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    Doctor, Doctor短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:N á kd 推出有史以来第一个 “头脑” 的电视活动。Blown' 自然平衡食品以一声巨响开始了 2019,因为 n á kd 以其大胆的 “头脑” 推出了第一个电视广告。被吹了。竞选。 诺德是英国第一大健康零食品牌 [1],价值令人印象深刻的 40 万英镑 [2], 并在英国彻底改变了健康零食,因为它继续以令人垂涎的口味选择让顾客大吃一惊。 随着电视活动的第一次爆发,开始了 500万英镑的竞选活动,“头脑”。Blow.'运动在 30 ”和 20” 广告中都有生命。这项运动将在 2019 全年的关键时刻进行。 由 Recipe 创建 -- 他们自 2018年赢得品牌以来的第一个作品 -- “头脑”。吹。展示了任何体验纳克德巴大口味的人的奇妙反应: 当你发现一种小吃不仅美味,不仅健康,而且有各种各样的口味时, 嗯,这足以让某人大吃一惊!在这个以医生手术为背景的地方,一个男人带着他紫色覆盖的女朋友进来,她似乎陷入了困惑。当我们窥视女孩的耳朵时,我们发现她的头脑已经被一个 nu kd 酒吧震撼了。没什么好担心的,正如医生所说,这只不过是 “抚平” 水果和坚果 -- 她吃了一个蓝莓松饼吧。挣扎着相信医生的话,这个人为自己尝试了酒吧.不到一秒,房间里就充满了神奇的紫色云和烟火。“介意。吹。' 电视活动标志着一场更广泛的营销和公关活动的启动,该活动将包括店内促销、 PoS 、公关、取样和社交媒体激活,以增强人们的思维。为消费者传递信息。 自然平衡食品的创始人杰米 · 库姆斯说。“2019 对纳kd 来说是一个重要的一年,我们热衷于为我们的顾客带来最好的品尝酒吧和令人兴奋的新口味组合,全麦信息是我们所做一切的核心。 “我们的产品系列肯定会让任何尝试纳kd 的人大吃一惊,我们知道这一点。以令人兴奋的方式捕捉我们的价值观和精神。我们一直在努力为新客户和忠实粉丝带来令人兴奋的新组合,我们迫不及待地想在 2019年透露更多信息。" 食谱创意总监马特 · 沃勒 (Matt Waller) 表示,“我们面临的挑战是,要以最戏剧性和最难忘的方式,让消费者体验到纳杜克酒吧的味道。这就是我们所做的 -- 广告捕捉到了他们发现小酒吧巨大味道的确切时刻,这种味道是由美味的天然成分 “smooshing” 组合而成的 -- “mind”。吹。'“ Nkd 在全国范围内有单杆和 4 杆多包。 学分:


    案例简介:Nākd launches first ever TV campaign with ‘Mind. Blown’ Natural Balance Foods is kickstarting 2019 with a bang as Nākd launches its first ever TV ad with its bold ‘Mind. Blown.’ campaign. Nākd is the UK’s no.1 healthy snack brand[1] worth an impressive £40m[2], and has revolutionised healthy snacking in the UK as it continues to surprise and delight customers with its mouth-watering selection of flavours. With the first burst of TV activity kickstarting a £1.5million campaign, the ‘Mind. Blown.’ campaign comes to life in both 30” and 20” ads. The campaign will run throughout 2019 at key points in the year. Created by Recipe – their first work since winning the brand in 2018 - ‘Mind. Blown.’ showcases the fantastic reactions of anyone experiencing the big flavours of Nākdbars: When you discover a snack that’s not only tasty and not only healthy, but also comes in a huge variety of flavours, well, it’s enough to blow someone’s mind! In this spot, set in a doctor’s surgery, a man brings his purple-covered girlfriend in, she seems to be frozen in a state of bewilderment. As we peer into the girl’s ear, we discover her mind has been well and truly blown by a Nākd bar. Nothing to worry about, as the doctor says, it’s nothing more than ‘smooshed’ up fruit and nuts – she’s eaten a Blueberry Muffin Nākd bar. Struggling to believe the doctor’s words the man tries the bar for himself... within a second the room is filled with a magical burst of purple clouds and fireworks. ‘Mind. Blown.’ The TV campaign marks the launch of a wider marketing and PR campaign which will include in-store promotions, PoS, PR, sampling & social media activations to amplify the ‘Mind. Blown.’ messaging for consumers. Founder of Natural Balance Foods Jamie Combs said. “2019 is a big year for Nākd and we are passionate about bringing our customers the best tasting bars and exciting new flavour combinations, with the wholefood message at the heart of everything we do. “Our product range is guaranteed to blow the minds of anyone who tries Nākd and we know that ‘Mind. Blown.’ captures our values and spirit in an exciting way. We’ve been working hard to bring new customers and loyal fans exciting new combinations and we can’t wait to reveal more in 2019.” Matt Waller, Creative Director of Recipe said, “We were challenged to bring to life the consumers ‘eureka moment’ of experiencing the flavour of a Nākd bar in the most dramatic and memorable way possible. So that’s what we did – the ad captures the exact moment when they discover the small bar’s giant flavours, made simply by ‘smooshing’ together great tasting natural ingredients – ‘Mind. Blown.’ “ Nākd is available nationwide in single bars and 4 bar multipacks. CREDITS:

