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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 我们的目标是让父母认识到分心是儿童家庭事故的主要原因,这样做可以减少事故的数量。我们和一位专门从事风险和危机心理学的心理学家一起,指出事故的主要原因是缺乏父母的监督。这项运动的策略是与父母建立联系,而不是教育他们。为了做到这一点,我们开发了一部互动电影,反映了作为父母的日常干扰,并向他们展示了放松对孩子的关注是多么容易 -- 不管你的孩子有多好你是一个家长。 推出了一部互动网络电影,在分屏中戏剧化了潜在的危险情况,反映了作为父母的紧张的日常生活。最后,父母得到了一个 “风险简介”,向他们展示了他们擅长发现什么危险以及如何改进。该活动是瑞典最大的商业电视频道的头条新闻,在瑞典最大的早间节目以及社交媒体和博客上讨论了 7 分钟。产生 750% 的投资回报。 描述客户的简报 我们的目标是让父母认识到分心是儿童家庭事故的主要原因,这样做可以减少事故的数量。这项运动需要适应今天的数字家长,因此目标是开发一种适应现代媒体消费者的信息工具, 媒体对瑞典民事应急机构家庭安全网站的接触和参与程度有所提高。 结果 交互式网络电影成为瑞典民事应急机构的一个新的信息工具,它适应了今天的媒体消费者。在竞选期间,与平均访客人数相比,瑞典民事应急机构家庭安全网站的访问量增加了 146%。 该运动的媒体覆盖面为 160 万。这是瑞典最大的商业电视频道的头条新闻,在瑞典最大的早间节目以及社交媒体和博客上讨论了 7 分钟。产生 750% 的投资回报。 执行 为了说明分心是儿童家庭事故的主要原因,我们开发了一部交互式网络电影。我们和一位心理学家一起研究了常见的风险以及事故经常发生的情况,然后在电影中被戏剧化。 这部电影分为四幕,不同的场景同时在分屏播放,迫使用户专注于最需要关注的场景。在每一幕之后,一个 infografic 显示了最受关注的情况,然后是一个与场景相关的问题。 最后,用户得到了一个可共享的 “风险简介”,显示了他们擅长发现什么风险,但不太擅长发现什么风险。 频道战略的开始是在广泛的国家媒体中建立公关联系,以及一个网络电视节目来促进和推动网站的流量。 形势 幼儿中 1997 至 2009 人的严重伤害增加了 51%。统计数据显示,幼儿家庭事故的主要原因是缺乏监管,仅仅几秒钟的分心就会导致严重伤害。 战略 我们和一位专门从事风险和危机心理学的心理学家一起,指出事故的主要原因是缺乏父母的监督。这是因为越来越多的人过着现代生活,父母更加分心。 这项运动的策略是与父母建立联系,而不是教育他们。为了做到这一点,我们开发了一部互动电影,反映了作为父母的日常干扰,并向他们展示了放松对孩子的关注是多么容易 -- 不管你的孩子有多好你是一个家长。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Our objective was to make parents recognize that distraction is the main cause of home accidents among children, and in doing so, reducing the number of accidents. Together with a psychologist, specialized in risk and crisis psychology, we pinpointed that the main cause of accidents is the lack of parental supervision. The strategy of the campaign was to relate to parents rather than to educate them. In order to do so we developed an interactive film that mirrored the daily distractions of being a parent as well as showing them how easy it is to loose focus of your children - no matter how good of a parent you are. An interactive webfilm was launched that dramatized potentially hazardous situations in split screen, mirroring the stressful everyday life of being a parent. At the end parents got a “risk profile” showing them what dangers they were good at spotting as well how they could improve. The campaign was in the top news of Sweden’s biggest commercial TV channel and discussed for 7 minutes on Sweden’s largest morning show as well as in social media and on blogs. Resulting in a 750 % return on investment. Describe the brief from the client Our objective was to make parents recognize that distraction is the main cause of home accidents among children, and in doing so, reducing the number of accidents. The campaign needed to be adapted to today's digital parent therefor the goal was to develop an information tool adapted to a modern media consumer, media reach and increased level of engagement on the The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s website for home safety. Results The interactive web film became a new information tool for the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency which was adapted to today's media consumer. During the campaign period, traffic to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s website for home safety increased by 146% compared to the average number of visitors. The campaign had a media reach of 1,6 million. It was in the top news of Sweden’s biggest commercial TV channel and discussed for 7 minutes on Sweden’s largest morning show as well as in social media and on blogs. Resulting in a 750 % return on investment. Execution To illustrate that distraction as the main cause of home accidents among children, we developed an interactive web film. Together with a psychologist, we studied common risks along with circumstances in which accidents often occur, which were then dramatized in the film. The film was divided into four acts where various scenes were played simultaneously in split screen, forcing the user to focus on the scene that needed most attention. After each act an infografic showed which situation had gotten most attention, followed by a question related to the scene. At the end the user got a shareable "Risk Profile" which showed what risks they were good and less good at spotting. The outset for the channel strategy was to create PR-reach in broad national media, as well as a web TV-spot to promote and drive traffic to the website. The Situation Between 1997 and 2009 serious injuries among young children increased by 51%. Statistics show that the main cause of home accidents among young children is lack of supervision and that just few seconds of distraction can lead to serious injuries. The Strategy Together with a psychologist, specialized in risk and crisis psychology, we pinpointed that the main cause of accidents is the lack of parental supervision. This is due to parents being more distracted as a result of more people living a modern lifestyle. The strategy of the campaign was to relate to parents rather than to educate them. In order to do so we developed an interactive film that mirrored the daily distractions of being a parent as well as showing them how easy it is to loose focus of your children - no matter how good of a parent you are.