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    Pride In Diversity短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 大卫 · 琼斯与一名前雇员合作。他们带回了澳大利亚第一位变性天后卡洛塔,为著名的悉尼商店橱窗装扮 -- 她 50 多年前还是一名男性青少年时就扮演了这个角色。卡洛塔主持的社交活动和 instore 活动 -- 都得到媒体关系活动的支持 -- 员工和公众了解了她不可思议的生活故事,以及大卫 · 琼斯在她的生活中具有巨大影响力。通过将 “骄傲” 添加到我们品牌目的活动的语言中 (包括 “自信” 、 “勇气” 、 “感官”,“爱” 和 “权力”) 并创建了标签 # DJsPride,他们将品牌与对其历史和故事有意义的真实真实体验联系起来。 结果 我们实现了围绕变性人权利和提升品牌资产进行对话的目标。大卫 · 琼斯的社交媒体和对新闻文章的评论非常积极,例如: “我们是如此美丽的卡洛塔。Dj 们对你的辛勤工作和狂欢节的认可很好。让我自豪地在那里购物; '很高兴看到零售商支持社区活动!'; 和 '自豪地在这里工作!'。目标受众的决策也发生了变化,因为悉尼商店在活动周销售额增加了 174,000 美元。这场运动的结果是赢得了媒体在黄金时段新闻频道的位置,并让卡洛塔成为两集小组节目的嘉宾主持人。该活动转化为真正的销售结果: 投资回报率为 134%,销售增长。我们通过媒体和社交接触接触了 150万澳大利亚人。 执行 我们在狂欢节两个月后被告知。我们与客户确认了卡洛塔,然后开始构思窗口激活。制定了六周的媒体目标,并确定了额外的内容。在活动前一个月,视频内容被创建,窗口造型简介被授予卡洛塔。材料是在狂欢节前两周编写和分发给媒体的,在卡洛塔和大卫 · 琼斯视觉营销团队成员创建窗口的前一周。这项运动最初是在 2月26日星期五通过赞助的 Facebook 帖子进行的,在那个周末在所有渠道和窗口上推广,然后在 3月3日星期四,媒体在大卫 · 琼斯最大的社交频道 Facebook 上被收购,以扩大内容。全市媒体联系人提供了材料和数字资产,以帮助塑造和推动对话。 概要 作为一家有 178 年历史的百货公司,大卫 · 琼斯是时尚领域的著名领导者,但因影响社会问题而未被认可。所以他们决定悉尼男女同性恋狂欢节是一个展示他们进步的机会。大卫 · 琼斯想支持他们的品牌宗旨,激发人们无限的潜力。许多品牌对狂欢节的做法是象征性的: 他们经常添加彩虹颜色来利用粉色美元,而不是为节日做出真正的贡献,倡导和提高对这些问题的认识。大卫 · 琼斯想把自己定位为一个有影响力的行业,其他人可以效仿他们大胆的立场; 通过媒体和社交媒体网络建立关于变性人权利的对话; 保持和创造品牌认知度,并提高作为 LBGTQI 友好零售商和社区首选购物目的地的资产。 战略 目标受众是 28-55 岁的男性、与同性恋社区和问题相关的高收入者 (DINKS) 、 35 岁以上的女性、多数 DINKS 以及文化导向。其次是零售部门的其他业务 (以促进行业间的影响)。我们的目标是主要的大都会媒体 -- 特别是电视,以获得最佳的覆盖范围和意识,关键的 LGBTQI 专用和支持性媒体,以及相关的零售行业标题。公关策略利用了 LGBTQI-icon Carlotta 在社区中的影响力。这个创意的激活是公关计划的一部分,旨在揭示大卫 · 琼斯是如何授权卡洛塔分享她的生活故事和创造对话的。我们与客户合作,为这次活动找到合适的人选。作为澳大利亚首批性别重新分配者之一,一个在社区内有影响力的人,也是一名前雇员,卡洛塔是最好的选择。 相关性 通过与澳大利亚第一批变性女性之一的合作 -- 她也碰巧是一名前雇员 -- 澳大利亚最古老的百货公司通过倡导当今社会,揭示了自己处于社会问题的前沿女同性恋, 同性恋、双性恋、变性者、质疑和国际 (LGBTQI) 话题 -- 变性者权利。欢迎卡洛塔回到零售商不仅成为新闻头条,并转化为真正的销售结果,它还建立了品牌爱激发了现任和前任工作人员的自豪感。


