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    Building dreams短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:故事 一个关于 17,793 钉子如何改变阿联酋蓝领工人子女生活的故事 哲学 阿联酋有超过百万蓝领工人,为国家和人民的梦想而努力。砖一砖,钉一钉,他们也在默默地努力实现自己的梦想,给他们的孩子更好的教育,从而更好的生活。但是我们发现,即使一些工人每月钉 200,000 多个钉子,他们的工资 (低至 200-300 美元) 可能永远不足以实现这个梦想。SmartLife Foundation (阿联酋蓝领工人的非政府组织) 想用工人们每天敲打的钉子来帮助建立他们的梦想。所以,我们创建了 SAPNA (在印地语或乌尔都语中,意思是 “梦”)。在迪拜一条著名的街道上建了一堵梦想之墙。然后,我们邀请人们以至少 10 AED 的价格购买一枚钉子,并将其锤在墙上的标记上。因此,让他们有机会感受到工人努力的一小部分,一次一根钉子。长城的位置和时间 (节日季节) 积极激发购物者贡献和支持这项事业。随着墙的完成,梦想成真了,所有的钉子都形成了一个孩子被递给毕业帽的形象。 结果 以绝对的零成本 (所有材料、媒体空间、媒体渠道、制作、志愿者和拍摄都是无偿的),隔离墙成为了迪拜的关注中心, 吸引了超过 55 个不同民族、受欢迎的阿拉伯名人和当地影响者,以及领先的印刷 (Khaleej times,7 天) 、广播(Mirchi 电台,Virgin Radio) 和电视 (迪拜 One,Studio One) 频道,以及远至法国的国际网站。 # sapnadubai 成为社交媒体上的热门话题,人们分享的照片为我们提供了 100,000 多个免费社交广告。由于所有的有机口碑,赚来的媒体已经创造了超过 400,000 美元,而且还在上升。最重要的是,在短短 9 天内,17,793 个钉子都被钉在了墙上。筹集的资金将帮助许多孩子在毕业前接受教育。长城也成为有史以来第一个众包的慈善美甲作品。因为它的成功,长城将穿越这个地区,建立更多的梦想,一次一根钉子。SAPNA 也被邀请进入新加坡等全球市场。


    案例简介:Story A story of how 17,793 nails have changed the lives of UAE's blue-collar workers' children Philosophy There are over a million blue-collar workers in UAE, building the dreams of the country and its people. Brick by brick, nail by nail, they are also silently working towards their own dreams of giving their children a better education and hence, a better life. But we discovered that even though some workers hammer in over 200,000 nails a month, their salaries (as low as 200-300 USD) might never be enough for that dream. SmartLife Foundation (an NGO for UAE’s blue-collar workers) wanted to use the same nails the workers hammer daily, to help build their dreams. So, we created SAPNA (in Hindi or Urdu languages means "Dream"). And built a Wall of Dreams on a prominent street in Dubai. We then invited people to buy a nail for a minimum of 10 AED and hammer it onto our markers on the wall. Thus, giving them the chance to feel a fraction of the workers’ efforts and give back one nail at a time. The wall's location and timing (festive season) positively provoked shoppers to contribute and support the cause. And as the wall was completed, the dream came to life, with all the nails forming the image of a child being handed a graduation hat. Result At an absolute zero cost (all materials, media space, media channels, production, volunteers and filming were pro bono), the wall became a centre of attention in Dubai, attracting over 55 different nationalities, popular Arab celebrities and local influencers, as well leading print (Khaleej times, 7 Days), radio (Radio Mirchi, Virgin Radio) and TV (Dubai One, Studio One) channels, and international websites as far as France.#sapnadubai became a popular topic on social media and people's shared photos generated over 100,000 free social ads for us.As a result of all the organic word of mouth, over $400,000 have been generated in earned media and rising.Most importantly, in just 9 days, all 17,793 nails were hammered in the wall. The money raised will help educate many children through their schooling right up until graduation. The wall has also become the first ever crowd-sourced nail art piece for charity.Because of its success, the wall will be traveling across the region, building many more dreams, one nail at a time. SAPNA has also been invited globally in markets such as Singapore.

