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    案例简介:概要 为了推出一流的纸巾,Kleenex 将推出一部强大到足以扭转局面并提高品牌可信度的在线电影。 战略 为了推出一流的纸巾,Kleenex 将推出一部强大到足以扭转局面并提高品牌可信度的在线电影。我们的策略是为纸巾产品找到一个强大的情感角色: 擦血、汗水和眼泪 -- 温柔地舒缓疼痛。 对大多数泰国观众来说,他们的痛苦来源是欺凌。根据心理健康部门的数据,泰国在学校遭受欺凌的比率是世界上最高的,每年有 600,000 名儿童被欺负。为了澄清这个问题,我们在里卡 · 石芝找到了我们的候选人, 一个 “小娃娃”,克服了她作为欺凌受害者的情感和身体痛苦,追求她作为 MMA 冠军的 “最好”。 相关性 在长达 6 分钟的拍摄中,观众跟随里卡 · 伊希格的故事,她用柔软温柔的天性克服恶霸,成为武术冠军。用 “小娃娃”,Kleenex 不仅打破了常规,还提高了泰国急需的欺凌意识。 结果 整个在线活动在 Facebook 和 Youtube 上获得了超过 580万的浏览量,并成为国内和国际媒体的头条新闻。这部电影本身重新定义了自我护理类别中品牌内容的力量,激励泰国各地的女性在保持柔软温柔天性的同时找到内心的力量。同时提高对泰国欺凌的迫切认识。 执行 我们想拍的电影只有在真实可信且引人入胜的情况下才会奏效。所以我们尽可能保持拍摄过程的真实性。里卡自己成了主角。她的采访成了剧本。打斗现场的主裁判和评论员从她的实际战斗。为了把这一切结合在一起,我们使用了连续的长时间拍摄技术,让观众觉得他们就在她生命旅程的每个阶段和她在一起。然而,这种现实的方法与超现实的音乐和灯光形成了有趣的对比,让观众从里卡的想象中体验这个故事。 活动描述 《小娃娃》是一部传记短片,记录了里卡 · 石芝的考验、磨难和胜利, 泰国头号拳手和 MMA 冠军,她童年的创伤助长了这场战斗。在 6 分钟的时间里, 她带领观众经历了她的生活故事 -- 从一个娇小的女孩成为欺凌的受害者的早期,到找到战胜恐惧的力量,成为 MMA 冠军。用 “小娃娃”,Kleenex 不仅打破了常规,还提高了泰国急需的欺凌意识,增强泰国女性反击的能力,同时仍然保持她们温柔的天性。# GentleNotWeak 简要介绍预计结果 N/A 观众 Kleenex 组织代表在最困难的时候提供舒缓护理,并决定与泰国排名第一的拳手 RIka Ishigue 合作,推出泰国第1 皮肤科医生认证的面部组织, 儿童创伤助长了他们的战斗之火。用 “小娃娃”,Kleenex 颠覆了对小而温柔的女人的刻板印象。


    案例简介:Synopsis To launch a best-in-class tissue paper, Kleenex would launch an online film that is powerful enough to turn heads and boost the brand's credibility. Strategy To launch a best-in-class tissue paper, Kleenex would launch an online film that is powerful enough to turn heads and boost the brand's credibility. Our strategy was to find a strong emotional role for the tissue product: Wiping blood, sweat, and tears – soothing the pain with gentleness. For much of the Thai audience, their source of pain is bullying. Thailand suffers the world's 2nd-highest rate of bullying at school with 600,000 children bullied each year according to the Department of Mental Health. To shed light on this issue, we found our candidate in Rika Ishige, a "Tiny Doll" who overcame her emotional and physical pain as a bully victim in pursuit of her "best" as an MMA champion. Relevancy In a 6-minute long take, the audience follows Rika Ishigue’s story as she powers through adversity with her soft and gentle nature to overcome the bullies and become a martial arts champion. With "Tiny Doll", Kleenex not only breaks the category norm, but raises much-needed awareness of bullying in Thailand. Outcome The whole online campaign gained over 5.8 million views on Facebook and Youtube and made headlines on national and international media. The film itself redefined the power of branded content in the self-care category, inspiring women all over Thailand to find their inner strength while preserving their soft and gentle nature. All the while raising a much-needed awareness of bullying in Thailand. Execution The film we wanted to make would only work if it's truly believable and engaging. So we kept the filming process as authentic as possible. Rika herself became the lead. Her interview became the script. The fight scene featured the referee and commentator from her actual fights. And to bring it all together, we used continuous long-take techniques to make the audience feel like they're right there with her through each stage of her life's journey. Yet, this realistic approach finds an interesting contrast with surreal music and lighting, which lets the audience experience this story from inside Rika's imagination. Campaign Description “Tiny Doll” is a biographical short film that chronicles the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of Rika Ishige, Thailand’s #1 fighter and MMA champion whose fire to fight is fueled by her childhood traumas. In a 6-minute long take, she takes the audience through the story of her life – from the early days as a small and delicate girl made bully victim to finding the strength to conquer her fears and become an MMA champion. With “Tiny Doll”, Kleenex not only breaks the category norm, but raises much-needed awareness of bullying in Thailand, empowering Thai women to fight back while still preserving their soft and gentle nature. #GentleNotWeak Brief With Projected Outcomes N/A Audience Kleenex tissue stands for soothing care through the toughest times and decided to launch Thailand's 1st dermatologist-certified facial tissue by partnering with RIka Ishigue, Thailand's #1 fighter, whose fire to fight is fueled by childhood traumas. With “Tiny Doll”, Kleenex subverts stereotypes of what tiny, gentle women are capable of.