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 我们的目标是让父母认识到分心是儿童家庭事故的主要原因,这样做可以减少事故的数量。我们和一位专门从事风险和危机心理学的心理学家一起,指出事故的主要原因是缺乏父母的监督。这项运动的策略是与父母建立联系,而不是教育他们。为了做到这一点,我们开发了一部互动电影,反映了作为父母的日常干扰,并向他们展示了放松对孩子的关注是多么容易 -- 不管你的孩子有多好你是一个家长。 推出了一部互动网络电影,在分屏中戏剧化了潜在的危险情况,反映了作为父母的紧张的日常生活。最后,父母得到了一个 “风险简介”,向他们展示了他们擅长发现什么危险以及如何改进。该活动是瑞典最大的商业电视频道的头条新闻,在瑞典最大的早间节目以及社交媒体和博客上讨论了 7 分钟。产生 750% 的投资回报。 描述客户的简报 我们的目标是让父母认识到分心是儿童家庭事故的主要原因,这样做可以减少事故的数量。这项运动需要适应今天的数字家长,因此目标是开发一种适应现代媒体消费者的信息工具, 媒体对瑞典民事应急机构家庭安全网站的接触和参与程度有所提高。 结果 交互式网络电影成为瑞典民事应急机构的一个新的信息工具,它适应了今天的媒体消费者。在竞选期间,与平均访客人数相比,瑞典民事应急机构家庭安全网站的访问量增加了 146%。 该运动的媒体覆盖面为 160 万。这是瑞典最大的商业电视频道的头条新闻,在瑞典最大的早间节目以及社交媒体和博客上讨论了 7 分钟。产生 750% 的投资回报。 执行 为了说明分心是儿童家庭事故的主要原因,我们开发了一部交互式网络电影。我们和一位心理学家一起研究了常见的风险以及事故经常发生的情况,然后在电影中被戏剧化。 这部电影分为四幕,不同的场景同时在分屏播放,迫使用户专注于最需要关注的场景。在每一幕之后,一个 infografic 显示了最受关注的情况,然后是一个与场景相关的问题。 最后,用户得到了一个可共享的 “风险简介”,显示了他们擅长发现什么风险,但不太擅长发现什么风险。 频道战略的开始是在广泛的国家媒体中建立公关联系,以及一个网络电视节目来促进和推动网站的流量。 形势 幼儿中 1997 至 2009 人的严重伤害增加了 51%。统计数据显示,幼儿家庭事故的主要原因是缺乏监管,仅仅几秒钟的分心就会导致严重伤害。 战略 我们和一位专门从事风险和危机心理学的心理学家一起,指出事故的主要原因是缺乏父母的监督。这是因为越来越多的人过着现代生活,父母更加分心。 这项运动的策略是与父母建立联系,而不是教育他们。为了做到这一点,我们开发了一部互动电影,反映了作为父母的日常干扰,并向他们展示了放松对孩子的关注是多么容易 -- 不管你的孩子有多好你是一个家长。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Our objective was to make parents recognize that distraction is the main cause of home accidents among children, and in doing so, reducing the number of accidents. Together with a psychologist, specialized in risk and crisis psychology, we pinpointed that the main cause of accidents is the lack of parental supervision. The strategy of the campaign was to relate to parents rather than to educate them. In order to do so we developed an interactive film that mirrored the daily distractions of being a parent as well as showing them how easy it is to loose focus of your children - no matter how good of a parent you are. An interactive webfilm was launched that dramatized potentially hazardous situations in split screen, mirroring the stressful everyday life of being a parent. At the end parents got a “risk profile” showing them what dangers they were good at spotting as well how they could improve. The campaign was in the top news of Sweden’s biggest commercial TV channel and discussed for 7 minutes on Sweden’s largest morning show as well as in social media and on blogs. Resulting in a 750 % return on investment. Describe the brief from the client Our objective was to make parents recognize that distraction is the main cause of home accidents among children, and in doing so, reducing the number of accidents. The campaign needed to be adapted to today's digital parent therefor the goal was to develop an information tool adapted to a modern media consumer, media reach and increased level of engagement on the The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s website for home safety. Results The interactive web film became a new information tool for the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency which was adapted to today's media consumer. During the campaign period, traffic to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s website for home safety increased by 146% compared to the average number of visitors. The campaign had a media reach of 1,6 million. It was in the top news of Sweden’s biggest commercial TV channel and discussed for 7 minutes on Sweden’s largest morning show as well as in social media and on blogs. Resulting in a 750 % return on investment. Execution To illustrate that distraction as the main cause of home accidents among children, we developed an interactive web film. Together with a psychologist, we studied common risks along with circumstances in which accidents often occur, which were then dramatized in the film. The film was divided into four acts where various scenes were played simultaneously in split screen, forcing the user to focus on the scene that needed most attention. After each act an infografic showed which situation had gotten most attention, followed by a question related to the scene. At the end the user got a shareable "Risk Profile" which showed what risks they were good and less good at spotting. The outset for the channel strategy was to create PR-reach in broad national media, as well as a web TV-spot to promote and drive traffic to the website. The Situation Between 1997 and 2009 serious injuries among young children increased by 51%. Statistics show that the main cause of home accidents among young children is lack of supervision and that just few seconds of distraction can lead to serious injuries. The Strategy Together with a psychologist, specialized in risk and crisis psychology, we pinpointed that the main cause of accidents is the lack of parental supervision. This is due to parents being more distracted as a result of more people living a modern lifestyle. The strategy of the campaign was to relate to parents rather than to educate them. In order to do so we developed an interactive film that mirrored the daily distractions of being a parent as well as showing them how easy it is to loose focus of your children - no matter how good of a parent you are.













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