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    KIDS' KITCHEN短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目 一名 7 岁的厨师和一名 4 岁的领班,以及同龄的同事,他们成为了瑞典最年轻的餐厅经理。儿童厨房的目的是向儿童和成年人展示烹饪美味健康的鱼餐是多么容易和快捷。11月28日,儿童厨房鱼餐厅向公众开放; 这是一家 4-10 岁儿童独自经营一天的餐厅。这家餐厅专门供应鱼类菜肴,用阿巴斯新系列鱼酱的产品制作。孩子们必须做普通餐馆工作人员所期望的一切。结果非常出色。餐厅的订满了,开业的消息被瑞典当地主要媒体报道。总覆盖范围为 2.6 (人口 9.3),相当于 470% 的投资回报率。销售超过所有预期,售出 437,000 种产品。柠檬酱是儿童厨房菜单上的一种选择,成为该类别中最畅销的产品。这场运动的关键公关因素是正在进行的关于儿童不良饮食习惯的辩论。瑞典食品管理局最近发布了一份报告,建议儿童应该多吃鱼,最好是每周 2-3 次。由于儿童的饮食习惯是我们社会中每个人都关心的话题,我们决定把餐馆公之于众。 描述客户的简报 定性:-展示用 Abba 的新酱汁烹饪美味健康的鱼是多么容易-展示你从 Abba 的新产品系列中获得的变化; 新产品是新鲜的没有改进剂定量: -支持战术电视活动,以实现销售目标-通过 40 000 欧元的媒体价值获得投资回报-收购一家预订满的餐厅-午餐和晚餐 结果 定性:-展示用 Abba 的新酱汁烹饪美味健康的鱼是多么容易-展示你从 Abba 的新产品系列中获得的变化; 新产品是新鲜无改进剂定量:-支持战术电视活动以实现销售目标-通过 € 40,000 的媒体价值获得投资回报-收购一家预订满的餐厅-午餐和晚餐 执行 11月28日,儿童厨房鱼餐厅向公众开放; 这是一家 4-10 岁儿童自己开的餐厅,经营了一天。这家餐厅位于斯德哥尔摩的中心,专门供应鱼类菜肴,由 Abba 新推出的一系列鱼酱和酱料制成。孩子们必须做普通餐馆工作人员所期望的一切。一名 7 岁的厨师确保鱼烤得很好。4 岁的领班欢迎客人,让他们坐在餐厅里。饭后,女服务员接受命令,上菜并与客人交谈。 形势 瑞典食品管理局的研究表明,孩子们没有吃足够的鱼。尽管有这些明确的证据,许多人还是不烹饪鱼,仅仅因为鱼被认为是耗时且难以烹饪的。当 Abba Seafood 推出一款新产品系列时,我们认为这是改变这种情况的绝佳机会,如果不是一群孩子,谁更好地开始呢? 战略 在我们充满压力的社会中,父母不容易把生活中的所有部分拼凑在一起 -- 从日托中接孩子,再加上工作和业余活动。此外,父母应该为他们的孩子准备一顿营养丰富、美味可口的饭菜,最好是鱼。怀疑的父母不确定如何烹饪鱼,往往会终结许多父母健康晚餐的野心。与此同时,关于儿童不良饮食习惯的辩论仍在进行中,无论是集中在学校的膳食上,还是父母在管理日常难题以维持生计方面的困难。瑞典食品管理局最近发布了一份报告,建议儿童应该多吃鱼,最好是每周 2-3 次。尽管有明确的指导,许多人避免烹饪鱼,仅仅是因为它被认为是耗时且难以烹饪。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry A 7-year old chef and a 4-year old headwaiter, together with colleagues of similar age they became Sweden's youngest restaurant managers for a day. The purpose of Kids’ Kitchen was to show children, as well as adults, how easy and quick it can be to cook a delicious and healthy fish based meal. On November 28, the Kids’ Kitchen Fish Restaurant opened its doors to the public; it was a restaurant that children aged 4-10 years ran all by themselves for a day. The restaurant served fish dishes exclusively, prepared with products from Abbas' new range of fish sauces. The children got to do everything that is expected of regular restaurant staff. And the result was outstanding. The restaurant was fully booked and the news of the opening was covered by Sweden's leading local media. The total reach was 2.6m (population 9.3m) which equals an ROI of 470%. Sales beat all expectations with over 437,000 products sold. The lemon sauce, which was a choice on the Kids’ Kitchen menu, became the best-selling product in the category. The Key PR element of the campaign was the ongoing debate about children's poor eating habits. The Swedish Food Administration had recently released a report with the recommendation that children should eat more fish, preferably 2-3 times a week. Since children’s eating habits is a topic concerning everyone in our society, we decided to make the restaurant public. Describe the brief from the client Qualitative: - Demonstrate how easy it is to cook good and healthy fish dishes with Abba’s new sauces - Show the variation you get from Abba’s new product range; and that the new products are fresh without improvers Quantitative: - Support the tactical TV-campaign in order to meet sales goals - Obtain a return on investment through a media value of €40 000 - Acquire a fully booked restaurant – lunch and dinner Results Qualitative: - Demonstrate how easy it is to cook good and healthy fish dishes with Abba’s new sauces - Show the variation you get from Abba’s new product range; and that the new products are fresh without improvers Quantitative: - Support the tactical TV-campaign in order to meet sales goals - Obtain a return on investment through a media value of €40,000 - Acquire a fully booked restaurant – lunch and dinner Execution On November 28, the Kids’ Kitchen Fish Restaurant opened its doors