    案例简介:Campaign Description David Jones formed a collaboration with a former employee. They brought back Australia’s first transgender diva, Carlotta, to dress the famous Sydney store windows – a role she did over 50 years ago as a male teenager.Through a short film, windows displays, social activations and an instore event hosted by Carlotta – all supported by a media relations campaign – employees and the public learned of her incredible life story and how David Jones has been hugely influential in her life.By adding ‘Pride’ to the language from our brand purpose campaign (including ‘Confidence’, ‘Courage’, ‘Sensual’, ‘Elation’ and ‘Power’) and creating the hashtag #DJsPride, they connected the brand to a real and authentic experience that is meaningful to its history and story. Outcome We achieved the objectives of creating dialogue around transgender rights and boosting brand equity. Sentiment across David Jones’s social media and commentary on news articles was overwhelmingly positive, for example: ‘You are so beautiful Carlotta. Good on DJs for their acknowledgement of your hard work and Mardi Gras. Makes me proud to shop there’; ‘Nice to see retailers getting behind community events!’; and ‘Proud to work here!’. There was also a shift in the decisions of the target audience as the Sydney store saw a sales uplift of $174,000 during campaign week.The campaign resulted in earned media with spots on the top primetime news channel and with Carlotta as a guest host for two episodes of a panel show. The campaign converted to real sales results: return on investment was 134% as well as a sales uplift. We touched 1.5 million Australians through media and social reach and engagement. Execution We were briefed two months out from Mardi Gras. We worked with the client to confirm Carlotta, then began concepting the window activations. Six weeks out media targets were developed and additional content was determined. In the month prior to the event video content was created and the window styling brief was given to Carlotta. Materials were written and distributed to press a fortnight before Mardi Gras, and the week prior Carlotta and the David Jones visual merchandising team members created the windows.The campaign was first pushed via a sponsored Facebook post on Friday 26 February, rolled out across all channels and windows over that weekend, and then culminated with the event on Thursday 3 March.Media was bought on David Jones’s largest social channel, Facebook, to amplify content. Citywide media contacts were provided with materials and digital assets to help shape and drive the conversation. Synopsis As a 178-year-old department store, David Jones is a renowned leader in fashion but isn’t recognised for influencing social issues. So they decided the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras festival was an opportunity to show their progressiveness.David Jones wanted to support their brand purpose of inspiring the limitless potential of people. Many brands’ approach for Mardi Gras is tokenistic: rather than making a real contribution to the festival and championing and raising awareness of the issues, they often add rainbow colours to take advantage of the pink dollar. David Jones wanted to position itself as an influencer business that others can emulate in terms of their bold and brave position; to create a dialogue about transgender rights through media and social media networks; to maintain and create brand recognition, plus boost equity as an LBGTQI-friendly retailer and shopping destination of choice for the community. Strategy The target audience was men aged 28-55, higher income earners (DINKS) with relatability to gay communities and issues, women aged 35+, majority DINKS, and the culture orientated. The secondary demographic was other businesses in the retail sector (to promote inter-industry influence).We targeted major metropolitan media outlets – particularly television for best reach and awareness, key LGBTQI dedicated and supportive media, plus relevant retail trade titles.The PR strategy leveraged LGBTQI-icon Carlotta’s influence within the community. The activations of the creative idea were a part of the PR plan to reveal how David Jones empowered Carlotta to share her life story and create a conversation. We worked collaboratively with the client to find the right person for this campaign. As one of Australia’s first gender reassignees, a person of influence within the community, and a former employee, Carlotta was the best choice. Relevancy Through partnering with one of Australia’s first transgender women – who also happens to be a former employee – Australia’s oldest department store revealed itself to be at the forefront of social issues by championing a present day Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Inter (LGBTQI) topic – transgender rights. Not only did welcoming Carlotta back to the retailer make news headlines and convert into real sales results, it built brand love and inspired an outpouring of pride from current and former staff members.

