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    The Biggest Secret Diet活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 目的遭到怀疑。每个公司都有一个,但大多数只存在于年度报告和powerpoint幻灯片中的文字中。我们的新目的,“每个人过上更好生活的所有要素” 都有成为众多产品之一的风险。它要求行动而不是言语。对于我们有影响力和大胆的活动,公关对于提高可信度和说服利益相关者的诚意至关重要。公关是我们方法的基础。没有它,我们大胆的想法就有在我们面前爆炸的危险。 背景 Albert Heijn (Ahold Delhaize) 是荷兰领先的超市,市场份额为7%。作为市场领导者,他们创造可持续品牌偏好的新方法是解决重大的社会转变: 增加对透明度的需求、塑料的影响、 (过度) 消费带来的迫在眉睫的健康问题。举几个例子。然而,市场最大和最不稳定的部分,有孩子的家庭,是价格驱动的,折扣是他们的上瘾。 目标是将目标群体的考虑范围扩大到 “价格和焦点”。该品牌有实用的解决方案来解决对所有人都很重要的问题,并改善每个人的生活。我们决定接受一个问题,我们是问题的一部分,因为我们是解决方案: 在我们的产品中隐藏糖。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 隐藏的糖影响所有的人。它是为了增加许多产品的味道而添加的。最重要的是,糖很容易上瘾。健忘的消费者吃了很多,增加了体重和健康问题。肥胖是2第1世纪最严重的公共卫生问题。最初认为影响老人,现在明显影响我们的目标群体家庭有孩子。通过改变饮食,它也是死亡的主要可预防原因。但是改变是困难的,旨在改变荷兰饮食习惯的运动失败了。人类处理少糖的唯一有效方法是我们逐渐调整口味 在两年的时间里,我们逐渐将所有自有品牌产品中的糖含量降低了25%。在此期间,我们保守秘密,以确保我们真正帮助人们适应不同的口味和更健康的饮食 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 逐步调整口味作为我们战略的基础和竞选的关键。我们决定不要求他们接受,因为这会导致拒绝和批评。相反,我们会让他们大吃一惊: 事后。 公关策略有两个目标。让利益相关者和专家相信,我们的新目的确实正在影响我们的行动。其次,为我们的方法产生买入。 在推出之前,它从与利益相关者的会议开始。演示问题并讨论困境。在那之后,一旦竞选活动开始,我们选择了一位可信的代言人作为我们在公共领域的盟友,我们的大秘密将会揭晓; 荷兰糖尿病基金。它们增加了可信度,并允许信息在商业信息无法以可信的方式传播的渠道中传播。一旦活动现场直播,公关将通过社交媒体监控和参与社会。 描述PR执行 (20% 的选票) 在我们减少所有糖之后,我们开始了一个整合的公关,广告和instore活动。我们解决了这个问题,承认并道歉。我们让他们相信了我们的秘密对整个国家的影响。准确地说是惊人的3.2e+06亿块糖块。所有这些都在没有任何顾客注意到他们购买和喜欢吃的产品变化的情况下保存了下来。我们还传达了我们的目标: 到2025年减少10亿个糖块。在商店里,我们在因隐藏糖而臭名昭著的类别的货架上添加了糖指标,以帮助和指导我们的客户。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 在我们减少所有糖之后,我们开始了一个整合的公关,广告和instore活动。我们解决了这个问题,承认并道歉。我们让他们相信了我们的秘密对整个国家的影响。准确地说是惊人的3.2e+06亿块糖块。所有这些都在没有任何顾客注意到他们购买和喜欢吃的产品变化的情况下保存了下来。我们还传达了我们的目标: 到2025年减少10亿个糖块。在商店里,我们在因隐藏糖而臭名昭著的类别的货架上添加了糖指标,以帮助和指导我们的客户。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? Purposes are met with skepticism. Every company has one, but most only exist in words in annual reports and powerpoint slides. Our new purpose, ‘all ingredients for a better life for everyone’ runs the risk of being one of many. It called for deeds not words. For our impactful and daring campaign, PR was critical to increase believability and convince our sincerity amongst stakeholders. PR is the foundation of our approach. Without it, our daring idea ran the risk of exploding in our face. Background Albert Heijn (Ahold Delhaize), is the leading supermarket in the Netherlands, 34,7% marketshare. Their new way to create sustainable brand preference as a market leader, is to address big societal shifts: increased needs for transparency, impact of plastic, looming health-issues from (over-)consumption. To name a few. Yet the markets’ biggest and most volatile segment, families with children, is price driven and discount is their addiction. The objective is to broaden the target groups’ consideration set to a ‘price and focus’. The brand has practical solutions to offer to issues that matter to all and improve everyone’s life. We decided to take on an issue where we are part of the problem as we are the solution: hidden sugar in our products. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Hidden sugar affects all people. It is added to increase taste in many products. On top of that, sugar is highly addictive. Oblivious consumers eat lots of it, adding to weight-increase and health issues. Obesity is 21st Century’s most serious public health issue. Initially thought to affect the elderly, now clearly affecting our target group families with children. It is also the leading preventable cause of death, through a change in diet. But change is hard and campaigns aimed at changing the Dutch eating habits failed. The only effective way for humans to?deal with less sugar, is our gradual adjustment to taste Over a period of two years, we gradually reduced sugar levels in all our private label products by 25%. During which, we kept our secret to ensure we really help people to adjust to a different taste and a healthier diet Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) The gradual adjustment to taste as the foundation of our strategy and the key to the campaign. We decided not to ask them for their acceptance, since this would lead to rejection and criticism. Instead we would take them by surprise: after the fact. The PR strategy had two objectives. Convince stakeholders and experts that our new purpose is really impacting our actions. Secondly generate buy-in for our approach. Prior to roll-out it started with a conference with stakeholders. Demonstrate the problems and discuss the dilemmas. After that we selected one credible endorser to be our ally in the public approach once the campaign would start and our big secret would come out; the Dutch Diabetes Fund. They add credibility and allow the message to be spread in channels commercial messaging cannot reach in a believable way. Once the campaign was live, PR would monitor and engage with society through social media. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) After we reduced all sugars, we kicked off an integrated PR, ad and instore campaign. We addressed the problem, confessed and apologized. We convinced them with the impact our secret had on the whole country. A staggering 320,000,000 million sugar cubes to be precise. All saved without any customer noticing the change in the products they buy and love to eat. We also communicated our aim: a reduction of one billion sugar cubes by 2025. In store, we added sugar indicators on the shelves of categories notorious for their hidden sugars to help and guide our customers. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: After we reduced all sugars, we kicked off an integrated PR, ad and instore campaign. We addressed the problem, confessed and apologized. We convinced them with the impact our secret had on the whole country. A staggering 320,000,000 million sugar cubes to be precise. All saved without any customer noticing the change in the products they buy and love to eat. We also communicated our aim: a reduction of one billion sugar cubes by 2025. In store, we added sugar indicators on the shelves of categories notorious for their hidden sugars to help and guide our customers.

