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    Glad Black Bag短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:Tori 拼写作为 OMG Extra 的主持人变得疯狂 拼字游戏的最新项目赶上了《快乐黑包》《野性生活》的演员阵容 加州奥克兰 (2012年10月9日) -- 疯狂和混乱的家庭滑稽动作对托里拼写来说并不新鲜。现在,这位电视真人秀明星和四个孩子的母亲将利用她作为 OMG Extra 主持人的个人和职业经历: 在 Glad 制造商制作的野生动物之后®ForceFlex®黑色袋子。该系列将于本月在 Glad 的 Facebook 页面上首映,并将跟随该品牌成功的模拟现实系列《野生动物》的角色,因为五个野生动物家庭正在享受他们新获得的名声。 作为主持人,拼写将介绍一系列简短的自白风格的视频,在 Glad 的社交媒体渠道上为这项运动做出贡献, 以及通过她的社交媒体资产来推广这项运动。该活动还包括一个消费者促销部分,围绕在 Facebook 游戏中消失的快乐,奖品包括 2,000 美元的购物狂欢。 “作为一个四个孩子的妈妈,我对生活中最大的混乱了如指掌。但那是我们在我家玩得最开心的时候,”拼写说。“任何妈妈都可以与野性生活中的角色产生联系,野性生活之后是现实世界的一个如此有趣的场景。" 《野性生活》之后,剧组讲述了一个由五只野生动物组成的家庭接管一所房子时发生的事情。根据他们对动物的刻板印象,野生动物的角色被设计成代表美国家庭的不同方面,所有这些都有可能造成巨大的混乱。这些动物 -- 一只熊、一只黑猩猩、一只浣熊、一只海狸和一只鸭子 -- 是由在流行电视节目中有经验的天才木偶师通过动画创作的。 “Tori Spelling 是一名真人秀和社交媒体明星,使她成为《野性生活后的快乐》的完美主持人。她在两种媒介之间的成功激励我们探索了一场强大的黑包社会运动的影响,”glay 的营销经理朱莉娅 · 庞塞说。“我们很兴奋能赶上我们最喜欢的野生动物家族,里面有引人入胜的内容,显示无论野生动物有多疯狂,清理都在袋子里。" 为了帮助清理美国各地的混乱,高兴再次与保持美国美丽的努力合作。看看 Facebook 上的《高兴》。com/glay 跟随这个独特的全动物真人秀演员的混乱冒险。 高兴产品公司 GLAD Products 公司是 Clorox 公司的全资子公司。Clorox 公司是一家领先的消费品制造商和销售商,拥有 8,100 名员工,2011年财年收入 52亿美元。Clorox 销售一些消费者最信任和认可的品牌,包括与其同名的漂白剂和清洁产品 Green Works®天然衍生家庭护理产品,Pine-Sol®保洁员,波特®家居护理产品,新鲜一步®金斯福德猫砂®木炭,隐藏的山谷®和 K C 杰作®调料和酱汁,Brita®水过滤产品,Glad®袋子、包装和容器以及伯特蜜蜂®天然个人护理产品。Clorox 公司近 90% 的品牌在其类别中占据第一或第二的市场份额。该公司的产品在 20 多个国家生产,并在 100 多个国家销售。Clorox 致力于在员工工作和生活的社区中发挥积极作用。成立于 1980年的 Clorox 公司基金会向非营利组织、学校和大学提供了总额超过 8400万美元的现金赠款。仅在 2011年财政年度,该基金会就发放了 400万美元的现金赠款,而 Clorox 公司的产品捐赠价值为 1300万美元。有关 Clorox 的更多信息,请访问 www.TheCloroxCompany.com。


