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    DNA 之旅

    案例简介:概要 旅行不仅仅是为了商务和娱乐。旅行很重要。但是最近的一项全球研究表明,48% 的人认为我们对其他文化变得不那么宽容。全球旅游搜索网站 Momondo 认为,我们与世界的共同点比大多数人想象的要多。为了让人们以开放的心态去旅行,创造一个开放的世界,我们需要证明这一点。关注世界的宽容和开放 2.就这个问题开始一场普遍相关的而不是政党的政治辩论 3.将辩论变成一场争取更好世界的大众运动 4.推动市场渗透和增加市场分享 战略 多样性和宽容的主题与人类的未来和全球旅游搜索引擎 momondo 普遍相关。我们的挑战是给 momondo 的目的一个强有力的声音,刺激对话,以病毒的方式推动内容产生真正的社会影响。作为回应,我们创建了一个平台和内容,作为正在进行的辩论的观点,同时以最直接和最有效的方式解决多样性的价值。 活动描述 为了对抗狭隘的思想,展示我们与世界各地的人有更多的共同点,我们发明了一种全新的旅行方式: DNA 之旅。一段你不决定目的地的旅程,你的 DNA 决定了。我们邀请来自世界各地的人进行 DNA 测试,揭示他们的祖先来自哪里,追溯到 2000 年前,然后给他们一个去那里旅行的机会。经常令人惊讶的结果迫使人们重新思考他们是谁,并让他们更愿意和更开放地去以前的外国旅行。 结果 这是一个全世界都在等待分享的信息。1。关注世界上的宽容和开放 -- 全球关注: + 8.43亿的总影响力 + 3.78亿的视频浏览量 + 984 的新闻剪辑 + 83 亿媒体印象 2。开始一个普遍相关的对话 -- 参与: + 1.55 亿社会参与 98% 有机分享 3。把辩论变成一种流行的运动 -- 社区: 在冲突重重的地区,电影代表过多; 中东 170.378 的总浏览量的 15.7% 加入了机会,让许多学校、大学、公司使用他们自己的 DNA 之旅 (最终被墨西哥的曼努埃尔赢得) 内容, 社会社区和谈话节目 (e。奥普拉) 4。业务: 市场渗透率和份额: 获得 122million 美元的媒体价值 162 投资回报率 122 (价值 0.75/预算 8%)

    DNA 之旅

    案例简介:Synopsis Travel is not just for business and pleasure. Travel is important. But a recent global study shows that 48% think that we have become less tolerant towards other cultures. Momondo, the global travel search-site, believes we have more in common with the world than most think. In order to get people to travel with an open mind to create an open world, we needed to prove it.Our task was to create communication that contributes to the purpose.1.Create a focus on tolerance and openness in the world2.Start a universally relevant rather than party-political debate on the issue3.Turn the debate into a popular movement for a better world4.Drive market penetration and increase market share Strategy The topics of diversity and tolerance are universally relevant for the future of humanity and for momondo, a global travel search engine. Our challenge was to give momondo’s purpose a strong voice, spur conversations and drive the content virally to generate real social impact. In response, we created a platform and content that served as a point of view in an ongoing debate, while simultaneously addressing value of diversity in the most direct and potent way possible. CampaignDescription To fight narrow mindedness and show we have more in common with people around the world, we invented a completely new way of travelling: The DNA Journey. A journey where you don't decide the destination, your DNA does. We invited people from around the world to take a DNA test, revealing where their ancestors came from, going back 2000 years, then gave them a chance to travel there. The often surprising results forced people to rethink who they are and made them more willing and open-minded to travel to the previously foreign places. Outcome It was a message the world was waiting to share. 1. Focus on tolerance and openness in the world - global attention:+843million total reach+378million video views+984 press clips+8,3billion media impressions2. Starting a universally relevant conversation - engagement:+11,5million social engagements98% organic sharing3. Turning debate into a popular movement - community:Film over-represented in regions burdened by conflict; 15.7% of total views in Middle East170.378 joined chance to have their own DNA-Journey (finally won by Manuel from Mexico)Content used by numerous schools, universities, corporations, social communities and talk shows (e.g Oprah)4. Business: Market penetration and -share:Earned media value of USD 122millionROI 162 (value 122/budget 0.75)8% increase in penetration2p.p increase in global market share

