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    Alert AD短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 我们的任务是在世界上最容易发生火灾的地区之一: 澳大利亚维多利亚,将丛林火灾意识转化为立即的行为行动。我们面临的挑战是同时教育维多利亚时代的人,并警告他们维多利亚地区的丛林火灾、墨尔本城市边缘的草场火灾以及谨慎计划州际旅行的旅行者的危险。在这种有生命危险的情况下,失败不是一种选择。最重要的是,无论人们发现什么 “警告”,都必须是相关的、最新的和准确的。这意味着我们必须想出一个 “数据第一” 的解决方案。 活动描述 “做好准备” 的问题太复杂了,无法提供一个简单的行动呼吁,可以应用于所有场景。一系列基于个人情况的个人因素和决定通常会影响做出 “火灾危险” 决定的时间。然而,缺乏对火灾危险等级的认识/理解和有限的准备可能会产生悲惨的结果。我们需要确保,如果维多利亚搜索警告或信息时,他们会发现准确的警报。我们的解决方案是从人们在紧急情况下首先求助的东西中诞生的?他们的智能手机。他们在使用手机时通常看到的第一件事是: 谷歌广告词。我们把 Adwords 变成了一个实时警报网络。提供准确、地理相关的火灾风险警报的系统。 相关性 这个想法取决于 “实时” 数据的使用,以确保在森林大火期间,处于危险中的人收到可能挽救他们生命的信息。这些 “警报” 是使用现有的 “谷歌广告词” 媒体平台发送的。警报根据位置、天气数据和火灾紧急警告,针对风险最大的人。 执行 活动的成功取决于在正确的时间向正确的用户提供正确的信息。我们使用基于位置的定位服务于区域内的每个区和城市边缘社区,并提供相关的警报广告。使用基于移动网络位置的定位系统,以及 wi-fi 和电信信号强度的独特组合,我们绘制了位置。这有助于我们准确地识别用户在 CFA 消防区内的位置。然后,我们将这些数据与 MCN ID 目标一起放置,MCN ID 目标使用与 Experian 和 Roy Morgan 数据交叉引用的 Telstra 用户数据 (年龄、性别和邮政编码数据)。使用这两个出版商使我们能够准确地向正确的人提供正确的信息。 结果 这项活动是全球搜索营销的第一次,在提醒和教育维多利亚人火灾和火灾风险方面至关重要。我们的实时战略使我们能够向关键受众传达多种信息: 减轻生活在高危丛林火灾社区的危险,提高城市边缘社区和旅行者的认识。我们通过搜索广告推动行为改变,在人们最需要的时候提供相关的个性化提醒。如果没有实时直播的方法,这场运动的效果将是有限的。我们这场运动的最终目标是防止夏季火灾季节的任何伤亡,并提供一个更安全的维多利亚。在盛夏期间,每两名维多利亚人中有一人点击了我们的广告,证明了我们能够通过这个解决方案实现的存在和参与。没有维多利亚时代的人因为这个季节的火灾而丧生,因此这不能仅仅归因于我们的运动,我们的 “警报广告” 战略 为了这项运动取得成功,我们需要简化火灾危险警告的复杂性。由于火灾在地方一级造成的各种风险,这意味着我们需要在不同的时间或同时在需要条件的情况下向广泛的受众传递多条信息。由于所有活动都与天气条件有内在的联系,我们必须找到一种创造性的方法来规划火灾危险风险。我们开发了一个动态内容解决方案,集成了火灾危险等级警告数据、天气警报和地理分区。该战略的真正英雄是我们能够成功地将 CFA feed 数据映射到九个地区,以服务于 “超” 本地结果。这是一个复杂的过程,不仅需要构建 HTML5 动态创意模板,还需要创建触发规则来管理关键火灾危险消息的频率。


