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    The Hair Talk微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:摘要 泰国美容市场巨大,竞争激烈。典型的沟通解决方案依赖于当地名人和功能成分的结合,在线对话是与千禧一代女孩联系的强大驱动力。 为了发展Sunsilk,我们需要做一些不同的事情,我们如何去定位,以及它如何与全球品牌理念联系在一起,庆祝自我发现,而不危及推动销售的功能故事。 研究表明,女孩和跨性别者有着多种共同的兴趣,例如美丽和时尚。然而,跨性别者通常是潮流引领者,并且在为转型之旅做准备时拥有更深入的信息。他们渴望通过戴耳环,服用激素以及最重要的是拥有美丽的长发来完成自己的女性外观-后者通常被视为女性美的缩影。 一旦我们确定了头发在转变为女性方面的重要性,我们就有了一个洞察力,可以扮演强大的产品角色 (健康和长发的功能益处),同时点燃一个令人心碎的情感故事,关于女性和自信它。为了将这个想法变为现实并引发社会对话 (尤其是在家庭中) 以拥抱跨性别者,我们需要一个坚强的性格,既分享女孩的精神,又努力追求自己的梦想并探索世界。 Sunsilk选择超越过度使用的girl power方法,以引发真正的对话并激发对跨性别者的接受,这些跨性别者本身正面临并克服了更为严峻的挑战-他们的头发在战斗中发挥了作用。 就像泰国和世界各地成千上万的女孩一样,洛克出生在一个男人的身体里。Sunsilk从头发的角度讲述了她的人生故事。每一寸都是她女性之旅的里程碑。时间越长,她越女性化。 我们首先在我们的Facebook页面上发布了4分钟的电影,它在最初的48小时内捕获了250万个有机视图,没有付费媒体。后来,使用了各种长度的网络电影,并通过女性和跨性别影响者进行了播种,最终达到了6500万次观看次数,使其成为Google YouTube泰国排名第一的品牌电影2018年,并引发了全国范围内关于刻板印象和接受程度的讨论。 在这种情况下,采取一种更加情绪化的方法,并且在一个被忽视的目标上,对于美丽也是至关重要的,跨性别者,为品牌和销售创造了奇迹。 所有kpi都被吹走了,在销售和更健康的产品 (绿色瓶子),品牌信念和所有社交媒体措施的渗透率都大大增加了。 口碑、免费公关、分享、喜欢和评论使活动的效果成倍增加,超出了自己的预算,总体投资回报率为183%。 请告诉我们您是如何为播出的单一国家/地区/市场设计/调整您的广告系列的。 我们的主要挑战是通过研究泰国的文化以及我们的千禧一代女孩之间的互动方式,他们的同龄人群体以及紧张局势使他们无法探索世界,从而为泰国找到战略洞察力和沟通机会。 在泰国文化中,跨性别女性非常明显,并且通常是 “女孩帮” 的重要组成部分,既带来了美丽的灵感,又强烈地强化了在自我探索的旅程中超越界限的想法。然而,这种热情的拥抱通常不会扩展到他们的家庭和更广泛的社区,从而导致高度刻板的描述,有限的工作前景,频繁的骚扰和家庭裂痕。 Sunsilk选择超越过度使用的girl power方法来引发真正的对话,并激发对跨性别者的接受,这些跨性别者本身正面临并克服了更为严峻的挑战-他们的头发在战斗中起着不可或缺的作用。


