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    Pride Jersey短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 AIG 致力于创造一种欢迎 LGBTQ 社区并向他们开放的企业文化,同时还提供保险产品和服务来满足社区的需求。然而,日本的文化规范仍然难以在工作场所 “脱颖而出”,只有 4% 的 LGBTQ 人在工作中 “出局”。由于多样性仍然相差甚远,美国国际集团给我们的简报是为了帮助促进日本办公室内部以及整个日本社会的多样性和包容性。我们与 AIG 赞助的所有黑人合作,利用他们的普遍吸引力,我们为他们开发了一件技术上 (和主题上) 复杂的球衣。第一批新产品中的 700 件球衣已经在流通。 结果 就在新泽西推出之前,这位为澳大利亚效力的橄榄球运动员发表的反 LGBTQ 评论成为了亚太地区的一个社会问题。骄傲球衣是对此的有力回应,赢得了许多人的支持。这个消息立即在世界各地引起了轰动。这款球衣在 19 个国家的 272 家媒体上亮相,包括英国、南非、爱尔兰和新西兰 -- 全黑的故乡。支持多样性和包容性的声音不仅在日本传播,也在全球传播,仅在 7 天内就赢得了 53,764 多名支持。这项创新的球衣计划在 2019年日本橄榄球世界杯期间由全黑人穿。 执行 我们将彩虹的颜色印在可拉伸的高弹性罗纹织物上。我们印刷了两面的颜色,有效地将材料 “染色” 成彩虹色。然后,黑色被印在两边,只印在每个小山脊的顶部。因此,材料是纯黑色的,但是当拉伸时,会显示下面彩虹的颜色。这是一个全新的,原始的产品。 活动描述 我们关注的现象是,当彩虹的所有颜色混合时,它会产生黑色。这是一个非常丰富的象征意义,说明不同的个性如何融合在一起创造一个强大的整体。这象征着全黑人自己,以及他们的多样性如何不断保持他们作为世界上最强的橄榄球队的地位。我们开发了一种表面是黑色的织物,但是当拉伸时,会显示出下面彩虹的所有颜色。有了这个面料,我们创造了一个全新的全黑球衣。球衣是全黑视觉身份的和谐体现,同时也是多样性的高度共鸣信息。利用这件球衣,我们在日本发起运动,建立一个由名人/公众组成的多元化支持者团队。


    案例简介:Synopsis AIG is committed to creating a corporate culture that is welcoming and open to the LGBTQ community, while also offering insurance products and services to meet the needs of the community. However, cultural norms in Japan still make it difficult to “come out” in the workplace, with only 4% of LGBTQ people being “out” at work. With diversity still a far cry away, the brief given to us from AIG was to help promote diversity & inclusion both within the Japan office, but also within Japanese society as a whole. We partnered with the AIG sponsored ALL BLACKS to leverage their universal appeal and we developed a technically (and thematically) sophisticated jersey for them. 700 jerseys out of the first batch of this new product are already in circulation. Outcome Just before the launch of this new jersey, anti-LGBTQ comment made by the rugby player, who plays for Australia, became a social issue in the APAC area. The PRIDE JERSEY was a powerful response to this and won supports from many people. The news instantly sparked all around the world. The jersey was featured in 272 media across 19 countries including UK, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand, the home of the All Blacks. The voice of supporting diversity and inclusion spread not only in Japan but also across the globe, winning over 53,764 supports in just 7 days. This innovative jersey is planned to be worn by the All Blacks during 2019 Rugby World Cup which will take place in Japan. Execution We printed the colors of the rainbow on a stretchable and highly elastic ribbed fabric. We printed the colors from both sides, effectively “dyeing” the material in rainbow hues. Black was then printed over, on both sides, on the top portions of each tiny ridge only. As a result, the material is solid black, but when stretched, reveals the colors of the rainbow below. This is a wholly new, and original product. CampaignDescription We focused on the phenomena that when all the colors of the rainbow are mixed, it creates black. This is a deeply rich symbolism for how differing individualities can converge to create one strong whole. It is symbolic of the ALL BLACKS themselves, and how their diversity has continually maintained them as the strongest rugby team in the world. We developed a fabric that is black on the surface, but when stretched, reveals all the colors of the rainbow underneath. With this fabric, we created an brand new ALL BLACKS jersey. The jersey is a mellifluous embodiment of the ALL BLACKS visual identity, together with the highly resonant message of diversity. Leveraging this jersey, we campaigned in Japan to build a team of diversity supporters from celebrities/notable persons/the public.