to the public; it was a restaurant that children aged 4-10 years opened and ran all by themselves, for a day. The restaurant was located in the centre of Stockholm and served fish dishes exclusively, prepared with products from Abba's new range of fish sauces and pastes. The children got to do everything that is expected of regular restaurant staff. A 7-year-old chef made sure that the fish was well-baked and prepared. The 4-year-old headwaiter welcomed the guests and seated them in the dining room. The waitresses took orders, served and conversed with the guests after the meal. The Situation Research from the Swedish Food Administration shows that kids do not eat enough fish. Despite this clear evidence, many people refrain from cooking fish, simply because it is perceived as time consuming and difficult to cook. When Abba Seafood launched a new product series made to be used with fish, we thought of it as the perfect opportunity to change this, and who better to start with if not a group of children? The Strategy In our stressful society, it is not easy for parents to get all pieces in life to puzzle together – picking up kids from day care combined with work and spare time activities. In addition, parents should prepare a nutritious and delicious meal for their kids, preferably fish. Doubting parents, unsure how to cook fish, often puts an end to many parents' healthy dinner ambitions. Meanwhile, the debate about children's poor eating habits is ongoing, whether the focus is on school meals or parents' difficulties in managing the everyday puzzle to make ends meet. The Swedish Food Administration recently released a report with the recommendation that children should eat more fish, preferably 2-3 times a week. Despite the clear guidance, many people refrain from cooking fish, simply because it is perceived as time consuming and difficult to cook.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 一名 7 岁的厨师和一名 4 岁的领班,以及同龄的同事,他们成为了瑞典最年轻的餐厅经理。儿童厨房的目的是向儿童和成年人展示烹饪美味健康的鱼餐是多么容易和快捷。11月28日,儿童厨房鱼餐厅向公众开放; 这是一家 4-10 岁儿童独自经营一天的餐厅。这家餐厅专门供应鱼类菜肴,用阿巴斯新系列鱼酱的产品制作。孩子们必须做普通餐馆工作人员所期望的一切。结果非常出色。餐厅的订满了,开业的消息被瑞典当地主要媒体报道。总覆盖范围为 2.6 (人口 9.3),相当于 470% 的投资回报率。销售超过所有预期,售出 437,000 种产品。柠檬酱是儿童厨房菜单上的一种选择,成为该类别中最畅销的产品。这场运动的关键公关因素是正在进行的关于儿童不良饮食习惯的辩论。瑞典食品管理局最近发布了一份报告,建议儿童应该多吃鱼,最好是每周 2-3 次。由于儿童的饮食习惯是我们社会中每个人都关心的话题,我们决定把餐馆公之于众。 描述客户的简报 定性:-展示用 Abba 的新酱汁烹饪美味健康的鱼是多么容易-展示你从 Abba 的新产品系列中获得的变化; 新产品是新鲜的没有改进剂定量: -支持战术电视活动,以实现销售目标-通过 40 000 欧元的媒体价值获得投资回报-收购一家预订满的餐厅-午餐和晚餐 结果 定性:-展示用 Abba 的新酱汁烹饪美味健康的鱼是多么容易-展示你从 Abba 的新产品系列中获得的变化; 新产品是新鲜无改进剂定量:-支持战术电视活动以实现销售目标-通过 € 40,000 的媒体价值获得投资回报-收购一家预订满的餐厅-午餐和晚餐 执行 11月28日,儿童厨房鱼餐厅向公众开放; 这是一家 4-10 岁儿童自己开的餐厅,经营了一天。这家餐厅位于斯德哥尔摩的中心,专门供应鱼类菜肴,由 Abba 新推出的一系列鱼酱和酱料制成。孩子们必须做普通餐馆工作人员所期望的一切。一名 7 岁的厨师确保鱼烤得很好。4 岁的领班欢迎客人,让他们坐在餐厅里。饭后,女服务员接受命令,上菜并与客人交谈。 形势 瑞典食品管理局的研究表明,孩子们没有吃足够的鱼。尽管有这些明确的证据,许多人还是不烹饪鱼,仅仅因为鱼被认为是耗时且难以烹饪的。当 Abba Seafood 推出一款新产品系列时,我们认为这是改变这种情况的绝佳机会,如果不是一群孩子,谁更好地开始呢? 战略 在我们充满压力的社会中,父母不容易把生活中的所有部分拼凑在一起 -- 从日托中接孩子,再加上工作和业余活动。此外,父母应该为他们的孩子准备一顿营养丰富、美味可口的饭菜,最好是鱼。怀疑的父母不确定如何烹饪鱼,往往会终结许多父母健康晚餐的野心。与此同时,关于儿童不良饮食习惯的辩论仍在进行中,无论是集中在学校的膳食上,还是父母在管理日常难题以维持生计方面的困难。瑞典食品管理局最近发布了一份报告,建议儿童应该多吃鱼,最好是每周 2-3 次。尽管有明确的指导,许多人避免烹饪鱼,仅仅是因为它被认为是耗时且难以烹饪。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry A 7-year old chef and a 4-year old headwaiter, together with colleagues of similar age they became Sweden's youngest restaurant managers for a day. The purpose of Kids’ Kitchen was to show children, as well as adults, how easy and quick it can be to cook a delicious and healthy fish based meal. On November 28, the Kids’ Kitchen Fish Restaurant opened its doors to the public; it was a restaurant that children aged 4-10 years ran all by themselves for a day. The restaurant served fish dishes exclusively, prepared with products from