    Pride In Diversity

    案例简介:活动描述 大卫 · 琼斯与一名前雇员合作。他们带回了澳大利亚第一位变性天后卡洛塔,为著名的悉尼商店橱窗装扮 -- 她 50 多年前还是一名男性青少年时就扮演了这个角色。卡洛塔主持的社交活动和 instore 活动 -- 都得到媒体关系活动的支持 -- 员工和公众了解了她不可思议的生活故事,以及大卫 · 琼斯在她的生活中具有巨大影响力。通过将 “骄傲” 添加到我们品牌目的活动的语言中 (包括 “自信” 、 “勇气” 、 “感官”,“爱” 和 “权力”) 并创建了标签 # DJsPride,他们将品牌与对其历史和故事有意义的真实真实体验联系起来。 结果 我们实现了围绕变性人权利和提升品牌资产进行对话的目标。大卫 · 琼斯的社交媒体和对新闻文章的评论非常积极,例如: “我们是如此美丽的卡洛塔。Dj 们对你的辛勤工作和狂欢节的认可很好。让我自豪地在那里购物; '很高兴看到零售商支持社区活动!'; 和 '自豪地在这里工作!'。目标受众的决策也发生了变化,因为悉尼商店在活动周销售额增加了 174,000 美元。这场运动的结果是赢得了媒体在黄金时段新闻频道的位置,并让卡洛塔成为两集小组节目的嘉宾主持人。该活动转化为真正的销售结果: 投资回报率为 134%,销售增长。我们通过媒体和社交接触接触了 150万澳大利亚人。 执行 我们在狂欢节两个月后被告知。我们与客户确认了卡洛塔,然后开始构思窗口激活。制定了六周的媒体目标,并确定了额外的内容。在活动前一个月,视频内容被创建,窗口造型简介被授予卡洛塔。材料是在狂欢节前两周编写和分发给媒体的,在卡洛塔和大卫 · 琼斯视觉营销团队成员创建窗口的前一周。这项运动最初是在 2月26日星期五通过赞助的 Facebook 帖子进行的,在那个周末在所有渠道和窗口上推广,然后在 3月3日星期四,媒体在大卫 · 琼斯最大的社交频道 Facebook 上被收购,以扩大内容。全市媒体联系人提供了材料和数字资产,以帮助塑造和推动对话。 概要 作为一家有 178 年历史的百货公司,大卫 · 琼斯是时尚领域的著名领导者,但因影响社会问题而未被认可。所以他们决定悉尼男女同性恋狂欢节是一个展示他们进步的机会。大卫 · 琼斯想支持他们的品牌宗旨,激发人们无限的潜力。许多品牌对狂欢节的做法是象征性的: 他们经常添加彩虹颜色来利用粉色美元,而不是为节日做出真正的贡献,倡导和提高对这些问题的认识。大卫 · 琼斯想把自己定位为一个有影响力的行业,其他人可以效仿他们大胆的立场; 通过媒体和社交媒体网络建立关于变性人权利的对话; 保持和创造品牌认知度,并提高作为 LBGTQI 友好零售商和社区首选购物目的地的资产。 战略 目标受众是 28-55 岁的男性、与同性恋社区和问题相关的高收入者 (DINKS) 、 35 岁以上的女性、多数 DINKS 以及文化导向。其次是零售部门的其他业务 (以促进行业间的影响)。我们的目标是主要的大都会媒体 -- 特别是电视,以获得最佳的覆盖范围和意识,关键的 LGBTQI 专用和支持性媒体,以及相关的零售行业标题。公关策略利用了 LGBTQI-icon Carlotta 在社区中的影响力。这个创意的激活是公关计划的一部分,旨在揭示大卫 · 琼斯是如何授权卡洛塔分享她的生活故事和创造对话的。我们与客户合作,为这次活动找到合适的人选。作为澳大利亚首批性别重新分配者之一,一个在社区内有影响力的人,也是一名前雇员,卡洛塔是最好的选择。 相关性 通过与澳大利亚第一批变性女性之一的合作 -- 她也碰巧是一名前雇员 -- 澳大利亚最古老的百货公司通过倡导当今社会,揭示了自己处于社会问题的前沿女同性恋, 同性恋、双性恋、变性者、质疑和国际 (LGBTQI) 话题 -- 变性者权利。欢迎卡洛塔回到零售商不仅成为新闻头条,并转化为真正的销售结果,它还建立了品牌爱激发了现任和前任工作人员的自豪感。

