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    案例简介:活动描述 所以,我们决定通过与他们肯定会听的人合作来说服司机放慢速度。他们的孩子。“先生。熊司机 ”是一款有趣的手机游戏,教孩子们交通安全,很快在罗马尼亚应用商店排名第一。但是人们不知道有一个陷阱…… 当在一辆移动的汽车上玩时,游戏会连接到全球定位系统和谷歌地图来跟踪现实生活中的速度。如果超过 10 公里/小时以上,熊先生 (游戏中的角色) 会要求孩子们告诉妈妈或爸爸放慢速度。如果司机不减速,游戏将以崩溃结束。如果他们遵守,玩家将获得奖金,游戏将继续。这样,小乘客就成了安全副驾驶,并在现实生活中了解到超速行驶是一个大禁忌。 战略 为了说服司机减速和驾驶更安全,我们不是直接针对他们,而是通过他们的孩子。因此,我们在孩子们最喜欢的玩具上传达了我们的道路安全信息,这可能会产生真正的影响: 在智能手机和平板电脑的游戏中。这个想法的新奇之处确保了全国黄金时段电视新闻和在线媒体的大量报道,开始了一场关于儿童在路上安全的全国性对话。行动号召直接发生在孩子们和他们的智能手机关系中。每次超过合法速度时,游戏中的角色都会和孩子们说话,并直接告诉他们要求他们的父母司机减速。 结果 -超过 12.000 的减速记录和计数。-680.000 欧元赢得媒体-游戏也通过 “葡萄牙汽车俱乐部” (葡萄牙汽车俱乐部) 在葡萄牙实施名称为 “Boris o conductor”,在拉脱维亚,由 LAMB Autoklub (斯洛文尼亚的汽车公司) 命名为 “Soferis Laka Kungs”。-我们正在与昆士兰运输部和主要道路部进行高级谈判,以在澳大利亚实施游戏。-我们也在与新西兰交通管理局就在新西兰实施游戏进行高级谈判。-游戏也正在通过国家汽车俱乐部前往其他欧洲国家。 概要 国际汽车联合会 (FIA) 是儿童道路安全的全球支持者,通过国家汽车俱乐部在每个国家开展活动。2016 年,在全球 “国际汽联道路安全赠款方案” 范围内,罗马尼亚汽车俱乐部 (ACR) 我想发起一场运动,让司机减速,也把儿童道路安全放在公共议程的首位。该项目将在其 “初级副驾驶” 道路安全倡议范围内实施。有问题吗?大多数司机都没有注意到传统的反超速 PSA 和新闻。 执行 经过一个戏弄阶段和社交媒体上的内容活动,该游戏在罗马尼亚暑假的第二部分推出。这款游戏与 Orange 一起推出,并出现在 Orange 的初级网页部分。它还预装在面向儿童的橙色初级设备上。这款游戏是在全国范围内的应用商店和谷歌 Play 上免费推出的,并且在这两个平台上仍然可用。电视黄金时段新闻和在线媒体收集了这条信息,并就儿童的安全问题进行了全国性的对话。 相关性 我们将我们的道路安全信息直接作为游戏中的体验传达给在移动汽车后座、智能手机和平板电脑上玩耍的孩子们。该游戏启用了 GPS 和谷歌地图,每当现实生活中超过合法速度时,游戏中的角色会告诉孩子们要求他们的父母司机减速。每一次放缓都记录在谷歌分析中。孩子们在游戏中被立即提示干预司机行为的方式使得这是一种直接的体验。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription So, we decided to convince drivers to slow down by teaming up with someone they would surely listen to. Their kids. “Mr. Bear Driver” is a fun mobile game that teaches kids traffic safety which quickly got to number 1 in Romanian app stores. But people had no idea that there was a catch… When played in a moving car, the game connects to GPS and Google Maps to track the real-life speed. If the limit is exceeded by more than 10km/h, Mr. Bear (the in-game character) asks children to tell mommy or daddy to slow down. If drivers don’t slow down, the game ends in a crash. If they comply, players get bonuses and the game continues. This way, little passengers became safety copilots and learn in real life that speeding is a big no-no. Strategy In order to convince drivers to slow down and drive safer, we targeted them not directly, but through their kids. So we conveyed our road safety message right on kids’ favorite toys nowadays, where it could have a real impact: within a game for smartphones and tablets. The novelty of the idea ensured large coverage by national prime time TV News and online media, starting a nationwide conversation about children’s’ safety on the road. The call-to-action occurs directly in the kids and their smartphones relationship. The in-game character speaks to kids every time legal speed is exceeded and tells them directly to ask their parent driver to slow down. Outcome - Over 12.000 slowdowns recorded and counting. - 680.000 EUR earned media- The game is also implemented in Portugal by through the “Automovel Club de Portugal” (Automobile Club of Portugal) with the name of “Boris o Condutor” and in Latvia, by LAMB Autoklub (The Automobil Klub of Slovenia) as “Soferis Laka Kungs”. - We are in advanced talks to implement the game in Australia with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. - We are also in advanced talks to implement the game in New Zealand with the New Zealand Transport Authority.- The game is also on its way to other European countries, through national automobile clubs. Synopsis The International Automobile Federation (FIA) is a global supporter of children’s safety on the road, acting in each country through national automobile clubs. In 2016, within the global “FIA ROAD SAFETY GRANT PROGRAMME”, the Automobile Club of Romania (ACR) wanted to create a campaign that will actually make drivers slow down and that will also push children’s road safety on top of the public agenda. The project would be implemented within their “Junior Copilot” road safety initiative. Problem? Traditional anti-speeding PSA’s and news go unnoticed by most of the drivers. Execution After a teasing phase and a content campaign on social media, the game was launched in the second part of summer holidays in Romania. The game was launched together with Orange and is featured on Orange’s Junior web section. It also comes preinstalled on Orange Junior devices destined for kids. The game was launched for free, nationwide, on App Store and Google Play and is still available on both platforms. TV prime time news and online media picked up the message and created a national conversation about children’s safety. Relevancy We convey our road safety message directly as an in-game experience, to the kids playing on the backseat of a moving car, on smartphones and tablets. The game is GPS and Google Maps enabled and every time legal speed is exceeded in real life, the in-game character tells kids to ask their parent drivers to slow down. Each slowdown is recorded in Google Analytics. The way the kids are immediately prompted through the game to intervene on the drivers’ behavior makes it a direct experience.

