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    # Seatbeltb00bing

    案例简介:活动描述 罗马尼亚是由道路事故造成的死亡人数最多的欧洲国家,然而,在 2014年,尽管警方尽了一切努力, 十分之六的罗马尼亚司机不系安全带。罗马尼亚汽车俱乐部 (ACR) 想改变这一点,并请求我们的帮助。没有任何媒体预算,我们需要利用社交媒体和传统公关来提高意识和参与度,并影响行为改变。但是,在一个每个人都忽略安全带的国家,如何让安全带难以忽视呢?简单: 我们停止与每个人交谈,专注于目标中更谨慎的那一半 (女性),并为他们提供了一个系安全带的新理由。 # seatbeltb00bing-我们的标签鼓励女性司机在系好安全带的同时自拍并上传到社交媒体。越来越多的当地名人和几个电视台加入了这一倡议,并敦促其他人也这样做。一夜之间,安全带从一个被忽视的项目变成了罗马尼亚最时髦、最受关注的配饰。我们的活动成为欧洲新闻、哥伦比亚广播公司、雅虎和 GQ 等媒体的头条新闻。从美国到泰国,从墨西哥到日本,这是罗马尼亚 PSA 第一次如此广泛地传播。花了 0 美元的媒体,我们已经达到了 700万罗马尼亚人,创造了价值 492 美元的免费媒体和 197.405.629 媒体印象,使 # seatbeltb00bing 成为罗马尼亚第一个与主题相关的标签。 客户简报或目标 该活动的目标是让人们关注我们的道路安全信息并与之互动: (1) 产生免费的公关活动,并围绕我们的道路安全信息进行讨论,以该活动获得的免费媒体为衡量标准。 (2) 提高公众对佩戴安全带的认识 -- 以我们的信息达到的人数来衡量。(3) 将 “系好安全带” 变成人们想参与的社交媒体对话话题,以社交媒体中产生的对话数量来衡量。 有效性 在零媒体预算的情况下,这场运动立即风靡一时,成为第一个跨境传播的 PSA, # seatbeltb00bing 成为罗马尼亚第一个与事业相关的标签,安全带成为全国最时髦、最受关注的配饰。 (1) 公共关系和价值 492.000 美元的免费媒体 (2) 公众意识:我们有 7,000,000 罗马尼亚人 (约占罗马尼亚互联网总人口的 68%) 受益于主要电视台、博客作者以及在线和离线媒体的宝贵支持, 这成为了一个伟大事业的公益贡献者。这场运动产生了 197,405,629 的媒体印象,成为 4 大洲 15 个国家的头条新闻 (包括欧洲新闻、哥伦比亚广播公司,雅虎或 GQ,除其他外) (3) 参与: 仅在罗马尼亚就 900,000 次对话,关于系好安全带,从关于这个话题的几乎 0 次对话 执行 介绍 # seatbeltb00bing -- 鼓励女性司机在系好安全带的同时自拍并上传到社交媒体的标签。由于我们没有任何媒体预算,我们计划分两个阶段进行放大: 1.使用 # seatbeltb00bing 来激发对话。我们要求一些女性司机使用标签,但没有透露信息。这一行动立即被抓住,更多的女性司机加入了进来,包括一些名人。2.要求承诺: 为了一个好的事业自拍。在标签获得一些势头后,我们制作了一个视频,展示了 3 名已经加入这项事业的当地名人,并发布了系好安全带的自拍,并解释了 seatbeltb00bing 的全部内容, 用我们的标签向外面的女性发出邀请,让她们穿着安全带自拍。更多的名人和几个电视台加入了这一倡议,并敦促其他人也这样做。 结果 在零媒体预算的情况下,这场运动立即风靡一时,成为第一个跨境传播的 PSA, # seatbeltb00bing 成为罗马尼亚第一个与事业相关的标签,安全带成为全国最时髦、最受关注的配饰。 相关性 罗马尼亚是欧洲因交通事故死亡人数最多的国家。安全带,或者更好地说不戴它,是三大 “主要道路杀手” 之一。然而,在罗马尼亚,十分之六的司机不系安全带。罗马尼亚汽车俱乐部 (ACR) 已经存在了 110 年,从那以后一直积极参与改善罗马尼亚的道路安全。他们要求我们帮助他们做一些事情来吸引观众的注意力,克服通常对 PSA 的回避和忽视,同时没有媒体预算。 战略 我们的目标是年轻的罗马尼亚司机 (53% 的司机在罗马尼亚参与道路事故)。他们认为安全带传达了关于他们的错误信息,描绘了缺乏自信,这是给 “失败者” 的。我们必须改变这一点。我们决定给安全带一个新的尺寸,并给司机一个不同的理由,让他们戴上安全带。在《自拍年》中,人们似乎对 lo 更感兴趣比其他任何东西都好。所以,我们不再和每个人交谈,只关注一半的目标 -- 更容易接受的目标,有可能对外表和时尚产生巨大的共鸣: 女性。避免典型的可怕和傲慢的权威声音,我们创造了一个 # seatbeltb00bing -- 与他们的自拍搭配的标签, 赋予女性权力,以放大我们的安全信息,并帮助将安全带变成一种潮流和很酷的衣服。

    # Seatbeltb00bing

    案例简介:Campaign Description Romania is the European country with the highest number of death caused by road accidents, yet, in 2014, despite all efforts made by the police, 6 out of 10 Romanian drivers don’t wear their seatbelts. The Romanian Automobile Club(ACR) wanted to change this and asked for our help. Without any media budget, we needed to leverage both social media and traditional PR to drive awareness and engagement, and affect behavior change. But how to make seatbelts hard to ignore in a country where everybody ignores seatbelts? Simple: we stopped talking to everybody, and focused on the more cautious half of the target (the women) and offered them a new reason to wear seatbelts. #seatbeltb00bing - our hashtag encouraged women drivers to take selfies while wearing seatbelts and upload them to social media. More and more local celebrities and several TV stations joined the initiative and urged others to do