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    The DisCO2unt Billboard装置,活动,户外广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? DisCO2unt广告牌将欧洲最大的数字显示器之一变成了最大的空气质量敏感广告。显示器与放置在城市关键区域的几个传感器相连,这些传感器传递实时污染信息。一种算法将数据转化为折扣: 随着城市污染的增加,雷诺ZOE的价格下降。因此,就在这个城市最需要零排放汽车的时候,雷诺的旗舰电动车变得更加实惠。因此,一个巨大的广告牌首次显示实时动态内容,响应空气质量。 背景 罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特是欧洲最拥挤的城市 (根据TomTom交通指数),也是欧洲大陆污染最严重的城市之一。情况如此严重,欧盟委员会开始对罗马尼亚的侵权程序,代表欧洲公民呼吸清洁空气的权利。大气污染高达推荐水平的 10 倍,给人口造成严重的健康问题。主要原因是交通拥挤和大量仍在路上的旧车辆。零排放的电动汽车,如雷诺佐伊,可以真正改变城市的空气质量,但大多数罗马尼亚人仍然认为它们负担不起。雷诺需要解决这个问题,将他们的旗舰电动汽车带到普通罗马尼亚司机可以到达的地方,同时也为城市的生活做出了积极的贡献。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 雷诺推出了DisCO2unt广告牌,这是第一次使用实时污染数据为雷诺ZOE (汽车制造商的旗舰电动汽车) 生成实时折扣的促销活动。随着城市空气污染的增加,价格也下降了。这样,零排放汽车在城市最需要的时候就变得负担得起了。 欧洲最大的数字显示器之一,拥挤的布加勒斯特市中心,与高流量地区的空气质量传感器相连。由于实时数据来自城市周围,一个定制的算法将污染数据转换成动态内容: 价格每 6 分钟在广告牌上更新一次,创建空气质量响应的户外广告。 人们只需在现场连接到广告牌,索取价格并前往经销商处利用雷诺ZOE折扣。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 虽然布加勒斯特的空气污染问题很严重,并出现在黄金时段的新闻中,但普通罗马尼亚人几乎没有改善城市空气质量的选择。零排放雷诺佐伊可能会带来真正的改变,但罗马尼亚的许多司机不认为电动汽车是负担得起的。因此,我们决定将污染 (紧迫问题) 和价格 (障碍) 联系起来,这不仅仅是汽车的折扣促销活动。 首先,我们需要使污染可以量化。我们收集了城市周围的空气质量数据,然后将其与价格联系起来。算法处理实时污染数据,并将其立即转换为数字显示器上实时出现的可变折扣。我们瞄准了布加勒斯特拥挤和污染的市中心的司机和行人,在那里我们的信息将产生最大的影响和相关性。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) DisCO2unt广告牌是在欧洲第二大数字显示器上实现的: 罗马尼亚布加勒斯特市中心的Cocor MediaChannel。这个巨大的广告牌与测量城市实时空气污染的传感器相连,在算法的帮助下,数据被转化为雷诺ZOE的折扣。这场运动于 4月16日发起。 为了获得最大的可见性和影响,我们重新设计了巨大的数字显示器。它首次显示动态内容,响应城市的实时空气质量。人们可以看到价格从一个时刻到下一个时刻的变化,也可以观察到决定价格变化的实时污染水平。 为了利用折扣,人们只需用智能手机连接到广告牌。他们可以要求当前价格 (当时显示的价格) 并将其用于雷诺经销商。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 根据警察当局的说法,DisCO2unt广告牌在布加勒斯特市中心最繁忙的林荫大道之一,每月有 300万辆车的交通流量。在活动过程中,由于污染数据的变化,折扣不断产生。由于促销仍在进行中,销售数字不可用,但我们向罗马尼亚人证明了雷诺ZOE更接近且更实惠,就在它能改变城市空气质量的时候。这样,在一个新技术看起来很牵强而不是r令人兴奋的是,雷诺还将自己定位为实用且负担得起的移动性未来。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The DisCO2unt Billboard turned one of the largest digital displays in Europe into the biggest air-quality sensitive advertisement. The display was connected to several sensors placed in key areas around the city, that relayed real-time pollution information. An algorithm translated the data into discounts: as pollution in the city went up, the price of the Renault ZOE went down. So, right at the moment when the city needed a zero-emission car the most, the flagship electric car of Renault became more affordable. So a huge billboard displayed for the first time real-time dynamic content, responsive to air quality. Background Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is the most congested city in Europe (according to TomTom Traffic Index) and one of the most polluted cities on the continent. The situation is so serious that the European Commission started infringement procedures against Romania, on behalf of European citizens’ right to breathe clean air. Atmospheric pollution reaches as high as 10 times above recommended levels, causing severe health issues for the population. The main causes are heavy traffic and the large number of old vehicles that are still on the road. Electric car with zero emissions, like the Renault ZOE, could make a real difference in the air quality of the city, but most Romanians still consider them to be unaffordable. Renault needed to fix this problem, bringing their flagship electric car within reach of regular Romanian drivers, while also having a positive contribution to life in the city. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Renault launched The DisCO2unt Billboard, the first promotion that uses real-time pollution data to generate live discounts for the Renault ZOE, the flagship electric vehicle of the car-maker. As air pollution in the city went up, the price went down. This way, the zero-emission car became affordable right when the city needed it the most. One of the biggest digital displays in Europe, in congested downtown Bucharest, was connected to air quality sensors in high-traffic areas. As real-time data came in from around the city, a custom-made algorithm converted pollution data into dynamic content: the price was updated every 6 minutes on the billboard, creating an air-quality responsive outdoor ad. People only had to connect to the billboard on the spot, claim the price and head to a dealership to take advantage of the Renault ZOE discount. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) While the issue of air pollution in Bucharest is significant and appears on prime-time news, ordinary Romanians have few options to improve the air quality of their city. The zero-emission Renault ZOE could make a real difference, but many drivers in Romania don’t consider electric cars to be affordable. So, we decided to link pollution (the pressing issue) and price (the barrier), in a campaign that's more than just a discount promotion for a car. First, we needed to make pollution quantifiable. We collected air quality data from around the city, and then linked it with the price. An algorithm processed the real-time pollution data and converted it instantly into the variable discount that appeared live on the digital display. We targeted drivers and pedestrians in the congested and polluted downtown Bucharest, where our message would have the maximum impact and relevance. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The DisCO2unt Billboard was implemented on the second largest digital display in Europe: Cocor MediaChannel, in downtown Bucharest, Romania. The huge billboard was connected with sensors that measured real-time air pollution in the city and, with the help of an algorithm, data was translated into discounts for the Renault ZOE. The campaign was launched on the 16th of April. For maximum visibility and impact, we repurposed the huge digital display. It displayed dynamic content for the first time, responsive to the real-time air quality in the city. People could see the price change from one moment to the next, and could also observe the live pollution level, that determined the price change. To take advantage of the discount, people only had to connect to the billboard with their smartphone. They could claim the current price (the one displayed at that time) and use it a Renault dealership. List the results (30% of vote) The DisCO2unt Billboard had a huge reach in downtown Bucharest, on one of the busiest boulevards, with a traffic of 3 million cars/month according to police authorities. Over the course of the campaign, discounts have constantly been generated thanks to variations in pollution data. Since the promotion is still ongoing, sales numbers are unavailable, but we proved to Romanians that Renault ZOE was closer and more affordable, right in the moments when it can make a difference for the city’s air quality. This way, in a country where new technologies can seem far-fetched and not relatable, Renault also positioned itself as the practical and affordable future of mobility.

