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    Twitter 诱饵

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 在社交方面,汉堡王致力于创造社交眼镜,让其追随者和其他用户有机会以新的方式与品牌互动。这种激活是专门为吸引我们的观众而设计的,这是其他品牌或竞争对手在社交空间中没有做过的,给我们的观众以积极的方式体验和谈论品牌的另一种方式。 背景 汉堡王没有在 2010年发布漏斗蛋糕薯条,但在案卷上有这个可零食可以重新发布 2019年。幸运的是,“10 岁挑战” 恰好是我们 18 至 24 岁目标受众的最新病毒趋势,这给了我们做自己版本的想法,但是有点扭曲。所以我们创作的简介是我们如何在 2010年首次大胆地重新推出漏斗蛋糕薯条,社会第一的方式,目的是围绕这一现代经典菜单产品产生大量的有机嗡嗡声。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 为了在 2010年首次重新推出汉堡王的漏斗蛋糕薯条,我们在推特和 Instagram 上犯了终极社会罪 -- 喜欢人们的旧帖子。但是我们不喜欢任何旧帖子; 他们是 2010年影响者的帖子。我们知道这一举动的随机性和怪异性质甚至会困扰最精明的社交用户和影响者,并给他们一个值得发布的通知。通过准确预测他们会如何反应,我们能够把社交行为变成一种启动策略,欺骗一些最有影响力的社交偶像,帮助我们为漏斗蛋糕薯条的重新推出做好准备。最终,我们影响了影响者。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 有一个关于喜欢某人旧帖子的不成文的社交媒体规则。简而言之,这是禁忌,尤其是对我们 18 到 24 岁的观众。当你喜欢某人的旧帖子时,这表明你是一个讨厌鬼,“潜伏” 在他们的旧帖子上。尽管社交媒体仅仅通过其设计来促进这种潜伏的行为,但喜欢某人的旧帖子从来都不是一件好事。了解了这个社会真相,我们看到如果汉堡王随机开始喜欢他们的旧帖子 2010年,它会如何产生影响者的真实反应。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 在该产品首次在餐厅亮相的前几天,我们通过喜欢推特和 Instagram 上 2010年的影响者的旧帖子来启动该活动。一旦像 JoJo,kleashawn 和 Casey Neistat 这样的影响者开始上钩并发布它,我们第二天发布了我们的产品发布推文,让每个人都知道搬家背后的原因 -- 2010年第一次带回漏斗蛋糕薯条。 凯西 · 内斯特发现我们为什么喜欢旧帖子后,他在 YouTube 上发布了一段视频,讲述了我们的所作所为。在他的视频中,他要求我们把事情做好,并可能帮助他最喜欢的慈善机构。我们感激不尽。我们向他支持的两个慈善机构捐款,并向他的粉丝群免费赠送了华勃。我们通过在 24 小时内创建一个促销网站,并向参与者发送礼品卡来实现这一点。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 有了这个喜欢旧帖子的简单想法,汉堡王能够重新推出漏斗蛋糕薯条,让互联网对汉堡王的最新举措和产品感到兴奋。 • 5.32亿总印象 • 532万美元的赚媒体 • 品牌活动对话增加 389%

