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    Civil Rights Captcha短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目 每天大约 2亿名网络用户填写验证码来证明他们是人类而不是垃圾邮件机器人,通常是通过转录一个扭曲的单词,这样计算机就无法阅读。但真正将我们与机器人区分开来的是移情,移情也是促进民权的基础。因此,2012年2月,瑞典非政府组织民权捍卫者开始开发基于同理心的验证码。经过 6 个月的开发,CAPTCHA 被垃圾邮件机器人测试了安全性,创建了一个关于如何实现它的维基,并启动了 CAPTCHA。 为了通过验证码,你需要写下恰当的情感来回应对《世界人权宣言》的侵犯。这一功能引发了围绕民权、互联网巨魔和仇恨的全球辩论。在短短几天内,验证码在几个网站上实现,并重新加载了 3亿多次。很快,来自世界各地的黑客自愿将验证码翻译成更多的人类和计算机语言。科技、媒体、政治和学术界的领先舆论制造者在推特上推广了验证码,并在高端媒体如《连线》、《全国广播公司新闻》、《赫芬顿邮报》、《每日邮报》、《探索》、 mashable 、俄罗斯时报等。,超过 7亿人,证明了基本观点:同理心是一个强大的工具。 描述客户的简报 1.用主要语言在广泛的传统媒体中提高国际社会对民权维护者及其工作的认识。 2。启动一轮全球讨论,优先处理推特上侵犯人权的案件,接触政治、新闻和学术界的重要舆论领袖。 3。使用灵活的工具在社交媒体平台上建立永久存在,使组织能够提出上下文主题。 结果 1。意识: 高端媒体报道,如《连线》、《 NBC 新闻》、《赫芬顿邮报》、《每日邮报》、《探索》、《 Mashable 》、《俄罗斯时报》等。,全球超过 7亿人。 2. 参与: Tweetreach 工具被用来监控推特辩论,显示超过 2000万人参与其中,包括哈佛等世界领先的大学, 麻省理工学院媒体实验室和斯坦福大学以及世界领先的媒体档案,如皮特 · 卡什莫尔。此外,黑客帮助将验证码翻译成其他几种人类和计算机语言。 3。建立平台: 到目前为止,验证码已经被跟踪到已经在世界各地的几个网站上实施,并且已经被机器人和人类下载了 3亿多次。 执行 我们采用了涓滴媒体战略,针对相关领域的国际精英媒体,让我们的概念得以过滤。 优先考虑媒体与高社交媒体整合,以引发讨论。 创建了一个实施矩阵,一方面是已确定的媒体片段,另一方面是媒体角度/主题。这项启动计划是在社交媒体监控和参与讨论的同时执行的。 从媒体分析中,我们联系了对互联网自由、仇恨/巨魔以及公民权利感兴趣的媒体和记者。 验证码也有必要成为一个稳定的功能产品,因为我们预计在任何人考虑实施之前,它会受到记者、黑客和爱好者的审查。大量的努力已经到位,以确保它在逻辑上以及安全地工作。 形势 近年来,数字和社交媒体在提醒世界注意侵犯人权行为以及动员反对压迫的抗议方面发挥了重要作用。在这一发展之后,民权捍卫者参与了教育世界各地民权倡导者反对迫害和绑架的数字自卫项目。但该组织也需要自己在社交媒体上的存在。挑战不仅仅是监控社交媒体平台,而是创建一个与特定项目相关的激活工具。让事情变得更加复杂 -- 尽管民权捍卫者庆祝了他们的 30 周年纪念日,但由于名字和品牌的彻底改变,他们在很大程度上是未知的。 战略 五个成功因素: 背景: 利用当前事件 (关于互联网仇恨和巨魔的全球辩论) 真实性: 创建一个真正的高功能网络工具 (安全,易于媒体网站实施,也适用于当前问题) 目标: 涉及具有高度数字和社会活动的社区 (科技社区以及学术界和媒体)。 通灵: 涓滴赢得媒体战略,目标是相关领域的精英媒体 (议程设置媒体与高推特整合,如 Wired 、 Mashable 和 Huffington Post)。 议程: 参与当前关于互联网巨魔和文章评论中的仇恨的辩论等 (涉及记者和波利理论家)