    The DisCO2unt Billboard

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? DisCO2unt广告牌将欧洲最大的数字显示器之一变成了最大的空气质量敏感广告。显示器与放置在城市关键区域的几个传感器相连,这些传感器传递实时污染信息。一种算法将数据转化为折扣: 随着城市污染的增加,雷诺ZOE的价格下降。因此,就在这个城市最需要零排放汽车的时候,雷诺的旗舰电动车变得更加实惠。因此,一个巨大的广告牌首次显示实时动态内容,响应空气质量。 背景 罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特是欧洲最拥挤的城市 (根据TomTom交通指数),也是欧洲大陆污染最严重的城市之一。情况如此严重,欧盟委员会开始对罗马尼亚的侵权程序,代表欧洲公民呼吸清洁空气的权利。大气污染高达推荐水平的 10 倍,给人口造成严重的健康问题。主要原因是交通拥挤和大量仍在路上的旧车辆。零排放的电动汽车,如雷诺佐伊,可以真正改变城市的空气质量,但大多数罗马尼亚人仍然认为它们负担不起。雷诺需要解决这个问题,将他们的旗舰电动汽车带到普通罗马尼亚司机可以到达的地方,同时也为城市的生活做出了积极的贡献。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 雷诺推出了DisCO2unt广告牌,这是第一次使用实时污染数据为雷诺ZOE (汽车制造商的旗舰电动汽车) 生成实时折扣的促销活动。随着城市空气污染的增加,价格也下降了。这样,零排放汽车在城市最需要的时候就变得负担得起了。 欧洲最大的数字显示器之一,拥挤的布加勒斯特市中心,与高流量地区的空气质量传感器相连。由于实时数据来自城市周围,一个定制的算法将污染数据转换成动态内容: 价格每 6 分钟在广告牌上更新一次,创建空气质量响应的户外广告。 人们只需在现场连接到广告牌,索取价格并前往经销商处利用雷诺ZOE折扣。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 虽然布加勒斯特的空气污染问题很严重,并出现在黄金时段的新闻中,但普通罗马尼亚人几乎没有改善城市空气质量的选择。零排放雷诺佐伊可能会带来真正的改变,但罗马尼亚的许多司机不认为电动汽车是负担得起的。因此,我们决定将污染 (紧迫问题) 和价格 (障碍) 联系起来,这不仅仅是汽车的折扣促销活动。 首先,我们需要使污染可以量化。我们收集了城市周围的空气质量数据,然后将其与价格联系起来。算法处理实时污染数据,并将其立即转换为数字显示器上实时出现的可变折扣。我们瞄准了布加勒斯特拥挤和污染的市中心的司机和行人,在那里我们的信息将产生最大的影响和相关性。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) DisCO2unt广告牌是在欧洲第二大数字显示器上实现的: 罗马尼亚布加勒斯特市中心的Cocor MediaChannel。这个巨大的广告牌与测量城市实时空气污染的传感器相连,在算法的帮助下,数据被转化为雷诺ZOE的折扣。这场运动于 4月16日发起。 为了获得最大的可见性和影响,我们重新设计了巨大的数字显示器。它首次显示动态内容,响应城市的实时空气质量。人们可以看到价格从一个时刻到下一个时刻的变化,也可以观察到决定价格变化的实时污染水平。 为了利用折扣,人们只需用智能手机连接到广告牌。他们可以要求当前价格 (当时显示的价格) 并将其用于雷诺经销商。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 根据警察当局的说法,DisCO2unt广告牌在布加勒斯特市中心最繁忙的林荫大道之一,每月有 300万辆车的交通流量。在活动过程中,由于污染数据的变化,折扣不断产生。由于促销仍在进行中,销售数字不可用,但我们向罗马尼亚人证明了雷诺ZOE更接近且更实惠,就在它能改变城市空气质量的时候。这样,在一个新技术看起来很牵强而不是r令人兴奋的是,雷诺还将自己定位为实用且负担得起的移动性未来。

