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    @ SeeLikeMenna

    案例简介:概要 作为奥运会和残奥会的第一个官方移动赞助商,丰田希望展示其在全球平台上成为移动公司的承诺。但我们不再告诉人们我们不再只是一家汽车公司, 简报是通过伙伴关系来证明这一点,提高残奥会的水平,并赋予那些敢于克服不可能的事情的运动员以权力。 战略 由于这是首次针对汽车品牌的全球活动和主要品牌公告, 公共关系进行了有针对性的媒体外联方法,从战略上扩展了 Menna 在传统新闻媒体和在线出版物中的鼓舞人心的流动性故事。我们在奥运会高峰时发起,目的是让全球关注经常被忽视的残奥会,目标是各种各样的出版物,包括科技、无障碍酒吧和体育新闻。 相关性 丰田有史以来第一次全球品牌活动,标志着丰田从汽车公司向移动公司的转变,也是该公司第一次与世界分享其移动愿景。公关是发起这项运动的一个组成部分,因为需要制定全球传播战略,以有效界定丰田的愿景以及他们提升残奥会的使命。门娜在残奥会上的巨大成功也引起了世界各地的国际出版物的兴趣,他们正在寻求更好地了解作为一名视障滑雪者竞争的感觉。 结果 第一级: 在世界各地顶级出版物上,@ SeeLikeMenna 在 BBC 新闻、 Mashable 、《泰晤士报》、《每日电讯报》、《赫芬顿邮报》上获得了近 1200 次专题报道和福布斯举几个例子。随着 @ SeeLikeMenna 在残奥会前两周的直播,新闻发布引发了对话。随着门纳成为英国有史以来装饰最华丽的冬季残奥会选手,人们的兴趣不断增加。在残奥会最激烈的时候,门纳有超过 10,000 名追随者,平均每个帖子的视野为 2,000。第二梯队: 最终,丰田的使命帮助 2018 残奥会成为历史上最受关注的奥运会。他们也从 1% 以下与残奥会的联系发展成为与奥运会相关的第二品牌。第三层: 全球印象总数超过 150亿,丰田在与奥运会相关的全球赞助商中排名前三,高于 30 多年奥运会赞助商的品牌 执行 我们创建了 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 账户以及一个预告视频,以帮助在 Menna 周围建立一个社区。在奥运会的高峰期,每天都会发布一系列第一人称 POV 视频,以及让人们体验到只有 3% 视力的残奥会的剧照。这个预告视频被翻译成 20 多种语言,并在 YouTube 和 Facebook 上发布,这也直接链接到 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 账户。我们确保记者可以访问 Menna 进行采访,协调电视露面。我们公关计划的实施有助于引发全球讨论,并帮助我们的追随者增加到成千上万。 活动描述 人们往往无法理解这些残奥会运动员所克服的巨大壮举,以及登上领奖台所需要的一切,更不用说比赛了。@ SeeLikeMenna 是有史以来第一次 Instagram 体验,让你在训练时通过视力受损的滑雪者和残奥会金牌得主门娜 · 菲茨帕特里克的眼睛看世界。我们在 Menna 周围创建了一个社区,由成千上万的追随者组成,他们与我们创作的视觉上引人注目的内容互动,包括视频和剧照,这些内容准确地反映了她 3% 的愿景。她自己的第一人称字幕副本也有助于巩固这种体验的真实性。有史以来第一次,人们可以体验到视力受损的残奥会运动员争夺金牌的感觉。我们在手机上这样做了,因为在 2018年,奥运会和残奥会的手机收视率上升了 50%。

