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    PROTECT YOUR #L1F3短视频广告营销案例



    保护您的 # L1F3

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: LifePark 是一家由保险公司 Genertel 和欧洲援助公司 (Generali Group) 合资的概念店。这家旗舰店是意大利保险业的第一家旗舰店,它基于一个简单的承诺为人们提供了一种身临其境的体验: “所有可能的保护措施”。 在它的发布过程中,我们被要求开展一场能见度运动 (目标之间的横向),以推动社交对话,刺激嗡嗡声和口碑。一场强大到足以产生额外媒体报道的发布会,将当地商店的开业变成新闻。 促进发展: 在一个国家,无论年龄如何,平均每两岁就有一部手机是智能手机,几乎一半的总人口拥有社会账户, 我们创建了一个场事件,旨在成为一个数字事件。 一艘潜艇突破人行道撞上了一辆汽车。 一个真正的潜艇顶部,标签伪装成序列号,自动出现在几乎所有社交网络上分享的每张照片或评论中。 社交回声,以及在当地媒体上发表的虚假文章,作为额外的流量发生器工作了一整天,放大了病毒效应。 结果: 80,000 多名目击者。一场出色的店内交通表演,当天吸引了 5,000 人来到 LifePark。# L1F3 国家每日趋势主题,在推特上产生 5,000,000 个印象,超过 200,000 次 Facebook 互动,3,000 张 Instagram 照片在几个小时内被标记。尽管到目前为止,仅官方视频在 YouTube 上的浏览量就超过 700万。 几乎所有全国性报纸和生活方式网站以及国际网站都发表了该活动的文章和照片。# L1F3 活动很快成为全球对话的一部分,将一家当地商店的开业变成了一则全球新闻,几乎有 100,000,000 人听到。 与产品/服务的相关性: Life Park 代表了一个相当传统行业的新概念商店: 意大利的保险。在旧市场上,这是一种值得创新的沟通方式。因此,对于它的推出,我们想回到保险服务本身的本质 -- 我们的保护 -- 在它背后发挥最简单的核心洞察力: 在生活中,任何事情都可能发生。一个简单的想法,以最壮观的方式上演,以激活最强大的媒体: 人。由于标签 # L1F3,我们能够实时链接到我们的网站,几乎所有的嗡嗡声。

    保护您的 # L1F3

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: LifePark is a concept store born by the joint-venture between insurance companies Genertel and Europ Assistance (Generali Group). First of its kind in the insurance italian industry, the flagship store provides people with an immersive experience based on a simple promise: 'all the possible imaginable protection’. For its launch, we were asked to develop a visibility campaign (transversal among targets) able to drive the social conversation, stimulating buzz and word of mouth. A launch campaign powerful enough to generate extra media coverage, turning a local store opening into a news. Promotion Development: In a country where -on average, regardless to age - 1 mobile phone out of 2 is a smartphone and where almost half of the total population own a social account, we created a field event meant to become a digital one. A submarine breaks through the pavement hitting a car. A real submarine top with a hashtag disguised as a serial number that automatically appeared in almost every photos or comments shared on all social networks. The social echo, along with fake articles published in the local press, worked all day long as additional traffic generator, amplifying the viral effect. Results: More than 80,000 eyewitnesses. An outstanding in-store traffic performance with 5,000 people drawn to LifePark that very day. #L1F3 national daily trend topic with 5,000,000 impressions generated on Twitter, more than 200,000 Facebook interactions and 3,000 Instagram photos tagged in few hours. While official videos alone have added up to over 7 million views on YouTube so far.
 Almost every national newspapers and lifestyle websites, along with international ones, published articles and photos of the event. #L1F3 campaign shortly became part of the worldwide conversation, turning a local store opening into a global news that reached almost 100,000,000 people. Relevancy to Product/Service: Life Park represents a new concept store in a quite traditional industry: insurances, in Italy. A fresh approach in an old market that deserved an innovative medium of communication. So, for its launch, we wanted to revert to the very essence of insurance service itself - our protection - playing on the simplest core insight behind it: in life, anything could happen. A simple thought, staged in the most spectacular way possible in order to activate the most powerful media: people. Thanks to the hashtag #L1F3 we were able to link in real time to our website almost all the buzz generated.


