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    It's In You短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 我们的潜在购物者想要一个清晰的观点; 一个满足他们个人需求的,而不是我们想要推动的品牌,一个通过流行文化激励他们的。为了传递伟大的时刻,并利用它们来激励我们的购物者,我们决定与澳大利亚一些最有争议和有影响力的人接触;那些释放了自己潜力并有能力激励他人这样做的人。作为一个品牌,我们选择了当今澳大利亚文化多元化的人物 -- 运动员亚当 · 古德斯来领导我们的运动,成为我们的第一位土著大使。古德斯在媒体上遭到反对和歧视,因为他在土著问题上的立场。他和许多其他有影响力的澳大利亚人一起创造了我们的榜样,而不是时尚模特。最终,我们让澳大利亚人有机会表达他们对包容性社会的支持,并促进变革。 活动描述 当你相信自己的潜力时,它会让你觉得你可以做令人惊叹的事情。我们的想法是扩大衣服在我们这个小星球上每个人的生活中所扮演的角色。合适的裙子可以让你觉得自己是无敌的。你用这条领带结束你的外表的方式可以为你的步伐增加一个弹簧,或者为你走进房间的方式增加一个能量。正确对待这些事情会对你的心态产生巨大的影响。这是我们竞选活动的核心。通过时尚想象人们的潜力。我们的创造性表达是: # itsinyou。庆祝多元化的当代澳大利亚的潜力。 相关性 我们利用当前的文化,利用有争议的本土体育个性开始辩论,我们依赖绝大多数的积极反应,而不是最初的种族主义和消极情绪, 推动活动,为品牌创造文化影响。 概要 大卫 · 琼斯百货公司是一家拥有 175 年历史的澳大利亚机构。但伴随这一遗产而来的是某些看法。研究表明,尽管作为国家偶像受到尊重,但该品牌正面临形象问题。有一种感觉,大卫 · 琼斯是一个更认同过去而不是现在的品牌。我们需要勇敢,冒着疏远核心长期观众的风险,让大卫 · 琼斯感觉更现代与当今澳大利亚的文化联系。我们的目标是: 让大卫 · 琼斯的客户处于最佳状态, 用时尚来展示他们内心的自信让国家谈论大卫 · 琼斯的新方向改变对传统品牌的看法,创造一个新的品牌平台,让他们觉得这是相关的和当代的。 结果 这在所有电视、新闻和生活方式媒体以及社交媒体上引发了活跃而重要的辩论,两周内有 750万的浏览量,这是推特和 Facebook 上的头号热门话题, 这导致了 12.2% 的销售额增长,这是大卫 · 琼斯迄今为止最成功的活动。通过冒险,大卫 · 琼斯领导议程,庆祝澳大利亚的潜力,展示其多样性,利用其文化渠道,让整个国家都在谈论,这比以往任何时候都更加重要。 执行 除了亚当,我们还从音乐、时尚、体育、电视、电影和艺术中寻找了一系列有社会影响力的澳大利亚人。我们使用了我们的 3R (延伸、相关性和共鸣)确保他们不仅非常适合品牌,而且能进一步推动对话的方法。每个人都被认为是与他们的领域相关的七种情感中的一种,并且能够被大卫 · 琼斯出售的服装的变革性力量所增强。权力,信心,兴高采烈,昂首阔步,凶猛,感性,勇气。然后我们制作了七部专注于一个人/一个人质量的在线电影。然后,故事线索被合并成一个强大的、勇敢的声明,将我们所有的主题和情感结合成一部电影,让我们在数字频道中加入文化冲击。令人惊讶的和文化影响,竞选活动重新确立了大卫 · 琼斯作为当代竞争者的地位,不怕挑衅地保持相关性。