    Mr. Bear Driver

    案例简介:活动描述 所以,我们决定通过与他们肯定会听的人合作来说服司机放慢速度。他们的孩子。“先生。熊司机 ”是一款有趣的手机游戏,教孩子们交通安全,很快在罗马尼亚应用商店排名第一。但是人们不知道有一个陷阱…… 当在一辆移动的汽车上玩时,游戏会连接到全球定位系统和谷歌地图来跟踪现实生活中的速度。如果超过 10 公里/小时以上,熊先生 (游戏中的角色) 会要求孩子们告诉妈妈或爸爸放慢速度。如果司机不减速,游戏将以崩溃结束。如果他们遵守,玩家将获得奖金,游戏将继续。这样,小乘客就成了安全副驾驶,并在现实生活中了解到超速行驶是一个大禁忌。 战略 为了说服司机减速和驾驶更安全,我们不是直接针对他们,而是通过他们的孩子。因此,我们在孩子们最喜欢的玩具上传达了我们的道路安全信息,这可能会产生真正的影响: 在智能手机和平板电脑的游戏中。这个想法的新奇之处确保了全国黄金时段电视新闻和在线媒体的大量报道,开始了一场关于儿童在路上安全的全国性对话。行动号召直接发生在孩子们和他们的智能手机关系中。每次超过合法速度时,游戏中的角色都会和孩子们说话,并直接告诉他们要求他们的父母司机减速。 结果 -超过 12.000 的减速记录和计数。-680.000 欧元赢得媒体-游戏也通过 “葡萄牙汽车俱乐部” (葡萄牙汽车俱乐部) 在葡萄牙实施名称为 “Boris o conductor”,在拉脱维亚,由 LAMB Autoklub (斯洛文尼亚的汽车公司) 命名为 “Soferis Laka Kungs”。-我们正在与昆士兰运输部和主要道路部进行高级谈判,以在澳大利亚实施游戏。-我们也在与新西兰交通管理局就在新西兰实施游戏进行高级谈判。-游戏也正在通过国家汽车俱乐部前往其他欧洲国家。 概要 国际汽车联合会 (FIA) 是儿童道路安全的全球支持者,通过国家汽车俱乐部在每个国家开展活动。2016 年,在全球 “国际汽联道路安全赠款方案” 范围内,罗马尼亚汽车俱乐部 (ACR) 我想发起一场运动,让司机减速,也把儿童道路安全放在公共议程的首位。该项目将在其 “初级副驾驶” 道路安全倡议范围内实施。有问题吗?大多数司机都没有注意到传统的反超速 PSA 和新闻。 执行 经过一个戏弄阶段和社交媒体上的内容活动,该游戏在罗马尼亚暑假的第二部分推出。这款游戏与 Orange 一起推出,并出现在 Orange 的初级网页部分。它还预装在面向儿童的橙色初级设备上。这款游戏是在全国范围内的应用商店和谷歌 Play 上免费推出的,并且在这两个平台上仍然可用。电视黄金时段新闻和在线媒体收集了这条信息,并就儿童的安全问题进行了全国性的对话。 相关性 我们将我们的道路安全信息直接作为游戏中的体验传达给在移动汽车后座、智能手机和平板电脑上玩耍的孩子们。该游戏启用了 GPS 和谷歌地图,每当现实生活中超过合法速度时,游戏中的角色会告诉孩子们要求他们的父母司机减速。每一次放缓都记录在谷歌分析中。孩子们在游戏中被立即提示干预司机行为的方式使得这是一种直接的体验。

