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    @ SeeLikeMenna

    案例简介:概要 对丰田来说,这是一个历史性的时刻,该品牌希望从汽车公司转向移动公司,希望有一天能为所有人创造无障碍移动解决方案。作为奥运会和残奥会的第一个官方移动赞助商,丰田希望在全球平台上展示其对移动的承诺。但不是仅仅告诉人们我们是一家移动公司,而是通过合作来证明这一点, 所有这些都在提升残奥会的水平,赋予那些敢于克服不可能的困难的残奥会运动员力量。 战略 我们希望接触到奥林匹克和残奥会爱好者的下一代。这些人不仅受到游戏激情的启发,还受到个人奋斗故事的启发。我们称我们的观众为世界的乐观主义者,他们相信技术和创新将带领人类走向更光明的未来。通过与这些人联系,其他人会跟随。作为一个 100% 的视觉平台,Instagram 是讲述视力受损滑雪者故事的最佳场所。所以我们创造了视觉上吸引人的内容,但对平台造成了破坏。我们必须改变人们看待残奥会的方式,这样这些不可思议的运动员才能得到他们应得的认可。 结果 @ SeeLikeMenna 帮助改变了人们看待残奥会的方式 -- 给人们一个独特的窗口,让他们了解残奥会的竞争情况,同时强调丰田对所有人机动性的承诺。这场运动创造了一个全新的追随者社区 @ SeeLikeMenna,由成千上万的人组成。我们还围绕奥运会引发了全球对话。最终,丰田的使命帮助 2018 届残奥会成为历史上最受关注的奥运会。预告观点: 4100万喜欢和评论: 250K 媒体印象: 10亿篇国际文章: 世界顶级出版物近 1200 篇专题新闻报道 执行 我们创建了 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 账户以及一个预告视频,以帮助在 Menna 周围建立一个社区。每天都会发布一系列第一人称 POV 视频以及剧照,让人们体验到只有 3% 视力的残奥会是什么样子。该账户的预告视频被翻译成 20 多种语言,并在 YouTube 和 Facebook 上发布,这也直接链接到 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 账户。@ SeeLikeMenna 在残奥会期间在全球 26 个国家的社交媒体平台 (Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Twitter) 上发布,接触到大量的全球观众。社交平台上的推广视频将用户引导到 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 页面,鼓励探索和参与 Menna 的体验。 活动描述 丰田新使命的核心是相信,当我们自由行动时,任何事情都是可能的。因此,为了提升残奥会,我们必须首先解决残奥会运动员的耻辱。事实是,这些运动员克服了难以置信的困难只是为了竞争。他们面临着大多数身体健全的人甚至无法想象的挑战。@ SeeLikeMenna 是有史以来第一次 Instagram 体验,让你通过视力受损的滑雪者和残奥会金牌得主门娜 · 菲茨帕特里克的眼睛看世界。对于一个 100% 的视觉平台,我们创建了准确反映 Menna 3% 愿景的内容,以便让人们更深入地了解她的成就。我们在手机上这样做了,因为在 2018年,奥运会和残奥会的手机收视率上升了 50%。

