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    Al Umobuwah: Putting



    Al Umobuwah: 把 “妈妈” 变成 “为人父母”

    案例简介:概要 Babyshop 是中东的一家儿童零售商。它一直代表着庆祝为人父母,成为为人父母的盟友。它的主要消费者是阿拉伯母亲。现在,在中东,由于充满挑战的社会经济环境,零售类别的竞争越来越激烈,每个品牌都失去了对建立其资产和亲和力的关注,相反, 最终玩了价格优惠和折扣游戏。在暂时赢得钱包份额的竞争中,品牌已经忘记了分享心和消费者尊重的重要性。阿拉伯母亲更喜欢从对他们有意义的品牌购买。尽管折扣吸引了钱包,但他们更喜欢购买品牌代表的东西,然后购买品牌销售的产品。在母亲节 2018 日,Babyshop 想赢得那份心,赢得阿拉伯母亲的爱,作为一家他们想交往的零售商。 战略 我们希望这个词被所有阿拉伯人传播,不仅仅是母亲节的视频。但是,阿拉伯语不是人们改变的语言,这意味着我们需要信任的人的支持和认可。在中东,众所周知,非常受欢迎的影响者是商业抛售,并且已经失去了可信度。但是,我们在微观影响者身上找到了一个机会,他们不是卖出来的,在重要话题上有可信的声音,并且会被人们相信。鉴于社交媒体的流行,我们选择这些微影响者作为激发对话和互动的完美触发器,同时也预测负面情绪, 我们让这些影响者成为他们众所周知的逻辑声音。我们还将这个想法的社会性融入到其他媒介中: 社会影响者推出了我们的收藏,出版了一本新杂志,学校和现场活动进一步传播了这个词。 相关性 中东没有哪个品牌敢接触或添加阿拉伯语,因为害怕反弹和负面情绪压倒了该品牌的形象。儿童零售商 Babyshop 着手改革一个词的词源,这反映了传统的父权制观点。创造了一个新的阿拉伯语单词。它反驳负面情绪,预测它们,并将它们转化为积极情绪。作为一个有效的商业举措,让 Babyshop 的核心目标阿拉伯母亲与品牌产生更多共鸣,这个想法也推动和影响了文化和词汇。 结果 Babyshop 代表 “庆祝为人父母”,为 “为人父母” 创造了一个公平的词,并引起了人们的注意。我们反驳 (我们预期的) 负面情绪,并将其转化为积极情绪。作为一个有效的商业举措,让 Babyshop 的核心目标阿拉伯母亲与品牌产生更多共鸣,这个想法也推动和影响了文化和词汇。领先的阿拉伯新闻频道和脱口秀支持它: “一种新的为人父母的方式。” “这个词听起来不同。但是,大多数阿拉伯单词是这样的。我们使用它越多,我们就越习惯它。”“ 每个人都应该使用它。它增加了语言而没有侮辱它。”“ 一个创新的想法。表明父母双方都很重要。不歧视父亲。“产生了 12亿的媒体印象。达到 2亿人的地区 (91% 的海湾)。赚了 130万美元赚了媒体和瑞星,在领先的地区和地方新闻和媒体平台上展示。触发 + 27% 品牌嗡嗡声对 2017年1月到2月。阿拉伯母亲与 2017年1月到2月赢得 + 32% 的品牌爱。重要的是,尽管在第一周有 50% 的负面情绪,今天,这个词有 87% 的正面情绪。在短短 32 天内,一份将这个词纳入阿拉伯语词典的请愿书就达到了目标。 执行 母亲节的一个社交媒体视频立即发布了这个词,引发了对话。并引发了 50% 的负面情绪,主要来自传统思想的男性,他们对阿拉伯语中添加的一个新词感到愤怒。负面评论帮助我们推动了社会对话。我们与 40 名阿拉伯社交媒体影响者合作,他们对此表示赞同,并与负面评论员合作。通过我们的影响者,我们为幼儿、婴儿和儿童推出了一个新的系列 -- 在迪拜时装秀上展出。基于音频的互动体验创造了对这个词的更多熟悉。我们在 YouTube 上创建了一个音频发音指南。我们在 Babyshop 商店推出了互动屏幕,通过说新单词 “al umobuwah” 来激活,显示从旧单词到新单词的变化。学校的孩子们在教室和活动中学会了这个词。出版并发行了一本名为 “al umobuwah” 的新阿拉伯语杂志。 活动描述 阿拉伯语,像其他几种语言一样,包含了各种源于以父亲为中心的词根的单词。“为人父母” (Al Obuwah) 就是这样一个词。AlthouGh,随着时间的推移,许多阿拉伯人已经理解这个词的意思是 -- 父亲和母亲 -- 阿拉伯语中的 “为人父母” 这个词实际上在言语上翻译成 “父亲身份”。主要的阿拉伯语单词 “为人父母” (Al Obuwah) 把 “妈妈” 去掉。其他阿拉伯语单词,用于 “为人父母”,如 “Walediya”,也来源于 “Waled” 等单词,意思是 “父亲”。没有 “为人父母” 这个词包括或暗示 “母亲”。所以,我们做了一些品牌从未尝试过的事情。与语言学家合作,我们创造了一个新的阿拉伯语单词,给予父母双方同等的重视,并将 “妈妈” 纳入 “为人父母”。介绍: AL UMOBUWAH。一个意思是 “母亲和父亲” 的词。

