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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 这项运动将品牌和消费者作为一个团队聚集在一起。全黑。AIG。致力于满足世界各地LGBTQI + 社区需求的盟友。我们创造了一个由这两个品牌引领的信息,消费者可以成为其中的一部分。?骄傲球衣是体现信息精神的有力象征。 即使在社会保守的日本,也有60,000多名公众加入了 “团队”,并与我们一起穿着球衣。 在团结和自豪中,我们都宣布了一个零歧视社会的愿景。 背景 AIG致力于创造一种欢迎并向LGBTQI社区开放的企业文化,同时还提供保险产品和服务以满足他们的需求。 然而,日本的文化规范仍然使得在工作场所 “出来” 变得困难,只有4% 的LGBTQI + 人在工作中 “出来”。由于多样性还有很长的路要走,AIG给我们的简报是帮助促进AIG日本办事处内部以及整个日本社会内部的多样性和包容性。我们与AIG赞助的ALL BLACKS合作,利用他们的普遍吸引力,并为他们开发了一种技术 (和主题上) 复杂的球衣。 描述创意 (投票20%) 我们专注于当彩虹的所有颜色混合时,它会产生黑色的现象。这是一个非常丰富的象征意义,说明不同的个性如何融合以创建一个强大的整体。这是全黑队本身的象征,以及他们的多样性如何不断使他们成为世界上最强大的橄榄球队。我们开发了一种织物,它的表面是黑色的,但当拉伸时,揭示了彩虹下面的所有颜色。用这种面料,我们创造了一件全新的全黑球衣。这件球衣既体现了全黑的视觉形象,也体现了多样性的信息。以这件球衣为有力标志,我们在日本开展了运动,以建立一支由名人/知名人士/公众组成的 “多元化支持者” 团队。 描述策略 (投票20%) LGBTQI社区通常紧密联系且精通信息。数据还表明,LGBTQI社区的成员在社交媒体领域具有很好的代表性和影响力。我们首先与东京的LGBTQI + 相关活动和LGBTQI + 影响者合作,以提高对我们项目的兴趣。 我们还让所有性身份的名人和有影响力的人参与进来,以帮助向广大公众传递和扩大我们的信息。 描述执行 (投票30%) 2018年4月,我们在东京举行了一次发布会。 全黑传奇人物Richie McCaw和日本LGBTQI影响者也参加了该活动。 这些客人穿着骄傲的球衣,并谈到了多样性和包容性。?发射之后是日本最大的骄傲游行,东京彩虹骄傲游行,数百人穿着骄傲球衣游行。 我们的社交媒体活动使用户可以轻松加入并表达对该事业的支持。 我们还参加了大阪和福冈骄傲游行 (分别为10月和11月),在全国范围内采取了 “街头和社交媒体” 行动模式。 列出结果 (投票30%) LGBTQI + 社区的53,764名成员在发布后的头7天表达了他们的支持。 从东京出发,我们采取了行动,前往横滨,大阪和福冈,共有1,500人穿着Pride球衣在街上游行。 但是,此运动不仅限于日本。我们得到了英国、南非、爱尔兰和新西兰全黑队的支持。 总共,我们被19个国家的272家媒体报道,我们被关于骄傲球衣的询问所淹没。 从2019年春季开始,该运动继续发展并获得支持,Pride球衣正在企业意识提高活动中使用。?我们还将在东京彩虹骄傲2019再次游行,我们的头高举支持和友情。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? This campaign is bringing the brand and consumer together as one team. The All Blacks. AIG. Allies working to meet the needs of the LGBTQI+ community the world over. We created a message led by these two brands, that consumers could become a part of. ?Pride Jersey was the powerful symbol to embody the spirit of the message. Even in socially conservative Japan, more than 60,000 members of the public joined “the team”, and wore the jersey together with us. In unity and pride, we all declared the vision of a society with zero discrimination. Background AIG is committed to creating a corporate culture that is welcoming and open to the LGBTQI+ community, while also offering insurance products and services to meet their needs. However, cultural norms in Japan still make it difficult to “come out” in the workplace, with only 4% of LGBTQI+ people being “out” at work. With diversity still a far cry away, the brief given to us from AIG was to help promote diversity & inclusion both within the AIG Japan office, but also within Japanese society as a whole. We partnered with the AIG sponsored ALL BLACKS to leverage their universal appeal and we developed a technically (and thematically) sophisticated jersey for them. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We focused on the phenomena that when all the colors of the rainbow are mixed, it creates black. This is a deeply rich symbolism for how differing individualities can converge to create one strong whole. It is symbolic of the ALL BLACKS themselves, and how their diversity has continually kept them the strongest rugby team in the world. We developed a fabric that is black on the surface, but when stretched, reveals all the colors of the rainbow underneath. With this fabric, we created a brand new ALL BLACKS jersey. This jersey embodies both the ALL BLACKS visual identity and a message of diversity. With this jersey as a potent symbol, we campaigned in Japan to build a team of “diversity supporters” from celebrities/notable persons/the public. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The LGBTQI+ community is generally tightly knit and information-savvy. Data also indicated that members of the LGBTQI+ community are well represented and influential in the social media sphere. We began by collaborating with LGBTQI+ related events and LGBTQI+ influencers in Tokyo, to raise interest in our project. We also involved celebrities and influencers of all sexual identities to help deliver and amplify our message to the wider public. Describe the execution (30% of vote) We held a launch event in Tokyo on April 2018. The event was joined by ALL BLACKS legend Richie McCaw and Japanese LGBTQI+ influencers. These guests wore the Pride Jersey and spoke out about diversity and inclusion. ?The launch was followed by Japan’s biggest pride parade, the TOKYO RAINBOW PRIDE, where hundreds of people marched wearing the Pride Jersey. Our social media activity made it easy for users to join in and voice their support for the cause. We also joined the Osaka and Fukuoka pride parades (October and November, respectively) taking our “street and social media” action paradigm nationwide. List the results (30% of vote) 53,764 members of the LGBTQI+ community voiced their support in the first seven days following launch. Following on from Tokyo, we took our action to Yokohama, Osaka and Fukuoka where a total of 1,500 people marched through the streets wearing the Pride Jersey. This movement wasn’t limited to Japan however. We received vocal support from the UK, South Africa, Ireland and the home of the ALL BLACKS, New Zealand. In total, we were covered by 272 media outlets in 19 countries, and we were inundated with queries about Pride Jersey. As of spring 2019, the movement continues to grow and garner support, with the Pride Jersey being work at corporate awareness raising events. ?We will also be marching once more at the TOKYO RAINBOW PRIDE 2019, with our heads held high in support and camaraderie.