    @ SeeLikeMenna

    案例简介:Synopsis As the first ever Official Mobility Sponsor of both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Toyota wanted to demonstrate its commitment to becoming a mobility company on a global platform. But instead of telling people we were no longer just a car company, the brief was to prove it through the partnership by elevating the Paralympic Games and empowering the athletes who defy the odds to overcome the impossible. Strategy As this was a first-ever global campaign and major brand announcement for the automotive brand, PR conducted a targeted media outreach approach that strategically expanded on Menna's inspirational mobility story across both traditional news outlets and online publications. We launched at the high peak of the Olympic games to give global attention to the often overlooked Paralympic games, targeting a wide variety of publications including tech, accessibility pubs, and sports news. Relevancy Toyota's first-ever global brand campaign, marked Toyota's shift from an automobile company to a mobility company and was the first time that the company was sharing its vision for mobility with the world. PR was an integral part of launching the campaign as a global communications strategy needed to be developed to effectively define Toyota's vision as well as their mission to elevate the Paralympic Games. Menna's huge success at the Paralympics also garnered interest from international publications around the worlds who were seeking a better understanding of what it was like to compete as a visually impaired skier. Outcome Tier 1: With close to 1200 feature press placements at top tier publications around the world, @SeeLikeMenna earned notable coverage on BBC News, Mashable, The Times, The Telegraph, Huffpost, and Forbes to name a few. With @SeeLikeMenna live two weeks prior to the Paralympics, press placements sparked conversation. Interest continued to build as Menna became Britain’s most decorated winter Paralympian ever. At the height of the Paralympics, Menna had over 10,000 followers with an average view of 2,000 per post. Tier 2: Ultimately, Toyota’s mission helped make the 2018 Paralympics the most watched games in history. They also moved from below 1% association with the Paralympic to become the #2 brand associated with the Games. Tier 3: Total generated global impressions topped 15 billion and Toyota ranked within the top three of worldwide sponsors associated with the Games, ranking higher than brands that have been Olympic Sponsors for 30+ years Execution We created the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram account along with a teaser video to help build a community around Menna. During the peak of the Olympics, a series of first-person POV videos were posted each day along with stills that let people experience what it’s like to be a Paralympian with only 3% vision. The teaser video was translated into 20+ languages and was published on YouTube and Facebook, that also directly linked to the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram account. We ensured journalists could access Menna for interviews, coordinating television appearances.Our implementation of our pr plan helped spark a global discussion, and helped grow our following to tens of thousands of followers. CampaignDescription People often cannot comprehend the tremendous feat these Paralympians overcome and what it takes to even reach the podium, let alone compete. @SeeLikeMenna is the first ever Instagram experience that lets you see the world through the eyes of visually impaired skier and Paralympic gold medalist, Menna Fitzpatrick as she trains. We created a community around Menna comprised of tens of thousands of followers who interacted with the visually arresting content we created, both video and stills, that accurately reflected her 3% vision. Her own first-person caption copy also helped anchor the experience in authenticity. For the first time ever, people could experience what it’s like to be a visually impaired Paralympian competing for gold. And we did so on mobile, because in 2018, there has been a 50% rise in mobile viewership of the Olympic and Paralypmic Games.


    案例简介:概要 作为奥运会和残奥会的第一个官方移动赞助商,丰田希望展示其在全球平台上成为移动公司的承诺。但我们不再告诉人们我们不再只是一家汽车公司, 简报是通过伙伴关系来证明这一点,提高残奥会的水平,并赋予那些敢于克服不可能的事情的运动员以权力。 战略 由于这是首次针对汽车品牌的全球活动和主要品牌公告, 公共关系进行了有针对性的媒体外联方法,从战略上扩展了 Menna 在传统新闻媒体和在线出版物中的鼓舞人心的流动性故事。我们在奥运会高峰时发起,目的是让全球关注经常被忽视的残奥会,目标是各种各样的出版物,包括科技、无障碍酒吧和体育新闻。 相关性 丰田有史以来第一次全球品牌活动,标志着丰田从汽车公司向移动公司的转变,也是该公司第一次与世界分享其移动愿景。公关是发起这项运动的一个组成部分,因为需要制定全球传播战略,以有效界定丰田的愿景以及他们提升残奥会的使命。门娜在残奥会上的巨大成功也引起了世界各地的国际出版物的兴趣,他们正在寻求更好地了解作为一名视障滑雪者竞争的感觉。 结果 第一级: 在世界各地顶级出版物上,@ SeeLikeMenna 在 BBC 新闻、 Mashable 、《泰晤士报》、《每日电讯报》、《赫芬顿邮报》上获得了近 1200 次专题报道和福布斯举几个例子。随着 @ SeeLikeMenna 在残奥会前两周的直播,新闻发布引发了对话。随着门纳成为英国有史以来装饰最华丽的冬季残奥会选手,人们的兴趣不断增加。在残奥会最激烈的时候,门纳有超过 10,000 名追随者,平均每个帖子的视野为 2,000。第二梯队: 最终,丰田的使命帮助 2018 残奥会成为历史上最受关注的奥运会。他们也从 1% 以下与残奥会的联系发展成为与奥运会相关的第二品牌。第三层: 全球印象总数超过 150亿,丰田在与奥运会相关的全球赞助商中排名前三,高于 30 多年奥运会赞助商的品牌 执行 我们创建了 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 账户以及一个预告视频,以帮助在 Menna 周围建立一个社区。在奥运会的高峰期,每天都会发布一系列第一人称 POV 视频,以及让人们体验到只有 3% 视力的残奥会的剧照。这个预告视频被翻译成 20 多种语言,并在 YouTube 和 Facebook 上发布,这也直接链接到 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 账户。我们确保记者可以访问 Menna 进行采访,协调电视露面。我们公关计划的实施有助于引发全球讨论,并帮助我们的追随者增加到成千上万。 活动描述 人们往往无法理解这些残奥会运动员所克服的巨大壮举,以及登上领奖台所需要的一切,更不用说比赛了。@ SeeLikeMenna 是有史以来第一次 Instagram 体验,让你在训练时通过视力受损的滑雪者和残奥会金牌得主门娜 · 菲茨帕特里克的眼睛看世界。我们在 Menna 周围创建了一个社区,由成千上万的追随者组成,他们与我们创作的视觉上引人注目的内容互动,包括视频和剧照,这些内容准确地反映了她 3% 的愿景。她自己的第一人称字幕副本也有助于巩固这种体验的真实性。有史以来第一次,人们可以体验到视力受损的残奥会运动员争夺金牌的感觉。我们在手机上这样做了,因为在 2018年,奥运会和残奥会的手机收视率上升了 50%。