    Pride In Diversity

    案例简介:Campaign Description David Jones formed a collaboration with a former employee. They brought back Australia’s first transgender diva, Carlotta, to dress the famous Sydney store windows – a role she did over 50 years ago as a male teenager.Through a short film, windows displays, social activations and an instore event hosted by Carlotta – all supported by a media relations campaign – employees and the public learned of her incredible life story and how David Jones has been hugely influential in her life.By adding ‘Pride’ to the language from our brand purpose campaign (including ‘Confidence’, ‘Courage’, ‘Sensual’, ‘Elation’ and ‘Power’) and creating the hashtag #DJsPride, they connected the brand to a real and authentic experience that is meaningful to its history and story. Outcome We achieved the objectives of creating dialogue around transgender rights and boosting brand equity. Sentiment across David Jones’s social media and commentary on news articles was overwhelmingly positive, for example: ‘You are so beautiful Carlotta. Good on DJs for their acknowledgement of your hard work and Mardi Gras. Makes me proud to shop there’; ‘Nice to see retailers getting behind community events!’; and ‘Proud to work here!’. There was also a shift in the decisions of the target audience as the Sydney store saw a sales uplift of $174,000 during campaign week.The campaign resulted in earned media with spots on the top primetime news channel and with Carlotta as a guest host for two episodes of a panel show. The campaign converted to real sales results: return on investment was 134% as well as a sales uplift. We touched 1.5 million Australians through media and social reach and engagement. Execution We were briefed two months out from Mardi Gras. We worked with the client to confirm Carlotta, then began concepting the window activations. Six weeks out media targets were developed and additional content was determined. In the month prior to the event video content was created and the window styling brief was given to Carlotta. Materials were written and distributed to press a fortnight before Mardi Gras, and the week prior Carlotta and the David Jones visual merchandising team members created the windows.The campaign was first pushed via a sponsored Facebook post on Friday 26 February, rolled out across all channels and windows over that weekend, and then culminated with the event on Thursday 3 March.Media was bought on David Jones’s largest social channel, Facebook, to amplify content. Citywide media contacts were provided with materials and digital assets to help shape and drive the conversation. Synopsis As a 178-year-old department store, David Jones is a renowned leader in fashion but isn’t recognised for influencing social issues. So they decided the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras festival was an opportunity to show their progressiveness.David Jones wanted to support their brand purpose of inspiring the limitless potential of people. Many brands’ approach for Mardi Gras is tokenistic: rather than making a real contribution to the festival and championing and raising awareness of the issues, they often add rainbow colours to take advantage of the pink dollar. David Jones wanted to position itself as an influencer business that others can emulate in terms of their bold and brave position; to create a dialogue about transgender rights through media and social media networks; to maintain and create brand recognition, plus boost equity as an LBGTQI-friendly retailer and shopping destination of choice for the community. Strategy The target audience was men aged 28-55, higher income earners (DINKS) with relatability to gay communities and issues, women aged 35+, majority DINKS, and the culture orientated. The secondary demographic was other businesses in the retail sector (to promote inter-industry influence).We targeted major metropolitan media outlets – particularly television for best reach and awareness, key LGBTQI dedicated and supportive media, plus relevant retail trade titles.The PR strategy leveraged LGBTQI-icon Carlotta’s influence within the community. The activations of the creative idea were a part of the PR plan to reveal how David Jones empowered Carlotta to share her life story and create a conversation. We worked collaboratively with the client to find the right person for this campaign. As one of Australia’s first gender reassignees, a person of influence within the community, and a former employee, Carlotta was the best choice. Relevancy Through partnering with one of Australia’s first transgender women – who also happens to be a former employee – Australia’s oldest department store revealed itself to be at the forefront of social issues by championing a present day Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Inter (LGBTQI) topic – transgender rights. Not only did welcoming Carlotta back to the retailer make news headlines and convert into real sales results, it built brand love and inspired an outpouring of pride from current and former staff members.



    Pride In Diversity










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