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    案例简介:Fuller,Smith & Turner p.l.C.发起 “骄傲爱骄傲” 活动 伦敦骄傲未过滤-伦敦游行骄傲的官方啤酒合作伙伴。 2018年7月7日,伦敦啤酒公司富勒的精酿小桶啤酒 “伦敦骄傲未过滤” 通过成为游行的官方啤酒合作伙伴,在伦敦展示了对骄傲的支持。这一举动得到了骄傲主题活动的支持,并在伦敦骄傲周围定制了标志性品牌,同时增加了社交媒体的影响力, 在地铁站,并在富勒的酒吧进行促销和特别设计的销售点。 《伦敦骄傲》的目标是为伦敦 LGBT + 社区的每一个部分提供一个平台。它寻求提高对问题的认识,并开展争取自由的运动,使所有人,无论性别或性取向如何,都能在真正平等的基础上生活。 路线内和周围的富勒酒吧包括铁公爵、杰克 · 霍纳、沃德街的船、红狮梅菲尔、太阳和 13 个州、羔羊和旗帜, 圆屋和海军部。 这些富勒的酒吧将庆祝游行,与他们运动伦敦骄傲未经过滤的玻璃器皿一样充满活力,骄傲喜欢员工穿的骄傲主题 t恤, 定制的骄傲喜欢骄傲主题桶镜头和彩色啤酒垫。 这种合作关系还被标记为一个富有想象力的户外运动,包括牛津马戏团的 48 张交叉轨道海报,上面写着 “你等上百年才能看到同性恋啤酒广告” 第一, 第二个是 “然后两个过来”。该活动还将包括一个加权的社交媒体,帖子包括 “以这种方式出生” 和 “你一天也见不到我们 -- 我们一年 365 天都是伦敦骄傲”。” 为了鼓励游行期间的派对气氛,品牌大使将分发两份优惠券,如果两份都有,可以交换两品脱的可爱寒冷的伦敦骄傲。 这次活动是由伦敦的广告公司 Recipe 创建的。Recipe 的创意总监马特 · 沃勒 (Matt Waller) 说,“伦敦的骄傲未经过滤,在伦敦的骄傲是完美的合作关系 (如果你不相信我们,那就谷歌伦敦的骄傲。)伦敦 Pride Unfiltered 是一个年轻而充满活力的品牌,接触到传统酿酒商经常忽视的观众。“骄傲爱骄傲” 运动创造了大量的机会加入并支持伦敦正在进行的骄傲努力。我们希望这只是长期和富有成效的关系的开始。 “长期以来,啤酒广告一直在兜售男性啤酒饮用者过时的想法和他们的观点。澄清记录的最好方法是讽刺它。" 富勒百货公司的营销总监简 · 琼斯说: “伦敦的骄傲非常适合骄傲,但它不仅仅是同名; 我们有着相同的真实性和独立性价值观,自 1959年以来,我们一直是伦敦丰富多彩的文化结构的一部分。伦敦游行的骄傲和我们的啤酒一样受人尊敬,这种联系让我们将这两个图标结合在一起,形成完美的合作关系。" 虽然大多数小桶啤酒是过滤和巴氏消毒的,但伦敦骄傲未经过滤的啤酒是用最少的工艺酿造的,以尽可能保持其天然风味。它是用与伦敦骄傲原味相同的配方酿造的,干燥跳跃以增加个性。


