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    # 阳台快递

    案例简介:观众 我们需要吸引数字观众和可能对促销感兴趣的大城市的人们。对于他们两者来说,由于Leroy Merlin商店通常位于主要中心之外,并且通常暗示大量商品购买 (很难使用私人车辆将其带回家),让你需要的东西直接送到你的地方代表了强烈的激励。直接到家的服务也减少了DIY市场经常唤起的复杂性和 “努力” 的想法。 客户简介或目标 Leroy Merlin是意大利DIY市场的领导者。为了启动其新的电子商务/送货上门平台,我们被要求创建一些可见且令人难忘的东西来解释新服务并为网站带来流量。该启动与促销活动相关,其中特别提供了露台产品 (家具) 和设备) 和轻型园艺。我们进行了一次矛盾的交付,通过将设备齐全的露台直接带给我们的潜在客户。一个充满活力的装置,在米兰市周围,与人们互动,他们可以从那里获得新的阳台家具: 他们的家。 执行 在大多数情况下,问题就是答案。最后,你可以得到任何你需要的东西来改善你的房子直接到你的地方。然后,我们简单地上演了它的感觉。首先,我们在米兰实施了一个现场特技,一辆卡车将我们的露台带到城市周围,并将我们的促销信息直接传递给潜在客户。环境媒体还作为社交内容,通过 # balconyexpress被观众和路人分享。现场活动最终变成了在博客和社交平台上发布的视频,几天内收集数十万个视图。该视频仅托管了一个私人视频社交页面,以通过直接链接到产品页面来提高商业流量的效率。 结果 在短短一周内: 超过300.000个视频观看次数。超过80.000个Leroy Merlin上的唯一身份访问者。超过40.000个Leroy Merlin上的唯一身份访问者e-commerce.More超过15.000个社交互动。超过30.000个Facebook页面上的新赞 (+ 30%)。 概要 Leroy Merlin和许多DIY公司一样,被认为是定制和改善您的房屋的宝贵解决方案。尽管如此,它也与你为了获得最终结果而需要花费的努力相关联。除了与促销活动相关的战术目标外,Leroy Merlin可能还会从 “优质个人服务” 方面受益。

    # 阳台快递

    案例简介:Audience We needed to engage the digital audience and people living in big cities that might be interested in the promotion.For both of them, since Leroy Merlin stores are generally located outside the main centers and generally implicate voluminous goods purchase (difficult to carry home using private vehicles), having what you need delivered directly to your place represents a strong incentive.A direct-to-home service also reduces the idea of complexity and “effort” that the DIY market often evokes. Client Brief Or Objective Leroy Merlin is the DIY market leader in Italy.To launch its new e-commerce/home delivery platform we've been asked to create something visible and memorable to explain the new service and generate traffic to the website.The launch was associated to a promotional campaign with special offers on products for terraces (furniture and equipment) and light gardening.We performed a paradoxical delivery, by bringing a full-equipped terrace directly to our potential clients. An dynamic installation that went around the city of Milan, interacting with people right in the place from which they can get their new balcony furniture: their home. Execution As it happens most of the times, the question was the answer. Finally you can get anything you need to improve your house directly to your place.Then, we simply staged how it feels.First we implement a live stunt in Milan, with a truck bringing our terrace around the city and delivering our promotional message directly to potential clients.The ambient media also worked as a social content to be shared by viewers and passersby, through #balconyexpress.The field activity eventually becomes a video published on blogs and social platforms, collecting hundred thousands views in few days. The video was hosted only a private video social page in order to increase efficiency in commercial traffic with a direct link to products’ pages. Outcome In just one week:More than 300.000 video views.More than 80.000 unique visitors on Leroy Merlin.More than 40.000 unique visitors on Leroy Merlin e-commerce.More than 15.000 social interactions.More than 30.000 new likes on Facebook page (+30%). Synopsis Leroy Merlin, as many DIY companies, is perceived as a valuable solution to custom and improve your home. Nonetheless it’s also associate to the effort you are required to spend in order to get the final result.Along with tactical objectives related to the promotional campaign, Leroy Merlin may benefits from the campaign also in terms of “quality personal service”.