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Everyday some 200 million web users fill out a CAPTCHA to prove that they‘re human and not a spam robot, usually by transcribing a word distorted so computers can’t read it. But what really separates us from robots is empathy, and empathy is also the foundation for promoting civil rights. So in February 2012 The Swedish NGO Civil Rights Defenders started developing a CAPTCHA based on empathy. After 6 months of development the CAPTCHA was spam bot tested for security, a wiki on how to implement it was created and the CAPTCHA was launched. In order to get passed the CAPTCHA you needed to write the fitting emotion in response to a documented violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This function triggered a global debate around civil rights, internet trolls and hate. In just a few days the CAPTCHA was implemented on several websites and reloaded over 300 million times. Soon hackers from around the world volunteered to translate the CAPTCHA to more human and computer languages. Leading opinion makers within tech, media, politics and academia promoted the CAPTCHA on Twitter and the debate that followed in high end media such as Wired, NBC News, Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Discovery, Mashable, Russian Times, etc., reached well over 700 million people – proving the fundamental point: empathy is a strong tool. Describe the brief from the client 1.Raise awareness internationally about Civil Rights Defenders and their work in broad traditional media in the major languages. 2.Start a global discussion round prioritized cases of human rights violations on twitter reaching important opinion leaders within politics, journalism and academia. 3.Establish a permanent presence on social media platforms with a flexible tool enabling the organization to raise contextual topics. Results 1. Awareness: The media coverage in high end media such as Wired, NBC News, Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Discovery, Mashable, Russian Times, etc., reached well over 700 million people worldwide. 2. Involvement: The tool Tweetreach was used to monitor the Twitter debate showing a involvement by well over 20 million people including the world’s leading universities like Harvard, MIT Media LAB and Stanford as well as world leading media profiles like Pete Cashmore. In addition Hackers helped translate the CAPTCHA into several other human and computer languages. 3. Established Platform: To this date the CAPTCHA has been tracked to have been implemented on several sites around the world and has been downloaded over 300 million times – by bots and humans. Execution We employed a trickle down media strategy targeting international elite media in relevant segments, allowing our concept to filter down. Prioritizing media with high social media integration to spark discussion. An implementation matrix was created with identified media segments on the one side and media-angles/topics on the other. This launch plan was executed parallel with social media monitoring and involvement in discussions. From a media analysis we contacted media and journalists with an interest in the topic of internet freedom and hate/trolls as well as civil rights. It was also necessary for the CAPTCHA to be a solid functioning product since we expected it to be scrutinized by journalists, hackers and enthusiasts before anyone would consider implement it. Large efforts were put in place to make sure it would work logically as well as securely. The Situation In recent years digital and social media has played a significant part in alerting the world to violations of human rights and also in mobilizing protests against oppression. Following this development Civil Rights Defenders has engaged in projects educating advocates of civil rights around the world in digital self-defense against persecution and abduction. But the organization also needed a presence of its own in social media. The challenge was not only to monitor social media platforms but to create a tool for activation connected to specific projects. To make things even more complicated – even though Civil Rights Defenders celebrated their 30 year anniversary they were largely unknown due to a complete makeover of name and brand. The Strategy The five success factors: Context: Tapping into current events (Global debate over internet hate and trolls) Realness: Creating a real highly functional web tool (secure, easily implemented to media sites and also adoptable to current issues) Targeting: Involving communities with high digital and social activity (tech community as well as academia and media). Channeling: Trickle down earned media strategy targeting elite media within relevant segments (agenda setting media with high twitter integration such as Wired, Mashable and Huffington Post). Agenda: Taking part in the current debate over internet trolls and hate in article comments etc (involving journalists and politicians)