    案例简介:Synopsis We were tasked with translating bushfire awareness into immediate behavioural action in one of the most fire prone regions in the world: Victoria, Australia.Our challenge was to simultaneously educate and warn Victorians of the dangers of bushfires in regional Victoria, grassfires on Melbourne’s urban fringe, as well as caution travellers planning interstate travel. In this instance with lives at risk, failure was not an option. Most importantly, whatever ‘warning’ people found had to be relevant, up to date and accurate. This meant we had to come up with a ‘data first’ solution. CampaignDescription The issue of being ‘Fire Ready’ is far too complex to provide a simple call to action that can be applied across all scenarios. A range of personal factors and decisions based on individual circumstances will often impact at what point the ‘fire danger’ decision is made. However, a lack of awareness/understanding of fire danger ratings and limited preparation can have tragic results. We needed to ensure that if and when Victorian’s searched for warnings or information, they found an accurate alert. Our solution was born out of the thing people turn to first in an emergency? Their smart phone. And the first thing they normally see when using their phone: Google Adwords. We turned Adwords into a real time alert network. A system that served accurate, geographically relevant fire risk alerts. Relevancy This idea hinged on the use of 'real time' data to ensure that during a bushfire, people in danger received information that could potentially save their life. These 'alerts' were sent using the existing 'Google Adwords' media platform. The alerts targeted those most at risk based on their location, weather data and fire emergency warnings. Execution The campaign success hinged on serving the right message to the right user at the right time. We used location based targeting to serve each district within regional areas and urban fringe communities with the relevant alert ad.Using a mobile network location based targeting system and a distinctive combination of Wi-Fi and telco signal strength, we mapped out locations. This helped us accurately identify the user’s location within the CFA fire districts. We then over laid this data with MCN ID targeting which uses aggregated Telstra subscriber data (age, gender and postcode data) cross referenced with Experian and Roy Morgan data. Using both publishers enabled us to accurately serve the right message to the right person. Outcome A global first in search-marketing, this campaign was crucial in alerting and educating Victorians about fire and fire risks. Our real-time strategy allowed us to communicate multiple messages to key audiences: mitigating the danger for those living in at-risk bushfire communities and raising awareness for urban fringe communities and travellers.We drove behavioural change with our search ads, by serving relevant, personalised alerts when people needed them most. Without a live ‘real time’ approach, this campaign’s effectiveness would have been limited.Our ultimate goal for this campaign was to prevent any casualties in the summer fire season and provide a safer Victoria. During the height of summer, 1 in 2 Victorians were clicking on our ads, proving the presence and engagement we were able to achieve with this solution. No Victorian lost their life due to fire this season and whilst this cannot be attributed solely to our campaign, our ‘alert ads’ Strategy For the campaign to be successful, we needed to simplify the complexities around fire danger warnings. Due to the diverse set of risks posed by fires at a local level, this meant we needed to deliver multiple messages to a wide range of audiences at either different times or simultaneously if conditions demanded. With all activity being intrinsically linked to weather conditions we had to find a creative way to plan for fire danger risks. We developed a dynamic content solution which integrated Fire Danger Rating Warnings Data, Weather Alerts and Geographic Zoning. The true hero of the strategy was our ability to successfully map the CFA feed data against nine districts to serve ‘hyper’ local results. This was a complex process, which involved not only building HTML5 dynamic creative templates but creating trigger rules to manage the frequency of the key fire danger messages.

    Alert AD

    案例简介:概要 我们的任务是在世界上最容易发生火灾的地区之一: 澳大利亚维多利亚,将丛林火灾意识转化为立即的行为行动。我们面临的挑战是同时教育维多利亚时代的人,并警告他们维多利亚地区的丛林火灾、墨尔本城市边缘的草场火灾以及谨慎计划州际旅行的旅行者的危险。在这种有生命危险的情况下,失败不是一种选择。最重要的是,无论人们发现什么 “警告”,都必须是相关的、最新的和准确的。这意味着我们必须想出一个 “数据第一” 的解决方案。 活动描述 “做好准备” 的问题太复杂了,无法提供一个简单的行动呼吁,可以应用于所有场景。一系列基于个人情况的个人因素和决定通常会影响做出 “火灾危险” 决定的时间。然而,缺乏对火灾危险等级的认识/理解和有限的准备可能会产生悲惨的结果。我们需要确保,如果维多利亚搜索警告或信息时,他们会发现准确的警报。我们的解决方案是从人们在紧急情况下首先求助的东西中诞生的?他们的智能手机。他们在使用手机时通常看到的第一件事是: 谷歌广告词。我们把 Adwords 变成了一个实时警报网络。提供准确、地理相关的火灾风险警报的系统。 相关性 这个想法取决于 “实时” 数据的使用,以确保在森林大火期间,处于危险中的人收到可能挽救他们生命的信息。这些 “警报” 是使用现有的 “谷歌广告词” 媒体平台发送的。警报根据位置、天气数据和火灾紧急警告,针对风险最大的人。 执行 活动的成功取决于在正确的时间向正确的用户提供正确的信息。我们使用基于位置的定位服务于区域内的每个区和城市边缘社区,并提供相关的警报广告。使用基于移动网络位置的定位系统,以及 wi-fi 和电信信号强度的独特组合,我们绘制了位置。这有助于我们准确地识别用户在 CFA 消防区内的位置。然后,我们将这些数据与 MCN ID 目标一起放置,MCN ID 目标使用与 Experian 和 Roy Morgan 数据交叉引用的 Telstra 用户数据 (年龄、性别和邮政编码数据)。使用这两个出版商使我们能够准确地向正确的人提供正确的信息。 结果 这项活动是全球搜索营销的第一次,在提醒和教育维多利亚人火灾和火灾风险方面至关重要。我们的实时战略使我们能够向关键受众传达多种信息: 减轻生活在高危丛林火灾社区的危险,提高城市边缘社区和旅行者的认识。我们通过搜索广告推动行为改变,在人们最需要的时候提供相关的个性化提醒。如果没有实时直播的方法,这场运动的效果将是有限的。我们这场运动的最终目标是防止夏季火灾季节的任何伤亡,并提供一个更安全的维多利亚。在盛夏期间,每两名维多利亚人中有一人点击了我们的广告,证明了我们能够通过这个解决方案实现的存在和参与。没有维多利亚时代的人因为这个季节的火灾而丧生,因此这不能仅仅归因于我们的运动,我们的 “警报广告” 战略 为了这项运动取得成功,我们需要简化火灾危险警告的复杂性。由于火灾在地方一级造成的各种风险,这意味着我们需要在不同的时间或同时在需要条件的情况下向广泛的受众传递多条信息。由于所有活动都与天气条件有内在的联系,我们必须找到一种创造性的方法来规划火灾危险风险。我们开发了一个动态内容解决方案,集成了火灾危险等级警告数据、天气警报和地理分区。该战略的真正英雄是我们能够成功地将 CFA feed 数据映射到九个地区,以服务于 “超” 本地结果。这是一个复杂的过程,不仅需要构建 HTML5 动态创意模板,还需要创建触发规则来管理关键火灾危险消息的频率。

