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    案例简介:摘要 2001 年,多力多滋 Dippas 蘸酱和薯条作为晚间零食解决方案推出,旨在为步行者在成熟和静态市场提供重要的增长来源。由于晚上吃零食是一种社交而不是孤独的事情,‘Friendchips’ 的运动完美地捕捉到了晚上吃零食的心情。该活动在英国的成功在西班牙复制,取得了出色的销售成绩。 活动目标 -推出 Doritos Dippas 蘸酱和薯条作为 “晚上零食解决方案” -让浸泡成为更主流的日常活动 -确保 Doritos Dippas 品牌拥有与晚上零食相关的放松心情和社交能力,从而成为这个场合的品牌和产品选择。 目标受众 18 岁至 35 岁的年轻人 (或那些永远年轻的年轻人),过着忙碌的生活,善于交际,思想坚强, 零食的作用更情绪化 (更有可能作为一种享受),以及与朋友或伴侣分享的经历。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 研究揭示了一群共享的 Dippas 对对话的巨大影响。绕过薯片袋,堆一些蘸酱的仪式似乎让每个人都振作起来。 了解多力多滋的个性也是关键。虽然步行者被视为一个脚踏实地、具有家庭价值观的民粹主义品牌,但多力多滋被视为一个更具成人个性的品牌和不羁的几乎像一个啤酒品牌。重要的是要以执行的语气和媒体的位置来反映这一点。 广告的命题变成了 “多力多滋 Dippas”,非常适合和你的伴侣一起放松。“这个创造性的想法植根于对晚上吃零食和多力多滋 Dippas 的情绪和社交能力的洞察。在现场,一群年轻人围坐在一起聊天,产品充当了对话的催化剂。心情轻松,谈话轻浮,危险©机智 -- 和伴侣在一起的完美夜晚。 其他传播方案 在英国的发布期间,步行者开发了特别的促销产品 -- 多力多滋 Dippas 样品包。然而,主要的推动力是在销售点后面。超市里建造了特殊的隔间,这使得多力多滋 Dippas 蘸酱和薯片第一次一起销售。 在西班牙,销售点材料被开发出来,以具体说明浸渍习惯,这在西班牙是全新的。 此外,促销活动被用来在发布会上进行试用 -- 买一袋多力多滋 Dippas,然后免费得到一罐 dip。店内取样也被使用 -- 300,000 免费的蘸酱样品被赠送,商店里有 400,000 多次蘸酱和薯条品尝。 媒体 电视 销售点 促销 营销支出总额 -500万至 1000 万 媒体战略 电视是 Friendchips 活动的唯一媒介,因为它在晚上的零食活动中接触到人们。选择的方案是人们更有可能和他们的伴侣一起放松。除了典型的 18 到 34 个节目之外,还显示了吸引 “永远年轻” 团体的节目被选中。


    案例简介:SUMMARY In 2001, Doritos Dippas Dips and Chips were launched as ‘the’ evening snacking solution with a view to providing Walkers with a vital source of growth in a mature and static market. Since evening snacking is a sociable not solitary affair, the ‘Friendchips’ campaign captured the mood of evening snacking perfectly. The campaign’s success in the UK was replicated in Spain, with outstanding sales results. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - Launch Doritos Dippas Dips and Chips as ‘the’ evening snacking solution - Make dipping a more mainstream everyday activity - Ensure that the Doritos Dippas brand owned the relaxed mood and sociability associated with evening snacking, thus becoming the brand as well as product of choice for this occasion. TARGET AUDIENCE Young people aged 18 to 35 (or those ‘forever young), with busy lifestyles, who were sociable and strong minded, where the role of snacking is more emotional (more likely to indulge as a treat), and an experience to share with friends or a partner. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY Research revealed the ‘revivifying’ effect that a shared pack of Dippas can have on a conversation. The ritual of passing round the bag of chips and piling on some dip seemed to perk everyone up. Understanding Doritos’ personality was also key. Whilst Walkers was seen as a down to earth, populist brand with family values, Doritos was seen as a brand with a more adult personality – more daring, irreverent, and uninhibited – almost like a lager brand. It was important to reflect this in the tone of execution and the media placement. The advertising proposition became 'Doritos Dippas – perfect for chilling out with your mates.' The creative idea ‘Friendchips’ was rooted in this insight about the mood and sociability associated with evening snacking and Doritos Dippas. In the spots, a group of young people sat around chatting, with the product acting as a catalyst for conversation. The mood was light, the conversations were frivolous, risqué and witty - the perfect night in with mates. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES For the launch period in the UK, Walkers developed special promotional ‘chip ‘n’ dip’ sample packs of Doritos Dippas. However the main push was behind point-of-sale. Special bays were constructed in supermarkets, which allowed Doritos Dippas dips and chips to be merchandised together for the first time. In Spain point-of-sale materials were developed to specifically illustrate the dipping habit, which was totally new in Spain. Also, promotions were used to generate trial around the launch – buy one bag of Doritos Dippas and get a jar of dip free. In-store sampling was also used – 300,000 free samples of the dip were given away and there were more than 400,000 tastings of dips and chips on the shop floor. MEDIA Television Point-of-Sale Sales Promotion TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE € 5 million to €10 million MEDIA STRATEGY TV was the sole medium used for the Friendchips campaign as it reached people during the evening snacking occasion. Programmes were chosen where people were more likely to be chilling out with their mates. Besides typical 18 to 34 programming, also shows that appealed to the ‘forever young’ group were selected for spots.


