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    NBC + 残奥会

    案例简介:概要 丰田认为行动自由是一项人权。当我们可以自由移动时,任何事情都是可能的。丰田的目标?拆除障碍,让世界各地的每个人都能发挥自己的潜力。由此开始了令人印象深刻的转变,将品牌从汽车公司转移到为各行各业的所有人提供移动解决方案的移动公司。为此,我们的简报是展示丰田的信念, 行动和产品与移动创新相关,并展示我们如何努力消除障碍,以便各行各业的人们有更多自由移动的方式。通过与奥运会和残奥会合作,平等地展示它们,我们的目标是将残奥会提升到应有的水平。 战略 奥运会和残奥会的爱好者分享了我们的心态。他们受到游戏和个人奋斗故事的启发。我们称这些人为世界乐观主义者。这个目标相信,正如我们所做的那样,技术和创新将引领人类走向更光明的未来。通过与他们接触,我们相信其他人会跟随。我们的运动旨在将对残奥会的看法提升到与奥运会相同的水平。一个早就应该完成的壮举。但是,由于 2014年美国只有 53 个小时的残奥会报道,奥运会期间的包容性广告宣传只能走这么远。这种方法不仅是用我们的信息传达给我们的观众,而且给他们更多他们想要的内容。我们的目标是让看起来不可能的事情成为可能 -- 给残奥会带来巨大的风险 -- 远远超出我们自己的通信范围。 结果 2018 届冬季残奥会在全国广播公司获得了 250 小时的报道。这包括 156 小时的流媒体和 94 小时的传统广播。总体而言,这比索契 200% 增长了 2014。历史上第一次,我们给了群众前所未有的机会观看和参加残奥会。多亏了丰田的干预,残奥会上获得月毫米 P2 + 印象的美国全国广播公司,和 4.5 毫米分钟直播被认为对 NBCOlympics.com 和 NBC 的应用程序。此外,丰田从 1% 以下与美国残奥会的顶级协会转变为基准 (排名 14) 成为 2018年残奥会的第二大品牌 (大约 7% 个顶级协会)。最后,根据我们的研究,对奥运会的兴趣从美国的基准显著增加了 12 percent 个百分点 执行 在 2018 届冬季残奥会之前,我们在美国全国广播公司播放了有史以来第一个以残奥会运动员为主角的超级碗广告,让人们兴奋不已。然后,就活动本身而言,我们在电视和数字平台上增加的媒体投资远远超过了 NBC 最初的计划。这就要求美国全国广播公司增加残奥会的播出时间,以适应我们的媒体购买。它工作。事实上,游戏的曝光率增加了一倍多。 活动描述 每两年,奥运会和残奥会都会回到世界上最大的奥运会广播公司 NBC。可悲的是,残奥会获得的媒体报道要少得多。丰田希望激励全国广播公司加入我们的使命来改变这一点。丰田采取了前所未有的举措,平等地赞助了这两项活动。如何?通过购买不存在的媒体。这就要求美国全国广播公司增加残奥会的播出时间。它工作。奥运会的曝光率增加了一倍多。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 残奥会运动员拥有令人难以置信的世界级能力和运动能力。尽管如此,他们在很大程度上被社会忽视。人们通常不会想到为了竞争而必须克服的不可思议的困难 -- 这是大多数身体健全的人甚至无法想象的成就。因此,残奥会的覆盖面几乎不存在。但是如果没有报道,人们就不会收听。现在是改变的时候了。