    案例简介:Fuller, Smith & Turner P.L.C. launches ‘Pride Loves Pride’ campaign London Pride Unfiltered – Official Beer Partner of the Pride in London Parade. London Pride Unfiltered, the craft keg beer from London-brewer Fuller’s, is showing its support for Pride in London on 7 July 2018 by becoming the parade’s official beer partner. The move is supported with a Pride themed campaign and bespoke iconic branding around London Pride Unfiltered as well as an increased presence on social media, in tube stations and with promotions and specially-designed point of sale in Fuller’s pubs along the route. Pride in London aims to provide a platform for every part of London’s LGBT+ community. It seeks to raise awareness of issues, and campaigns for freedoms that will allow all people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, to live their lives on a genuinely equal footing. The Fuller’s pubs in and around the route include The Iron Duke, The Jack Horner, The Ship in Wardour Street, The Red Lion Mayfair, The Sun & 13 Cantons, The Lamb and Flag, The Roundhouse, and The Admiralty. These Fuller’s pubs will be celebrating the Parade, with similar vibrancy as they sport London Pride Unfiltered glassware, Pride loves Pride themed t- shirts worn by staff, bespoke Pride Loves Pride themed keg lens and colourful beer mats. The partnership is also being marked with an imaginative outdoor campaign including side by side 48 sheet cross track posters at Oxford Circus with the messages “You wait hundreds of years to see a gay beer ad” on the first, and “And then two come along” on the second. The campaign will also include an upweighted social media presence with posts including “Born this way” and “You won’t catch us coming out for a day – we’re London Pride 365 days a year.” To encourage the party atmosphere during the Parade, brand ambassadors will be handing out two-part vouchers that can be exchanged, if both parts are present, for two pints of lovely cold London Pride Unfiltered. This campaign was created by London based advertising agency Recipe. Matt Waller, creative director at Recipe said, “London Pride Unfiltered and Pride in London are the perfect partnership, (if you don’t believe us just Google London Pride.) London Pride Unfiltered is a young and vibrant brand reaching out to an audience that has often been overlooked by traditional brewers. The ‘Pride Loves Pride’ campaign creates loads of opportunities to join in and support the ongoing efforts of Pride in London. We hope this is just the start of a long and fruitful relationship. “For too long beer advertising has been peddling outdated ideas of the male beer drinker and their views. The best way set the record straight is to lampoon it.” Jane Jones, Director of Marketing at Fuller’s, said: “Pride in London is a great fit for Pride, but it doesn’t just share the same name; we share the same values of authenticity and independence, being a long-standing part of the fabric of London’s rich and varied culture since 1959. The Pride in London Parade is as revered as our beer and this link allows us to bring these two icons together, leading to a perfect partnership.” While most keg beers are filtered and pasteurised, London Pride Unfiltered is brewed using minimal processes, to retain as much of its natural flavour as possible. It is brewed to the same recipe as London Pride Original and dry hopped for added character.

    And Then Two

    案例简介:Fuller,Smith & Turner p.l.C.发起 “骄傲爱骄傲” 活动 伦敦骄傲未过滤-伦敦游行骄傲的官方啤酒合作伙伴。 2018年7月7日,伦敦啤酒公司富勒的精酿小桶啤酒 “伦敦骄傲未过滤” 通过成为游行的官方啤酒合作伙伴,在伦敦展示了对骄傲的支持。这一举动得到了骄傲主题活动的支持,并在伦敦骄傲周围定制了标志性品牌,同时增加了社交媒体的影响力, 在地铁站,并在富勒的酒吧进行促销和特别设计的销售点。 《伦敦骄傲》的目标是为伦敦 LGBT + 社区的每一个部分提供一个平台。它寻求提高对问题的认识,并开展争取自由的运动,使所有人,无论性别或性取向如何,都能在真正平等的基础上生活。 路线内和周围的富勒酒吧包括铁公爵、杰克 · 霍纳、沃德街的船、红狮梅菲尔、太阳和 13 个州、羔羊和旗帜, 圆屋和海军部。 这些富勒的酒吧将庆祝游行,与他们运动伦敦骄傲未经过滤的玻璃器皿一样充满活力,骄傲喜欢员工穿的骄傲主题 t恤, 定制的骄傲喜欢骄傲主题桶镜头和彩色啤酒垫。 这种合作关系还被标记为一个富有想象力的户外运动,包括牛津马戏团的 48 张交叉轨道海报,上面写着 “你等上百年才能看到同性恋啤酒广告” 第一, 第二个是 “然后两个过来”。该活动还将包括一个加权的社交媒体,帖子包括 “以这种方式出生” 和 “你一天也见不到我们 -- 我们一年 365 天都是伦敦骄傲”。” 为了鼓励游行期间的派对气氛,品牌大使将分发两份优惠券,如果两份都有,可以交换两品脱的可爱寒冷的伦敦骄傲。 这次活动是由伦敦的广告公司 Recipe 创建的。Recipe 的创意总监马特 · 沃勒 (Matt Waller) 说,“伦敦的骄傲未经过滤,在伦敦的骄傲是完美的合作关系 (如果你不相信我们,那就谷歌伦敦的骄傲。)伦敦 Pride Unfiltered 是一个年轻而充满活力的品牌,接触到传统酿酒商经常忽视的观众。“骄傲爱骄傲” 运动创造了大量的机会加入并支持伦敦正在进行的骄傲努力。我们希望这只是长期和富有成效的关系的开始。 “长期以来,啤酒广告一直在兜售男性啤酒饮用者过时的想法和他们的观点。澄清记录的最好方法是讽刺它。" 富勒百货公司的营销总监简 · 琼斯说: “伦敦的骄傲非常适合骄傲,但它不仅仅是同名; 我们有着相同的真实性和独立性价值观,自 1959年以来,我们一直是伦敦丰富多彩的文化结构的一部分。伦敦游行的骄傲和我们的啤酒一样受人尊敬,这种联系让我们将这两个图标结合在一起,形成完美的合作关系。" 虽然大多数小桶啤酒是过滤和巴氏消毒的,但伦敦骄傲未经过滤的啤酒是用最少的工艺酿造的,以尽可能保持其天然风味。它是用与伦敦骄傲原味相同的配方酿造的,干燥跳跃以增加个性。