    The DisCO2unt Billboard

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The DisCO2unt Billboard turned one of the largest digital displays in Europe into the biggest air-quality sensitive advertisement. The display was connected to several sensors placed in key areas around the city, that relayed real-time pollution information. An algorithm translated the data into discounts: as pollution in the city went up, the price of the Renault ZOE went down. So, right at the moment when the city needed a zero-emission car the most, the flagship electric car of Renault became more affordable. So a huge billboard displayed for the first time real-time dynamic content, responsive to air quality. Background Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is the most congested city in Europe (according to TomTom Traffic Index) and one of the most polluted cities on the continent. The situation is so serious that the European Commission started infringement procedures against Romania, on behalf of European citizens’ right to breathe clean air. Atmospheric pollution reaches as high as 10 times above recommended levels, causing severe health issues for the population. The main causes are heavy traffic and the large number of old vehicles that are still on the road. Electric car with zero emissions, like the Renault ZOE, could make a real difference in the air quality of the city, but most Romanians still consider them to be unaffordable. Renault needed to fix this problem, bringing their flagship electric car within reach of regular Romanian drivers, while also having a positive contribution to life in the city. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Renault launched The DisCO2unt Billboard, the first promotion that uses real-time pollution data to generate live discounts for the Renault ZOE, the flagship electric vehicle of the car-maker. As air pollution in the city went up, the price went down. This way, the zero-emission car became affordable right when the city needed it the most. One of the biggest digital displays in Europe, in congested downtown Bucharest, was connected to air quality sensors in high-traffic areas. As real-time data came in from around the city, a custom-made algorithm converted pollution data into dynamic content: the price was updated every 6 minutes on the billboard, creating an air-quality responsive outdoor ad. People only had to connect to the billboard on the spot, claim the price and head to a dealership to take advantage of the Renault ZOE discount. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) While the issue of air pollution in Bucharest is significant and appears on prime-time news, ordinary Romanians have few options to improve the air quality of their city. The zero-emission Renault ZOE could make a real difference, but many drivers in Romania don’t consider electric cars to be affordable. So, we decided to link pollution (the pressing issue) and price (the barrier), in a campaign that's more than just a discount promotion for a car. First, we needed to make pollution quantifiable. We collected air quality data from around the city, and then linked it with the price. An algorithm processed the real-time pollution data and converted it instantly into the variable discount that appeared live on the digital display. We targeted drivers and pedestrians in the congested and polluted downtown Bucharest, where our message would have the maximum impact and relevance. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The DisCO2unt Billboard was implemented on the second largest digital display in Europe: Cocor MediaChannel, in downtown Bucharest, Romania. The huge billboard was connected with sensors that measured real-time air pollution in the city and, with the help of an algorithm, data was translated into discounts for the Renault ZOE. The campaign was launched on the 16th of April. For maximum visibility and impact, we repurposed the huge digital display. It displayed dynamic content for the first time, responsive to the real-time air quality in the city. People could see the price change from one moment to the next, and could also observe the live pollution level, that determined the price change. To take advantage of the discount, people only had to connect to the billboard with their smartphone. They could claim the current price (the one displayed at that time) and use it a Renault dealership. List the results (30% of vote) The DisCO2unt Billboard had a huge reach in downtown Bucharest, on one of the busiest boulevards, with a traffic of 3 million cars/month according to police authorities. Over the course of the campaign, discounts have constantly been generated thanks to variations in pollution data. Since the promotion is still ongoing, sales numbers are unavailable, but we proved to Romanians that Renault ZOE was closer and more affordable, right in the moments when it can make a difference for the city’s air quality. This way, in a country where new technologies can seem far-fetched and not relatable, Renault also positioned itself as the practical and affordable future of mobility.



    The DisCO2unt Billboard










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