    Pride Jersey

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 这项运动将品牌和消费者作为一个团队聚集在一起。全黑。AIG。致力于满足世界各地LGBTQI + 社区需求的盟友。我们创造了一个由这两个品牌引领的信息,消费者可以成为其中的一部分。?骄傲球衣是体现信息精神的有力象征。 即使在社会保守的日本,也有60,000多名公众加入了 “团队”,并与我们一起穿着球衣。 在团结和自豪中,我们都宣布了一个零歧视社会的愿景。 背景 AIG致力于创造一种欢迎并向LGBTQI社区开放的企业文化,同时还提供保险产品和服务以满足他们的需求。 然而,日本的文化规范仍然使得在工作场所 “出来” 变得困难,只有4% 的LGBTQI + 人在工作中 “出来”。由于多样性还有很长的路要走,AIG给我们的简报是帮助促进AIG日本办事处内部以及整个日本社会内部的多样性和包容性。我们与AIG赞助的ALL BLACKS合作,利用他们的普遍吸引力,并为他们开发了一种技术 (和主题上) 复杂的球衣。 描述创意 (投票20%) 我们专注于当彩虹的所有颜色混合时,它会产生黑色的现象。这是一个非常丰富的象征意义,说明不同的个性如何融合以创建一个强大的整体。这是全黑队本身的象征,以及他们的多样性如何不断使他们成为世界上最强大的橄榄球队。我们开发了一种织物,它的表面是黑色的,但当拉伸时,揭示了彩虹下面的所有颜色。用这种面料,我们创造了一件全新的全黑球衣。这件球衣既体现了全黑的视觉形象,也体现了多样性的信息。以这件球衣为有力标志,我们在日本开展了运动,以建立一支由名人/知名人士/公众组成的 “多元化支持者” 团队。 描述策略 (投票20%) LGBTQI社区通常紧密联系且精通信息。数据还表明,LGBTQI社区的成员在社交媒体领域具有很好的代表性和影响力。我们首先与东京的LGBTQI + 相关活动和LGBTQI + 影响者合作,以提高对我们项目的兴趣。 我们还让所有性身份的名人和有影响力的人参与进来,以帮助向广大公众传递和扩大我们的信息。 描述执行 (投票30%) 2018年4月,我们在东京举行了一次发布会。 全黑传奇人物Richie McCaw和日本LGBTQI影响者也参加了该活动。 这些客人穿着骄傲的球衣,并谈到了多样性和包容性。?发射之后是日本最大的骄傲游行,东京彩虹骄傲游行,数百人穿着骄傲球衣游行。 我们的社交媒体活动使用户可以轻松加入并表达对该事业的支持。 我们还参加了大阪和福冈骄傲游行 (分别为10月和11月),在全国范围内采取了 “街头和社交媒体” 行动模式。 列出结果 (投票30%) LGBTQI + 社区的53,764名成员在发布后的头7天表达了他们的支持。 从东京出发,我们采取了行动,前往横滨,大阪和福冈,共有1,500人穿着Pride球衣在街上游行。 但是,此运动不仅限于日本。我们得到了英国、南非、爱尔兰和新西兰全黑队的支持。 总共,我们被19个国家的272家媒体报道,我们被关于骄傲球衣的询问所淹没。 从2019年春季开始,该运动继续发展并获得支持,Pride球衣正在企业意识提高活动中使用。?我们还将在东京彩虹骄傲2019再次游行,我们的头高举支持和友情。