    案例简介:Strategy Our potential shoppers wanted a clear point of view; one that met their individual needs, rather than the brands we wanted to push, and one that inspired them through popular culture.To deliver big moments and use them to inspire our shoppers, we decided to engage with some of Australia’s most controversial and influential people; people who’d unleashed their own potential and had the power to inspire others to do the same.As a brand we chose a culturally polarising figure in today’s Australia, sportsman Adam Goodes, to lead our campaign and become our first Indigenous Ambassador. Goodes was objected to and discriminated against in the media because of his stance on Indigenous issues. He, together with a host of other influential Australians, created our cast of role models, not fashion models. Ultimately we gave Australians a voice to express their support for an inclusive society and to promote change. Campaign Description When you buy into your own potential, it can make you feel like you can do amazing things. You are only as limited as you choose to be.Our idea was to amplify the role in which clothes play in the lives of everyone on this little planet of ours. The right skirt can make you feel like you are invincible. The wayin which you finish off your look with that tie can add a spring to your step or anenergy to the way in which you walk into a room. Getting these things right has atransformational effect on your mindset. This is the core of what our campaign was all about. Visualising the potential of people through fashion.Our creative articulation was: #itsinyou.A celebration of the potential of a diverse, contemporary Australia. Relevancy We tapped into current culture and using a controversial Indigenous sports personality to start debate, we relied on the overwhelmingly positive reaction, not the initial racism and negativity, to fuel the campaign and create a cultural impact for the brand. Synopsis David Jones department store is an Australian institution with a 175-year heritage. But with that legacy comes certain perceptions. Research showed that while respected as a national icon the brand was suffering from an image problem.There was a sense that David Jones was a brand identified more with the past than the present.We needed to be brave and risk alienating a core long-term audience in order to make David Jones feel more contemporary and culturally connected to present-day Australia.Our objectives were to:• Empower David Jones customers to be at their best, and use fashion to bring out their inner confidence• Get the country talking about the new direction of David Jones• Change perceptions of a heritage brand to create a new brand platform that felt relevant and contemporary. Outcome This provoked lively and important debate across all TV, news and lifestyle media, as well as social with 7.5 million views in a fortnight period, it was the No.1 trending topic on Twitter and Facebook, which resulted in a sales jump of 12.2%, making it David Jones’ most successful campaign to date.By taking risks, leading the agenda, celebrating Australia’s potential, showcasing its diversity, tapping into its cultural channels and getting the whole country talking, David Jones has become more relevant than ever. Execution Alongside Adam we searched for a wide range of socially influential Australians from music, fashion, sport, TV, film, and the arts. We used our 3R (reach, relevance and resonance) methodology to ensure they were not only a great fit for the brand but that they would drive the conversation further.Each individual was ascribed one of seven emotions relevant to their field and was capable of being enhanced by the transformative powers of the clothes that David Jones sells.Power, confidence, elation, swagger, fierce, sensual, courage.Then we made seven individual pieces of online film concentrated on one person/one quality. The story-threads were then merged to make a powerful, brave statement combining all our subjects and emotions into one film, allowing us to pack a cultural punch in the digital channel.Surprising and culturally impactful, the campaign re-established David Jones as a contemporary contender, unafraid to be provocative to stay relevant.

    It's In You

    案例简介:战略 我们的潜在购物者想要一个清晰的观点; 一个满足他们个人需求的,而不是我们想要推动的品牌,一个通过流行文化激励他们的。为了传递伟大的时刻,并利用它们来激励我们的购物者,我们决定与澳大利亚一些最有争议和有影响力的人接触;那些释放了自己潜力并有能力激励他人这样做的人。作为一个品牌,我们选择了当今澳大利亚文化多元化的人物 -- 运动员亚当 · 古德斯来领导我们的运动,成为我们的第一位土著大使。古德斯在媒体上遭到反对和歧视,因为他在土著问题上的立场。他和许多其他有影响力的澳大利亚人一起创造了我们的榜样,而不是时尚模特。最终,我们让澳大利亚人有机会表达他们对包容性社会的支持,并促进变革。 活动描述 当你相信自己的潜力时,它会让你觉得你可以做令人惊叹的事情。我们的想法是扩大衣服在我们这个小星球上每个人的生活中所扮演的角色。合适的裙子可以让你觉得自己是无敌的。你用这条领带结束你的外表的方式可以为你的步伐增加一个弹簧,或者为你走进房间的方式增加一个能量。正确对待这些事情会对你的心态产生巨大的影响。这是我们竞选活动的核心。通过时尚想象人们的潜力。我们的创造性表达是: # itsinyou。庆祝多元化的当代澳大利亚的潜力。 相关性 我们利用当前的文化,利用有争议的本土体育个性开始辩论,我们依赖绝大多数的积极反应,而不是最初的种族主义和消极情绪, 推动活动,为品牌创造文化影响。 概要 大卫 · 琼斯百货公司是一家拥有 175 年历史的澳大利亚机构。但伴随这一遗产而来的是某些看法。研究表明,尽管作为国家偶像受到尊重,但该品牌正面临形象问题。有一种感觉,大卫 · 琼斯是一个更认同过去而不是现在的品牌。我们需要勇敢,冒着疏远核心长期观众的风险,让大卫 · 琼斯感觉更现代与当今澳大利亚的文化联系。我们的目标是: 让大卫 · 琼斯的客户处于最佳状态, 用时尚来展示他们内心的自信让国家谈论大卫 · 琼斯的新方向改变对传统品牌的看法,创造一个新的品牌平台,让他们觉得这是相关的和当代的。 结果 这在所有电视、新闻和生活方式媒体以及社交媒体上引发了活跃而重要的辩论,两周内有 750万的浏览量,这是推特和 Facebook 上的头号热门话题, 这导致了 12.2% 的销售额增长,这是大卫 · 琼斯迄今为止最成功的活动。通过冒险,大卫 · 琼斯领导议程,庆祝澳大利亚的潜力,展示其多样性,利用其文化渠道,让整个国家都在谈论,这比以往任何时候都更加重要。 执行 除了亚当,我们还从音乐、时尚、体育、电视、电影和艺术中寻找了一系列有社会影响力的澳大利亚人。我们使用了我们的 3R (延伸、相关性和共鸣)确保他们不仅非常适合品牌,而且能进一步推动对话的方法。每个人都被认为是与他们的领域相关的七种情感中的一种,并且能够被大卫 · 琼斯出售的服装的变革性力量所增强。权力,信心,兴高采烈,昂首阔步,凶猛,感性,勇气。然后我们制作了七部专注于一个人/一个人质量的在线电影。然后,故事线索被合并成一个强大的、勇敢的声明,将我们所有的主题和情感结合成一部电影,让我们在数字频道中加入文化冲击。令人惊讶的和文化影响,竞选活动重新确立了大卫 · 琼斯作为当代竞争者的地位,不怕挑衅地保持相关性。