    案例简介:描述客户的简报: LifePark 是一家由保险公司 Genertel 和欧洲援助公司 (Generali Group) 合资的概念店。这家旗舰店是意大利保险业的第一家旗舰店,它基于一个简单的承诺为人们提供了一种身临其境的体验: “所有可能的保护措施”。 在它的发布过程中,我们被要求开展一场能见度运动 (目标之间的横向),以推动社交对话,刺激嗡嗡声和口碑。一场强大到足以产生额外媒体报道的发布会,将当地商店的开业变成新闻。 促进发展: 在一个国家,无论年龄如何,平均每两岁就有一部手机是智能手机,几乎一半的总人口拥有社会账户, 我们创建了一个场事件,旨在成为一个数字事件。 一艘潜艇突破人行道撞上了一辆汽车。 一个真正的潜艇顶部,标签伪装成序列号,自动出现在几乎所有社交网络上分享的每张照片或评论中。 社交回声,以及在当地媒体上发表的虚假文章,作为额外的流量发生器工作了一整天,放大了病毒效应。 结果: 80,000 多名目击者。一场出色的店内交通表演,当天吸引了 5,000 人来到 LifePark。# L1F3 国家每日趋势主题,在推特上产生 5,000,000 个印象,超过 200,000 次 Facebook 互动,3,000 张 Instagram 照片在几个小时内被标记。尽管到目前为止,仅官方视频在 YouTube 上的浏览量就超过 700万。 几乎所有全国性报纸和生活方式网站以及国际网站都发表了该活动的文章和照片。# L1F3 活动很快成为全球对话的一部分,将一家当地商店的开业变成了一则全球新闻,几乎有 100,000,000 人听到。 与产品/服务的相关性: Life Park 代表了一个相当传统行业的新概念商店: 意大利的保险。在旧市场上,这是一种值得创新的沟通方式。因此,对于它的推出,我们想回到保险服务本身的本质 -- 我们的保护 -- 在它背后发挥最简单的核心洞察力: 在生活中,任何事情都可能发生。一个简单的想法,以最壮观的方式上演,以激活最强大的媒体: 人。由于标签 # L1F3,我们能够实时链接到我们的网站,几乎所有的嗡嗡声。


    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: LifePark is a concept store born by the joint-venture between insurance companies Genertel and Europ Assistance (Generali Group). First of its kind in the insurance italian industry, the flagship store provides people with an immersive experience based on a simple promise: 'all the possible imaginable protection’. For its launch, we were asked to develop a visibility campaign (transversal among targets) able to drive the social conversation, stimulating buzz and word of mouth. A launch campaign powerful enough to generate extra media coverage, turning a local store opening into a news. Promotion Development: In a country where -on average, regardless to age - 1 mobile phone out of 2 is a smartphone and where almost half of the total population own a social account, we created a field event meant to become a digital one. A submarine breaks through the pavement hitting a car. A real submarine top with a hashtag disguised as a serial number that automatically appeared in almost every photos or comments shared on all social networks. The social echo, along with fake articles published in the local press, worked all day long as additional traffic generator, amplifying the viral effect. Results: More than 80,000 eyewitnesses. An outstanding in-store traffic performance with 5,000 people drawn to LifePark that very day. #L1F3 national daily trend topic with 5,000,000 impressions generated on Twitter, more than 200,000 Facebook interactions and 3,000 Instagram photos tagged in few hours. While official videos alone have added up to over 7 million views on YouTube so far.
 Almost every national newspapers and lifestyle websites, along with international ones, published articles and photos of the event. #L1F3 campaign shortly became part of the worldwide conversation, turning a local store opening into a global news that reached almost 100,000,000 people. Relevancy to Product/Service: Life Park represents a new concept store in a quite traditional industry: insurances, in Italy. A fresh approach in an old market that deserved an innovative medium of communication. So, for its launch, we wanted to revert to the very essence of insurance service itself - our protection - playing on the simplest core insight behind it: in life, anything could happen. A simple thought, staged in the most spectacular way possible in order to activate the most powerful media: people. Thanks to the hashtag #L1F3 we were able to link in real time to our website almost all the buzz generated.

    保护您的 # L1F3








    广告公司: 尚奇 (意大利 米兰) 制作公司: (H)films




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