    And Then Two

    案例简介:Fuller, Smith & Turner P.L.C. launches ‘Pride Loves Pride’ campaign London Pride Unfiltered – Official Beer Partner of the Pride in London Parade. London Pride Unfiltered, the craft keg beer from London-brewer Fuller’s, is showing its support for Pride in London on 7 July 2018 by becoming the parade’s official beer partner. The move is supported with a Pride themed campaign and bespoke iconic branding around London Pride Unfiltered as well as an increased presence on social media, in tube stations and with promotions and specially-designed point of sale in Fuller’s pubs along the route. Pride in London aims to provide a platform for every part of London’s LGBT+ community. It seeks to raise awareness of issues, and campaigns for freedoms that will allow all people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, to live their lives on a genuinely equal footing. The Fuller’s pubs in and around the route include The Iron Duke, The Jack Horner, The Ship in Wardour Street, The Red Lion Mayfair, The Sun & 13 Cantons, The Lamb and Flag, The Roundhouse, and The Admiralty. These Fuller’s pubs will be celebrating the Parade, with similar vibrancy as they sport London Pride Unfiltered glassware, Pride loves Pride themed t- shirts worn by staff, bespoke Pride Loves Pride themed keg lens and colourful beer mats. The partnership is also being marked with an imaginative outdoor campaign including side by side 48 sheet cross track posters at Oxford Circus with the messages “You wait hundreds of years to see a gay beer ad” on the first, and “And then two come along” on the second. The campaign will also include an upweighted social media presence with posts including “Born this way” and “You won’t catch us coming out for a day – we’re London Pride 365 days a year.” To encourage the party atmosphere during the Parade, brand ambassadors will be handing out two-part vouchers that can be exchanged, if both parts are present, for two pints of lovely cold London Pride Unfiltered. This campaign was created by London based advertising agency Recipe. Matt Waller, creative director at Recipe said, “London Pride Unfiltered and Pride in London are the perfect partnership, (if you don’t believe us just Google London Pride.) London Pride Unfiltered is a young and vibrant brand reaching out to an audience that has often been overlooked by traditional brewers. The ‘Pride Loves Pride’ campaign creates loads of opportunities to join in and support the ongoing efforts of Pride in London. We hope this is just the start of a long and fruitful relationship. “For too long beer advertising has been peddling outdated ideas of the male beer drinker and their views. The best way set the record straight is to lampoon it.” Jane Jones, Director of Marketing at Fuller’s, said: “Pride in London is a great fit for Pride, but it doesn’t just share the same name; we share the same values of authenticity and independence, being a long-standing part of the fabric of London’s rich and varied culture since 1959. The Pride in London Parade is as revered as our beer and this link allows us to bring these two icons together, leading to a perfect partnership.” While most keg beers are filtered and pasteurised, London Pride Unfiltered is brewed using minimal processes, to retain as much of its natural flavour as possible. It is brewed to the same recipe as London Pride Original and dry hopped for added character.



    And Then Two






    广告公司: Recipe (英国 伦敦)




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