    案例简介:Synopsis As the first ever Official Mobility Sponsor of both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Toyota wanted to demonstrate its commitment to becoming a mobility company on a global platform. But instead of telling people we were no longer just a car company, the brief was to prove it through the partnership by elevating the Paralympic Games and empowering the athletes who defy the odds to overcome the impossible. Strategy As this was a first-ever global campaign and major brand announcement for the automotive brand, PR conducted a targeted media outreach approach that strategically expanded on Menna's inspirational mobility story across both traditional news outlets and online publications. We launched at the high peak of the Olympic games to give global attention to the often overlooked Paralympic games, targeting a wide variety of publications including tech, accessibility pubs, and sports news. Relevancy Toyota's first-ever global brand campaign, marked Toyota's shift from an automobile company to a mobility company and was the first time that the company was sharing its vision for mobility with the world. PR was an integral part of launching the campaign as a global communications strategy needed to be developed to effectively define Toyota's vision as well as their mission to elevate the Paralympic Games. Menna's huge success at the Paralympics also garnered interest from international publications around the worlds who were seeking a better understanding of what it was like to compete as a visually impaired skier. Outcome Tier 1: With close to 1200 feature press placements at top tier publications around the world, @SeeLikeMenna earned notable coverage on BBC News, Mashable, The Times, The Telegraph, Huffpost, and Forbes to name a few. With @SeeLikeMenna live two weeks prior to the Paralympics, press placements sparked conversation. Interest continued to build as Menna became Britain’s most decorated winter Paralympian ever. At the height of the Paralympics, Menna had over 10,000 followers with an average view of 2,000 per post. Tier 2: Ultimately, Toyota’s mission helped make the 2018 Paralympics the most watched games in history. They also moved from below 1% association with the Paralympic to become the #2 brand associated with the Games. Tier 3: Total generated global impressions topped 15 billion and Toyota ranked within the top three of worldwide sponsors associated with the Games, ranking higher than brands that have been Olympic Sponsors for 30+ years Execution We created the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram account along with a teaser video to help build a community around Menna. During the peak of the Olympics, a series of first-person POV videos were posted each day along with stills that let people experience what it’s like to be a Paralympian with only 3% vision. The teaser video was translated into 20+ languages and was published on YouTube and Facebook, that also directly linked to the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram account. We ensured journalists could access Menna for interviews, coordinating television appearances.Our implementation of our pr plan helped spark a global discussion, and helped grow our following to tens of thousands of followers. CampaignDescription People often cannot comprehend the tremendous feat these Paralympians overcome and what it takes to even reach the podium, let alone compete. @SeeLikeMenna is the first ever Instagram experience that lets you see the world through the eyes of visually impaired skier and Paralympic gold medalist, Menna Fitzpatrick as she trains. We created a community around Menna comprised of tens of thousands of followers who interacted with the visually arresting content we created, both video and stills, that accurately reflected her 3% vision. Her own first-person caption copy also helped anchor the experience in authenticity. For the first time ever, people could experience what it’s like to be a visually impaired Paralympian competing for gold. And we did so on mobile, because in 2018, there has been a 50% rise in mobile viewership of the Olympic and Paralypmic Games.

    @ SeeLikeMenna












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