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    The Question Tea Bags短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 创造性的想法这些天,我们忙于与应用程序、表情符号、邮件交流,我们几乎忘记了最重要的事情: 真正的对话。作为茶的制造商,匹克威克知道茶和谈话是完美的匹配。这就是为什么我们把茶几变成了一个独特的媒介来引发对话:问题茶包!我们打印的问题成为谈话的开始。但我们也给了每个人机会,把自己的问题放在茶叶标签上。我们把它发给了他们想与之交谈的人。这就是我们如何把我们所有的标签变成媒体。我们现场捕捉到了一些真实的、非常私人的问题,并在社交媒体和电视上用迷你纪录片讲述了他们的故事。数百万人观看了这些故事的播放,这再次激发了更多的人创造自己的问题茶包。 执行 我们的小茶标已经成为我们最强大的媒介。目前,我们已经打印了 21 亿个茶包,里面有引发对话的问题。57,000 个个性化的问题茶包是通过邮寄作为一次精彩演讲的邀请。我们还跟踪了共同创造问题茶包的真实人物的真实故事。并在电视、预告片、社交媒体和公关中用迷你纪录片讲述这些故事。这意味着我们可以从目标媒体到大众媒体有所不同。可以按照我们的要求强烈或柔和地推动问题茶包的直接邮寄。如果在电视上播出,迷你纪录片会在情感品牌层面上给人们带来更多冲击。在网上,他们非常热衷于直接创建自己的标签,并以这种方式进行情感交流 (在高峰时刻,每小时创建和发送 10,000 个标签)。 相关性 我们创造了自己独特的媒介.通过把我们普通的茶标签变成对话的开端。这看起来可能很小,但当你打印了 12亿个时,情况就不一样了.计数! 跟进茶叶袋问题的媒体战略也迎合了两个目标受众 (保留和收购) -- 通过拥有的媒体激活我们的基地,比如: 我们的茶叶袋、包装、自己的社交媒体。-用问题茶包中出现的真实故事来接触和激励新的匹克威克茶饮用者。根据故事将它们应用于利基或大众媒体。从博客到黄金时段电视 (迷你纪录片) 各不相同。 概要 匹克威克是荷兰领先的茶叶制造商。摘要是为了让 (匹克威克) 茶与现有的匹克威克茶饮用者在情感上更加相关…… 并吸引和吸引新的潜在匹克威克茶饮用者。但是如何让茶在情感上更加相关,并从人们的头脑 (他们知道的品牌) 转向他们的心灵 (他们喜欢的品牌)? 战略 我们开始激活我们的粉丝群。他们可以在我们的网站上创建个性化的问题茶包。我们直接把它寄给了他们想要的人,里面有问题茶包和一张邀请他们喝茶的卡片。有些问题变得如此特别,以至于我们遵循了这些问题和他们的故事。把它们变成电视、社交媒体和其他在线媒体上的迷你纪录片。这些故事的预告变成了预演。所以我们从粉丝群变成了大众。这 100% 个真实故事中的真实人物成为了不同利基博客和媒体的媒体情人。取决于故事。与此平行, 我们用鼓舞人心的对话开胃菜印刷了我们茶的标签,每个包装和包装都有一个茶包,上面写着 “写你自己的问题,邀请某人喝茶……” 这就是我们激活现有茶的方式 -饮酒者也是。 结果 匹克威克多年来首次以 + 0,1% 的价格赢得 MAT (总茶) 的市场份额。不同媒体类型的响应率不同。从电视到直接邮寄问题茶包的转换很低,尽管创造了品牌资产。但是从在线媒体到直接邮寄问题茶包的转换非常高 (每小时创建和发送多达 10,000 个问题茶包)。超过 300万名独特的人观看了关于迷你纪录片故事的迷你纪录片。(占荷兰人口的 17%)。它将匹克威克从人们的头脑转移到他们的心中 (社交媒体上的爱情评论和高转换)。这让匹克威克成为人们喝茶时彼此交谈的真正有意义的一部分。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription Creative IdeaThese days we are so busy communicating with apps, emojis, mails, we almost forget the most important thing: real conversations.As a manufacturer of tea, Pickwick knows that tea and a talk are a perfect match.That’s why we turned the table of our teabags into a unique medium to spark a conversation: the Question Tea Bag! We printed questions that became conversation starters. But we also gave everyone the chance to put their own question on a tea label. And we sent it to whoever they wanted to have the conversation with. This is how we turned all of our labels into media. We captured some of these real and very personal questions live and told their stories in mini-documentaries on social media and TV.Millions of people watched these stories play out and this again inspired even more people to create their own Question Tea Bag. Execution Our little tea lable has become our strongest owned medium. At the moment we’ve printed 2,1 billion (!) tea bags with questions sparking a conversation. 57,000 personalised Question Tea Bags were sent by post as an invitation for a good talk.And we also followed the real stories of the real people that co-created the Question Tea Bags. And told these stories in mini-documentaries on TV, pre-rolls, social media and in PR. This meant we could vary from targeted media to mass. And could push the direct-mailing of the Question Tea Bag as strongly or softly as we wanted. If aired on TV, the mini documentaries hit people more at an emotional brand level. And online they were very keen on directly creating their own label and engaging emotionally in that way (10,000 labels were created and sent /per hour in the peak moments). Relevancy We created our own unique medium...by turning our ordinary tea label into a conversation starter. This might seem small, but it isn't when you've printed 1.2 billion of them...and counting!The media strategy following up on the Question Tea Bag was also catered to two target audiences (retention&acquisition)-activating our base through owned media like: our teabag, packaging, own social media.- reaching and inspiring new Pickwick tea drinkers with real stories that emerged from the Question Tea Bags. Applying them to niche or mass media depending on the story. Varying from blogs to prime-time TV (mini-documentaries). Synopsis Pickwick is the leading tea manufacturer in the Netherlands. The brief was to make (Pickwick) tea more emotionally relevant to existing Pickwick tea drinkers …and attract and engage new potential Pickwick tea drinkers.But how to make tea more emotionally relevant and shift from people’s heads (as a brand they know) to their hearts (as a brand they love)? Strategy We began by activating our fan base. They could create their personalised Question Tea Bag on our site. And we sent it to whoever they wanted in a direct mailing with the Question Tea Bag and a card inviting them for tea. Some questions turned out so special that we followed these questions and their stories. Turning them into mini-documentaries on TV, social media and other online media. Teasers for these stories became pre-rolls. So we went from fanbase to mass.The real people in these 100% real stories became media sweethearts in different niche blogs and media. Depending on the story.Parallel to this, we printed the labels of our tea with inspiring conversation starters and every packaging and pack contained a teabag with “Write your own question and invite someone for tea…” This is how we activated our existing tea-drinkers too. Outcome For the first time in years Pickwick wins Market Share in value on MAT (Total Tea) with +0,1%.Response rate differed per media type. Conversion from TV to direct mailing of the Question Tea Bag was low though creating brand equity. But conversion from online media to direct mailing of the Question Tea Bag was extremely high (up to 10,000 Questions Tea Bags created and sent per hour).Viewing of mini-documentaries about the stories resulting from the mini-documentaries were viewed by more than 3 million unique people. (17% of Dutch population).It shifted Pickwick from people’s head to their hearts (love comments in social media and high conversion). It made Pickwick part of really meaningful talks people had with each other over a cup of tea.