    Al Umobuwah: 把 “妈妈” 变成 “为人父母”

    案例简介:Synopsis Babyshop is a children's retailer in the Middle East. It has always stood for celebrating parenthood and being an ally in parenthood. Its primary consumers are Arab mothers. Now, in the Middle East, owing to a challenging socio-economic environment, the retail category is getting more competitive, with every brand losing focus on building its equity and affinity, and instead, ending up playing the price-offs and discounts game. In the race to temporarily win share of wallet, brands have forgotten the importance of share-of-heart and consumer respect. Arab mothers prefer buying from brands that mean something to them. Even though discounts tempt the purse strings, they prefer to buy into what the brand stands for and then, buy into the products sold by the brands. On Mother’s Day 2018, Babyshop wanted to win that share of heart and win love from Arab mothers, as a retailer they’d want to associate with. Strategy We wanted the word to be propagated by all Arabs, beyond simply a video for Mother's Day. But, Arabic is not a language that people change around.This meant that we needed support and endorsement from people who were trusted. In the Middle East, highly popular influencers are known to be commercial sell-outs and have been losing credibility. But, we found an opportunity in micro-influencers, who weren't sell-outs, had a credible voice on important topics and would be believed by people. And given the prevalence of social media, we chose these micro-influencers as the perfect trigger to spark conversations and create interactions, and also anticipating negative sentiments, we on-boarded these influencers to be the logical voices they were known to be. We also integrated the social nature of the idea into other mediums: social influencers launched our collection, a new magazine was printed, schools and on-ground activations spread the word further. Relevancy No brand in the Middle East has dared to touch the Arabic language or add to it, because of the fear of backlash and negative sentiments overpowering the brands' image. Babyshop - a children's retailer - set out to reform a word's etymology, that reflected a traditional, patriarchal outlook. And created a new Arabic word. It countered negative sentiments, anticipated them, and converted them into positive ones. As well as being an effective business move, getting Babyshop's core target of Arab mothers resonating more with the brand, the idea has also nudged and influenced culture as well as the lexicon. Outcome Standing for "celebrating parenthood", Babyshop created an equitable word for "parenthood" and captured attention. We countered negative sentiments (that we anticipated), and converted them into positive ones. As well as being an effective business move, getting Babyshop's core target of Arab mothers resonating more with the brand, the idea has also nudged and influenced culture as well as the lexicon. Leading Arabic news channels and talk shows endorsed it: “A new way to say parenthood.” “The word sounds different. But, most Arabic words do. The more we use it, the more we’ll get used to it.” “Everyone should use it. It adds to the language without insulting it.” “An innovative idea. Shows both parents matter. Doesn’t prejudice against fathers.” Generated 1.2 billion earned media impressions. Reached 200 million people regionally (91% of Gulf). Earned $1.3 million earned media and rising, featuring on leading regional and local news and media platforms. Triggered +27% brand buzz vs. January-February 2017. Earned +32% brand love with Arab mothers vs. January-February 2017. Importantly, despite 50% negative sentiments in its first week, today, the word has 87% positive sentiments. And a petition to include the word in the Arabic Dictionary, reached its goal, in just 32 days. Execution A social media video, on Mother’s Day, launched the word, instantly, sparking conversations. And provoked 50% negative sentiments, mainly from traditionally-minded men, who were outraged about a new word added to Arabic. The negative comments helped us fuel the social conversation. We partnered with 40 Arabic social media influencers, who endorsed it, engaging with the negative commentators. Through our influencers, we launched a new collection for toddlers, infants and kids - that was featured in a Dubai fashion show. Audio-based interactive experiences created more familiarity with the word. We created an audio pronunciation guide on YouTube. And we launched interactive screens across Babyshop stores that were activated by saying the new word ‘Al Umobuwah’, showing the change from the old word to the new word. School children learnt the word across classrooms and events. A new Arabic magazine - titled with the word ‘Al Umobuwah’ - was published, and distributed. CampaignDescription Arabic, like a few other languages, contains a variety of words stemming from paternal-centered roots. The word “parenthood” (Al Obuwah) is one such word. Although, many Arabs have, over time, understood that word to mean both - father and mother - the word “parenthood” in Arabic actually translates into “fatherhood” in verbal usage. The primary Arabic word for “parenthood” (Al Obuwah) leaves “mum” out. Other Arabic words, used for “parenthood” such as “Walediya”, are also derived from words such as “Waled”, meaning “father”. There is NO word for “parenthood” that includes or implies "mother". So, we did something no brand had ever attempted. Working with linguists, we created a new Arabic word, giving equal importance to both parents and putting "Mum" into "Parenthood". Introducing: AL UMOBUWAH. A word that means "Motherhood AND Fatherhood".