    Doctor, Doctor

    案例简介:N á kd 推出有史以来第一个 “头脑” 的电视活动。Blown' 自然平衡食品以一声巨响开始了 2019,因为 n á kd 以其大胆的 “头脑” 推出了第一个电视广告。被吹了。竞选。 诺德是英国第一大健康零食品牌 [1],价值令人印象深刻的 40 万英镑 [2], 并在英国彻底改变了健康零食,因为它继续以令人垂涎的口味选择让顾客大吃一惊。 随着电视活动的第一次爆发,开始了 500万英镑的竞选活动,“头脑”。Blow.'运动在 30 ”和 20” 广告中都有生命。这项运动将在 2019 全年的关键时刻进行。 由 Recipe 创建 -- 他们自 2018年赢得品牌以来的第一个作品 -- “头脑”。吹。展示了任何体验纳克德巴大口味的人的奇妙反应: 当你发现一种小吃不仅美味,不仅健康,而且有各种各样的口味时, 嗯,这足以让某人大吃一惊!在这个以医生手术为背景的地方,一个男人带着他紫色覆盖的女朋友进来,她似乎陷入了困惑。当我们窥视女孩的耳朵时,我们发现她的头脑已经被一个 nu kd 酒吧震撼了。没什么好担心的,正如医生所说,这只不过是 “抚平” 水果和坚果 -- 她吃了一个蓝莓松饼吧。挣扎着相信医生的话,这个人为自己尝试了酒吧.不到一秒,房间里就充满了神奇的紫色云和烟火。“介意。吹。' 电视活动标志着一场更广泛的营销和公关活动的启动,该活动将包括店内促销、 PoS 、公关、取样和社交媒体激活,以增强人们的思维。为消费者传递信息。 自然平衡食品的创始人杰米 · 库姆斯说。“2019 对纳kd 来说是一个重要的一年,我们热衷于为我们的顾客带来最好的品尝酒吧和令人兴奋的新口味组合,全麦信息是我们所做一切的核心。 “我们的产品系列肯定会让任何尝试纳kd 的人大吃一惊,我们知道这一点。以令人兴奋的方式捕捉我们的价值观和精神。我们一直在努力为新客户和忠实粉丝带来令人兴奋的新组合,我们迫不及待地想在 2019年透露更多信息。" 食谱创意总监马特 · 沃勒 (Matt Waller) 表示,“我们面临的挑战是,要以最戏剧性和最难忘的方式,让消费者体验到纳杜克酒吧的味道。这就是我们所做的 -- 广告捕捉到了他们发现小酒吧巨大味道的确切时刻,这种味道是由美味的天然成分 “smooshing” 组合而成的 -- “mind”。吹。'“ Nkd 在全国范围内有单杆和 4 杆多包。 学分:

    Doctor, Doctor

    案例简介:Nākd launches first ever TV campaign with ‘Mind. Blown’ Natural Balance Foods is kickstarting 2019 with a bang as Nākd launches its first ever TV ad with its bold ‘Mind. Blown.’ campaign. Nākd is the UK’s no.1 healthy snack brand[1] worth an impressive £40m[2], and has revolutionised healthy snacking in the UK as it continues to surprise and delight customers with its mouth-watering selection of flavours. With the first burst of TV activity kickstarting a £1.5million campaign, the ‘Mind. Blown.’ campaign comes to life in both 30” and 20” ads. The campaign will run throughout 2019 at key points in the year. Created by Recipe – their first work since winning the brand in 2018 - ‘Mind. Blown.’ showcases the fantastic reactions of anyone experiencing the big flavours of Nākdbars: When you discover a snack that’s not only tasty and not only healthy, but also comes in a huge variety of flavours, well, it’s enough to blow someone’s mind! In this spot, set in a doctor’s surgery, a man brings his purple-covered girlfriend in, she seems to be frozen in a state of bewilderment. As we peer into the girl’s ear, we discover her mind has been well and truly blown by a Nākd bar. Nothing to worry about, as the doctor says, it’s nothing more than ‘smooshed’ up fruit and nuts – she’s eaten a Blueberry Muffin Nākd bar. Struggling to believe the doctor’s words the man tries the bar for himself... within a second the room is filled with a magical burst of purple clouds and fireworks. ‘Mind. Blown.’ The TV campaign marks the launch of a wider marketing and PR campaign which will include in-store promotions, PoS, PR, sampling & social media activations to amplify the ‘Mind. Blown.’ messaging for consumers. Founder of Natural Balance Foods Jamie Combs said. “2019 is a big year for Nākd and we are passionate about bringing our customers the best tasting bars and exciting new flavour combinations, with the wholefood message at the heart of everything we do. “Our product range is guaranteed to blow the minds of anyone who tries Nākd and we know that ‘Mind. Blown.’ captures our values and spirit in an exciting way. We’ve been working hard to bring new customers and loyal fans exciting new combinations and we can’t wait to reveal more in 2019.” Matt Waller, Creative Director of Recipe said, “We were challenged to bring to life the consumers ‘eureka moment’ of experiencing the flavour of a Nākd bar in the most dramatic and memorable way possible. So that’s what we did – the ad captures the exact moment when they discover the small bar’s giant flavours, made simply by ‘smooshing’ together great tasting natural ingredients – ‘Mind. Blown.’ “ Nākd is available nationwide in single bars and 4 bar multipacks. CREDITS:



    Doctor, Doctor






    广告公司: Recipe (英国 伦敦)




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