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    案例简介:执行 我们将压花粉末加入墨盒。这种墨水会与热发生化学反应,最后在纸上喷出来。可触摸墨水的主要成分是激光打印机碳粉和经过化学工艺压缩成与碳粉相同粒度的超细压花粉末。墨水本身将与热融合,并在压力和压花工具制成的纸上产生类似凸起压花的凸起表面。用户只需更换墨粉,打印出来并加热。目前,我们正处于第1 原型阶段的开发过程的开始阶段,以测试进一步的调整。 活动描述 许多盲人没有资格像其他人一样访问世界上可用的大量内容,因为这些内容需要翻译成盲文语言,而盲文浮雕价格昂贵,很难负担得起。为了给全世界 2.85亿盲人机会,让他们发生变化,像正常人一样,触摸墨水的质量和平等生活会让他们完全有能力阅读和释放他们的潜力,只要使用普通打印机,这样他们就能负担得起。与其投资于设计复杂的新打印机,我们努力将普通的激光打印机变成盲文打印机,让盲人能够自己打印盲文文档,并在家里不受限制地阅读。可触摸墨水,世界上第一个专为盲人发明的印刷墨水是真正的游戏改变者。 结果 这是创造真实而有意义的社会影响的旅程的开始,目的是改变世界各地 285 多名视障人士的生活,让他们能够像普通人一样生活自己阅读的能力。这可能是由于配备可触摸墨水的负担得起的打印机。有了这种能力,我们相信这将增加他们学习世界的无限机会,并使他们能够用自己的想象力创造世界。 实施 家用打印机有两种类型; 喷墨 (液体墨水) 和激光 (碳粉)。随着研发和测试,开发团队发现激光打印机是合适的和负担得起的 (激光打印机只有 60 美元)。我们开始开发可以通过化学工艺浮雕的特殊墨水,并继续测试与普通打印机很好地配合的最佳配方。产生墨水的主要因素是压花粉,即由塑料树脂制成的细粉,加热时有助于产生压花效果。其余的在专利注册过程中是保密的。为了做到这一点,碳粉元素需要用压花粉代替。关键技术是将压花粉末颗粒的尺寸降低到与头发尺寸 1/20 的爽肤水相同。添加特殊添加剂来催化电荷,增加更好的提高效果。 概要 如今,许多不同类型的技术已经被创新,以帮助盲人可视化世界,从移动应用程序、虚拟铅笔、手表到眼镜。然而,这些技术有局限性,无法提供他们真正想要的简单要求 -- 能够用手指自己阅读。唯一允许他们做的基本设备是 “盲文浮雕”,并在专用纸上打印,以产生基于盲文的文档,但它非常昂贵,而且访问受限。因此,有没有可能将盲文浮雕器商品化,让盲人能够负担得起并获得? 可触摸墨水是世界上第一个专门为视障人士发明的印刷墨水,是一种改变游戏规则的解决方案,可以使盲文浮雕变得经济实惠、易于使用。这将给他们充分的阅读能力,以释放他们的潜力。 通过将普通激光打印机旋转为盲文压花打印机,使用额外的精细压花粉末作为碳粉, 这有助于盲人能够自己打印盲文文档,在家里阅读和学习,不受文本和视觉的限制。