the same. Overnight, from an ignored item, seatbelts became the trendiest and the most talked about accessory to wear in Romania and not only. Our campaign made headlines on Euronews, CBS, Yahoo and GQ, amongst others. From the US to Thailand and from Mexico to Japan, it was for the first time a Romanian PSA spread this far and wide. With $0 media spent, we’ve reached 7 million Romanians, generated $492K worth of free media and 197.405.629 media impressions, making #seatbeltb00bing the number 1 cause related hashtag in Romania. Client Brief Or Objective The campaign objective was to make people pay attention and interact with our road safety message:(1)Generate free PR and buzz around our road safety message, measured in the free media earned by the campaign.(2)Increase public awareness of wearing seatbelts - measured in number of people reached by our message. (3)Turn “Seatbelt Wearing” - into a social media conversation topic, people wanted to engage with - measured in the number of conversations generated in social media. Effectiveness With zero media budget, the campaign became instantly viral and the first PSA to spread across borders, #seatbeltb00bing became the number 1 cause-related hashtag in Romania and seatbelts became the trendiest and most talked about accessory to wear, nationwide.(1) PR and BUZZ worth of $492.000 free media (2) PUBLIC AWARENESS: We reached 7,000,000 Romanians (around 68% of total Romanian internet population) benefiting from the valuable support of main TV stations, bloggers and online and offline press, that became pro-bono contributors to a great causeThe campaign generated 197,405,629 media impressions – making headlines in 15 countries in 4 continents (including on Euronews, CBS, Yahoo or GQ, amongst others)(3) ENGAGEMENT: 900,000 conversations in Romania alone, on wearing seatbelts, from virtually 0 conversation on the topic Execution Introducing #seatbeltb00bing – the hashtag that encouraged women drivers to take selfies while wearing the seatbelt and upload them to social media. Since we didn’t have any media budget, we planned the amplification in two phases:1.Use #seatbeltb00bing to stir up conversations. We asked a few women drivers to use the hashtag, without revealing the message. The action caught on immediately and more women drivers joined, including some celebrities.2.Ask for commitment: selfies for a good cause. After the hashtag gained some momentum, we created a video featuring 3 local celebrities that had already joined the cause and posted selfies wearing seatbelts, and explained what seatbeltb00bing was all about, sending an invitation to women out there to contribute with their selfies wearing the seatbelt using our hashtag. More celebrities and several TV stations joined the initiative and urged others to do the same. Outcome With zero media budget, the campaign became instantly viral and the first PSA to spread across borders, #seatbeltb00bing became the number 1 cause-related hashtag in Romania