    Alert AD

    案例简介:Synopsis We were tasked with translating bushfire awareness into immediate behavioural action in one of the most fire prone regions in the world: Victoria, Australia.Our challenge was to simultaneously educate and warn Victorians of the dangers of bushfires in regional Victoria, grassfires on Melbourne’s urban fringe, as well as caution travellers planning interstate travel. In this instance with lives at risk, failure was not an option. Most importantly, whatever ‘warning’ people found had to be relevant, up to date and accurate. This meant we had to come up with a ‘data first’ solution. CampaignDescription The issue of being ‘Fire Ready’ is far too complex to provide a simple call to action that can be applied across all scenarios. A range of personal factors and decisions based on individual circumstances will often impact at what point the ‘fire danger’ decision is made. However, a lack of awareness/understanding of fire danger ratings and limited preparation can have tragic results. We needed to ensure that if and when Victorian’s searched for warnings or information, they found an accurate alert. Our solution was born out of the thing people turn to first in an emergency? Their smart phone. And the first thing they normally see when using their phone: Google Adwords. We turned Adwords into a real time alert network. A system that served accurate, geographically relevant fire risk alerts. Relevancy This idea hinged on the use of 'real time' data to ensure that during a bushfire, people in danger received information that could potentially save their life. These 'alerts' were sent using the existing 'Google Adwords' media platform. The alerts targeted those most at risk based on their location, weather data and fire emergency warnings. Execution The campaign success hinged on serving the right message to the right user at the right time. We used location based targeting to serve each district within regional areas and urban fringe communities with the relevant alert ad.Using a mobile network location based targeting system and a distinctive combination of Wi-Fi and telco signal strength, we mapped out locations. This helped us accurately identify the user’s location within the CFA fire districts. We then over laid this data with MCN ID targeting which uses aggregated Telstra subscriber data (age, gender and postcode data) cross referenced with Experian and Roy Morgan data. Using both publishers enabled us to accurately serve the right message to the right person. Outcome A global first in search-marketing, this campaign was crucial in alerting and educating Victorians about fire and fire risks. Our real-time strategy allowed us to communicate multiple messages to key audiences: mitigating the danger for those living in at-risk bushfire communities and raising awareness for urban fringe communities and travellers.We drove behavioural change with our search ads, by serving relevant, personalised alerts when people needed them most. Without a live ‘real time’ approach, this campaign’s effectiveness would have been limited.Our ultimate goal for this campaign was to prevent any casualties in the summer fire season and provide a safer Victoria. During the height of summer, 1 in 2 Victorians were clicking on our ads, proving the presence and engagement we were able to achieve with this solution. No Victorian lost their life due to fire this season and whilst this cannot be attributed solely to our campaign, our ‘alert ads’ Strategy For the campaign to be successful, we needed to simplify the complexities around fire danger warnings. Due to the diverse set of risks posed by fires at a local level, this meant we needed to deliver multiple messages to a wide range of audiences at either different times or simultaneously if conditions demanded. With all activity being intrinsically linked to weather conditions we had to find a creative way to plan for fire danger risks. We developed a dynamic content solution which integrated Fire Danger Rating Warnings Data, Weather Alerts and Geographic Zoning. The true hero of the strategy was our ability to successfully map the CFA feed data against nine districts to serve ‘hyper’ local results. This was a complex process, which involved not only building HTML5 dynamic creative templates but creating trigger rules to manage the frequency of the key fire danger messages.



    Alert AD






    广告公司: BWM (澳大利亚 墨尔本) 制作公司: BWM , Columbus




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