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    Touchable Ink短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 将普通的激光打印机变成盲文压花打印机,使盲人能够自己打印盲文文件,并在家里不受限制地阅读。为了实现这一目标,可触摸墨水是世界上第一个专门为盲人发明的印刷墨水,它改变了游戏规则。 执行 Thammasat 大学的化学教授三星和泰国盲人协会正在合作研究, 开发并提出了创新的解决方案,称为 “可触摸油墨”,通过化学工艺向激光印刷油墨中添加压花粉末。用户只需将可触摸墨盒更换为当前墨盒,将所选文档更改为盲文字体类型,打印出来,并用微波炉或吹风机等普通家用加热设备加热即可。这种特殊的链接会扩张并产生浮雕效果,就像从盲文浮雕中打印出来的一样,让盲人能够用手指阅读。我们现在正处于旅程的开始,努力工作仍在进行中,但我们从未停止,我们的目标是完成它,给所有盲人生活的机会。 概要 如今,许多不同类型的技术已经被创新,以帮助盲人可视化世界,从移动应用程序、虚拟铅笔、手表到眼镜。然而,这些技术有局限性,无法提供他们真正想要的简单要求 -- 能够用手指自己阅读。唯一允许他们做的基本设备是 “盲文浮雕”,并在专用纸上打印,以产生基于盲文的文档,但它非常昂贵,而且访问受限。因此,有没有可能将盲文浮雕器商品化,让盲人能够负担得起并获得? 结果 第一次用可触摸墨水对印刷纸进行测试,测试对象是来自泰国盲人协会的选定的视障样本, 超过 90% 的人说它是可读的,和盲文浮雕没有什么不同。有了这种创新,他们说这将有助于提高他们的生活质量,因为他们可以独立自主地生活,不需要等待别人的帮助。然而,这只是旅程的开始。我们的目标是尽快开发并投放市场。我们希望,当不再需要昂贵的机器和纸张时,它将大大改变盲文和图纸的制作方式,并允许每个人都能自由访问。 战略 三星,作为全球领先的消费电子产品和创新公司, 我们一直做的是在我们 “加速发现和可能性” 的信念下,为社会中的人们创造更好的生活。可触摸墨水不仅仅是一种广告信息,它也是视障人士打开他们的屏障、解放他们的可视化能力、独立阅读和学习世界的关键。 相关性 在泰国,视障人士通常被认为是无能的。事实上,他们有自己的力量和能力去做、学习和创造许多事情。他们只需要一点帮助。可触摸墨水不仅仅是一种广告信息,也是打开他们障碍和自由他们的可视化的钥匙,能够自己阅读和学习世界。可触摸墨水可以改变盲人,同时也增强了企业品牌的形象。 可触摸墨水是世界上第一个专门为视障人士发明的印刷墨水,是一种改变游戏规则的解决方案,可以使盲文浮雕变得经济实惠、易于使用。这将给他们充分的阅读能力,以释放他们的潜力。 通过将普通激光打印机旋转为盲文压花打印机,使用额外的精细压花粉末作为碳粉, 这有助于盲人能够自己打印盲文文档,在家里阅读和学习,不受文本和视觉的限制。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Turn the normal laser printer to be braille-embossed printer and make the blind people be able to print braille documents by themselves and read at home with no limitation. To make this happen, Touchable Ink, the world-first printing ink invented exclusively for blind people is the game changer. Execution Samsung, the Chemistry professor from Thammasat University and Thailand Association of the Blind are collaborating to research, develop and have come up with innovative solution called “Touchable Ink” by adding embossing powder to the laser printing ink through chemical process. The users just simply replace the Touchable Ink cartridge to the current one, change the selected document to braille font type, print out and heat it with normal household heating devices like microwave or hair dryer. This special link will dilate and give an embossed effect, just like it’s printed out from the braille embosser and allow the blind people to be able to read by their fingers. We are now at the beginning of the journey, working hard is still in progress but we never stop and aim to complete it to give the life opportunity to all blind people. Synopsis Nowadays, many different kinds of technology have been innovated to help blind people to visualize the world, from mobile app, virtual pencil, watch to glasses. However, these technologies have limitation to provide simple requirement they truly want – to be able to read by themselves with their fingers. Only basic device that allow them to do is the ‘braille embosser’ and print on special paper to produce Braille text based document but it’s incredibly expensive and limited to access. Therefore, is there any possibility to commoditize the braille embosser so the blind people can simply afford and access to? Outcome The first test on printed papers with touchable ink have been done with the selected visually impaired samplings from Thailand Association of Blind, more than 90% of them said it’s readable and no different from braille embosser’s one. With this innovation, they said it will help improve their quality of living since they can be independent and live on their own freely, no need to wait for help from others. However, this is just the very beginning of the journey. We aim to develop and release it out to market as soon as possible. We hope it will significantly revolutionize how Braille text and drawings are produced when it’s no longer needed the expensive machine and paper and allow everyone to be able to access freely. Strategy Samsung, as the leading company in Consumer Electronics & Innovation in the world, what we always do is to make things that can change the better living for people in the society under our belief “Accelerating Discoveries and Possibilities”. Touchable Ink is not just an advertising message but it’s a key for visually impaired people to unlock their barrier and free their visualization to be able to read and learn the world by themselves. Relevancy In Thailand, the visually impaired people have been usually perceived to be incompetent. In fact, they have their own strength and abilities to do, learn and create many things by themselves. They just need little help. Touchable Ink is not just an advertising message but a key to unlock their barriers and free their visualization to be able to read and learn the world by themselves.The Touchable Ink can make changes to blind people and also enhance the image of corporate brand at the same time. Touchable Ink, the world-first printing ink invented exclusively for visually impaired people is the game changer solution that can commoditize the braille embosser to be affordable and accessible. This will give them full ability to read by themselves in order to unlock their potential. By turning the normal laser printer to be braille-embossed printer using the extra fine embossing powder as a toner, this helps make the blind people be able to print braille documents by themselves for reading and learning at home with no limitation, both texts and visuals.

