a system and cultural climate that would make it easier for LGBTQ allies to openly express their support and friendship. Strategy The LGBTQ community is generally tightly knit and information-savvy. Data also indicated that members of the LGBTQ community are well represented and influential in the social media sphere. We began by collaborating with LGBTQ related events and LGBTQ influencers, to raise interest in our project. From there, we cast the net wider, to include all communities who need the light of love and understanding to be shed on their causes. This included the disabled community, foreigners, working women etc… We built up a team and network of people from diverse points of view, with one common cause…to stop discrimination from this world. The movement is not limited to the LGBTQ movement only, but is here to instigate the growth of a large and holistic diversity movement. Relevancy This project started with AIG wanting to declare its stance on LGBTQ inclusion. With “Pride Jersey”, the product, as symbol and embodiment of the message, a PR campaign designed to initiate public discourse, and discussion was planned. This can be seen through the fact that no media buying was performed, but still news and conversation was created…all leading to the ultimate goal, to change perceptions and to make the world just that little bit more open, understanding and loving. Outcome Just before the launch of this new jersey, anti-LGBTQ comment made by the rugby player, who plays for Australia, became a social issue in the APAC area. The PRIDE JERSEY was a powerful response to this and won supports from many people. The news instantly sparked all around the world. The jersey was featured in 272 media across 19 countries including UK, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand, the home of the All Blacks. The voices of supporting diversity and inclusion spread not only in Japan but also across the globe, winning over 53,764 supports in just 7 days. This innovative jersey is planned to be worn by the All Blacks during 2019 Rugby World Cup which will take place in Japan. Execution First, we got ALL BLACKS legend Richie McCaw (much loved in Japan) to wear the pride jersey. This was followed by athletes and celebrities who are LGBTQ, foreigners or disabled to join in wearing and being photographed with the pride jersey. These images were shared via social media channels, and then taken up by various news media outlets. The new pride jersey is now a cool, “must have” item for the general public. This overall structure was informed by this overall interplay and tricked down effect from celebrity, to influencers, to general public…but always with a strong message of love and unity at its core. The jersey was worn by more people of at TOKYO RAINBOW PRIDE and garnered even more attention. CampaignDescription We developed a jersey that is black on the surface, but when stretched, will reveal all the colors of the rainbow underneath. This was specially developed and is a paean to the fact that when all colors of the rainbow (the colors of diversity and inclusion) come together, it creates black. This fabric and its technology is a world first, and it was made into a cool new jersey for the strongest rugby team in the world, the ALL BLACKS. Starting with players from the ALL BLACKS, LGBTQ activists from Japan, foreign sumo wrestlers and whole plethora of diverse people expressed their support for our message and cause by wearing this jersey for us. Messaging that these influencers were all “supporters and friends of diversity” was made crystal clear in communication, to ensure that audience take away would be “hey, I can openly express my support too”

    Pride Jersey

    案例简介:概要 AIG 致力于创造一种欢迎 LGBTQ 社区并向他们开放的企业文化,同时还提供保险产品和服务来满足社区的需求。然而,日本的文化规范使得男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者社区的成员和社区的 “盟友” 很难表达他们的支持。盟友仍然会发现很难公开宣布他们的支持,因为 “从人群中脱颖而出” 是令人不快的。我们明白,我们需要的是一个系统和文化氛围,让 LGBTQ 盟友更容易公开表达他们的支持和友谊。 战略 LGBTQ 社区通常是紧密结合的,并且精通信息。数据还表明,LGBTQ 社区的成员在社交媒体领域有很好的代表性和影响力。我们首先与 LGBTQ 相关活动和 LGBTQ 影响者合作,以提高对我们项目的兴趣。从那里,我们将网络扩大,包括所有需要爱与理解之光来洒在他们事业上的社区。这包括残疾人社区、外国人、职业妇女等…… 我们从不同的角度建立了一个团队和网络,有一个共同的原因…… 阻止来自这个世界的歧视。该运动不仅限于男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者运动,而是在这里煽动一场大规模的整体多样性运动的发展。 相关性 这个项目始于美国国际集团希望宣布其对 LGBTQ 纳入的立场。随着产品 “骄傲泽西” 作为信息的象征和体现,一项旨在发起公共话语和讨论的公关活动已经计划好了。这可以从没有媒体购买的事实中看出,但新闻和对话仍然是创造的…… 所有这些都导致了最终目标, 改变观念,让世界变得更加开放、理解和爱。 结果 就在新泽西推出之前,这位为澳大利亚效力的橄榄球运动员发表的反 LGBTQ 评论成为了亚太地区的一个社会问题。骄傲球衣是对此的有力回应,赢得了许多人的支持。这个消息立即在世界各地引起了轰动。这款球衣在 19 个国家的 272 家媒体上亮相,包括英国、南非、爱尔兰和新西兰 -- 全黑的故乡。支持多样性和包容性的声音不仅在日本传播,也在全球传播,仅在 7 天内就赢得了 53,764 多名支持。这项创新的球衣计划在 2019年日本橄榄球世界杯期间由全黑人穿。 执行 首先,我们让所有黑人传奇人物里奇 · 麦考 (在日本很受欢迎) 穿上骄傲的球衣。紧随其后的是男女同性恋、外国人或残疾人的运动员和名人,他们穿着骄傲的球衣并被拍照。这些图片通过社交媒体渠道分享,然后被各种新闻媒体接受。新骄傲球衣现在是公众的一个很酷的 “必备” 项目。这种整体结构是由这种整体的相互作用和从名人到有影响力的人,再到普通公众的欺骗效应所决定的…… 但其核心总是有一个强烈的爱和团结的信息。这件运动衫被更多的东京彩虹骄傲的人穿,并获得了更多的关注。 活动描述 我们开发了一件表面是黑色的运动衫,但是当拉伸时,会露出下面彩虹的所有颜色。这是特别开发的,是对这样一个事实的赞歌,即当彩虹的所有颜色 (多样性和包容性的颜色) 聚集在一起时,它会产生黑色。这种面料及其技术是世界第一,它被制成了世界上最强的橄榄球队全黑队的酷新泽西。从全黑选手开始,来自日本的 LGBTQ 活动人士、外国相扑选手和大量不同的人穿着这件球衣为我们表达了他们对我们的信息和事业的支持。这些影响者都是 “多样性的支持者和朋友” 的信息在交流中非常清楚,以确保观众带走的是 “嘿,我也可以公开表达我的支持”