    案例简介:Summary The Thai beauty market is huge and highly competitive. Typical communication solutions rely on a combination of local celebrities and functional ingredients, with online conversation a powerful driver to connect with millennial girls. To grow Sunsilk, we needed to do something different in how we went about targeting and how it tied into the global brand idea of celebrating self-discovery without jeopardizing the functional story to drive sales. Research showed us that girls and trans share multiple common interests, such as beauty and fashion. The trans friends however are often trendsetters and have deeper information as they go about preparing themselves for their transformation journey. They long to complete their feminine look by wearing earrings, taking hormones and, most importantly, by having beautiful long hair - the latter often regarded as the epitome of feminine beauty. Once we identified the importance of hair on their transformation to womanhood, we had an insight that could hold a strong product role (the functional benefit of healthy and long hair) while igniting a heart-tugging emotional story about being feminine and confident about it. To bring the idea to life and provoke societal conversation (especially within the family) to embrace transgenders, we needed a strong character who shared both the girls spirit and struggle to follow their dreams and explore the world. Sunsilk chose to rise above the overused girl power approach to spark real conversation and inspire the acceptance of transgenders, who are themselves facing and conquering far harder challenges – with their hair playing an part in their battle. Like thousands of girls in Thailand and across the world, Rock was born in a man’s body. Sunsilk told her life story from the point of view of the hair. Every inch being a milestone on her journey to womanhood. The longer it gets, the more feminine she is. We first launched the 4min film on our Facebook page, and it captured 2.5 million organic views in its first 48 hours, with no paid media. Later on, various lengths of the webfilm were used and seeded via female and transgender influencers, eventually reaching 65 million views combined, making it Google + YouTube Thailand's #1 branded film in 2018 and sparking a nationwide conversation about stereotype and acceptance. In this case, taking a more emotional approach, and one at an ignored target for whom beauty is also vitally important, transgenders, did wonders for the brand and sales. All KPIs were blown away with significant increments in sales and penetration of the Healthier & Long variant (Green bottle), brand conviction and in all social media measures. Word-of-mouth, free PR, shares, likes and comments multiplied the effects of the campaign beyond its own budget, with an overall ROI of 183%. Please tell us how you designed/adapted your campaign for the single country / region / market where it aired. Our key challenge was to find both a strategic insight and communication opportunity for Thailand, by looking into its culture and on how our millennial girls interact with each other, their peer groups and the tensions points preventing them from exploring the world out there. In Thai culture, trans women are very visible and often a vital part of the ‘girl-gang', bringing in both beauty inspiration and a strong reinforcement to the idea of going beyond boundaries in their journey of self-exploration. That welcoming embrace however doesn’t usually extend itself onto their families and the broader community, leading to highly stereotyped depictions, limited job prospects, frequent harassment and family rifts. Sunsilk chose to rise above the overused girl power approach to spark real conversation and inspire the acceptance of transgenders, who are themselves facing and conquering far harder challenges – with their hair playing an integral part in their battle.

    The Hair Talk

    案例简介:摘要 泰国美容市场巨大,竞争激烈。典型的沟通解决方案依赖于当地名人和功能成分的结合,在线对话是与千禧一代女孩联系的强大驱动力。 为了发展Sunsilk,我们需要做一些不同的事情,我们如何去定位,以及它如何与全球品牌理念联系在一起,庆祝自我发现,而不危及推动销售的功能故事。 研究表明,女孩和跨性别者有着多种共同的兴趣,例如美丽和时尚。然而,跨性别者通常是潮流引领者,并且在为转型之旅做准备时拥有更深入的信息。他们渴望通过戴耳环,服用激素以及最重要的是拥有美丽的长发来完成自己的女性外观-后者通常被视为女性美的缩影。 一旦我们确定了头发在转变为女性方面的重要性,我们就有了一个洞察力,可以扮演强大的产品角色 (健康和长发的功能益处),同时点燃一个令人心碎的情感故事,关于女性和自信它。为了将这个想法变为现实并引发社会对话 (尤其是在家庭中) 以拥抱跨性别者,我们需要一个坚强的性格,既分享女孩的精神,又努力追求自己的梦想并探索世界。 Sunsilk选择超越过度使用的girl power方法,以引发真正的对话并激发对跨性别者的接受,这些跨性别者本身正面临并克服了更为严峻的挑战-他们的头发在战斗中发挥了作用。 就像泰国和世界各地成千上万的女孩一样,洛克出生在一个男人的身体里。Sunsilk从头发的角度讲述了她的人生故事。每一寸都是她女性之旅的里程碑。时间越长,她越女性化。 我们首先在我们的Facebook页面上发布了4分钟的电影,它在最初的48小时内捕获了250万个有机视图,没有付费媒体。后来,使用了各种长度的网络电影,并通过女性和跨性别影响者进行了播种,最终达到了6500万次观看次数,使其成为Google YouTube泰国排名第一的品牌电影2018年,并引发了全国范围内关于刻板印象和接受程度的讨论。 在这种情况下,采取一种更加情绪化的方法,并且在一个被忽视的目标上,对于美丽也是至关重要的,跨性别者,为品牌和销售创造了奇迹。 所有kpi都被吹走了,在销售和更健康的产品 (绿色瓶子),品牌信念和所有社交媒体措施的渗透率都大大增加了。 口碑、免费公关、分享、喜欢和评论使活动的效果成倍增加,超出了自己的预算,总体投资回报率为183%。 请告诉我们您是如何为播出的单一国家/地区/市场设计/调整您的广告系列的。 我们的主要挑战是通过研究泰国的文化以及我们的千禧一代女孩之间的互动方式,他们的同龄人群体以及紧张局势使他们无法探索世界,从而为泰国找到战略洞察力和沟通机会。 在泰国文化中,跨性别女性非常明显,并且通常是 “女孩帮” 的重要组成部分,既带来了美丽的灵感,又强烈地强化了在自我探索的旅程中超越界限的想法。然而,这种热情的拥抱通常不会扩展到他们的家庭和更广泛的社区,从而导致高度刻板的描述,有限的工作前景,频繁的骚扰和家庭裂痕。 Sunsilk选择超越过度使用的girl power方法来引发真正的对话,并激发对跨性别者的接受,这些跨性别者本身正面临并克服了更为严峻的挑战-他们的头发在战斗中起着不可或缺的作用。

