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    DEMAND EQUAL PAY短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目 平均而言,新西兰妇女的工资比以前低 10%,因为她们从事与 男人。为了促进平等,制止这种公然的性别歧视,女青年会奥克兰 决定男性应该比女性多收取 10% 的费用。 因为这场运动的目的是强调两个性别的荒谬 谈到钱,我们必须利用公关来获得曝光 和辩论,我们需要让人们思考,包括决策者 政府 我们的最终目标是鼓励新西兰人参观 新西兰表示支持薪酬平等法案。 描述客户的简报 该运动的一个主要目标是提高认识。几十年来,这个问题在新西兰一直是一个沉默的问题,所以我们需要制造一些破坏性的东西来让人们说话,让关键媒体报道这个问题。 另一个目标是推动人们进入我们的网站,帮助薪酬平等法案进入议会。 我们对男性征收 10% 的税,让男女都谈论平等和公平。 为了让人们知道这是一个由事实支持的严重问题,我们与大学教授和统计学家合作,并在我们的平面广告中引用了最新的统计数据。 结果 这场运动非常成功,实现了所有目标。它获得了价值超过 140万美元的国内和国际宣传媒体报道 (广播电视、新闻、广播、新闻、编辑、公关、社交媒体)。它有惊人的 1,750% 的投资回报 (每花费 1 美元就有 17.50 美元)。 公关报道不仅意义重大,而且非常吸引人。第一频道的 “早餐” 电视制作人评论说,这是他们几个月来看到的最激烈辩论的话题之一, 在线文章收到了超过 800 条评论 -- 远远超过了他们通常收到的评论。 活动启动月,该网站的访问者增加了 9,000%, 与上月相比,捐款增加了 22%。 但是,最重要的是,我们从男人和男人那里获得了我们所需要的支持 支持薪酬平等法案的妇女。现在已经被提出 议会成为一种行为。 执行 发射日计划在一年中的 329 天。由于女性的收入比男性低 10%,我们利用这个日期强调,女性将在今年的最后 10% 有效地停止收入。 我们的咖啡车在这一天在议会前推出。我们邀请惠灵顿当地媒体报道咖啡车活动。 我们的印刷运动从这一天开始在全国报纸上运行,主要信息是,'从现在到年底,女性免费工作。" 形势 男人需要受到妇女每天面临的歧视,才能真正 欣赏形势的庄严。 通过在现实世界中向男性收取 10% 的费用,以及让女性知道 他们没有收入的 10% 是如何影响他们的,我们引起了争议 政治家、媒体和公众谈论并唤醒了这个沉睡的巨人 一个困扰新西兰女性几十年的问题。在每一个接触点,我们 强调了这种不平衡,并展示了这 10% 的差异是如何影响我们所有人的。 最重要的是,我们推动人们上网支持薪酬平等法案。 战略 活动的一部分是制作的 TVC,显示一名男子因停车被收取 10% 的额外费用,纯粹是因为他是一名男子。我们知道有争议的故事情节会产生说话的能力。 我们知道 TVC 的发射不是通常会进入的东西 主流媒体,所以我们决定在 TVNZ 的早餐节目中独家提供广告,让他们在发布早上播放并作为讨论点 -- 这样就让广告变得有意义 (和免费) 播放时间和使用主持人深入了解问题并采访主要发言人。 为了确保媒体的进一步报道和讨论,我们创造了另一个故事 在惠灵顿的议会外组织了一个特技表演 咖啡车卖咖啡。有趣的是,男性的咖啡要多收 10%。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry On average, women in New Zealand are paid 10% less, for doing the same job as men. To promote equality, and put a stop to this blatant sexism, YWCA Auckland decided that men should be charged 10% more than women. As the aim of the campaign was to highlight the absurdity of two genders being treated differently when it comes to money, we had to utilize PR to get the exposure and debate that we needed to get people thinking, including decision makers at government Our ultimate goal was to encourage New Zealanders to visit www.demandequalpay.org.nz to show their support for the Pay Equality Bill. Describe the brief from the client One main goal of the campaign was to raise awareness. The problem has existed in as a silent issue in New Zealand for decades, so we needed to create something disruptive to get people talking and get key media covering the issue. Another goal was to drive people to our website to help the Pay Equality Bill get into Parliament. We targeted males with our 10% tax to get both sexes talking about equality and fairness. To let people know this is a serious issue backed up by fact, we worked with University professors and statisticians and cited the latest statistics in our print ads. Results The campaign was hugely successful, achieving all of its objectives. It received national and international awareness earning media coverage valued at over $1.4 million (broadcast TV, news, radio, press, editorial, PR, social media). It had a phenomenal 1,750% return on investment ($17.50 for every $1 spent). Not only was the PR coverage significant, but also really engaging. Channel One ‘Breakfast’ TV producer commented that it was one of the most hotly-debated topics they had seen in many months, and the online Stuff article received over 800 comments – far more than they normally get. Launch month of the campaign saw visitors to the site increase by 9,000%, and donations increased by 22% compared to the previous month. But, most importantly, we gathered the support we required from both men and women in support of the Pay Equality Bill. Which has now been put forward to Parliament to become an Act. Execution The launch day was planned to fall on the 329th day of the year. As