and seatbelts became the trendiest and most talked about accessory to wear, nationwide. Relevancy Romania has the highest number of deaths caused by road accidents in Europe. The seatbelt, or better say not wearing it, is one the top three “main road killers”. Yet, in Romania, 6 out of 10 drivers don’t wear their seatbelts. The Romanian Automobile Club (ACR) has been around for 110 years and has been actively involved in improving road safety in Romania ever since. They asked for our help to do something to grab our audience's attention and overcome the usual avoidance and ignoring of PSA, while having 0 media budget for it. Strategy We targeted young Romanian drivers (53% of the drivers involved in road accidents in Romania). They believed the seatbelt sent the wrong message about them, portraying lack of self-confidence and that it is for “losers”. We had to change this. We decided to give seatbelts a new dimension and give drivers a different reason for wearing it beyond safety. In “the year of selfie”, people seemed more interested in looks than anything else. So, we stopped talking to everybody and focused only on half of the target - the more receptive one, with potential to resonate greatly to looks and fashion: the women. Avoiding the typical scary and patronizing voice of authority we created a #seatbeltb00bing - the hashtag to go with their selfies, empowering women to amplify our safety message and help turn seatbelts into a TREND and a cool thing to wear.


    案例简介:活动描述 罗马尼亚是由道路事故造成的死亡人数最多的欧洲国家,然而,在 2014年,尽管警方尽了一切努力, 十分之六的罗马尼亚司机不系安全带。罗马尼亚汽车俱乐部 (ACR) 想改变这一点,并请求我们的帮助。没有任何媒体预算,我们需要利用社交媒体和传统公关来提高意识和参与度,并影响行为改变。但是,在一个每个人都忽略安全带的国家,如何让安全带难以忽视呢?简单: 我们停止与每个人交谈,专注于目标中更谨慎的那一半 (女性),并为他们提供了一个系安全带的新理由。 # seatbeltb00bing-我们的标签鼓励女性司机在系好安全带的同时自拍并上传到社交媒体。越来越多的当地名人和几个电视台加入了这一倡议,并敦促其他人也这样做。一夜之间,安全带从一个被忽视的项目变成了罗马尼亚最时髦、最受关注的配饰。我们的活动成为欧洲新闻、哥伦比亚广播公司、雅虎和 GQ 等媒体的头条新闻。从美国到泰国,从墨西哥到日本,这是罗马尼亚 PSA 第一次如此广泛地传播。花了 0 美元的媒体,我们已经达到了 700万罗马尼亚人,创造了价值 492 美元的免费媒体和 197.405.629 媒体印象,使 # seatbeltb00bing 成为罗马尼亚第一个与主题相关的标签。 客户简报或目标 该活动的目标是让人们关注我们的道路安全信息并与之互动: (1) 产生免费的公关活动,并围绕我们的道路安全信息进行讨论,以该活动获得的免费媒体为衡量标准。 (2) 提高公众对佩戴安全带的认识 -- 以我们的信息达到的人数来衡量。(3) 将 “系好安全带” 变成人们想参与的社交媒体对话话题,以社交媒体中产生的对话数量来衡量。 有效性 在零媒体预算的情况下,这场运动立即风靡一时,成为第一个跨境传播的 PSA, # seatbeltb00bing 成为罗马尼亚第一个与事业相关的标签,安全带成为全国最时髦、最受关注的配饰。 (1) 公共关系和价值 492.000 美元的免费媒体 (2) 公众意识:我们有 7,000,000 罗马尼亚人 (约占罗马尼亚互联网总人口的 68%) 受益于主要电视台、博客作者以及在线和离线媒体的宝贵支持, 这成为了一个伟大事业的公益贡献者。这场运动产生了 197,405,629 的媒体印象,成为 4 大洲 15 个国家的头条新闻 (包括欧洲新闻、哥伦比亚广播公司,雅虎或 GQ,除其他外) (3) 参与: 仅在罗马尼亚就 900,000 次对话,关于系好安全带,从关于这个话题的几乎 0 次对话 执行 介绍 # seatbeltb00bing -- 鼓励女性司机在系好安全带的同时自拍并上传到社交媒体的标签。由于我们没有任何媒体预算,我们计划分两个阶段进行放大: 1.使用 # seatbeltb00bing 来激发对话。我们要求一些女性司机使用标签,但没有透露信息。这一行动立即被抓住,更多的女性司机加入了进来,包括一些名人。2.要求承诺: 为了一个好的事业自拍。在标签获得一些势头后,我们制作了一个视频,展示了 3 名已经加入这项事业的当地名人,并发布了系好安全带的自拍,并解释了 seatbeltb00bing 的全部内容, 用我们的标签向外面的女性发出邀请,让她们穿着安全带自拍。更多的名人和几个电视台加入了这一倡议,并敦促其他人也这样做。 结果 在零媒体预算的情况下,这场运动立即风靡一时,成为第一个跨境传播的 PSA, # seatbeltb00bing 成为罗马尼亚第一个与事业相关的标签,安全带成为全国最时髦、最受关注的配饰。 相关性 罗马尼亚是欧洲因交通事故死亡人数最多的国家。