    Al Umobuwah: Putting "Mum" into "Parenthood"

    案例简介:概要 Babyshop 是中东的一家儿童零售商。它一直代表着庆祝为人父母,成为为人父母的盟友。它的主要消费者是阿拉伯母亲。现在,在中东,由于充满挑战的社会经济环境,零售类别的竞争越来越激烈,每个品牌都失去了对建立其资产和亲和力的关注,相反, 最终玩了价格优惠和折扣游戏。在暂时赢得钱包份额的竞争中,品牌已经忘记了分享心和消费者尊重的重要性。阿拉伯母亲更喜欢从对他们有意义的品牌购买。尽管折扣吸引了钱包,但他们更喜欢购买品牌代表的东西,然后购买品牌销售的产品。在母亲节 2018 日,Babyshop 想赢得那份心,赢得阿拉伯母亲的爱,作为一家他们想交往的零售商。 战略 我们希望这个词被所有阿拉伯人传播,不仅仅是母亲节的视频。但是,阿拉伯语不是人们改变的语言,这意味着我们需要信任的人的支持和认可。在中东,众所周知,非常受欢迎的影响者是商业抛售,并且已经失去了可信度。但是,我们在微观影响者身上找到了一个机会,他们不是卖出来的,在重要话题上有可信的声音,并且会被人们相信。鉴于社交媒体的流行,我们选择这些微影响者作为激发对话和互动的完美触发器,同时也预测负面情绪, 我们让这些影响者成为他们众所周知的逻辑声音。我们还将这个想法的社会性融入到其他媒介中: 社会影响者推出了我们的收藏,出版了一本新杂志,学校和现场活动进一步传播了这个词。 相关性 中东没有哪个品牌敢接触或添加阿拉伯语,因为害怕反弹和负面情绪压倒了该品牌的形象。儿童零售商 Babyshop 着手改革一个词的词源,这反映了传统的父权制观点。创造了一个新的阿拉伯语单词。它反驳负面情绪,预测它们,并将它们转化为积极情绪。作为一个有效的商业举措,让 Babyshop 的核心目标阿拉伯母亲与品牌产生更多共鸣,这个想法也推动和影响了文化和词汇。 结果 Babyshop 代表 “庆祝为人父母”,为 “为人父母” 创造了一个公平的词,并引起了人们的注意。我们反驳 (我们预期的) 负面情绪,并将其转化为积极情绪。作为一个有效的商业举措,让 Babyshop 的核心目标阿拉伯母亲与品牌产生更多共鸣,这个想法也推动和影响了文化和词汇。领先的阿拉伯新闻频道和脱口秀支持它: “一种新的为人父母的方式。” “这个词听起来不同。但是,大多数阿拉伯单词是这样的。我们使用它越多,我们就越习惯它。”