    The Question Tea Bags

    案例简介:活动描述 创造性的想法这些天,我们忙于与应用程序、表情符号、邮件交流,我们几乎忘记了最重要的事情: 真正的对话。作为茶的制造商,匹克威克知道茶和谈话是完美的匹配。这就是为什么我们把茶几变成了一个独特的媒介来引发对话:问题茶包!我们打印的问题成为谈话的开始。但我们也给了每个人机会,把自己的问题放在茶叶标签上。我们把它发给了他们想与之交谈的人。这就是我们如何把我们所有的标签变成媒体。我们现场捕捉到了一些真实的、非常私人的问题,并在社交媒体和电视上用迷你纪录片讲述了他们的故事。数百万人观看了这些故事的播放,这再次激发了更多的人创造自己的问题茶包。 执行 我们的小茶标已经成为我们最强大的媒介。目前,我们已经打印了 21 亿个茶包,里面有引发对话的问题。57,000 个个性化的问题茶包是通过邮寄作为一次精彩演讲的邀请。我们还跟踪了共同创造问题茶包的真实人物的真实故事。并在电视、预告片、社交媒体和公关中用迷你纪录片讲述这些故事。这意味着我们可以从目标媒体到大众媒体有所不同。可以按照我们的要求强烈或柔和地推动问题茶包的直接邮寄。如果在电视上播出,迷你纪录片会在情感品牌层面上给人们带来更多冲击。在网上,他们非常热衷于直接创建自己的标签,并以这种方式进行情感交流 (在高峰时刻,每小时创建和发送 10,000 个标签)。 相关性 我们创造了自己独特的媒介.通过把我们普通的茶标签变成对话的开端。这看起来可能很小,但当你打印了 12亿个时,情况就不一样了.计数! 跟进茶叶袋问题的媒体战略也迎合了两个目标受众 (保留和收购) -- 通过拥有的媒体激活我们的基地,比如: 我们的茶叶袋、包装、自己的社交媒体。-用问题茶包中出现的真实故事来接触和激励新的匹克威克茶饮用者。根据故事将它们应用于利基或大众媒体。从博客到黄金时段电视 (迷你纪录片) 各不相同。 概要 匹克威克是荷兰领先的茶叶制造商。摘要是为了让 (匹克威克) 茶与现有的匹克威克茶饮用者在情感上更加相关…… 并吸引和吸引新的潜在匹克威克茶饮用者。但是如何让茶在情感上更加相关,并从人们的头脑 (他们知道的品牌) 转向他们的心灵 (他们喜欢的品牌)? 战略 我们开始激活我们的粉丝群。他们可以在我们的网站上创建个性化的问题茶包。我们直接把它寄给了他们想要的人,里面有问题茶包和一张邀请他们喝茶的卡片。有些问题变得如此特别,以至于我们遵循了这些问题和他们的故事。把它们变成电视、社交媒体和其他在线媒体上的迷你纪录片。这些故事的预告变成了预演。所以我们从粉丝群变成了大众。这 100% 个真实故事中的真实人物成为了不同利基博客和媒体的媒体情人。取决于故事。与此平行, 我们用鼓舞人心的对话开胃菜印刷了我们茶的标签,每个包装和包装都有一个茶包,上面写着 “写你自己的问题,邀请某人喝茶……” 这就是我们激活现有茶的方式 -饮酒者也是。 结果 匹克威克多年来首次以 + 0,1% 的价格赢得 MAT (总茶) 的市场份额。不同媒体类型的响应率不同。从电视到直接邮寄问题茶包的转换很低,尽管创造了品牌资产。但是从在线媒体到直接邮寄问题茶包的转换非常高 (每小时创建和发送多达 10,000 个问题茶包)。超过 300万名独特的人观看了关于迷你纪录片故事的迷你纪录片。(占荷兰人口的 17%)。它将匹克威克从人们的头脑转移到他们的心中 (社交媒体上的爱情评论和高转换)。这让匹克威克成为人们喝茶时彼此交谈的真正有意义的一部分。