    Twitter 诱饵

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? On social, Burger King is all about creating social spectacles as activations that give its followers and other users alike the chance to interact with the brand in new ways. This activation was specifically designed to engage our audience in a way that no other brand or competitor had done before in the social space, giving our audience another way to experience and talk about the brand in a positive way. Background Burger King hadn’t released Funnel Cake Fries since 2010 but had this snackable item on the docket to relaunch in 2019. Fortunately, the “10-Year-Challenge” just so happened to be the latest viral trend among our target audience of 18 to 24-year-olds, which gave us the idea to do our own version, but with a twist. So the brief we created was how we could relaunch Funnel Cake Fries for the first time since 2010 in a bold, social-first way with the objective of generating a ton of organic buzz around this modern classic menu offering. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) To relaunch Burger King’s Funnel Cake Fries for the first time since 2010, we committed the ultimate social sin—liking people’s old posts on Twitter and Instagram. But we didn’t like just any old posts; they were influencers’ posts from 2010. We knew the randomness and bizarre nature of this move would perplex even the savviest social users and influencers, and give them a notification worth posting about. By accurately predicting how they would respond, we were able to turn a social behavior into a launch tactic that tricked some of the most influential social icons into helping us set the stage for the relaunch of Funnel Cake Fries. Ultimately, we influenced the influencers. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) There’s an unwritten social media rule around liking someone’s old posts. To put it simply, it’s taboo, especially with our 18 to 24-year-old audience. When you like someone’s old posts, it suggests that you’re being a creep and “lurking” on their old stuff. Even though social media promotes this lurking behavior simply by its design, it’s never a good look to like someone’s old posts. Knowing this social truth, we saw how it could generate real reactions from influencers if Burger King randomly began liking their old posts from 2010. Describe the execution (30% of vote) In the days leading up to the product’s restaurant debut, we prelaunched the campaign by liking influencers’ old posts from 2010 on Twitter and Instagram. Once influencers like JoJo, Kreashawn, and Casey Neistat started taking the bait and posting about it, we posted our product launch tweet the next day, letting everyone know the reason behind the move—to bring back Funnel Cake Fries for the first time since 2010. After Casey Neistat found out why we were liking old posts, he released a YouTube video talking about what we had done. In his video, he asked us to make things right and possibly help out his favorite charities. We obliged. We made a donation to two charities he supports and gave away free Whoppers to his fan base. We fulfilled this by creating a promo website in 24 hours hours, and sending gift cards to those who participated. List the results (30% of vote) With this simple idea of liking old posts, Burger King was able to relaunch Funnel Cake Fries in a way that got the Internet buzzing about Burger King’s latest move and product. • 532 million total impressions • $5.32 million in earned media • 389% increase in brand campaign conversation

    Twitter Bait

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 在社交方面,汉堡王致力于创造社交眼镜,让其追随者和其他用户有机会以新的方式与品牌互动。这种激活是专门为吸引我们的观众而设计的,这是其他品牌或竞争对手在社交空间中没有做过的,给我们的观众以积极的方式体验和谈论品牌的另一种方式。 背景 汉堡王没有在 2010年发布漏斗蛋糕薯条,但在案卷上有这个可零食可以重新发布 2019年。幸运的是,“10 岁挑战” 恰好是我们 18 至 24 岁目标受众的最新病毒趋势,这给了我们做自己版本的想法,但是有点扭曲。所以我们创作的简介是我们如何在 2010年首次大胆地重新推出漏斗蛋糕薯条,社会第一的方式,目的是围绕这一现代经典菜单产品产生大量的有机嗡嗡声。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 为了在 2010年首次重新推出汉堡王的漏斗蛋糕薯条,我们在推特和 Instagram 上犯了终极社会罪 -- 喜欢人们的旧帖子。但是我们不喜欢任何旧帖子; 他们是 2010年影响者的帖子。我们知道这一举动的随机性和怪异性质甚至会困扰最精明的社交用户和影响者,并给他们一个值得发布的通知。通过准确预测他们会如何反应,我们能够把社交行为变成一种启动策略,欺骗一些最有影响力的社交偶像,帮助我们为漏斗蛋糕薯条的重新推出做好准备。最终,我们影响了影响者。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 有一个关于喜欢某人旧帖子的不成文的社交媒体规则。简而言之,这是禁忌,尤其是对我们 18 到 24 岁的观众。当你喜欢某人的旧帖子时,这表明你是一个讨厌鬼,“潜伏” 在他们的旧帖子上。尽管社交媒体仅仅通过其设计来促进这种潜伏的行为,但喜欢某人的旧帖子从来都不是一件好事。了解了这个社会真相,我们看到如果汉堡王随机开始喜欢他们的旧帖子 2010年,它会如何产生影响者的真实反应。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 在该产品首次在餐厅亮相的前几天,我们通过喜欢推特和 Instagram 上 2010年的影响者的旧帖子来启动该活动。一旦像 JoJo,kleashawn 和 Casey Neistat 这样的影响者开始上钩并发布它,我们第二天发布了我们的产品发布推文,让每个人都知道搬家背后的原因 -- 2010年第一次带回漏斗蛋糕薯条。 凯西 · 内斯特发现我们为什么喜欢旧帖子后,他在 YouTube 上发布了一段视频,讲述了我们的所作所为。在他的视频中,他要求我们把事情做好,并可能帮助他最喜欢的慈善机构。我们感激不尽。我们向他支持的两个慈善机构捐款,并向他的粉丝群免费赠送了华勃。我们通过在 24 小时内创建一个促销网站,并向参与者发送礼品卡来实现这一点。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 有了这个喜欢旧帖子的简单想法,汉堡王能够重新推出漏斗蛋糕薯条,让互联网对汉堡王的最新举措和产品感到兴奋。 • 5.32亿总印象 • 532万美元的赚媒体 • 品牌活动对话增加 389%