    Civil Rights Captcha

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 每天大约 2亿名网络用户填写验证码来证明他们是人类而不是垃圾邮件机器人,通常是通过转录一个扭曲的单词,这样计算机就无法阅读。但真正将我们与机器人区分开来的是移情,移情也是促进民权的基础。因此,2012年2月,瑞典非政府组织民权捍卫者开始开发基于同理心的验证码。经过 6 个月的开发,CAPTCHA 被垃圾邮件机器人测试了安全性,创建了一个关于如何实现它的维基,并启动了 CAPTCHA。 为了通过验证码,你需要写下恰当的情感来回应对《世界人权宣言》的侵犯。这一功能引发了围绕民权、互联网巨魔和仇恨的全球辩论。在短短几天内,验证码在几个网站上实现,并重新加载了 3亿多次。很快,来自世界各地的黑客自愿将验证码翻译成更多的人类和计算机语言。科技、媒体、政治和学术界的领先舆论制造者在推特上推广了验证码,并在高端媒体如《连线》、《全国广播公司新闻》、《赫芬顿邮报》、《每日邮报》、《探索》、 mashable 、俄罗斯时报等。,超过 7亿人,证明了基本观点:同理心是一个强大的工具。 描述客户的简报 1.用主要语言在广泛的传统媒体中提高国际社会对民权维护者及其工作的认识。 2。启动一轮全球讨论,优先处理推特上侵犯人权的案件,接触政治、新闻和学术界的重要舆论领袖。 3。使用灵活的工具在社交媒体平台上建立永久存在,使组织能够提出上下文主题。 结果 1。意识: 高端媒体报道,如《连线》、《 NBC 新闻》、《赫芬顿邮报》、《每日邮报》、《探索》、《 Mashable 》、《俄罗斯时报》等。,全球超过 7亿人。 2. 参与: Tweetreach 工具被用来监控推特辩论,显示超过 2000万人参与其中,包括哈佛等世界领先的大学, 麻省理工学院媒体实验室和斯坦福大学以及世界领先的媒体档案,如皮特 · 卡什莫尔。此外,黑客帮助将验证码翻译成其他几种人类和计算机语言。 3。建立平台: 到目前为止,验证码已经被跟踪到已经在世界各地的几个网站上实施,并且已经被机器人和人类下载了 3亿多次。 执行 我们采用了涓滴媒体战略,针对相关领域的国际精英媒体,让我们的概念得以过滤。 优先考虑媒体与高社交媒体整合,以引发讨论。 创建了一个实施矩阵,一方面是已确定的媒体片段,另一方面是媒体角度/主题。这项启动计划是在社交媒体监控和参与讨论的同时执行的。 从媒体分析中,我们联系了对互联网自由、仇恨/巨魔以及公民权利感兴趣的媒体和记者。 验证码也有必要成为一个稳定的功能产品,因为我们预计在任何人考虑实施之前,它会受到记者、黑客和爱好者的审查。大量的努力已经到位,以确保它在逻辑上以及安全地工作。 形势 近年来,数字和社交媒体在提醒世界注意侵犯人权行为以及动员反对压迫的抗议方面发挥了重要作用。在这一发展之后,民权捍卫者参与了教育世界各地民权倡导者反对迫害和绑架的数字自卫项目。但该组织也需要自己在社交媒体上的存在。挑战不仅仅是监控社交媒体平台,而是创建一个与特定项目相关的激活工具。让事情变得更加复杂 -- 尽管民权捍卫者庆祝了他们的 30 周年纪念日,但由于名字和品牌的彻底改变,他们在很大程度上是未知的。 战略 五个成功因素: 背景: 利用当前事件 (关于互联网仇恨和巨魔的全球辩论) 真实性: 创建一个真正的高功能网络工具 (安全,易于媒体网站实施,也适用于当前问题) 目标: 涉及具有高度数字和社会活动的社区 (科技社区以及学术界和媒体)。 通灵: 涓滴赢得媒体战略,目标是相关领域的精英媒体 (议程设置媒体与高推特整合,如 Wired 、 Mashable 和 Huffington Post)。 议程: 参与当前关于互联网巨魔和文章评论中的仇恨的辩论等 (涉及记者和波利理论家)

