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    Imagination Machine短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:环境执行描述 俄罗斯第三大航空公司 S7 航空公司以创新著称。但是很少有人知道 S7 航空公司与 “寰宇一家” (世界上最大的航空公司联盟) 的合作关系,更少的人意识到这对他们作为旅行者意味着什么。我们的任务是通过传达 S7 可以将俄罗斯游客连接到全球 900 多个目的地来赋予全新的地位。我们的竞选任务; “把奇迹放回空中旅行”,我们的洞察力; “你梦想的地方就在一架飞机之外”。我们的想法是: 想象力机器 -- 利用你想象力的力量,驾驶虚拟飞机到你梦想的地方,并赢得一张去那里的机票。参与者用他们的智力驾驶一架飞机在 2 米长的 3D 地球仪上到达他们梦想的目的地。带有前额生物传感器的脑电图耳机测量并将脑电波数据发送到实时计算飞行路径的算法。参与者越专注,他们就越接近理想的飞行路线。如果他们保持专注,在 45 秒内到达目的地,参与者就赢得了一张机票。该装置于 2015年4月在莫斯科一家繁忙的购物中心安装。在向公众开放之前,记者和俄罗斯名人有机会测试他们想象力的力量。S7 的 Facebook 页面上分享了每个参与者在他或她的最高注意力点的照片。事件发生一周后,一部详细描述想象力机器的电影通过 s7 的社交渠道分享并发送到全球媒体,激发了更广泛的观众。超过 200 人全天参加。最终,49 人赢了,但是想象力机器让每个人都在思考他们梦想的地方和一家可以带他们去那里的航空公司。结果:-4.500 + 新的 S7 航空公司忠诚度计划成员在特技日。-预订增加 20%。 -独特的网站访问者增加了 53%。 -这个故事被全球领先的媒体报道,在第一周获得了 8200 多万人的浏览量。 -活动电影在第一周获得了 1.3 多次观看。


    案例简介:Ambient Execution Description S7 Airlines, Russia’s third biggest carrier, has a reputation for innovation. But few people are aware of S7 Airlines’ partnership with ‘oneworld’ (the world's premier airline alliance) and even fewer appreciated what that meant for them as travellers. Our task was to give the brand new stature by communicating that S7 can connect Russian travelers to 900+ destinations worldwide. Our campaign task; “to put the wonder back into air travel”, our insight; “the place of your dreams is just one flight away”.Our idea: The IMAGINATION MACHINE - fly a virtual plane to the place of your dreams using just the power of your imagination, and win a ticket to actually go there. Participants used their brainpower to steer a plane on a 2-meter 3D globe to their dream destination. An EEG-headset with forehead biosensor measured and send brainwave data to an algorithm that calculated the flight path in real-time. The more focused a participant was, the closer they stayed to their ideal flight path. If they stayed focused and made it to their destination within 45-seconds, the participant won a plane ticket. The Installation was set-up at a busy Moscow mall April 2015. Before opening to the public, journalists and Russian celebrities got the chance to test the power of their imagination. A picture of each participant at his or her’s highest point of concentration, was shared on S7’s Facebook page. A week after the event a film detailing The Imagination Machine was shared via S7’s social channels and sent to global media, inspiring a broader audience. Over 200 people took part throughout the day. In the end, 49 people won but The Imagination Machine left everyone thinking about the place of their dreams and an airline that can take them there.RESULTS:- 4.500+ new S7 Airlines loyalty program members on the stunt day. - Bookings increased by 20%.- Unique site visitors increased by 53%.- The story was covered by leading global media, achieving 82+ million earned views in the first week.- The event film received 1.3+million views in the first week.

    Imagination Machine

    案例简介:环境执行描述 俄罗斯第三大航空公司 S7 航空公司以创新著称。但是很少有人知道 S7 航空公司与 “寰宇一家” (世界上最大的航空公司联盟) 的合作关系,更少的人意识到这对他们作为旅行者意味着什么。我们的任务是通过传达 S7 可以将俄罗斯游客连接到全球 900 多个目的地来赋予全新的地位。我们的竞选任务; “把奇迹放回空中旅行”,我们的洞察力; “你梦想的地方就在一架飞机之外”。我们的想法是: 想象力机器 -- 利用你想象力的力量,驾驶虚拟飞机到你梦想的地方,并赢得一张去那里的机票。参与者用他们的智力驾驶一架飞机在 2 米长的 3D 地球仪上到达他们梦想的目的地。带有前额生物传感器的脑电图耳机测量并将脑电波数据发送到实时计算飞行路径的算法。参与者越专注,他们就越接近理想的飞行路线。如果他们保持专注,在 45 秒内到达目的地,参与者就赢得了一张机票。该装置于 2015年4月在莫斯科一家繁忙的购物中心安装。在向公众开放之前,记者和俄罗斯名人有机会测试他们想象力的力量。S7 的 Facebook 页面上分享了每个参与者在他或她的最高注意力点的照片。事件发生一周后,一部详细描述想象力机器的电影通过 s7 的社交渠道分享并发送到全球媒体,激发了更广泛的观众。超过 200 人全天参加。最终,49 人赢了,但是想象力机器让每个人都在思考他们梦想的地方和一家可以带他们去那里的航空公司。结果:-4.500 + 新的 S7 航空公司忠诚度计划成员在特技日。-预订增加 20%。 -独特的网站访问者增加了 53%。 -这个故事被全球领先的媒体报道,在第一周获得了 8200 多万人的浏览量。 -活动电影在第一周获得了 1.3 多次观看。

    Imagination Machine

    案例简介:Ambient Execution Description S7 Airlines, Russia’s third biggest carrier, has a reputation for innovation. But few people are aware of S7 Airlines’ partnership with ‘oneworld’ (the world's premier airline alliance) and even fewer appreciated what that meant for them as travellers. Our task was to give the brand new stature by communicating that S7 can connect Russian travelers to 900+ destinations worldwide. Our campaign task; “to put the wonder back into air travel”, our insight; “the place of your dreams is just one flight away”.Our idea: The IMAGINATION MACHINE - fly a virtual plane to the place of your dreams using just the power of your imagination, and win a ticket to actually go there. Participants used their brainpower to steer a plane on a 2-meter 3D globe to their dream destination. An EEG-headset with forehead biosensor measured and send brainwave data to an algorithm that calculated the flight path in real-time. The more focused a participant was, the closer they stayed to their ideal flight path. If they stayed focused and made it to their destination within 45-seconds, the participant won a plane ticket. The Installation was set-up at a busy Moscow mall April 2015. Before opening to the public, journalists and Russian celebrities got the chance to test the power of their imagination. A picture of each participant at his or her’s highest point of concentration, was shared on S7’s Facebook page. A week after the event a film detailing The Imagination Machine was shared via S7’s social channels and sent to global media, inspiring a broader audience. Over 200 people took part throughout the day. In the end, 49 people won but The Imagination Machine left everyone thinking about the place of their dreams and an airline that can take them there.RESULTS:- 4.500+ new S7 Airlines loyalty program members on the stunt day. - Bookings increased by 20%.- Unique site visitors increased by 53%.- The story was covered by leading global media, achieving 82+ million earned views in the first week.- The event film received 1.3+million views in the first week.



    Imagination Machine





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