    案例简介:Execution We add the embossing powder into the ink cartridge. This ink will make chemical reaction with heat and finally puff out on paper.The major components of the touchable Ink are the laser printer toner and extra fine embossing powder that has been compressed to the same particle size as toner through the chemical process. The ink itself will be fused with heat and created the raised surface similar to raised embossing on paper made with pressure and an embossing tool. Users simply replace the toner, print out and heat it. Currently, we are at the beginning of the developing process with 1st prototype stage to test for further adjustment. Campaign Description Many blind people are not eligible to access massive content available on the world like others due to those contents are needed to translate to braille language while the braille embosser is pricey and very difficult to afford.With the intention to make change happen to more than 285 million blind people worldwide by giving them opportunity, quality and equality of living like normal people, Touchable Ink will give them full ability to read and unlock their potential by just using the ordinary printers so they can afford.Instead of investing on designing the complicated new printer, we put our effort to focus on turning the normal laser printer to be braille printer and make the blind people be able to print braille documents by themselves and read at home with no limitation. Touchable Ink, the world-first printing ink invented exclusively for blind people is the real game changer. Outcome This is the beginning of the journey to create real and meaningful social impact in order to change lives of more than 285 visually impaired people around the world to be able to live life equally like ordinary people with the ability to read by themselves. This can be happened thanks to the affordable printer equipped by Touchable Ink. With this ability, we do believe that it will increase endless opportunity for them to learn the world and empower them to create the world on their own with their imagination. Implementation There are 2 types of home-based printer; ink jet (liquid ink) and laser (toner). As R&D and testing, the developing team found that laser printer is suitable and affordable (laser printer is available from just USD60). We started developing the special ink that can emboss through chemical process and keep testing for the best formula that works well with normal printer.The main factor to create the ink is embossing powder, fine powder made from plastic resins, which helps generate the embossed effect when heated. The rest is confidential during the process of patent registration. To make this work,the toner element needs to be replaced with embossing powder. The key technique is to reduce the size of embossing powder particle to be as same as the toner which are 1/20 of hair dimension. The special additives will be added to catalyze the electric charge and increase a better raising effect. Synopsis Nowadays, many different kinds of technology have been innovated to help blind people to visualize the world, from mobile app, virtual pencil, watch to glasses. However, these technologies have limitation to provide simple requirement they truly want – to be able to read by themselves with their fingers. Only basic device that allow them to do is the ‘braille embosser’ and print on special paper to produce Braille text based document but it’s incredibly expensive and limited to access. Therefore, is there any possibility to commoditize the braille embosser so the blind people can simply afford and access to? Touchable Ink, the world-first printing ink invented exclusively for visually impaired people is the game changer solution that can commoditize the braille embosser to be affordable and accessible. This will give them full ability to read by themselves in order to unlock their potential. By turning the normal laser printer to be braille-embossed printer using the extra fine embossing powder as a toner, this helps make the blind people be able to print braille documents by themselves for reading and learning at home with no limitation, both texts and visuals.

    Touchable Ink

    案例简介:执行 我们将压花粉末加入墨盒。这种墨水会与热发生化学反应,最后在纸上喷出来。可触摸墨水的主要成分是激光打印机碳粉和经过化学工艺压缩成与碳粉相同粒度的超细压花粉末。墨水本身将与热融合,并在压力和压花工具制成的纸上产生类似凸起压花的凸起表面。用户只需更换墨粉,打印出来并加热。目前,我们正处于第1 原型阶段的开发过程的开始阶段,以测试进一步的调整。 活动描述 许多盲人没有资格像其他人一样访问世界上可用的大量内容,因为这些内容需要翻译成盲文语言,而盲文浮雕价格昂贵,很难负担得起。为了给全世界 2.85亿盲人机会,让他们发生变化,像正常人一样,触摸墨水的质量和平等生活会让他们完全有能力阅读和释放他们的潜力,只要使用普通打印机,这样他们就能负担得起。与其投资于设计复杂的新打印机,我们努力将普通的激光打印机变成盲文打印机,让盲人能够自己打印盲文文档,并在家里不受限制地阅读。可触摸墨水,世界上第一个专为盲人发明的印刷墨水是真正的游戏改变者。 结果 这是创造真实而有意义的社会影响的旅程的开始,目的是改变世界各地 285 多名视障人士的生活,让他们能够像普通人一样生活自己阅读的能力。这可能是由于配备可触摸墨水的负担得起的打印机。有了这种能力,我们相信这将增加他们学习世界的无限机会,并使他们能够用自己的想象力创造世界。 实施 家用打印机有两种类型; 喷墨 (液体墨水) 和激光 (碳粉)。随着研发和测试,开发团队发现激光打印机是合适的和负担得起的 (激光打印机只有 60 美元)。我们开始开发可以通过化学工艺浮雕的特殊墨水,并继续测试与普通打印机很好地配合的最佳配方。产生墨水的主要因素是压花粉,即由塑料树脂制成的细粉,加热时有助于产生压花效果。其余的在专利注册过程中是保密的。为了做到这一点,碳粉元素需要用压花粉代替。关键技术是将压花粉末颗粒的尺寸降低到与头发尺寸 1/20 的爽肤水相同。添加特殊添加剂来催化电荷,增加更好的提高效果。 概要 如今,许多不同类型的技术已经被创新,以帮助盲人可视化世界,从移动应用程序、虚拟铅笔、手表到眼镜。然而,这些技术有局限性,无法提供他们真正想要的简单要求 -- 能够用手指自己阅读。唯一允许他们做的基本设备是 “盲文浮雕”,并在专用纸上打印,以产生基于盲文的文档,但它非常昂贵,而且访问受限。因此,有没有可能将盲文浮雕器商品化,让盲人能够负担得起并获得? 可触摸墨水是世界上第一个专门为视障人士发明的印刷墨水,是一种改变游戏规则的解决方案,可以使盲文浮雕变得经济实惠、易于使用。这将给他们充分的阅读能力,以释放他们的潜力。 通过将普通激光打印机旋转为盲文压花打印机,使用额外的精细压花粉末作为碳粉, 这有助于盲人能够自己打印盲文文档,在家里阅读和学习,不受文本和视觉的限制。