    案例简介:摘要 2001 年,多力多滋 Dippas 蘸酱和薯条作为晚间零食解决方案推出,旨在为步行者在成熟和静态市场提供重要的增长来源。由于晚上吃零食是一种社交而不是孤独的事情,‘Friendchips’ 的运动完美地捕捉到了晚上吃零食的心情。该活动在英国的成功在西班牙复制,取得了出色的销售成绩。 活动目标 -推出 Doritos Dippas 蘸酱和薯条作为 “晚上零食解决方案” -让浸泡成为更主流的日常活动 -确保 Doritos Dippas 品牌拥有与晚上零食相关的放松心情和社交能力,从而成为这个场合的品牌和产品选择。 目标受众 18 岁至 35 岁的年轻人 (或那些永远年轻的年轻人),过着忙碌的生活,善于交际,思想坚强, 零食的作用更情绪化 (更有可能作为一种享受),以及与朋友或伴侣分享的经历。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 研究揭示了一群共享的 Dippas 对对话的巨大影响。绕过薯片袋,堆一些蘸酱的仪式似乎让每个人都振作起来。 了解多力多滋的个性也是关键。虽然步行者被视为一个脚踏实地、具有家庭价值观的民粹主义品牌,但多力多滋被视为一个更具成人个性的品牌和不羁的几乎像一个啤酒品牌。重要的是要以执行的语气和媒体的位置来反映这一点。 广告的命题变成了 “多力多滋 Dippas”,非常适合和你的伴侣一起放松。“这个创造性的想法植根于对晚上吃零食和多力多滋 Dippas 的情绪和社交能力的洞察。在现场,一群年轻人围坐在一起聊天,产品充当了对话的催化剂。心情轻松,谈话轻浮,危险©机智 -- 和伴侣在一起的完美夜晚。 其他传播方案 在英国的发布期间,步行者开发了特别的促销产品 -- 多力多滋 Dippas 样品包。然而,主要的推动力是在销售点后面。超市里建造了特殊的隔间,这使得多力多滋 Dippas 蘸酱和薯片第一次一起销售。 在西班牙,销售点材料被开发出来,以具体说明浸渍习惯,这在西班牙是全新的。 此外,促销活动被用来在发布会上进行试用 -- 买一袋多力多滋 Dippas,然后免费得到一罐 dip。店内取样也被使用 -- 300,000 免费的蘸酱样品被赠送,商店里有 400,000 多次蘸酱和薯条品尝。 媒体 电视 销售点 促销 营销支出总额 -500万至 1000 万 媒体战略 电视是 Friendchips 活动的唯一媒介,因为它在晚上的零食活动中接触到人们。选择的方案是人们更有可能和他们的伴侣一起放松。除了典型的 18 到 34 个节目之外,还显示了吸引 “永远年轻” 团体的节目被选中。


    案例简介:SUMMARY In 2001, Doritos Dippas Dips and Chips were launched as ‘the’ evening snacking solution with a view to providing Walkers with a vital source of growth in a mature and static market. Since evening snacking is a sociable not solitary affair, the ‘Friendchips’ campaign captured the mood of evening snacking perfectly. The campaign’s success in the UK was replicated in Spain, with outstanding sales results. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - Launch Doritos Dippas Dips and Chips as ‘the’ evening snacking solution - Make dipping a more mainstream everyday activity - Ensure that the Doritos Dippas brand owned the relaxed mood and sociability associated with evening snacking, thus becoming the brand as well as product of choice for this occasion. TARGET AUDIENCE Young people aged 18 to 35 (or those ‘forever young), with busy lifestyles, who were sociable and strong minded, where the role of snacking is more emotional (more likely to indulge as a treat), and an experience to share with friends or a partner. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY Research revealed the ‘revivifying’ effect that a shared pack of Dippas can have on a conversation. The ritual of passing round the bag of chips and piling on some dip seemed to perk everyone up. Understanding Doritos’ personality was also key. Whilst Walkers was seen as a down to earth, populist brand with family values, Doritos was seen as a brand with a more adult personality – more daring, irreverent, and uninhibited – almost like a lager brand. It was important to reflect this in the tone of execution and the media placement. The advertising proposition became 'Doritos Dippas – perfect for chilling out with your mates.' The creative idea ‘Friendchips’ was rooted in this insight about the mood and sociability associated with evening snacking and Doritos Dippas. In the spots, a group of young people sat around chatting, with the product acting as a catalyst for conversation. The mood was light, the conversations were frivolous, risqué and witty - the perfect night in with mates. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES For the launch period in the UK, Walkers developed special promotional ‘chip ‘n’ dip’ sample packs of Doritos Dippas. However the main push was behind point-of-sale. Special bays were constructed in supermarkets, which allowed Doritos Dippas dips and chips to be merchandised together for the first time. In Spain point-of-sale materials were developed to specifically illustrate the dipping habit, which was totally new in Spain. Also, promotions were used to generate trial around the launch – buy one bag of Doritos Dippas and get a jar of dip free. In-store sampling was also used – 300,000 free samples of the dip were given away and there were more than 400,000 tastings of dips and chips on the shop floor. MEDIA Television Point-of-Sale Sales Promotion TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE € 5 million to €10 million MEDIA STRATEGY TV was the sole medium used for the Friendchips campaign as it reached people during the evening snacking occasion. Programmes were chosen where people were more likely to be chilling out with their mates. Besides typical 18 to 34 programming, also shows that appealed to the ‘forever young’ group were selected for spots.









    广告公司: 天联 (英国 伦敦)





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