    The Biggest Secret Diet

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 目的遭到怀疑。每个公司都有一个,但大多数只存在于年度报告和powerpoint幻灯片中的文字中。我们的新目的,“每个人过上更好生活的所有要素” 都有成为众多产品之一的风险。它要求行动而不是言语。对于我们有影响力和大胆的活动,公关对于提高可信度和说服利益相关者的诚意至关重要。公关是我们方法的基础。没有它,我们大胆的想法就有在我们面前爆炸的危险。 背景 Albert Heijn (Ahold Delhaize) 是荷兰领先的超市,市场份额为7%。作为市场领导者,他们创造可持续品牌偏好的新方法是解决重大的社会转变: 增加对透明度的需求、塑料的影响、 (过度) 消费带来的迫在眉睫的健康问题。举几个例子。然而,市场最大和最不稳定的部分,有孩子的家庭,是价格驱动的,折扣是他们的上瘾。 目标是将目标群体的考虑范围扩大到 “价格和焦点”。该品牌有实用的解决方案来解决对所有人都很重要的问题,并改善每个人的生活。我们决定接受一个问题,我们是问题的一部分,因为我们是解决方案: 在我们的产品中隐藏糖。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 隐藏的糖影响所有的人。它是为了增加许多产品的味道而添加的。最重要的是,糖很容易上瘾。健忘的消费者吃了很多,增加了体重和健康问题。肥胖是2第1世纪最严重的公共卫生问题。最初认为影响老人,现在明显影响我们的目标群体家庭有孩子。通过改变饮食,它也是死亡的主要可预防原因。但是改变是困难的,旨在改变荷兰饮食习惯的运动失败了。人类处理少糖的唯一有效方法是我们逐渐调整口味 在两年的时间里,我们逐渐将所有自有品牌产品中的糖含量降低了25%。在此期间,我们保守秘密,以确保我们真正帮助人们适应不同的口味和更健康的饮食 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 逐步调整口味作为我们战略的基础和竞选的关键。我们决定不要求他们接受,因为这会导致拒绝和批评。相反,我们会让他们大吃一惊: 事后。 公关策略有两个目标。让利益相关者和专家相信,我们的新目的确实正在影响我们的行动。其次,为我们的方法产生买入。 在推出之前,它从与利益相关者的会议开始。演示问题并讨论困境。在那之后,一旦竞选活动开始,我们选择了一位可信的代言人作为我们在公共领域的盟友,我们的大秘密将会揭晓; 荷兰糖尿病基金。它们增加了可信度,并允许信息在商业信息无法以可信的方式传播的渠道中传播。一旦活动现场直播,公关将通过社交媒体监控和参与社会。 描述PR执行 (20% 的选票) 在我们减少所有糖之后,我们开始了一个整合的公关,广告和instore活动。我们解决了这个问题,承认并道歉。我们让他们相信了我们的秘密对整个国家的影响。准确地说是惊人的3.2e+06亿块糖块。所有这些都在没有任何顾客注意到他们购买和喜欢吃的产品变化的情况下保存了下来。我们还传达了我们的目标: 到2025年减少10亿个糖块。在商店里,我们在因隐藏糖而臭名昭著的类别的货架上添加了糖指标,以帮助和指导我们的客户。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 在我们减少所有糖之后,我们开始了一个整合的公关,广告和instore活动。我们解决了这个问题,承认并道歉。我们让他们相信了我们的秘密对整个国家的影响。准确地说是惊人的3.2e+06亿块糖块。所有这些都在没有任何顾客注意到他们购买和喜欢吃的产品变化的情况下保存了下来。我们还传达了我们的目标: 到2025年减少10亿个糖块。在商店里,我们在因隐藏糖而臭名昭著的类别的货架上添加了糖指标,以帮助和指导我们的客户。