    Pride Jersey

    案例简介:概要 AIG 致力于创造一种欢迎 LGBTQ 社区并向他们开放的企业文化,同时还提供保险产品和服务来满足社区的需求。然而,日本的文化规范仍然难以在工作场所 “脱颖而出”,只有 4% 的 LGBTQ 人在工作中 “出局”。由于多样性仍然相差甚远,美国国际集团给我们的简报是为了帮助促进日本办公室内部以及整个日本社会的多样性和包容性。我们与 AIG 赞助的所有黑人合作,利用他们的普遍吸引力,我们为他们开发了一件技术上 (和主题上) 复杂的球衣。第一批新产品中的 700 件球衣已经在流通。 结果 就在新泽西推出之前,这位为澳大利亚效力的橄榄球运动员发表的反 LGBTQ 评论成为了亚太地区的一个社会问题。骄傲球衣是对此的有力回应,赢得了许多人的支持。这个消息立即在世界各地引起了轰动。这款球衣在 19 个国家的 272 家媒体上亮相,包括英国、南非、爱尔兰和新西兰 -- 全黑的故乡。支持多样性和包容性的声音不仅在日本传播,也在全球传播,仅在 7 天内就赢得了 53,764 多名支持。这项创新的球衣计划在 2019年日本橄榄球世界杯期间由全黑人穿。 执行 我们将彩虹的颜色印在可拉伸的高弹性罗纹织物上。我们印刷了两面的颜色,有效地将材料 “染色” 成彩虹色。然后,黑色被印在两边,只印在每个小山脊的顶部。因此,材料是纯黑色的,但是当拉伸时,会显示下面彩虹的颜色。这是一个全新的,原始的产品。 活动描述 我们关注的现象是,当彩虹的所有颜色混合时,它会产生黑色。这是一个非常丰富的象征意义,说明不同的个性如何融合在一起创造一个强大的整体。这象征着全黑人自己,以及他们的多样性如何不断保持他们作为世界上最强的橄榄球队的地位。我们开发了一种表面是黑色的织物,但是当拉伸时,会显示出下面彩虹的所有颜色。有了这个面料,我们创造了一个全新的全黑球衣。球衣是全黑视觉身份的和谐体现,同时也是多样性的高度共鸣信息。利用这件球衣,我们在日本发起运动,建立一个由名人/公众组成的多元化支持者团队。

    Pride Jersey

    案例简介:Synopsis AIG is committed to creating a corporate culture that is welcoming and open to the LGBTQ community, while also offering insurance products and services to meet the needs of the community. However, cultural norms in Japan still make it difficult to “come out” in the workplace, with only 4% of LGBTQ people being “out” at work. With diversity still a far cry away, the brief given to us from AIG was to help promote diversity & inclusion both within the Japan office, but also within Japanese society as a whole. We partnered with the AIG sponsored ALL BLACKS to leverage their universal appeal and we developed a technically (and thematically) sophisticated jersey for them. 700 jerseys out of the first batch of this new product are already in circulation. Outcome Just before the launch of this new jersey, anti-LGBTQ comment made by the rugby player, who plays for Australia, became a social issue in the APAC area. The PRIDE JERSEY was a powerful response to this and won supports from many people. The news instantly sparked all around the world. The jersey was featured in 272 media across 19 countries including UK, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand, the home of the All Blacks. The voice of supporting diversity and inclusion spread not only in Japan but also across the globe, winning over 53,764 supports in just 7 days. This innovative jersey is planned to be worn by the All Blacks during 2019 Rugby World Cup which will take place in Japan. Execution We printed the colors of the rainbow on a stretchable and highly elastic ribbed fabric. We printed the colors from both sides, effectively “dyeing” the material in rainbow hues. Black was then printed over, on both sides, on the top portions of each tiny ridge only. As a result, the material is solid black, but when stretched, reveals the colors of the rainbow below. This is a wholly new, and original product. CampaignDescription We focused on the phenomena that when all the colors of the rainbow are mixed, it creates black. This is a deeply rich symbolism for how differing individualities can converge to create one strong whole. It is symbolic of the ALL BLACKS themselves, and how their diversity has continually maintained them as the strongest rugby team in the world. We developed a fabric that is black on the surface, but when stretched, reveals all the colors of the rainbow underneath. With this fabric, we created an brand new ALL BLACKS jersey. The jersey is a mellifluous embodiment of the ALL BLACKS visual identity, together with the highly resonant message of diversity. Leveraging this jersey, we campaigned in Japan to build a team of diversity supporters from celebrities/notable persons/the public.



    Pride Jersey










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