    案例简介:观众 我们需要吸引数字观众和可能对促销感兴趣的大城市的人们。对于他们两者来说,由于Leroy Merlin商店通常位于主要中心之外,并且通常暗示大量商品购买 (很难使用私人车辆将其带回家),让你需要的东西直接送到你的地方代表了强烈的激励。直接到家的服务也减少了DIY市场经常唤起的复杂性和 “努力” 的想法。 客户简介或目标 Leroy Merlin是意大利DIY市场的领导者。为了启动其新的电子商务/送货上门平台,我们被要求创建一些可见且令人难忘的东西来解释新服务并为网站带来流量。该启动与促销活动相关,其中特别提供了露台产品 (家具) 和设备) 和轻型园艺。我们进行了一次矛盾的交付,通过将设备齐全的露台直接带给我们的潜在客户。一个充满活力的装置,在米兰市周围,与人们互动,他们可以从那里获得新的阳台家具: 他们的家。 执行 在大多数情况下,问题就是答案。最后,你可以得到任何你需要的东西来改善你的房子直接到你的地方。然后,我们简单地上演了它的感觉。首先,我们在米兰实施了一个现场特技,一辆卡车将我们的露台带到城市周围,并将我们的促销信息直接传递给潜在客户。环境媒体还作为社交内容,通过 # balconyexpress被观众和路人分享。现场活动最终变成了在博客和社交平台上发布的视频,几天内收集数十万个视图。该视频仅托管了一个私人视频社交页面,以通过直接链接到产品页面来提高商业流量的效率。 结果 在短短一周内: 超过300.000个视频观看次数。超过80.000个Leroy Merlin上的唯一身份访问者。超过40.000个Leroy Merlin上的唯一身份访问者e-commerce.More超过15.000个社交互动。超过30.000个Facebook页面上的新赞 (+ 30%)。 概要 Leroy Merlin和许多DIY公司一样,被认为是定制和改善您的房屋的宝贵解决方案。尽管如此,它也与你为了获得最终结果而需要花费的努力相关联。除了与促销活动相关的战术目标外,Leroy Merlin可能还会从 “优质个人服务” 方面受益。


    案例简介:Audience We needed to engage the digital audience and people living in big cities that might be interested in the promotion.For both of them, since Leroy Merlin stores are generally located outside the main centers and generally implicate voluminous goods purchase (difficult to carry home using private vehicles), having what you need delivered directly to your place represents a strong incentive.A direct-to-home service also reduces the idea of complexity and “effort” that the DIY market often evokes. Client Brief Or Objective Leroy Merlin is the DIY market leader in Italy.To launch its new e-commerce/home delivery platform we've been asked to create something visible and memorable to explain the new service and generate traffic to the website.The launch was associated to a promotional campaign with special offers on products for terraces (furniture and equipment) and light gardening.We performed a paradoxical delivery, by bringing a full-equipped terrace directly to our potential clients. An dynamic installation that went around the city of Milan, interacting with people right in the place from which they can get their new balcony furniture: their home. Execution As it happens most of the times, the question was the answer. Finally you can get anything you need to improve your house directly to your place.Then, we simply staged how it feels.First we implement a live stunt in Milan, with a truck bringing our terrace around the city and delivering our promotional message directly to potential clients.The ambient media also worked as a social content to be shared by viewers and passersby, through #balconyexpress.The field activity eventually becomes a video published on blogs and social platforms, collecting hundred thousands views in few days. The video was hosted only a private video social page in order to increase efficiency in commercial traffic with a direct link to products’ pages. Outcome In just one week:More than 300.000 video views.More than 80.000 unique visitors on Leroy Merlin.More than 40.000 unique visitors on Leroy Merlin e-commerce.More than 15.000 social interactions.More than 30.000 new likes on Facebook page (+30%). Synopsis Leroy Merlin, as many DIY companies, is perceived as a valuable solution to custom and improve your home. Nonetheless it’s also associate to the effort you are required to spend in order to get the final result.Along with tactical objectives related to the promotional campaign, Leroy Merlin may benefits from the campaign also in terms of “quality personal service”.

    # 阳台快递












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