    The Biggest Secret Diet

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? Purposes are met with skepticism. Every company has one, but most only exist in words in annual reports and powerpoint slides. Our new purpose, ‘all ingredients for a better life for everyone’ runs the risk of being one of many. It called for deeds not words. For our impactful and daring campaign, PR was critical to increase believability and convince our sincerity amongst stakeholders. PR is the foundation of our approach. Without it, our daring idea ran the risk of exploding in our face. Background Albert Heijn (Ahold Delhaize), is the leading supermarket in the Netherlands, 34,7% marketshare. Their new way to create sustainable brand preference as a market leader, is to address big societal shifts: increased needs for transparency, impact of plastic, looming health-issues from (over-)consumption. To name a few. Yet the markets’ biggest and most volatile segment, families with children, is price driven and discount is their addiction. The objective is to broaden the target groups’ consideration set to a ‘price and focus’. The brand has practical solutions to offer to issues that matter to all and improve everyone’s life. We decided to take on an issue where we are part of the problem as we are the solution: hidden sugar in our products. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Hidden sugar affects all people. It is added to increase taste in many products. On top of that, sugar is highly addictive. Oblivious consumers eat lots of it, adding to weight-increase and health issues. Obesity is 21st Century’s most serious public health issue. Initially thought to affect the elderly, now clearly affecting our target group families with children. It is also the leading preventable cause of death, through a change in diet. But change is hard and campaigns aimed at changing the Dutch eating habits failed. The only effective way for humans to?deal with less sugar, is our gradual adjustment to taste Over a period of two years, we gradually reduced sugar levels in all our private label products by 25%. During which, we kept our secret to ensure we really help people to adjust to a different taste and a healthier diet Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) The gradual adjustment to taste as the foundation of our strategy and the key to the campaign. We decided not to ask them for their acceptance, since this would lead to rejection and criticism. Instead we would take them by surprise: after the fact. The PR strategy had two objectives. Convince stakeholders and experts that our new purpose is really impacting our actions. Secondly generate buy-in for our approach. Prior to roll-out it started with a conference with stakeholders. Demonstrate the problems and discuss the dilemmas. After that we selected one credible endorser to be our ally in the public approach once the campaign would start and our big secret would come out; the Dutch Diabetes Fund. They add credibility and allow the message to be spread in channels commercial messaging cannot reach in a believable way. Once the campaign was live, PR would monitor and engage with society through social media. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) After we reduced all sugars, we kicked off an integrated PR, ad and instore campaign. We addressed the problem, confessed and apologized. We convinced them with the impact our secret had on the whole country. A staggering 320,000,000 million sugar cubes to be precise. All saved without any customer noticing the change in the products they buy and love to eat. We also communicated our aim: a reduction of one billion sugar cubes by 2025. In store, we added sugar indicators on the shelves of categories notorious for their hidden sugars to help and guide our customers. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: After we reduced all sugars, we kicked off an integrated PR, ad and instore campaign. We addressed the problem, confessed and apologized. We convinced them with the impact our secret had on the whole country. A staggering 320,000,000 million sugar cubes to be precise. All saved without any customer noticing the change in the products they buy and love to eat. We also communicated our aim: a reduction of one billion sugar cubes by 2025. In store, we added sugar indicators on the shelves of categories notorious for their hidden sugars to help and guide our customers.



    The Biggest Secret Diet










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