安全带,或者更好地说不戴它,是三大 “主要道路杀手” 之一。然而,在罗马尼亚,十分之六的司机不系安全带。罗马尼亚汽车俱乐部 (ACR) 已经存在了 110 年,从那以后一直积极参与改善罗马尼亚的道路安全。他们要求我们帮助他们做一些事情来吸引观众的注意力,克服通常对 PSA 的回避和忽视,同时没有媒体预算。 战略 我们的目标是年轻的罗马尼亚司机 (53% 的司机在罗马尼亚参与道路事故)。他们认为安全带传达了关于他们的错误信息,描绘了缺乏自信,这是给 “失败者” 的。我们必须改变这一点。我们决定给安全带一个新的尺寸,并给司机一个不同的理由,让他们戴上安全带。在《自拍年》中,人们似乎对 lo 更感兴趣比其他任何东西都好。所以,我们不再和每个人交谈,只关注一半的目标 -- 更容易接受的目标,有可能对外表和时尚产生巨大的共鸣: 女性。避免典型的可怕和傲慢的权威声音,我们创造了一个 # seatbeltb00bing -- 与他们的自拍搭配的标签, 赋予女性权力,以放大我们的安全信息,并帮助将安全带变成一种潮流和很酷的衣服。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Romania is the European country with the highest number of death caused by road accidents, yet, in 2014, despite all efforts made by the police, 6 out of 10 Romanian drivers don’t wear their seatbelts. The Romanian Automobile Club(ACR) wanted to change this and asked for our help. Without any media budget, we needed to leverage both social media and traditional PR to drive awareness and engagement, and affect behavior change. But how to make seatbelts hard to ignore in a country where everybody ignores seatbelts? Simple: we stopped talking to everybody, and focused on the more cautious half of the target (the women) and offered them a new reason to wear seatbelts. #seatbeltb00bing - our hashtag encouraged women drivers to take selfies while wearing seatbelts and upload them to social media. More and more local celebrities and several TV stations joined the initiative and urged others to do the same. Overnight, from an ignored item, seatbelts became the trendiest and the most talked about accessory to wear in Romania and not only. Our campaign made headlines on Euronews, CBS, Yahoo and GQ, amongst others. From the US to Thailand and from Mexico to Japan, it was for the first time a Romanian PSA spread this far and wide. With $0 media spent, we’ve reached 7 million Romanians, generated $492K worth of free media and 197.405.629 media impressions, making #seatbeltb00bing the number 1 cause related hashtag in Romania. Client Brief Or Objective The campaign objective was to make people pay attention and interact with our road safety message:(1)Generate free PR and buzz around our road safety message, measured in the free media earned by the campaign.(2)Increase public awareness of wearing seatbelts - measured in number of people reached by our message. (3)Turn “Seatbelt Wearing” - into a social media conversation topic, people wanted to engage with - measured in the number of conversations generated in social media. Effectiveness With zero media budget, the campaign became instantly viral and the first PSA to spread across borders, #seatbeltb00bing became the number 1 cause-related hashtag in Romania and seatbelts became the trendiest and most talked about accessory to wear, nationwide.