women earn 10% less than men, we used this date to highlight that women would effectively stop earning for the last 10% of the year. Our coffee cart launched on this day in front of Parliament. We invited local media in Wellington to cover the coffee cart event. Our print campaign started running in the national newspaper on this day, with the lead message being, ‘From now until the end of the year, women work for free.” The Situation Men needed to be subjected to the discrimination that women face daily to truly appreciate the gravitas of the situation. By charging men 10% more in the real world, as well as letting women know just how this 10% they weren’t earning affected them, we created controversy to get politicians, media and the general public talking and awaken this sleeping giant of an issue that has plagued women in NZ for decades. At every touch point we highlighted the imbalance and showed just how this 10% difference affected us all. And most importantly we drove people online to support the Pay Equality Bill. The Strategy Part of the campaign was a TVC that was produced showing a man being charged 10% extra for parking purely because he is a man. We knew that the controversial storyline would create talkability. We knew that the launch of a TVC is not something that usually gets into mainstream press so we decided to offer the ad as an exclusive to TVNZ’s Breakfast Show for them to play and use as a discussion point on the launch morning – this way giving the ad significant (and free) airtime and using the presenters to dive deep into the issue and interviewing key spokespeople. To secure further media coverage and discussion, we created another story angle by organising a stunt outside Parliament in Wellington whereby a coffee cart sold coffees. The interesting thing was the coffees were charged at 10% more for men.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 平均而言,新西兰妇女的工资比以前低 10%,因为她们从事与 男人。为了促进平等,制止这种公然的性别歧视,女青年会奥克兰 决定男性应该比女性多收取 10% 的费用。 因为这场运动的目的是强调两个性别的荒谬 谈到钱,我们必须利用公关来获得曝光 和辩论,我们需要让人们思考,包括决策者 政府 我们的最终目标是鼓励新西兰人参观 新西兰表示支持薪酬平等法案。 描述客户的简报 该运动的一个主要目标是提高认识。几十年来,这个问题在新西兰一直是一个沉默的问题,所以我们需要制造一些破坏性的东西来让人们说话,让关键媒体报道这个问题。 另一个目标是推动人们进入我们的网站,帮助薪酬平等法案进入议会。 我们对男性征收 10% 的税,让男女都谈论平等和公平。 为了让人们知道这是一个由事实支持的严重问题,我们与大学教授和统计学家合作,并在我们的平面广告中引用了最新的统计数据。 结果 这场运动非常成功,实现了所有目标。它获得了价值超过 140万美元的国内和国际宣传媒体报道 (广播电视、新闻、广播、新闻、编辑、公关、社交媒体)。它有惊人的 1,750% 的投资回报 (每花费 1 美元就有 17.50 美元)。 公关报道不仅意义重大,而且非常吸引人。第一频道的 “早餐” 电视制作人评论说,这是他们几个月来看到的最激烈辩论的话题之一, 在线文章收到了超过 800 条评论 -- 远远超过了他们通常收到的评论。 活动启动月,该网站的访问者增加了 9,000%, 与上月相比,捐款增加了 22%。 但是,最重要的是,我们从男人和男人那里获得了我们所需要的支持 支持薪酬平等法案的妇女。现在已经被提出 议会成为一种行为。 执行 发射日计划在一年中的 329 天。由于女性的收入比男性低 10%,我们利用这个日期强调,女性将在今年的最后 10% 有效地停止收入。 我们的咖啡车在这一天在议会前推出。我们邀请惠灵顿当地媒体报道咖啡车活动。 我们的印刷运动从这一天开始在全国报纸上运行,主要信息是,'从现在到年底,女性免费工作。" 形势 男人需要受到妇女每天面临的歧视,才能真正 欣赏形势的庄严。 通过在现实世界中向男性收取 10% 的费用,以及让女性知道 他们没有收入的 10% 是如何影响他们的,我们引起了争议 政治家、媒体和公众谈论并唤醒了这个沉睡的巨人 一个困扰新西兰女性几十年的问题。在每一个接触点,我们 强调了这种不平衡,并展示了这 10% 的差异是如何影响我们所有人的。 最重要的是,我们推动人们上网支持薪酬平等法案。 战略 活动的一部分是制作的 TVC,显示一名男子因停车被收取 10% 的额外费用,纯粹是因为他是一名男子。我们知道有争议的故事情节会产生说话的能力。 我们知道 TVC 的发射不是通常会进入的东西 主流媒体,所以我们决定在 TVNZ 的早餐节目中独家提供广告,让他们在发布早上播放并作为讨论点 -- 这样就让广告变得有意义 (和免费) 播放时间和使用主持人深入了解问题并采访主要发言人。 为了确保媒体的进一步报道和讨论,我们创造了另一个故事 在惠灵顿的议会外组织了一个特技表演 咖啡车卖咖啡。有趣的是,男性的咖啡要多收 10%。