    Touchable Ink

    案例简介:Execution We add the embossing powder into the ink cartridge. This ink will make chemical reaction with heat and finally puff out on paper.The major components of the touchable Ink are the laser printer toner and extra fine embossing powder that has been compressed to the same particle size as toner through the chemical process. The ink itself will be fused with heat and created the raised surface similar to raised embossing on paper made with pressure and an embossing tool. Users simply replace the toner, print out and heat it. Currently, we are at the beginning of the developing process with 1st prototype stage to test for further adjustment. Campaign Description Many blind people are not eligible to access massive content available on the world like others due to those contents are needed to translate to braille language while the braille embosser is pricey and very difficult to afford.With the intention to make change happen to more than 285 million blind people worldwide by giving them opportunity, quality and equality of living like normal people, Touchable Ink will give them full ability to read and unlock their potential by just using the ordinary printers so they can afford.Instead of investing on designing the complicated new printer, we put our effort to focus on turning the normal laser printer to be braille printer and make the blind people be able to print braille documents by themselves and read at home with no limitation. Touchable Ink, the world-first printing ink invented exclusively for blind people is the real game changer. Outcome This is the beginning of the journey to create real and meaningful social impact in order to change lives of more than 285 visually impaired people around the world to be able to live life equally like ordinary people with the ability to read by themselves. This can be happened thanks to the affordable printer equipped by Touchable Ink. With this ability, we do believe that it will increase endless opportunity for them to learn the world and empower them to create the world on their own with their imagination. Implementation There are 2 types of home-based printer; ink jet (liquid ink) and laser (toner). As R&D and testing, the developing team found that laser printer is suitable and affordable (laser printer is available from just USD60). We started developing the special ink that can emboss through chemical process and keep testing for the best formula that works well with normal printer.The main factor to create the ink is embossing powder, fine powder made from plastic resins, which helps generate the embossed effect when heated. The rest is confidential during the process of patent registration. To make this work,the toner element needs to be replaced with embossing powder. The key technique is to reduce the size of embossing powder particle to be as same as the toner which are 1/20 of hair dimension. The special additives will be added to catalyze the electric charge and increase a better raising effect. Synopsis Nowadays, many different kinds of technology have been innovated to help blind people to visualize the world, from mobile app, virtual pencil, watch to glasses. However, these technologies have limitation to provide simple requirement they truly want – to be able to read by themselves with their fingers. Only basic device that allow them to do is the ‘braille embosser’ and print on special paper to produce Braille text based document but it’s incredibly expensive and limited to access. Therefore, is there any possibility to commoditize the braille embosser so the blind people can simply afford and access to? Touchable Ink, the world-first printing ink invented exclusively for visually impaired people is the game changer solution that can commoditize the braille embosser to be affordable and accessible. This will give them full ability to read by themselves in order to unlock their potential. By turning the normal laser printer to be braille-embossed printer using the extra fine embossing powder as a toner, this helps make the blind people be able to print braille documents by themselves for reading and learning at home with no limitation, both texts and visuals.



    Touchable Ink










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