    @ SeeLikeMenna

    案例简介:Synopsis Marking a historic moment for Toyota, the brand wanted to shift from a car company to a mobility company, in hopes of one day creating barrier-free mobility solutions for all. As the first ever Official Mobility Sponsor of both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Toyota wanted to demonstrate its commitment to mobility on a global platform. But instead of just telling people that we’re a mobility company, the brief was to prove it through the partnership, all while elevating the Paralympic Games and empowering Paralympic athletes who defy the odds to overcome the impossible. Strategy We want to reach the next generation of Olympic and Paralympic movement enthusiasts. People who are not only inspired by the passion of the Games but the stories of individual struggle. We call our audience the Optimists of the world - People who believe technology and innovation will lead humankind towards a brighter future. By connecting with these people, others will follow along. As a 100% visual platform, Instagram was the perfect place to tell a story about a visually impaired skier. So we created content that was visually arresting, yet disruptive to the platform. We had to change the way that people see Paralympians so that these incredible athletes could get the recognition that they deserve. Outcome @SeeLikeMenna helped change the way that people see Paralympians— giving people a unique window into what it takes to compete at the Paralympics, while underscoring Toyota’s commitment to mobility for all. The campaign created an entirely new community of followers @SeeLikeMenna comprised of tens of thousands of individuals. We also sparked a global conversation around the games. And ultimately, Toyota’s mission helped make the 2018 Paralympics the most watched games in history. Teaser views: 41 Million Likes and Comments: 250K Media Impressions: 1 billion International Articles: nearly 1200 feature press placements at top tier publications around the world Execution We created the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram account along with a teaser video to help build a community around Menna. A series of first-person POV videos were posted each day along with stills that let people experience what it’s like to be a Paralympian with only 3% vision. The teaser video for the account was translated into 20+ languages and was published on YouTube and Facebook, that also directly linked to the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram account. @SeeLikeMenna was distributed across global social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) across 26 countries during the Paralympic Games, reaching a large scale global audience. Promoted videos on the social platforms directed users to the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram page, encouraging exploration and engagement with Menna's experience. CampaignDescription At the core of Toyota's new mission is the belief that when we are free to move, anything is possible. So in order to elevate the Paralympics, we had to first address the stigma around Paralympic athletes. The truth is, these athletes overcome incredible odds just to compete. They face challenges most able-bodied people can’t even begin to imagine. @SeeLikeMenna is the first ever Instagram experience that lets you see the world through the eyes of visually impaired skier and Paralympic gold medalist, Menna Fitzpatrick. For a 100% visual platform, we created content that accurately reflected Menna’s 3% vision in order to give people a deeper understanding of the magnitude of her achievements. And we did so on mobile, because in 2018, there has been a 50% rise in mobile viewership of the Olympic and Paralypmic Games.


    案例简介:概要 对丰田来说,这是一个历史性的时刻,该品牌希望从汽车公司转向移动公司,希望有一天能为所有人创造无障碍移动解决方案。作为奥运会和残奥会的第一个官方移动赞助商,丰田希望在全球平台上展示其对移动的承诺。但不是仅仅告诉人们我们是一家移动公司,而是通过合作来证明这一点, 所有这些都在提升残奥会的水平,赋予那些敢于克服不可能的困难的残奥会运动员力量。 战略 我们希望接触到奥林匹克和残奥会爱好者的下一代。这些人不仅受到游戏激情的启发,还受到个人奋斗故事的启发。我们称我们的观众为世界的乐观主义者,他们相信技术和创新将带领人类走向更光明的未来。通过与这些人联系,其他人会跟随。作为一个 100% 的视觉平台,Instagram 是讲述视力受损滑雪者故事的最佳场所。所以我们创造了视觉上吸引人的内容,但对平台造成了破坏。我们必须改变人们看待残奥会的方式,这样这些不可思议的运动员才能得到他们应得的认可。 结果 @ SeeLikeMenna 帮助改变了人们看待残奥会的方式 -- 给人们一个独特的窗口,让他们了解残奥会的竞争情况,同时强调丰田对所有人机动性的承诺。这场运动创造了一个全新的追随者社区 @ SeeLikeMenna,由成千上万的人组成。我们还围绕奥运会引发了全球对话。最终,丰田的使命帮助 2018 届残奥会成为历史上最受关注的奥运会。预告观点: 4100万喜欢和评论: 250K 媒体印象: 10亿篇国际文章: 世界顶级出版物近 1200 篇专题新闻报道 执行 我们创建了 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 账户以及一个预告视频,以帮助在 Menna 周围建立一个社区。每天都会发布一系列第一人称 POV 视频以及剧照,让人们体验到只有 3% 视力的残奥会是什么样子。该账户的预告视频被翻译成 20 多种语言,并在 YouTube 和 Facebook 上发布,这也直接链接到 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 账户。@ SeeLikeMenna 在残奥会期间在全球 26 个国家的社交媒体平台 (Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Twitter) 上发布,接触到大量的全球观众。社交平台上的推广视频将用户引导到 @ SeeLikeMenna Instagram 页面,鼓励探索和参与 Menna 的体验。 活动描述 丰田新使命的核心是相信,当我们自由行动时,任何事情都是可能的。因此,为了提升残奥会,我们必须首先解决残奥会运动员的耻辱。事实是,这些运动员克服了难以置信的困难只是为了竞争。他们面临着大多数身体健全的人甚至无法想象的挑战。@ SeeLikeMenna 是有史以来第一次 Instagram 体验,让你通过视力受损的滑雪者和残奥会金牌得主门娜 · 菲茨帕特里克的眼睛看世界。对于一个 100% 的视觉平台,我们创建了准确反映 Menna 3% 愿景的内容,以便让人们更深入地了解她的成就。我们在手机上这样做了,因为在 2018年,奥运会和残奥会的手机收视率上升了 50%。