    Touchable Ink

    案例简介:活动描述 将普通的激光打印机变成盲文压花打印机,使盲人能够自己打印盲文文件,并在家里不受限制地阅读。为了实现这一目标,可触摸墨水是世界上第一个专门为盲人发明的印刷墨水,它改变了游戏规则。 执行 Thammasat 大学的化学教授三星和泰国盲人协会正在合作研究, 开发并提出了创新的解决方案,称为 “可触摸油墨”,通过化学工艺向激光印刷油墨中添加压花粉末。用户只需将可触摸墨盒更换为当前墨盒,将所选文档更改为盲文字体类型,打印出来,并用微波炉或吹风机等普通家用加热设备加热即可。这种特殊的链接会扩张并产生浮雕效果,就像从盲文浮雕中打印出来的一样,让盲人能够用手指阅读。我们现在正处于旅程的开始,努力工作仍在进行中,但我们从未停止,我们的目标是完成它,给所有盲人生活的机会。 概要 如今,许多不同类型的技术已经被创新,以帮助盲人可视化世界,从移动应用程序、虚拟铅笔、手表到眼镜。然而,这些技术有局限性,无法提供他们真正想要的简单要求 -- 能够用手指自己阅读。唯一允许他们做的基本设备是 “盲文浮雕”,并在专用纸上打印,以产生基于盲文的文档,但它非常昂贵,而且访问受限。因此,有没有可能将盲文浮雕器商品化,让盲人能够负担得起并获得? 结果 第一次用可触摸墨水对印刷纸进行测试,测试对象是来自泰国盲人协会的选定的视障样本, 超过 90% 的人说它是可读的,和盲文浮雕没有什么不同。有了这种创新,他们说这将有助于提高他们的生活质量,因为他们可以独立自主地生活,不需要等待别人的帮助。然而,这只是旅程的开始。我们的目标是尽快开发并投放市场。我们希望,当不再需要昂贵的机器和纸张时,它将大大改变盲文和图纸的制作方式,并允许每个人都能自由访问。 战略 三星,作为全球领先的消费电子产品和创新公司, 我们一直做的是在我们 “加速发现和可能性” 的信念下,为社会中的人们创造更好的生活。可触摸墨水不仅仅是一种广告信息,它也是视障人士打开他们的屏障、解放他们的可视化能力、独立阅读和学习世界的关键。 相关性 在泰国,视障人士通常被认为是无能的。事实上,他们有自己的力量和能力去做、学习和创造许多事情。他们只需要一点帮助。可触摸墨水不仅仅是一种广告信息,也是打开他们障碍和自由他们的可视化的钥匙,能够自己阅读和学习世界。可触摸墨水可以改变盲人,同时也增强了企业品牌的形象。 可触摸墨水是世界上第一个专门为视障人士发明的印刷墨水,是一种改变游戏规则的解决方案,可以使盲文浮雕变得经济实惠、易于使用。这将给他们充分的阅读能力,以释放他们的潜力。 通过将普通激光打印机旋转为盲文压花打印机,使用额外的精细压花粉末作为碳粉, 这有助于盲人能够自己打印盲文文档,在家里阅读和学习,不受文本和视觉的限制。