    Pride Jersey

    案例简介:Synopsis AIG is committed to creating a corporate culture that is welcoming and open to the LGBTQ community, while also offering insurance products and services to meet the needs of the community. However, cultural norms in Japan make it difficult, for both members of the LGBTQ community to come out, and also for “allies” of the community to express their support. Allies will still find it hard to openly declare their support, as “standing out from the crowd” is frowned upon. We understood that what we needed was a system and cultural climate that would make it easier for LGBTQ allies to openly express their support and friendship. Strategy The LGBTQ community is generally tightly knit and information-savvy. Data also indicated that members of the LGBTQ community are well represented and influential in the social media sphere. We began by collaborating with LGBTQ related events and LGBTQ influencers, to raise interest in our project. From there, we cast the net wider, to include all communities who need the light of love and understanding to be shed on their causes. This included the disabled community, foreigners, working women etc… We built up a team and network of people from diverse points of view, with one common cause…to stop discrimination from this world. The movement is not limited to the LGBTQ movement only, but is here to instigate the growth of a large and holistic diversity movement. Relevancy This project started with AIG wanting to declare its stance on LGBTQ inclusion. With “Pride Jersey”, the product, as symbol and embodiment of the message, a PR campaign designed to initiate public discourse, and discussion was planned. This can be seen through the fact that no media buying was performed, but still news and conversation was created…all leading to the ultimate goal, to change perceptions and to make the world just that little bit more open, understanding and loving. Outcome Just before the launch of this new jersey, anti-LGBTQ comment made by the rugby player, who plays for Australia, became a social issue in the APAC area. The PRIDE JERSEY was a powerful response to this and won supports from many people. The news instantly sparked all around the world. The jersey was featured in 272 media across 19 countries including UK, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand, the home of the All Blacks. The voices of supporting diversity and inclusion spread not only in Japan but also across the globe, winning over 53,764 supports in just 7 days. This innovative jersey is planned to be worn by the All Blacks during 2019 Rugby World Cup which will take place in Japan. Execution First, we got ALL BLACKS legend Richie McCaw (much loved in Japan) to wear the pride jersey. This was followed by athletes and celebrities who are LGBTQ, foreigners or disabled to join in wearing and being photographed with the pride jersey. These images were shared via social media channels, and then taken up by various news media outlets. The new pride jersey is now a cool, “must have” item for the general public. This overall structure was informed by this overall interplay and tricked down effect from celebrity, to influencers, to general public…but always with a strong message of love and unity at its core. The jersey was worn by more people of at TOKYO RAINBOW PRIDE and garnered even more attention. CampaignDescription We developed a jersey that is black on the surface, but when stretched, will reveal all the colors of the rainbow underneath. This was specially developed and is a paean to the fact that when all colors of the rainbow (the colors of diversity and inclusion) come together, it creates black. This fabric and its technology is a world first, and it was made into a cool new jersey for the strongest rugby team in the world, the ALL BLACKS. Starting with players from the ALL BLACKS, LGBTQ activists from Japan, foreign sumo wrestlers and whole plethora of diverse people expressed their support for our message and cause by wearing this jersey for us. Messaging that these influencers were all “supporters and friends of diversity” was made crystal clear in communication, to ensure that audience take away would be “hey, I can openly express my support too”



    Pride Jersey





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