    案例简介:Tori Spelling Gets Wild as Host of OMG Extra Spelling’s Latest Project Catches Up with the Cast of Glad Black Bag’s The Wild Life OAKLAND, Calif. (October 9, 2012) – Wild and messy family antics are nothing new for Tori Spelling. And now the reality TV star and mother of four will tap her personal and professional experience as host of the OMG Extra: After the Wild Life produced by the makers of Glad® ForceFlex® Black Bags. The series will premiere on Glad’s Facebook page this month and will follow the characters of the brand’s successful mock reality series The Wild Life as the family of five wild animals enjoy their newfound fame. As host, Spelling will introduce a series of short confession-style videos of the characters, contribute to the campaign on Glad’s social media channels, as well as promote the campaign through her social media assets. The campaign also includes a consumer promotions component surrounding Glad’s Missing in the Mess Facebook game with prizes including a $2,000 shopping spree. “As a mom of four, I know firsthand about life’s biggest messes. But those are the times we’re having the most fun in my house,” said Spelling. “Any mom can relate to The Wild Life characters and After the Wild Life is such a fun take on the reality world.” After the Wild Life features the cast talking about what happened when a family of five wild animals took over one house. Based loosely on their animal stereotypes, the characters of The Wild Life were designed to represent different facets of the American household, all of which are capable of making a huge mess. The animals — a bear, a chimp, a raccoon, a beaver and a duck — were created through animatronics by talented puppeteers with experience on popular TV shows. “Tori Spelling is a reality TV and social media star, making her the perfect host of Glad’s After the Wild Life. Her success bridging the two mediums has inspired us to explore the impact of a strong social campaign for Black Bag,” said Julia Ponce, marketing manager for Glad. “We’re excited to catch-up with our favorite wild animal family with the engaging content that shows no matter how wild life gets, cleanup is in the bag.” To help cleanup messes across America, Glad has again partnered with Keep America Beautiful on this effort. Check out Glad on Facebook at Facebook.com/Glad to follow the messy adventures from this unique all-animal reality show cast. The GLAD Products Company The GLAD Products Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Clorox Company. The Clorox Company is a leading manufacturer and marketer of consumer products with 8,100 employees and fiscal year 2011 revenues of $5.2 billion. Clorox markets some of consumers' most trusted and recognized brand names, including its namesake bleach and cleaning products, Green Works® naturally derived home care products, Pine-Sol® cleaners, Poett® home care products, Fresh Step® cat litter, Kingsford® charcoal, Hidden Valley® and K C Masterpiece® dressings and sauces, Brita® water-filtration products, Glad® bags, wraps and containers, and Burt’s Bees® natural personal care products. Nearly 90 percent of The Clorox Company’s brands hold the No. 1 or No. 2 market share positions in their categories. The company’s products are manufactured in more than two dozen countries and sold in more than 100 countries. Clorox is committed to making a positive difference in the communities where its employees work and live. Founded in 1980, The Clorox Company Foundation has awarded cash grants totaling more than $84 million to nonprofit organizations, schools and colleges. In fiscal year 2011 alone, the foundation awarded $4 million in cash grants, and Clorox made product donations valued at $13 million. For more information about Clorox, visit www.TheCloroxCompany.com.

    Glad Black Bag

    案例简介:Tori 拼写作为 OMG Extra 的主持人变得疯狂 拼字游戏的最新项目赶上了《快乐黑包》《野性生活》的演员阵容 加州奥克兰 (2012年10月9日) -- 疯狂和混乱的家庭滑稽动作对托里拼写来说并不新鲜。现在,这位电视真人秀明星和四个孩子的母亲将利用她作为 OMG Extra 主持人的个人和职业经历: 在 Glad 制造商制作的野生动物之后®ForceFlex®黑色袋子。该系列将于本月在 Glad 的 Facebook 页面上首映,并将跟随该品牌成功的模拟现实系列《野生动物》的角色,因为五个野生动物家庭正在享受他们新获得的名声。 作为主持人,拼写将介绍一系列简短的自白风格的视频,在 Glad 的社交媒体渠道上为这项运动做出贡献, 以及通过她的社交媒体资产来推广这项运动。该活动还包括一个消费者促销部分,围绕在 Facebook 游戏中消失的快乐,奖品包括 2,000 美元的购物狂欢。 “作为一个四个孩子的妈妈,我对生活中最大的混乱了如指掌。但那是我们在我家玩得最开心的时候,”拼写说。“任何妈妈都可以与野性生活中的角色产生联系,野性生活之后是现实世界的一个如此有趣的场景。" 《野性生活》之后,剧组讲述了一个由五只野生动物组成的家庭接管一所房子时发生的事情。根据他们对动物的刻板印象,野生动物的角色被设计成代表美国家庭的不同方面,所有这些都有可能造成巨大的混乱。这些动物 -- 一只熊、一只黑猩猩、一只浣熊、一只海狸和一只鸭子 -- 是由在流行电视节目中有经验的天才木偶师通过动画创作的。 “Tori Spelling 是一名真人秀和社交媒体明星,使她成为《野性生活后的快乐》的完美主持人。她在两种媒介之间的成功激励我们探索了一场强大的黑包社会运动的影响,”glay 的营销经理朱莉娅 · 庞塞说。“我们很兴奋能赶上我们最喜欢的野生动物家族,里面有引人入胜的内容,显示无论野生动物有多疯狂,清理都在袋子里。" 为了帮助清理美国各地的混乱,高兴再次与保持美国美丽的努力合作。看看 Facebook 上的《高兴》。com/glay 跟随这个独特的全动物真人秀演员的混乱冒险。 高兴产品公司 GLAD Products 公司是 Clorox 公司的全资子公司。Clorox 公司是一家领先的消费品制造商和销售商,拥有 8,100 名员工,2011年财年收入 52亿美元。Clorox 销售一些消费者最信任和认可的品牌,包括与其同名的漂白剂和清洁产品 Green Works®天然衍生家庭护理产品,Pine-Sol®保洁员,波特®家居护理产品,新鲜一步®金斯福德猫砂®木炭,隐藏的山谷®和 K C 杰作®调料和酱汁,Brita®水过滤产品,Glad®袋子、包装和容器以及伯特蜜蜂®天然个人护理产品。Clorox 公司近 90% 的品牌在其类别中占据第一或第二的市场份额。该公司的产品在 20 多个国家生产,并在 100 多个国家销售。Clorox 致力于在员工工作和生活的社区中发挥积极作用。成立于 1980年的 Clorox 公司基金会向非营利组织、学校和大学提供了总额超过 8400万美元的现金赠款。仅在 2011年财政年度,该基金会就发放了 400万美元的现金赠款,而 Clorox 公司的产品捐赠价值为 1300万美元。有关 Clorox 的更多信息,请访问 www.TheCloroxCompany.com。