Abbas' new range of fish sauces. The children got to do everything that is expected of regular restaurant staff. And the result was outstanding. The restaurant was fully booked and the news of the opening was covered by Sweden's leading local media. The total reach was 2.6m (population 9.3m) which equals an ROI of 470%. Sales beat all expectations with over 437,000 products sold. The lemon sauce, which was a choice on the Kids’ Kitchen menu, became the best-selling product in the category. The Key PR element of the campaign was the ongoing debate about children's poor eating habits. The Swedish Food Administration had recently released a report with the recommendation that children should eat more fish, preferably 2-3 times a week. Since children’s eating habits is a topic concerning everyone in our society, we decided to make the restaurant public. Describe the brief from the client Qualitative: - Demonstrate how easy it is to cook good and healthy fish dishes with Abba’s new sauces - Show the variation you get from Abba’s new product range; and that the new products are fresh without improvers Quantitative: - Support the tactical TV-campaign in order to meet sales goals - Obtain a return on investment through a media value of €40 000 - Acquire a fully booked restaurant – lunch and dinner Results Qualitative: - Demonstrate how easy it is to cook good and healthy fish dishes with Abba’s new sauces - Show the variation you get from Abba’s new product range; and that the new products are fresh without improvers Quantitative: - Support the tactical TV-campaign in order to meet sales goals - Obtain a return on investment through a media value of €40,000 - Acquire a fully booked restaurant – lunch and dinner Execution On November 28, the Kids’ Kitchen Fish Restaurant opened its doors to the public; it was a restaurant that children aged 4-10 years opened and ran all by themselves, for a day. The restaurant was located in the centre of Stockholm and served fish dishes exclusively, prepared with products from Abba's new range of fish sauces and pastes. The children got to do everything that is expected of regular restaurant staff. A 7-year-old chef made sure that the fish was well-baked and prepared. The 4-year-old headwaiter welcomed the guests and seated them in the dining room. The waitresses took orders, served and conversed with the guests after the meal. The Situation Research from the Swedish Food Administration shows that kids do not eat enough fish. Despite this clear evidence, many people refrain from cooking fish, simply because it is perceived as time consuming and difficult to cook. When Abba Seafood launched a new product series made to be used with fish, we thought of it as the perfect opportunity to change this, and who better to start with if not a group of children? The Strategy In our stressful society, it is not easy for parents to get all pieces in life to puzzle together – picking up kids from day care combined with work and spare time activities. In addition, parents should prepare a nutritious and delicious meal for their kids, preferably fish. Doubting parents, unsure how to cook fish, often puts an end to many parents' healthy dinner ambitions. Meanwhile, the debate about children's poor eating habits is ongoing, whether the focus is on school meals or parents' difficulties in managing the everyday puzzle to make ends meet. The Swedish Food Administration recently released a report with the recommendation that children should eat more fish, preferably 2-3 times a week. Despite the clear guidance, many people refrain from cooking fish, simply because it is perceived as time consuming and difficult to cook.













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