“ 每个人都应该使用它。它增加了语言而没有侮辱它。”“ 一个创新的想法。表明父母双方都很重要。不歧视父亲。“产生了 12亿的媒体印象。达到 2亿人的地区 (91% 的海湾)。赚了 130万美元赚了媒体和瑞星,在领先的地区和地方新闻和媒体平台上展示。触发 + 27% 品牌嗡嗡声对 2017年1月到2月。阿拉伯母亲与 2017年1月到2月赢得 + 32% 的品牌爱。重要的是,尽管在第一周有 50% 的负面情绪,今天,这个词有 87% 的正面情绪。在短短 32 天内,一份将这个词纳入阿拉伯语词典的请愿书就达到了目标。 执行 母亲节的一个社交媒体视频立即发布了这个词,引发了对话。并引发了 50% 的负面情绪,主要来自传统思想的男性,他们对阿拉伯语中添加的一个新词感到愤怒。负面评论帮助我们推动了社会对话。我们与 40 名阿拉伯社交媒体影响者合作,他们对此表示赞同,并与负面评论员合作。通过我们的影响者,我们为幼儿、婴儿和儿童推出了一个新的系列 -- 在迪拜时装秀上展出。基于音频的互动体验创造了对这个词的更多熟悉。我们在 YouTube 上创建了一个音频发音指南。我们在 Babyshop 商店推出了互动屏幕,通过说新单词 “al umobuwah” 来激活,显示从旧单词到新单词的变化。学校的孩子们在教室和活动中学会了这个词。出版并发行了一本名为 “al umobuwah” 的新阿拉伯语杂志。 活动描述 阿拉伯语,像其他几种语言一样,包含了各种源于以父亲为中心的词根的单词。“为人父母” (Al Obuwah) 就是这样一个词。AlthouGh,随着时间的推移,许多阿拉伯人已经理解这个词的意思是 -- 父亲和母亲 -- 阿拉伯语中的 “为人父母” 这个词实际上在言语上翻译成 “父亲身份”。主要的阿拉伯语单词 “为人父母” (Al Obuwah) 把 “妈妈” 去掉。其他阿拉伯语单词,用于 “为人父母”,如 “Walediya”,也来源于 “Waled” 等单词,意思是 “父亲”。没有 “为人父母” 这个词包括或暗示 “母亲”。所以,我们做了一些品牌从未尝试过的事情。与语言学家合作,我们创造了一个新的阿拉伯语单词,给予父母双方同等的重视,并将 “妈妈” 纳入 “为人父母”。介绍: AL UMOBUWAH。一个意思是 “母亲和父亲” 的词。

    Al Umobuwah: Putting "Mum" into "Parenthood"