    Civil Rights Captcha

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Everyday some 200 million web users fill out a CAPTCHA to prove that they‘re human and not a spam robot, usually by transcribing a word distorted so computers can’t read it. But what really separates us from robots is empathy, and empathy is also the foundation for promoting civil rights. So in February 2012 The Swedish NGO Civil Rights Defenders started developing a CAPTCHA based on empathy. After 6 months of development the CAPTCHA was spam bot tested for security, a wiki on how to implement it was created and the CAPTCHA was launched. In order to get passed the CAPTCHA you needed to write the fitting emotion in response to a documented violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This function triggered a global debate around civil rights, internet trolls and hate. In just a few days the CAPTCHA was implemented on several websites and reloaded over 300 million times. Soon hackers from around the world volunteered to translate the CAPTCHA to more human and computer languages. Leading opinion makers within tech, media, politics and academia promoted the CAPTCHA on Twitter and the debate that followed in high end media such as Wired, NBC News, Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Discovery, Mashable, Russian Times, etc., reached well over 700 million people – proving the fundamental point: empathy is a strong tool. Describe the brief from the client 1.Raise awareness internationally about Civil Rights Defenders and their work in broad traditional media in the major languages. 2.Start a global discussion round prioritized cases of human rights violations on twitter reaching important opinion leaders within politics, journalism and academia. 3.Establish a permanent presence on social media platforms with a flexible tool enabling the organization to raise contextual topics. Results 1. Awareness: The media coverage in high end media such as Wired, NBC News, Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Discovery, Mashable, Russian Times, etc., reached well over 700 million people worldwide. 2. Involvement: The tool Tweetreach was used to monitor the Twitter debate showing a involvement by well over 20 million people including the world’s leading universities like Harvard, MIT Media LAB and Stanford as well as world leading media profiles like Pete Cashmore. In addition Hackers helped translate the CAPTCHA into several other human and computer languages. 3. Established Platform: To this date the CAPTCHA has been tracked to have been implemented on several sites around the world and has been downloaded over 300 million times – by bots and humans. Execution We employed a trickle down media strategy targeting international elite media in relevant segments, allowing our concept to filter down. Prioritizing media with high social media integration to spark discussion. An implementation matrix was created with identified media segments on the one side and media-angles/topics on the other. This launch plan was executed parallel with social media monitoring and involvement in discussions. From a media analysis we contacted media and journalists with an interest in the topic of internet freedom and hate/trolls as well as civil rights. It was also necessary for the CAPTCHA to be a solid functioning product since we expected it to be scrutinized by journalists, hackers and enthusiasts before anyone would consider implement it. Large efforts were put in place to make sure it would work logically as well as securely. The Situation In recent years digital and social media has played a significant part in alerting the world to violations of human rights and also in mobilizing protests against oppression. Following this development Civil Rights Defenders has engaged in projects educating advocates of civil rights around the world in digital self-defense against persecution and abduction. But the organization also needed a presence of its own in social media. The challenge was not only to monitor social media platforms but to create a tool for activation connected to specific projects. To make things even more complicated – even though Civil Rights Defenders celebrated their 30 year anniversary they were largely unknown due to a complete makeover of name and brand. The Strategy The five success factors: Context: Tapping into current events (Global debate over internet hate and trolls) Realness: Creating a real highly functional web tool (secure, easily implemented to media sites and also adoptable to current issues) Targeting: Involving communities with high digital and social activity (tech community as well as academia and media). Channeling: Trickle down earned media strategy targeting elite media within relevant segments (agenda setting media with high twitter integration such as Wired, Mashable and Huffington Post). Agenda: Taking part in the current debate over internet trolls and hate in article comments etc (involving journalists and politicians)



    Civil Rights Captcha










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