(1) PR and BUZZ worth of $492.000 free media (2) PUBLIC AWARENESS: We reached 7,000,000 Romanians (around 68% of total Romanian internet population) benefiting from the valuable support of main TV stations, bloggers and online and offline press, that became pro-bono contributors to a great causeThe campaign generated 197,405,629 media impressions – making headlines in 15 countries in 4 continents (including on Euronews, CBS, Yahoo or GQ, amongst others)(3) ENGAGEMENT: 900,000 conversations in Romania alone, on wearing seatbelts, from virtually 0 conversation on the topic Execution Introducing #seatbeltb00bing – the hashtag that encouraged women drivers to take selfies while wearing the seatbelt and upload them to social media. Since we didn’t have any media budget, we planned the amplification in two phases:1.Use #seatbeltb00bing to stir up conversations. We asked a few women drivers to use the hashtag, without revealing the message. The action caught on immediately and more women drivers joined, including some celebrities.2.Ask for commitment: selfies for a good cause. After the hashtag gained some momentum, we created a video featuring 3 local celebrities that had already joined the cause and posted selfies wearing seatbelts, and explained what seatbeltb00bing was all about, sending an invitation to women out there to contribute with their selfies wearing the seatbelt using our hashtag. More celebrities and several TV stations joined the initiative and urged others to do the same. Outcome With zero media budget, the campaign became instantly viral and the first PSA to spread across borders, #seatbeltb00bing became the number 1 cause-related hashtag in Romania and seatbelts became the trendiest and most talked about accessory to wear, nationwide. Relevancy Romania has the highest number of deaths caused by road accidents in Europe. The seatbelt, or better say not wearing it, is one the top three “main road killers”. Yet, in Romania, 6 out of 10 drivers don’t wear their seatbelts. The Romanian Automobile Club (ACR) has been around for 110 years and has been actively involved in improving road safety in Romania ever since. They asked for our help to do something to grab our audience's attention and overcome the usual avoidance and ignoring of PSA, while having 0 media budget for it. Strategy We targeted young Romanian drivers (53% of the drivers involved in road accidents in Romania). They believed the seatbelt sent the wrong message about them, portraying lack of self-confidence and that it is for “losers”. We had to change this. We decided to give seatbelts a new dimension and give drivers a different reason for wearing it beyond safety. In “the year of selfie”, people seemed more interested in looks than anything else. So, we stopped talking to everybody and focused only on half of the target - the more receptive one, with potential to resonate greatly to looks and fashion: the women. Avoiding the typical scary and patronizing voice of authority we created a #seatbeltb00bing - the hashtag to go with their selfies, empowering women to amplify our safety message and help turn seatbelts into a TREND and a cool thing to wear.

    # Seatbeltb00bing












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