    案例简介:Synopsis Marking a historic moment for Toyota, the brand wanted to shift from a car company to a mobility company, in hopes of one day creating barrier-free mobility solutions for all. As the first ever Official Mobility Sponsor of both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Toyota wanted to demonstrate its commitment to mobility on a global platform. But instead of just telling people that we’re a mobility company, the brief was to prove it through the partnership, all while elevating the Paralympic Games and empowering Paralympic athletes who defy the odds to overcome the impossible. Strategy We want to reach the next generation of Olympic and Paralympic movement enthusiasts. People who are not only inspired by the passion of the Games but the stories of individual struggle. We call our audience the Optimists of the world - People who believe technology and innovation will lead humankind towards a brighter future. By connecting with these people, others will follow along. As a 100% visual platform, Instagram was the perfect place to tell a story about a visually impaired skier. So we created content that was visually arresting, yet disruptive to the platform. We had to change the way that people see Paralympians so that these incredible athletes could get the recognition that they deserve. Outcome @SeeLikeMenna helped change the way that people see Paralympians— giving people a unique window into what it takes to compete at the Paralympics, while underscoring Toyota’s commitment to mobility for all. The campaign created an entirely new community of followers @SeeLikeMenna comprised of tens of thousands of individuals. We also sparked a global conversation around the games. And ultimately, Toyota’s mission helped make the 2018 Paralympics the most watched games in history. Teaser views: 41 Million Likes and Comments: 250K Media Impressions: 1 billion International Articles: nearly 1200 feature press placements at top tier publications around the world Execution We created the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram account along with a teaser video to help build a community around Menna. A series of first-person POV videos were posted each day along with stills that let people experience what it’s like to be a Paralympian with only 3% vision. The teaser video for the account was translated into 20+ languages and was published on YouTube and Facebook, that also directly linked to the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram account. @SeeLikeMenna was distributed across global social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) across 26 countries during the Paralympic Games, reaching a large scale global audience. Promoted videos on the social platforms directed users to the @SeeLikeMenna Instagram page, encouraging exploration and engagement with Menna's experience. CampaignDescription At the core of Toyota's new mission is the belief that when we are free to move, anything is possible. So in order to elevate the Paralympics, we had to first address the stigma around Paralympic athletes. The truth is, these athletes overcome incredible odds just to compete. They face challenges most able-bodied people can’t even begin to imagine. @SeeLikeMenna is the first ever Instagram experience that lets you see the world through the eyes of visually impaired skier and Paralympic gold medalist, Menna Fitzpatrick. For a 100% visual platform, we created content that accurately reflected Menna’s 3% vision in order to give people a deeper understanding of the magnitude of her achievements. And we did so on mobile, because in 2018, there has been a 50% rise in mobile viewership of the Olympic and Paralypmic Games.

    @ SeeLikeMenna







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