    Mr. Bear Driver

    案例简介:CampaignDescription So, we decided to convince drivers to slow down by teaming up with someone they would surely listen to. Their kids. “Mr. Bear Driver” is a fun mobile game that teaches kids traffic safety which quickly got to number 1 in Romanian app stores. But people had no idea that there was a catch… When played in a moving car, the game connects to GPS and Google Maps to track the real-life speed. If the limit is exceeded by more than 10km/h, Mr. Bear (the in-game character) asks children to tell mommy or daddy to slow down. If drivers don’t slow down, the game ends in a crash. If they comply, players get bonuses and the game continues. This way, little passengers became safety copilots and learn in real life that speeding is a big no-no. Strategy In order to convince drivers to slow down and drive safer, we targeted them not directly, but through their kids. So we conveyed our road safety message right on kids’ favorite toys nowadays, where it could have a real impact: within a game for smartphones and tablets. The novelty of the idea ensured large coverage by national prime time TV News and online media, starting a nationwide conversation about children’s’ safety on the road. The call-to-action occurs directly in the kids and their smartphones relationship. The in-game character speaks to kids every time legal speed is exceeded and tells them directly to ask their parent driver to slow down. Outcome - Over 12.000 slowdowns recorded and counting. - 680.000 EUR earned media- The game is also implemented in Portugal by through the “Automovel Club de Portugal” (Automobile Club of Portugal) with the name of “Boris o Condutor” and in Latvia, by LAMB Autoklub (The Automobil Klub of Slovenia) as “Soferis Laka Kungs”. - We are in advanced talks to implement the game in Australia with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. - We are also in advanced talks to implement the game in New Zealand with the New Zealand Transport Authority.- The game is also on its way to other European countries, through national automobile clubs. Synopsis The International Automobile Federation (FIA) is a global supporter of children’s safety on the road, acting in each country through national automobile clubs. In 2016, within the global “FIA ROAD SAFETY GRANT PROGRAMME”, the Automobile Club of Romania (ACR) wanted to create a campaign that will actually make drivers slow down and that will also push children’s road safety on top of the public agenda. The project would be implemented within their “Junior Copilot” road safety initiative. Problem? Traditional anti-speeding PSA’s and news go unnoticed by most of the drivers. Execution After a teasing phase and a content campaign on social media, the game was launched in the second part of summer holidays in Romania. The game was launched together with Orange and is featured on Orange’s Junior web section. It also comes preinstalled on Orange Junior devices destined for kids. The game was launched for free, nationwide, on App Store and Google Play and is still available on both platforms. TV prime time news and online media picked up the message and created a national conversation about children’s safety. Relevancy We convey our road safety message directly as an in-game experience, to the kids playing on the backseat of a moving car, on smartphones and tablets. The game is GPS and Google Maps enabled and every time legal speed is exceeded in real life, the in-game character tells kids to ask their parent drivers to slow down. Each slowdown is recorded in Google Analytics. The way the kids are immediately prompted through the game to intervene on the drivers’ behavior makes it a direct experience.



    Mr. Bear Driver










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