    Pride Jersey

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? This campaign is bringing the brand and consumer together as one team. The All Blacks. AIG. Allies working to meet the needs of the LGBTQI+ community the world over. We created a message led by these two brands, that consumers could become a part of. ?Pride Jersey was the powerful symbol to embody the spirit of the message. Even in socially conservative Japan, more than 60,000 members of the public joined “the team”, and wore the jersey together with us. In unity and pride, we all declared the vision of a society with zero discrimination. Background AIG is committed to creating a corporate culture that is welcoming and open to the LGBTQI+ community, while also offering insurance products and services to meet their needs. However, cultural norms in Japan still make it difficult to “come out” in the workplace, with only 4% of LGBTQI+ people being “out” at work. With diversity still a far cry away, the brief given to us from AIG was to help promote diversity & inclusion both within the AIG Japan office, but also within Japanese society as a whole. We partnered with the AIG sponsored ALL BLACKS to leverage their universal appeal and we developed a technically (and thematically) sophisticated jersey for them. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We focused on the phenomena that when all the colors of the rainbow are mixed, it creates black. This is a deeply rich symbolism for how differing individualities can converge to create one strong whole. It is symbolic of the ALL BLACKS themselves, and how their diversity has continually kept them the strongest rugby team in the world. We developed a fabric that is black on the surface, but when stretched, reveals all the colors of the rainbow underneath. With this fabric, we created a brand new ALL BLACKS jersey. This jersey embodies both the ALL BLACKS visual identity and a message of diversity. With this jersey as a potent symbol, we campaigned in Japan to build a team of “diversity supporters” from celebrities/notable persons/the public. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The LGBTQI+ community is generally tightly knit and information-savvy. Data also indicated that members of the LGBTQI+ community are well represented and influential in the social media sphere. We began by collaborating with LGBTQI+ related events and LGBTQI+ influencers in Tokyo, to raise interest in our project. We also involved celebrities and influencers of all sexual identities to help deliver and amplify our message to the wider public. Describe the execution (30% of vote) We held a launch event in Tokyo on April 2018. The event was joined by ALL BLACKS legend Richie McCaw and Japanese LGBTQI+ influencers. These guests wore the Pride Jersey and spoke out about diversity and inclusion. ?The launch was followed by Japan’s biggest pride parade, the TOKYO RAINBOW PRIDE, where hundreds of people marched wearing the Pride Jersey. Our social media activity made it easy for users to join in and voice their support for the cause. We also joined the Osaka and Fukuoka pride parades (October and November, respectively) taking our “street and social media” action paradigm nationwide. List the results (30% of vote) 53,764 members of the LGBTQI+ community voiced their support in the first seven days following launch. Following on from Tokyo, we took our action to Yokohama, Osaka and Fukuoka where a total of 1,500 people marched through the streets wearing the Pride Jersey. This movement wasn’t limited to Japan however. We received vocal support from the UK, South Africa, Ireland and the home of the ALL BLACKS, New Zealand. In total, we were covered by 272 media outlets in 19 countries, and we were inundated with queries about Pride Jersey. As of spring 2019, the movement continues to grow and garner support, with the Pride Jersey being work at corporate awareness raising events. ?We will also be marching once more at the TOKYO RAINBOW PRIDE 2019, with our heads held high in support and camaraderie.



    Pride Jersey










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