    The Hair Talk

    案例简介:Summary The Thai beauty market is huge and highly competitive. Typical communication solutions rely on a combination of local celebrities and functional ingredients, with online conversation a powerful driver to connect with millennial girls. To grow Sunsilk, we needed to do something different in how we went about targeting and how it tied into the global brand idea of celebrating self-discovery without jeopardizing the functional story to drive sales. Research showed us that girls and trans share multiple common interests, such as beauty and fashion. The trans friends however are often trendsetters and have deeper information as they go about preparing themselves for their transformation journey. They long to complete their feminine look by wearing earrings, taking hormones and, most importantly, by having beautiful long hair - the latter often regarded as the epitome of feminine beauty. Once we identified the importance of hair on their transformation to womanhood, we had an insight that could hold a strong product role (the functional benefit of healthy and long hair) while igniting a heart-tugging emotional story about being feminine and confident about it. To bring the idea to life and provoke societal conversation (especially within the family) to embrace transgenders, we needed a strong character who shared both the girls spirit and struggle to follow their dreams and explore the world. Sunsilk chose to rise above the overused girl power approach to spark real conversation and inspire the acceptance of transgenders, who are themselves facing and conquering far harder challenges – with their hair playing an part in their battle. Like thousands of girls in Thailand and across the world, Rock was born in a man’s body. Sunsilk told her life story from the point of view of the hair. Every inch being a milestone on her journey to womanhood. The longer it gets, the more feminine she is. We first launched the 4min film on our Facebook page, and it captured 2.5 million organic views in its first 48 hours, with no paid media. Later on, various lengths of the webfilm were used and seeded via female and transgender influencers, eventually reaching 65 million views combined, making it Google + YouTube Thailand's #1 branded film in 2018 and sparking a nationwide conversation about stereotype and acceptance. In this case, taking a more emotional approach, and one at an ignored target for whom beauty is also vitally important, transgenders, did wonders for the brand and sales. All KPIs were blown away with significant increments in sales and penetration of the Healthier & Long variant (Green bottle), brand conviction and in all social media measures. Word-of-mouth, free PR, shares, likes and comments multiplied the effects of the campaign beyond its own budget, with an overall ROI of 183%. Please tell us how you designed/adapted your campaign for the single country / region / market where it aired. Our key challenge was to find both a strategic insight and communication opportunity for Thailand, by looking into its culture and on how our millennial girls interact with each other, their peer groups and the tensions points preventing them from exploring the world out there. In Thai culture, trans women are very visible and often a vital part of the ‘girl-gang', bringing in both beauty inspiration and a strong reinforcement to the idea of going beyond boundaries in their journey of self-exploration. That welcoming embrace however doesn’t usually extend itself onto their families and the broader community, leading to highly stereotyped depictions, limited job prospects, frequent harassment and family rifts. Sunsilk chose to rise above the overused girl power approach to spark real conversation and inspire the acceptance of transgenders, who are themselves facing and conquering far harder challenges – with their hair playing an integral part in their battle.



    The Hair Talk










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