    The Question Tea Bags

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Creative IdeaThese days we are so busy communicating with apps, emojis, mails, we almost forget the most important thing: real conversations.As a manufacturer of tea, Pickwick knows that tea and a talk are a perfect match.That’s why we turned the table of our teabags into a unique medium to spark a conversation: the Question Tea Bag! We printed questions that became conversation starters. But we also gave everyone the chance to put their own question on a tea label. And we sent it to whoever they wanted to have the conversation with. This is how we turned all of our labels into media. We captured some of these real and very personal questions live and told their stories in mini-documentaries on social media and TV.Millions of people watched these stories play out and this again inspired even more people to create their own Question Tea Bag. Execution Our little tea lable has become our strongest owned medium. At the moment we’ve printed 2,1 billion (!) tea bags with questions sparking a conversation. 57,000 personalised Question Tea Bags were sent by post as an invitation for a good talk.And we also followed the real stories of the real people that co-created the Question Tea Bags. And told these stories in mini-documentaries on TV, pre-rolls, social media and in PR. This meant we could vary from targeted media to mass. And could push the direct-mailing of the Question Tea Bag as strongly or softly as we wanted. If aired on TV, the mini documentaries hit people more at an emotional brand level. And online they were very keen on directly creating their own label and engaging emotionally in that way (10,000 labels were created and sent /per hour in the peak moments). Relevancy We created our own unique medium...by turning our ordinary tea label into a conversation starter. This might seem small, but it isn't when you've printed 1.2 billion of them...and counting!The media strategy following up on the Question Tea Bag was also catered to two target audiences (retention&acquisition)-activating our base through owned media like: our teabag, packaging, own social media.- reaching and inspiring new Pickwick tea drinkers with real stories that emerged from the Question Tea Bags. Applying them to niche or mass media depending on the story. Varying from blogs to prime-time TV (mini-documentaries). Synopsis Pickwick is the leading tea manufacturer in the Netherlands. The brief was to make (Pickwick) tea more emotionally relevant to existing Pickwick tea drinkers …and attract and engage new potential Pickwick tea drinkers.But how to make tea more emotionally relevant and shift from people’s heads (as a brand they know) to their hearts (as a brand they love)? Strategy We began by activating our fan base. They could create their personalised Question Tea Bag on our site. And we sent it to whoever they wanted in a direct mailing with the Question Tea Bag and a card inviting them for tea. Some questions turned out so special that we followed these questions and their stories. Turning them into mini-documentaries on TV, social media and other online media. Teasers for these stories became pre-rolls. So we went from fanbase to mass.The real people in these 100% real stories became media sweethearts in different niche blogs and media. Depending on the story.Parallel to this, we printed the labels of our tea with inspiring conversation starters and every packaging and pack contained a teabag with “Write your own question and invite someone for tea…” This is how we activated our existing tea-drinkers too. Outcome For the first time in years Pickwick wins Market Share in value on MAT (Total Tea) with +0,1%.Response rate differed per media type. Conversion from TV to direct mailing of the Question Tea Bag was low though creating brand equity. But conversion from online media to direct mailing of the Question Tea Bag was extremely high (up to 10,000 Questions Tea Bags created and sent per hour).Viewing of mini-documentaries about the stories resulting from the mini-documentaries were viewed by more than 3 million unique people. (17% of Dutch population).It shifted Pickwick from people’s head to their hearts (love comments in social media and high conversion). It made Pickwick part of really meaningful talks people had with each other over a cup of tea.



    The Question Tea Bags










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