    案例简介:Synopsis Babyshop is a children's retailer in the Middle East. It has always stood for celebrating parenthood and being an ally in parenthood. Its primary consumers are Arab mothers. Now, in the Middle East, owing to a challenging socio-economic environment, the retail category is getting more competitive, with every brand losing focus on building its equity and affinity, and instead, ending up playing the price-offs and discounts game. In the race to temporarily win share of wallet, brands have forgotten the importance of share-of-heart and consumer respect. Arab mothers prefer buying from brands that mean something to them. Even though discounts tempt the purse strings, they prefer to buy into what the brand stands for and then, buy into the products sold by the brands. On Mother’s Day 2018, Babyshop wanted to win that share of heart and win love from Arab mothers, as a retailer they’d want to associate with. Strategy We wanted the word to be propagated by all Arabs, beyond simply a video for Mother's Day. But, Arabic is not a language that people change around.This meant that we needed support and endorsement from people who were trusted. In the Middle East, highly popular influencers are known to be commercial sell-outs and have been losing credibility. But, we found an opportunity in micro-influencers, who weren't sell-outs, had a credible voice on important topics and would be believed by people. And given the prevalence of social media, we chose these micro-influencers as the perfect trigger to spark conversations and create interactions, and also anticipating negative sentiments, we on-boarded these influencers to be the logical voices they were known to be. We also integrated the social nature of the idea into other mediums: social influencers launched our collection, a new magazine was printed, schools and on-ground activations spread the word further. Relevancy No brand in the Middle East has dared to touch the Arabic language or add to it, because of the fear of backlash and negative sentiments overpowering the brands' image. Babyshop - a children's retailer - set out to reform a word's etymology, that reflected a traditional, patriarchal outlook. And created a new Arabic word. It countered negative sentiments, anticipated them, and converted them into positive ones. As well as being an effective business move, getting Babyshop's core target of Arab mothers resonating more with the brand, the idea has also nudged and influenced culture as well as the lexicon. Outcome Standing for "celebrating parenthood", Babyshop created an equitable word for "parenthood" and captured attention. We countered negative sentiments (that we anticipated), and converted them into positive ones. As well as being an effective business move, getting Babyshop's core target of Arab mothers resonating more with the brand, the idea has also nudged and influenced culture as well as the lexicon. Leading Arabic news channels and talk shows endorsed it: “A new way to say parenthood.” “The word sounds different. But, most Arabic words do. The more we use it, the more we’ll get used to it.” “Everyone should use it. It adds to the language without insulting it.” “An innovative idea. Shows both parents matter. Doesn’t prejudice against fathers.” Generated 1.2 billion earned media impressions. Reached 200 million people regionally (91% of Gulf). Earned $1.3 million earned media and rising, featuring on leading regional and local news and media platforms. Triggered +27% brand buzz vs. January-February 2017. Earned +32% brand love with Arab mothers vs. January-February 2017. Importantly, despite 50% negative sentiments in its first week, today, the word has 87% positive sentiments. And a petition to include the word in the Arabic Dictionary, reached its goal, in just 32 days. Execution A social media video, on Mother’s Day, launched the word, instantly, sparking conversations. And provoked 50% negative sentiments, mainly from traditionally-minded men, who were outraged about a new word added to Arabic. The negative comments helped us fuel the social conversation. We partnered with 40 Arabic social media influencers, who endorsed it, engaging with the negative commentators. Through our influencers, we launched a new collection for toddlers, infants and kids - that was featured in a Dubai fashion show. Audio-based interactive experiences created more familiarity with the word. We created an audio pronunciation guide on YouTube. And we launched interactive screens across Babyshop stores that were activated by saying the new word ‘Al Umobuwah’, showing the change from the old word to the new word. School children learnt the word across classrooms and events. A new Arabic magazine - titled with the word ‘Al Umobuwah’ - was published, and distributed. CampaignDescription Arabic, like a few other languages, contains a variety of words stemming from paternal-centered roots. The word “parenthood” (Al Obuwah) is one such word. Although, many Arabs have, over time, understood that word to mean both - father and mother - the word “parenthood” in Arabic actually translates into “fatherhood” in verbal usage. The primary Arabic word for “parenthood” (Al Obuwah) leaves “mum” out. Other Arabic words, used for “parenthood” such as “Walediya”, are also derived from words such as “Waled”, meaning “father”. There is NO word for “parenthood” that includes or implies "mother". So, we did something no brand had ever attempted. Working with linguists, we created a new Arabic word, giving equal importance to both parents and putting "Mum" into "Parenthood". Introducing: AL UMOBUWAH. A word that means "Motherhood AND Fatherhood".

    Al Umobuwah: 把 “妈妈” 变成 “为人父母”


    Al Umobuwah: Putting "Mum" into "Parenthood"










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