    Glad Black Bag

    案例简介:Tori Spelling Gets Wild as Host of OMG Extra Spelling’s Latest Project Catches Up with the Cast of Glad Black Bag’s The Wild Life OAKLAND, Calif. (October 9, 2012) – Wild and messy family antics are nothing new for Tori Spelling. And now the reality TV star and mother of four will tap her personal and professional experience as host of the OMG Extra: After the Wild Life produced by the makers of Glad® ForceFlex® Black Bags. The series will premiere on Glad’s Facebook page this month and will follow the characters of the brand’s successful mock reality series The Wild Life as the family of five wild animals enjoy their newfound fame. As host, Spelling will introduce a series of short confession-style videos of the characters, contribute to the campaign on Glad’s social media channels, as well as promote the campaign through her social media assets. The campaign also includes a consumer promotions component surrounding Glad’s Missing in the Mess Facebook game with prizes including a $2,000 shopping spree. “As a mom of four, I know firsthand about life’s biggest messes. But those are the times we’re having the most fun in my house,” said Spelling. “Any mom can relate to The Wild Life characters and After the Wild Life is such a fun take on the reality world.” After the Wild Life features the cast talking about what happened when a family of five wild animals took over one house. Based loosely on their animal stereotypes, the characters of The Wild Life were designed to represent different facets of the American household, all of which are capable of making a huge mess. The animals — a bear, a chimp, a raccoon, a beaver and a duck — were created through animatronics by talented puppeteers with experience on popular TV shows. “Tori Spelling is a reality TV and social media star, making her the perfect host of Glad’s After the Wild Life. Her success bridging the two mediums has inspired us to explore the impact of a strong social campaign for Black Bag,” said Julia Ponce, marketing manager for Glad. “We’re excited to catch-up with our favorite wild animal family with the engaging content that shows no matter how wild life gets, cleanup is in the bag.” To help cleanup messes across America, Glad has again partnered with Keep America Beautiful on this effort. Check out Glad on Facebook at Facebook.com/Glad to follow the messy adventures from this unique all-animal reality show cast. The GLAD Products Company The GLAD Products Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Clorox Company. The Clorox Company is a leading manufacturer and marketer of consumer products with 8,100 employees and fiscal year 2011 revenues of $5.2 billion. Clorox markets some of consumers' most trusted and recognized brand names, including its namesake bleach and cleaning products, Green Works® naturally derived home care products, Pine-Sol® cleaners, Poett® home care products, Fresh Step® cat litter, Kingsford® charcoal, Hidden Valley® and K C Masterpiece® dressings and sauces, Brita® water-filtration products, Glad® bags, wraps and containers, and Burt’s Bees® natural personal care products. Nearly 90 percent of The Clorox Company’s brands hold the No. 1 or No. 2 market share positions in their categories. The company’s products are manufactured in more than two dozen countries and sold in more than 100 countries. Clorox is committed to making a positive difference in the communities where its employees work and live. Founded in 1980, The Clorox Company Foundation has awarded cash grants totaling more than $84 million to nonprofit organizations, schools and colleges. In fiscal year 2011 alone, the foundation awarded $4 million in cash grants, and Clorox made product donations valued at $13 million. For more information about Clorox, visit www.TheCloroxCompany.com.



    Glad Black Bag






    广告公司: Evolution Bureau (美国 旧金山) 制作公司: GO Film


    Tori Spelling Gets Wild as Host of OMG Extra



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