    NBC + 残奥会

    案例简介:Synopsis Toyota believes that freedom of movement is a human right. That when we are free to move, anything is possible. Toyota's goal? To tear down barriers, so that everyone everywhere can reach their potential. Thus began an impressive metamorphosis, shifting the brand from that of a car company to a mobility company providing mobility solutions for all people of all walks of life. To do this, our brief was to showcase Toyota’s beliefs, actions and products related to mobility innovations and to demonstrate how we are working to remove barriers so that people from all walks of life have more ways to move freely. By partnering with both the Olympic and Paralympic Games and featuring them equally, our aim was to elevate the Paralympic Movement to the level it deserves. Strategy Enthusiasts of the Olympic and Paralympic Movements share our mindset. They’re inspired by the Games and individual stories of struggle. We call these people optimists of the world. This target believes, as we do, that technology and innovation will lead humankind toward a brighter future. And by engaging with them, we believe others will follow along. Our campaign aimed to elevate perceptions of the Paralympic Games to the same level as the Olympic Games. A feat long overdue and deserved. But with only 53 hours of Paralympic coverage in 2014 in the U.S., an inclusive ad campaign during the Olympics could only go so far. The approach was to not only reach our audience with our message, but give them more of the content they were seeking. We aimed to make what seemed impossible possible — bringing massive exposure to the Paralympics — by going far beyond our own communications. Outcome The 2018 Paralympic Winter Games received a total of 250 hours of coverage on NBC. This included 156 hours of streaming and 94 hours of traditional broadcasting. Overall, this was a 200 percent increase compared to Sochi 2014. For the first time in history, we gave the masses an opportunity to watch and engage in the Paralympics like never before. Thanks to Toyota's intervention, the Paralympic Games garnered 22MM P2+ impressions on NBC, and 4.5MM minutes of live streaming were viewed on NBCOlympics.com and the NBC app. Further, Toyota moved from below one percent top-of-mind association with the Paralympic Games in the U.S. at benchmark (ranked #14) to be the number-two brand associated with the Paralympic Games in 2018 (approximately seven percent top-of-mind association). Finally, according to our research, interest in the Games increased significantly (up 12 percentage points) from benchmark in the U.S. Execution Ahead of the 2018 Paralympic Winter Games, we ran the first-ever Super Bowl ad on NBC featuring a Paralympic athlete to get people excited. Then for the event itself, we increased our media investment across TV and digital platforms by far more than NBC had originally planned. This challenged NBC to increase airtime for the Paralympics to fit our media buy. It worked. In fact, exposure for the Games more than doubled. CampaignDescription Every two years the Olympic and Paralympic Games return to NBC, the world’s-largest broadcaster of the Games. Sadly, the Paralympics receive significantly less media coverage. Toyota wanted to inspire NBC to join our mission to change that. In an unprecedented move, Toyota sponsored both events equally. How? By buying media that didn't exist. This challenged NBC to increase airtime for the Paralympics. It worked. Exposure for the Games more than doubled. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes The Paralympic Games athletes have incredible, world-class abilities and athleticism. Despite this, they are largely ignored by society. People don't often think about the incredible odds that must be overcome in order to compete — it's an accomplishment most able-bodied people can’t even begin to imagine. As a result, Paralympic coverage is almost nonexistent. But without coverage, people don’t tune in. It was due time for change.

    NBC + Paralympics

    案例简介:概要 丰田认为行动自由是一项人权。当我们可以自由移动时,任何事情都是可能的。丰田的目标?拆除障碍,让世界各地的每个人都能发挥自己的潜力。由此开始了令人印象深刻的转变,将品牌从汽车公司转移到为各行各业的所有人提供移动解决方案的移动公司。为此,我们的简报是展示丰田的信念, 行动和产品与移动创新相关,并展示我们如何努力消除障碍,以便各行各业的人们有更多自由移动的方式。通过与奥运会和残奥会合作,平等地展示它们,我们的目标是将残奥会提升到应有的水平。 战略 奥运会和残奥会的爱好者分享了我们的心态。他们受到游戏和个人奋斗故事的启发。我们称这些人为世界乐观主义者。这个目标相信,正如我们所做的那样,技术和创新将引领人类走向更光明的未来。通过与他们接触,我们相信其他人会跟随。我们的运动旨在将对残奥会的看法提升到与奥运会相同的水平。一个早就应该完成的壮举。但是,由于 2014年美国只有 53 个小时的残奥会报道,奥运会期间的包容性广告宣传只能走这么远。这种方法不仅是用我们的信息传达给我们的观众,而且给他们更多他们想要的内容。我们的目标是让看起来不可能的事情成为可能 -- 给残奥会带来巨大的风险 -- 远远超出我们自己的通信范围。 结果 2018 届冬季残奥会在全国广播公司获得了 250 小时的报道。这包括 156 小时的流媒体和 94 小时的传统广播。总体而言,这比索契 200% 增长了 2014。历史上第一次,我们给了群众前所未有的机会观看和参加残奥会。多亏了丰田的干预,残奥会上获得月毫米 P2 + 印象的美国全国广播公司,和 4.5 毫米分钟直播被认为对 NBCOlympics.com 和 NBC 的应用程序。此外,丰田从 1% 以下与美国残奥会的顶级协会转变为基准 (排名 14) 成为 2018年残奥会的第二大品牌 (大约 7% 个顶级协会)。最后,根据我们的研究,对奥运会的兴趣从美国的基准显著增加了 12 percent 个百分点 执行 在 2018 届冬季残奥会之前,我们在美国全国广播公司播放了有史以来第一个以残奥会运动员为主角的超级碗广告,让人们兴奋不已。然后,就活动本身而言,我们在电视和数字平台上增加的媒体投资远远超过了 NBC 最初的计划。这就要求美国全国广播公司增加残奥会的播出时间,以适应我们的媒体购买。它工作。事实上,游戏的曝光率增加了一倍多。 活动描述 每两年,奥运会和残奥会都会回到世界上最大的奥运会广播公司 NBC。可悲的是,残奥会获得的媒体报道要少得多。丰田希望激励全国广播公司加入我们的使命来改变这一点。丰田采取了前所未有的举措,平等地赞助了这两项活动。如何?通过购买不存在的媒体。这就要求美国全国广播公司增加残奥会的播出时间。它工作。奥运会的曝光率增加了一倍多。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 残奥会运动员拥有令人难以置信的世界级能力和运动能力。尽管如此,他们在很大程度上被社会忽视。人们通常不会想到为了竞争而必须克服的不可思议的困难 -- 这是大多数身体健全的人甚至无法想象的成就。因此,残奥会的覆盖面几乎不存在。但是如果没有报道,人们就不会收听。现在是改变的时候了。