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry On average, women in New Zealand are paid 10% less, for doing the same job as men. To promote equality, and put a stop to this blatant sexism, YWCA Auckland decided that men should be charged 10% more than women. As the aim of the campaign was to highlight the absurdity of two genders being treated differently when it comes to money, we had to utilize PR to get the exposure and debate that we needed to get people thinking, including decision makers at government Our ultimate goal was to encourage New Zealanders to visit www.demandequalpay.org.nz to show their support for the Pay Equality Bill. Describe the brief from the client One main goal of the campaign was to raise awareness. The problem has existed in as a silent issue in New Zealand for decades, so we needed to create something disruptive to get people talking and get key media covering the issue. Another goal was to drive people to our website to help the Pay Equality Bill get into Parliament. We targeted males with our 10% tax to get both sexes talking about equality and fairness. To let people know this is a serious issue backed up by fact, we worked with University professors and statisticians and cited the latest statistics in our print ads. Results The campaign was hugely successful, achieving all of its objectives. It received national and international awareness earning media coverage valued at over $1.4 million (broadcast TV, news, radio, press, editorial, PR, social media). It had a phenomenal 1,750% return on investment ($17.50 for every $1 spent). Not only was the PR coverage significant, but also really engaging. Channel One ‘Breakfast’ TV producer commented that it was one of the most hotly-debated topics they had seen in many months, and the online Stuff article received over 800 comments – far more than they normally get. Launch month of the campaign saw visitors to the site increase by 9,000%, and donations increased by 22% compared to the previous month. But, most importantly, we gathered the support we required from both men and women in support of the Pay Equality Bill. Which has now been put forward to Parliament to become an Act. Execution The launch day was planned to fall on the 329th day of the year. As women earn 10% less than men, we used this date to highlight that women would effectively stop earning for the last 10% of the year. Our coffee cart launched on this day in front of Parliament. We invited local media in Wellington to cover the coffee cart event. Our print campaign started running in the national newspaper on this day, with the lead message being, ‘From now until the end of the year, women work for free.” The Situation Men needed to be subjected to the discrimination that women face daily to truly appreciate the gravitas of the situation. By charging men 10% more in the real world, as well as letting women know just how this 10% they weren’t earning affected them, we created controversy to get politicians, media and the general public talking and awaken this sleeping giant of an issue that has plagued women in NZ for decades. At every touch point we highlighted the imbalance and showed just how this 10% difference affected us all. And most importantly we drove people online to support the Pay Equality Bill. The Strategy Part of the campaign was a TVC that was produced showing a man being charged 10% extra for parking purely because he is a man. We knew that the controversial storyline would create talkability. We knew that the launch of a TVC is not something that usually gets into mainstream press so we decided to offer the ad as an exclusive to TVNZ’s Breakfast Show for them to play and use as a discussion point on the launch morning – this way giving the ad significant (and free) airtime and using the presenters to dive deep into the issue and interviewing key spokespeople. To secure further media coverage and discussion, we created another story angle by organising a stunt outside Parliament in Wellington whereby a coffee cart sold coffees. The interesting thing was the coffees were charged at 10% more for men.













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