    It's In You

    案例简介:Strategy Our potential shoppers wanted a clear point of view; one that met their individual needs, rather than the brands we wanted to push, and one that inspired them through popular culture.To deliver big moments and use them to inspire our shoppers, we decided to engage with some of Australia’s most controversial and influential people; people who’d unleashed their own potential and had the power to inspire others to do the same.As a brand we chose a culturally polarising figure in today’s Australia, sportsman Adam Goodes, to lead our campaign and become our first Indigenous Ambassador. Goodes was objected to and discriminated against in the media because of his stance on Indigenous issues. He, together with a host of other influential Australians, created our cast of role models, not fashion models. Ultimately we gave Australians a voice to express their support for an inclusive society and to promote change. Campaign Description When you buy into your own potential, it can make you feel like you can do amazing things. You are only as limited as you choose to be.Our idea was to amplify the role in which clothes play in the lives of everyone on this little planet of ours. The right skirt can make you feel like you are invincible. The wayin which you finish off your look with that tie can add a spring to your step or anenergy to the way in which you walk into a room. Getting these things right has atransformational effect on your mindset. This is the core of what our campaign was all about. Visualising the potential of people through fashion.Our creative articulation was: #itsinyou.A celebration of the potential of a diverse, contemporary Australia. Relevancy We tapped into current culture and using a controversial Indigenous sports personality to start debate, we relied on the overwhelmingly positive reaction, not the initial racism and negativity, to fuel the campaign and create a cultural impact for the brand. Synopsis David Jones department store is an Australian institution with a 175-year heritage. But with that legacy comes certain perceptions. Research showed that while respected as a national icon the brand was suffering from an image problem.There was a sense that David Jones was a brand identified more with the past than the present.We needed to be brave and risk alienating a core long-term audience in order to make David Jones feel more contemporary and culturally connected to present-day Australia.Our objectives were to:• Empower David Jones customers to be at their best, and use fashion to bring out their inner confidence• Get the country talking about the new direction of David Jones• Change perceptions of a heritage brand to create a new brand platform that felt relevant and contemporary. Outcome This provoked lively and important debate across all TV, news and lifestyle media, as well as social with 7.5 million views in a fortnight period, it was the No.1 trending topic on Twitter and Facebook, which resulted in a sales jump of 12.2%, making it David Jones’ most successful campaign to date.By taking risks, leading the agenda, celebrating Australia’s potential, showcasing its diversity, tapping into its cultural channels and getting the whole country talking, David Jones has become more relevant than ever. Execution Alongside Adam we searched for a wide range of socially influential Australians from music, fashion, sport, TV, film, and the arts. We used our 3R (reach, relevance and resonance) methodology to ensure they were not only a great fit for the brand but that they would drive the conversation further.Each individual was ascribed one of seven emotions relevant to their field and was capable of being enhanced by the transformative powers of the clothes that David Jones sells.Power, confidence, elation, swagger, fierce, sensual, courage.Then we made seven individual pieces of online film concentrated on one person/one quality. The story-threads were then merged to make a powerful, brave statement combining all our subjects and emotions into one film, allowing us to pack a cultural punch in the digital channel.Surprising and culturally impactful, the campaign re-established David Jones as a contemporary contender, unafraid to be provocative to stay relevant.



    It's In You










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