    NBC + Paralympics

    案例简介:Synopsis Toyota believes that freedom of movement is a human right. That when we are free to move, anything is possible. Toyota's goal? To tear down barriers, so that everyone everywhere can reach their potential. Thus began an impressive metamorphosis, shifting the brand from that of a car company to a mobility company providing mobility solutions for all people of all walks of life. To do this, our brief was to showcase Toyota’s beliefs, actions and products related to mobility innovations and to demonstrate how we are working to remove barriers so that people from all walks of life have more ways to move freely. By partnering with both the Olympic and Paralympic Games and featuring them equally, our aim was to elevate the Paralympic Movement to the level it deserves. Strategy Enthusiasts of the Olympic and Paralympic Movements share our mindset. They’re inspired by the Games and individual stories of struggle. We call these people optimists of the world. This target believes, as we do, that technology and innovation will lead humankind toward a brighter future. And by engaging with them, we believe others will follow along. Our campaign aimed to elevate perceptions of the Paralympic Games to the same level as the Olympic Games. A feat long overdue and deserved. But with only 53 hours of Paralympic coverage in 2014 in the U.S., an inclusive ad campaign during the Olympics could only go so far. The approach was to not only reach our audience with our message, but give them more of the content they were seeking. We aimed to make what seemed impossible possible — bringing massive exposure to the Paralympics — by going far beyond our own communications. Outcome The 2018 Paralympic Winter Games received a total of 250 hours of coverage on NBC. This included 156 hours of streaming and 94 hours of traditional broadcasting. Overall, this was a 200 percent increase compared to Sochi 2014. For the first time in history, we gave the masses an opportunity to watch and engage in the Paralympics like never before. Thanks to Toyota's intervention, the Paralympic Games garnered 22MM P2+ impressions on NBC, and 4.5MM minutes of live streaming were viewed on NBCOlympics.com and the NBC app. Further, Toyota moved from below one percent top-of-mind association with the Paralympic Games in the U.S. at benchmark (ranked #14) to be the number-two brand associated with the Paralympic Games in 2018 (approximately seven percent top-of-mind association). Finally, according to our research, interest in the Games increased significantly (up 12 percentage points) from benchmark in the U.S. Execution Ahead of the 2018 Paralympic Winter Games, we ran the first-ever Super Bowl ad on NBC featuring a Paralympic athlete to get people excited. Then for the event itself, we increased our media investment across TV and digital platforms by far more than NBC had originally planned. This challenged NBC to increase airtime for the Paralympics to fit our media buy. It worked. In fact, exposure for the Games more than doubled. CampaignDescription Every two years the Olympic and Paralympic Games return to NBC, the world’s-largest broadcaster of the Games. Sadly, the Paralympics receive significantly less media coverage. Toyota wanted to inspire NBC to join our mission to change that. In an unprecedented move, Toyota sponsored both events equally. How? By buying media that didn't exist. This challenged NBC to increase airtime for the Paralympics. It worked. Exposure for the Games more than doubled. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes The Paralympic Games athletes have incredible, world-class abilities and athleticism. Despite this, they are largely ignored by society. People don't often think about the incredible odds that must be overcome in order to compete — it's an accomplishment most able-bodied people can’t even begin to imagine. As a result, Paralympic coverage is almost nonexistent. But without coverage, people don’t tune in. It was due time for change.

    NBC + 残奥会


    NBC + Paralympics










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