    Building dreams

    案例简介:故事 一个关于 17,793 钉子如何改变阿联酋蓝领工人子女生活的故事 哲学 阿联酋有超过百万蓝领工人,为国家和人民的梦想而努力。砖一砖,钉一钉,他们也在默默地努力实现自己的梦想,给他们的孩子更好的教育,从而更好的生活。但是我们发现,即使一些工人每月钉 200,000 多个钉子,他们的工资 (低至 200-300 美元) 可能永远不足以实现这个梦想。SmartLife Foundation (阿联酋蓝领工人的非政府组织) 想用工人们每天敲打的钉子来帮助建立他们的梦想。所以,我们创建了 SAPNA (在印地语或乌尔都语中,意思是 “梦”)。在迪拜一条著名的街道上建了一堵梦想之墙。然后,我们邀请人们以至少 10 AED 的价格购买一枚钉子,并将其锤在墙上的标记上。因此,让他们有机会感受到工人努力的一小部分,一次一根钉子。长城的位置和时间 (节日季节) 积极激发购物者贡献和支持这项事业。随着墙的完成,梦想成真了,所有的钉子都形成了一个孩子被递给毕业帽的形象。 结果 以绝对的零成本 (所有材料、媒体空间、媒体渠道、制作、志愿者和拍摄都是无偿的),隔离墙成为了迪拜的关注中心, 吸引了超过 55 个不同民族、受欢迎的阿拉伯名人和当地影响者,以及领先的印刷 (Khaleej times,7 天) 、广播(Mirchi 电台,Virgin Radio) 和电视 (迪拜 One,Studio One) 频道,以及远至法国的国际网站。 # sapnadubai 成为社交媒体上的热门话题,人们分享的照片为我们提供了 100,000 多个免费社交广告。由于所有的有机口碑,赚来的媒体已经创造了超过 400,000 美元,而且还在上升。最重要的是,在短短 9 天内,17,793 个钉子都被钉在了墙上。筹集的资金将帮助许多孩子在毕业前接受教育。长城也成为有史以来第一个众包的慈善美甲作品。因为它的成功,长城将穿越这个地区,建立更多的梦想,一次一根钉子。SAPNA 也被邀请进入新加坡等全球市场。

    Building dreams

    案例简介:Story A story of how 17,793 nails have changed the lives of UAE's blue-collar workers' children Philosophy There are over a million blue-collar workers in UAE, building the dreams of the country and its people. Brick by brick, nail by nail, they are also silently working towards their own dreams of giving their children a better education and hence, a better life. But we discovered that even though some workers hammer in over 200,000 nails a month, their salaries (as low as 200-300 USD) might never be enough for that dream. SmartLife Foundation (an NGO for UAE’s blue-collar workers) wanted to use the same nails the workers hammer daily, to help build their dreams. So, we created SAPNA (in Hindi or Urdu languages means "Dream"). And built a Wall of Dreams on a prominent street in Dubai. We then invited people to buy a nail for a minimum of 10 AED and hammer it onto our markers on the wall. Thus, giving them the chance to feel a fraction of the workers’ efforts and give back one nail at a time. The wall's location and timing (festive season) positively provoked shoppers to contribute and support the cause. And as the wall was completed, the dream came to life, with all the nails forming the image of a child being handed a graduation hat. Result At an absolute zero cost (all materials, media space, media channels, production, volunteers and filming were pro bono), the wall became a centre of attention in Dubai, attracting over 55 different nationalities, popular Arab celebrities and local influencers, as well leading print (Khaleej times, 7 Days), radio (Radio Mirchi, Virgin Radio) and TV (Dubai One, Studio One) channels, and international websites as far as France.#sapnadubai became a popular topic on social media and people's shared photos generated over 100,000 free social ads for us.As a result of all the organic word of mouth, over $400,000 have been generated in earned media and rising.Most importantly, in just 9 days, all 17,793 nails were hammered in the wall. The money raised will help educate many children through their schooling right up until graduation. The wall has also become the first ever crowd-sourced nail art piece for charity.Because of its success, the wall will be traveling across the region, building many more dreams, one nail at a time. SAPNA has also been invited globally in markets such as Singapore.



    Building dreams





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