    Twitter Bait

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? On social, Burger King is all about creating social spectacles as activations that give its followers and other users alike the chance to interact with the brand in new ways. This activation was specifically designed to engage our audience in a way that no other brand or competitor had done before in the social space, giving our audience another way to experience and talk about the brand in a positive way. Background Burger King hadn’t released Funnel Cake Fries since 2010 but had this snackable item on the docket to relaunch in 2019. Fortunately, the “10-Year-Challenge” just so happened to be the latest viral trend among our target audience of 18 to 24-year-olds, which gave us the idea to do our own version, but with a twist. So the brief we created was how we could relaunch Funnel Cake Fries for the first time since 2010 in a bold, social-first way with the objective of generating a ton of organic buzz around this modern classic menu offering. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) To relaunch Burger King’s Funnel Cake Fries for the first time since 2010, we committed the ultimate social sin—liking people’s old posts on Twitter and Instagram. But we didn’t like just any old posts; they were influencers’ posts from 2010. We knew the randomness and bizarre nature of this move would perplex even the savviest social users and influencers, and give them a notification worth posting about. By accurately predicting how they would respond, we were able to turn a social behavior into a launch tactic that tricked some of the most influential social icons into helping us set the stage for the relaunch of Funnel Cake Fries. Ultimately, we influenced the influencers. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) There’s an unwritten social media rule around liking someone’s old posts. To put it simply, it’s taboo, especially with our 18 to 24-year-old audience. When you like someone’s old posts, it suggests that you’re being a creep and “lurking” on their old stuff. Even though social media promotes this lurking behavior simply by its design, it’s never a good look to like someone’s old posts. Knowing this social truth, we saw how it could generate real reactions from influencers if Burger King randomly began liking their old posts from 2010. Describe the execution (30% of vote) In the days leading up to the product’s restaurant debut, we prelaunched the campaign by liking influencers’ old posts from 2010 on Twitter and Instagram. Once influencers like JoJo, Kreashawn, and Casey Neistat started taking the bait and posting about it, we posted our product launch tweet the next day, letting everyone know the reason behind the move—to bring back Funnel Cake Fries for the first time since 2010. After Casey Neistat found out why we were liking old posts, he released a YouTube video talking about what we had done. In his video, he asked us to make things right and possibly help out his favorite charities. We obliged. We made a donation to two charities he supports and gave away free Whoppers to his fan base. We fulfilled this by creating a promo website in 24 hours hours, and sending gift cards to those who participated. List the results (30% of vote) With this simple idea of liking old posts, Burger King was able to relaunch Funnel Cake Fries in a way that got the Internet buzzing about Burger King’s latest move and product. • 532 million total impressions • $5.32 million in earned media • 389% increase in brand campaign conversation

    Twitter 诱饵


    Twitter Bait






    广告公司: MullenLowe (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: MullenLowe




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