    Touchable Ink

    案例简介:Campaign Description Turn the normal laser printer to be braille-embossed printer and make the blind people be able to print braille documents by themselves and read at home with no limitation. To make this happen, Touchable Ink, the world-first printing ink invented exclusively for blind people is the game changer. Execution Samsung, the Chemistry professor from Thammasat University and Thailand Association of the Blind are collaborating to research, develop and have come up with innovative solution called “Touchable Ink” by adding embossing powder to the laser printing ink through chemical process. The users just simply replace the Touchable Ink cartridge to the current one, change the selected document to braille font type, print out and heat it with normal household heating devices like microwave or hair dryer. This special link will dilate and give an embossed effect, just like it’s printed out from the braille embosser and allow the blind people to be able to read by their fingers. We are now at the beginning of the journey, working hard is still in progress but we never stop and aim to complete it to give the life opportunity to all blind people. Synopsis Nowadays, many different kinds of technology have been innovated to help blind people to visualize the world, from mobile app, virtual pencil, watch to glasses. However, these technologies have limitation to provide simple requirement they truly want – to be able to read by themselves with their fingers. Only basic device that allow them to do is the ‘braille embosser’ and print on special paper to produce Braille text based document but it’s incredibly expensive and limited to access. Therefore, is there any possibility to commoditize the braille embosser so the blind people can simply afford and access to? Outcome The first test on printed papers with touchable ink have been done with the selected visually impaired samplings from Thailand Association of Blind, more than 90% of them said it’s readable and no different from braille embosser’s one. With this innovation, they said it will help improve their quality of living since they can be independent and live on their own freely, no need to wait for help from others. However, this is just the very beginning of the journey. We aim to develop and release it out to market as soon as possible. We hope it will significantly revolutionize how Braille text and drawings are produced when it’s no longer needed the expensive machine and paper and allow everyone to be able to access freely. Strategy Samsung, as the leading company in Consumer Electronics & Innovation in the world, what we always do is to make things that can change the better living for people in the society under our belief “Accelerating Discoveries and Possibilities”. Touchable Ink is not just an advertising message but it’s a key for visually impaired people to unlock their barrier and free their visualization to be able to read and learn the world by themselves. Relevancy In Thailand, the visually impaired people have been usually perceived to be incompetent. In fact, they have their own strength and abilities to do, learn and create many things by themselves. They just need little help. Touchable Ink is not just an advertising message but a key to unlock their barriers and free their visualization to be able to read and learn the world by themselves.The Touchable Ink can make changes to blind people and also enhance the image of corporate brand at the same time. Touchable Ink, the world-first printing ink invented exclusively for visually impaired people is the game changer solution that can commoditize the braille embosser to be affordable and accessible. This will give them full ability to read by themselves in order to unlock their potential. By turning the normal laser printer to be braille-embossed printer using the extra fine embossing powder as a toner, this helps make the blind people be able to print braille documents by themselves for reading and learning at home with no limitation, both texts and visuals.



    Touchable Ink










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