    Tiny Doll

    案例简介:概要 为了推出一流的纸巾,Kleenex 将推出一部强大到足以扭转局面并提高品牌可信度的在线电影。 战略 为了推出一流的纸巾,Kleenex 将推出一部强大到足以扭转局面并提高品牌可信度的在线电影。我们的策略是为纸巾产品找到一个强大的情感角色: 擦血、汗水和眼泪 -- 温柔地舒缓疼痛。 对大多数泰国观众来说,他们的痛苦来源是欺凌。根据心理健康部门的数据,泰国在学校遭受欺凌的比率是世界上最高的,每年有 600,000 名儿童被欺负。为了澄清这个问题,我们在里卡 · 石芝找到了我们的候选人, 一个 “小娃娃”,克服了她作为欺凌受害者的情感和身体痛苦,追求她作为 MMA 冠军的 “最好”。 相关性 在长达 6 分钟的拍摄中,观众跟随里卡 · 伊希格的故事,她用柔软温柔的天性克服恶霸,成为武术冠军。用 “小娃娃”,Kleenex 不仅打破了常规,还提高了泰国急需的欺凌意识。 结果 整个在线活动在 Facebook 和 Youtube 上获得了超过 580万的浏览量,并成为国内和国际媒体的头条新闻。这部电影本身重新定义了自我护理类别中品牌内容的力量,激励泰国各地的女性在保持柔软温柔天性的同时找到内心的力量。同时提高对泰国欺凌的迫切认识。 执行 我们想拍的电影只有在真实可信且引人入胜的情况下才会奏效。所以我们尽可能保持拍摄过程的真实性。里卡自己成了主角。她的采访成了剧本。打斗现场的主裁判和评论员从她的实际战斗。为了把这一切结合在一起,我们使用了连续的长时间拍摄技术,让观众觉得他们就在她生命旅程的每个阶段和她在一起。然而,这种现实的方法与超现实的音乐和灯光形成了有趣的对比,让观众从里卡的想象中体验这个故事。 活动描述 《小娃娃》是一部传记短片,记录了里卡 · 石芝的考验、磨难和胜利, 泰国头号拳手和 MMA 冠军,她童年的创伤助长了这场战斗。在 6 分钟的时间里, 她带领观众经历了她的生活故事 -- 从一个娇小的女孩成为欺凌的受害者的早期,到找到战胜恐惧的力量,成为 MMA 冠军。用 “小娃娃”,Kleenex 不仅打破了常规,还提高了泰国急需的欺凌意识,增强泰国女性反击的能力,同时仍然保持她们温柔的天性。# GentleNotWeak 简要介绍预计结果 N/A 观众 Kleenex 组织代表在最困难的时候提供舒缓护理,并决定与泰国排名第一的拳手 RIka Ishigue 合作,推出泰国第1 皮肤科医生认证的面部组织, 儿童创伤助长了他们的战斗之火。用 “小娃娃”,Kleenex 颠覆了对小而温柔的女人的刻板印象。

    Tiny Doll

    案例简介:Synopsis To launch a best-in-class tissue paper, Kleenex would launch an online film that is powerful enough to turn heads and boost the brand's credibility. Strategy To launch a best-in-class tissue paper, Kleenex would launch an online film that is powerful enough to turn heads and boost the brand's credibility. Our strategy was to find a strong emotional role for the tissue product: Wiping blood, sweat, and tears – soothing the pain with gentleness. For much of the Thai audience, their source of pain is bullying. Thailand suffers the world's 2nd-highest rate of bullying at school with 600,000 children bullied each year according to the Department of Mental Health. To shed light on this issue, we found our candidate in Rika Ishige, a "Tiny Doll" who overcame her emotional and physical pain as a bully victim in pursuit of her "best" as an MMA champion. Relevancy In a 6-minute long take, the audience follows Rika Ishigue’s story as she powers through adversity with her soft and gentle nature to overcome the bullies and become a martial arts champion. With "Tiny Doll", Kleenex not only breaks the category norm, but raises much-needed awareness of bullying in Thailand. Outcome The whole online campaign gained over 5.8 million views on Facebook and Youtube and made headlines on national and international media. The film itself redefined the power of branded content in the self-care category, inspiring women all over Thailand to find their inner strength while preserving their soft and gentle nature. All the while raising a much-needed awareness of bullying in Thailand. Execution The film we wanted to make would only work if it's truly believable and engaging. So we kept the filming process as authentic as possible. Rika herself became the lead. Her interview became the script. The fight scene featured the referee and commentator from her actual fights. And to bring it all together, we used continuous long-take techniques to make the audience feel like they're right there with her through each stage of her life's journey. Yet, this realistic approach finds an interesting contrast with surreal music and lighting, which lets the audience experience this story from inside Rika's imagination. Campaign Description “Tiny Doll” is a biographical short film that chronicles the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of Rika Ishige, Thailand’s #1 fighter and MMA champion whose fire to fight is fueled by her childhood traumas. In a 6-minute long take, she takes the audience through the story of her life – from the early days as a small and delicate girl made bully victim to finding the strength to conquer her fears and become an MMA champion. With “Tiny Doll”, Kleenex not only breaks the category norm, but raises much-needed awareness of bullying in Thailand, empowering Thai women to fight back while still preserving their soft and gentle nature. #GentleNotWeak Brief With Projected Outcomes N/A Audience Kleenex tissue stands for soothing care through the toughest times and decided to launch Thailand's 1st dermatologist-certified facial tissue by partnering with RIka Ishigue, Thailand's #1 fighter, whose fire to fight is fueled by childhood traumas. With “Tiny Doll”, Kleenex subverts stereotypes of what tiny, gentle women are capable of.



    Tiny Doll






    广告公司: 智威汤逊 (泰国 曼谷) 制作公司: Houseton Films




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