    The DNA Journey

    案例简介:概要 旅行不仅仅是为了商务和娱乐。旅行很重要。但是最近的一项全球研究表明,48% 的人认为我们对其他文化变得不那么宽容。全球旅游搜索网站 Momondo 认为,我们与世界的共同点比大多数人想象的要多。为了让人们以开放的心态去旅行,创造一个开放的世界,我们需要证明这一点。关注世界的宽容和开放 2.就这个问题开始一场普遍相关的而不是政党的政治辩论 3.将辩论变成一场争取更好世界的大众运动 4.推动市场渗透和增加市场分享 战略 多样性和宽容的主题与人类的未来和全球旅游搜索引擎 momondo 普遍相关。我们的挑战是给 momondo 的目的一个强有力的声音,刺激对话,以病毒的方式推动内容产生真正的社会影响。作为回应,我们创建了一个平台和内容,作为正在进行的辩论的观点,同时以最直接和最有效的方式解决多样性的价值。 活动描述 为了对抗狭隘的思想,展示我们与世界各地的人有更多的共同点,我们发明了一种全新的旅行方式: DNA 之旅。一段你不决定目的地的旅程,你的 DNA 决定了。我们邀请来自世界各地的人进行 DNA 测试,揭示他们的祖先来自哪里,追溯到 2000 年前,然后给他们一个去那里旅行的机会。经常令人惊讶的结果迫使人们重新思考他们是谁,并让他们更愿意和更开放地去以前的外国旅行。 结果 这是一个全世界都在等待分享的信息。1。关注世界上的宽容和开放 -- 全球关注: + 8.43亿的总影响力 + 3.78亿的视频浏览量 + 984 的新闻剪辑 + 83 亿媒体印象 2。开始一个普遍相关的对话 -- 参与: + 1.55 亿社会参与 98% 有机分享 3。把辩论变成一种流行的运动 -- 社区: 在冲突重重的地区,电影代表过多; 中东 170.378 的总浏览量的 15.7% 加入了机会,让许多学校、大学、公司使用他们自己的 DNA 之旅 (最终被墨西哥的曼努埃尔赢得) 内容, 社会社区和谈话节目 (e。奥普拉) 4。业务: 市场渗透率和份额: 获得 122million 美元的媒体价值 162 投资回报率 122 (价值 0.75/预算 8%)

    The DNA Journey

    案例简介:Synopsis Travel is not just for business and pleasure. Travel is important. But a recent global study shows that 48% think that we have become less tolerant towards other cultures. Momondo, the global travel search-site, believes we have more in common with the world than most think. In order to get people to travel with an open mind to create an open world, we needed to prove it.Our task was to create communication that contributes to the purpose.1.Create a focus on tolerance and openness in the world2.Start a universally relevant rather than party-political debate on the issue3.Turn the debate into a popular movement for a better world4.Drive market penetration and increase market share Strategy The topics of diversity and tolerance are universally relevant for the future of humanity and for momondo, a global travel search engine. Our challenge was to give momondo’s purpose a strong voice, spur conversations and drive the content virally to generate real social impact. In response, we created a platform and content that served as a point of view in an ongoing debate, while simultaneously addressing value of diversity in the most direct and potent way possible. CampaignDescription To fight narrow mindedness and show we have more in common with people around the world, we invented a completely new way of travelling: The DNA Journey. A journey where you don't decide the destination, your DNA does. We invited people from around the world to take a DNA test, revealing where their ancestors came from, going back 2000 years, then gave them a chance to travel there. The often surprising results forced people to rethink who they are and made them more willing and open-minded to travel to the previously foreign places. Outcome It was a message the world was waiting to share. 1. Focus on tolerance and openness in the world - global attention:+843million total reach+378million video views+984 press clips+8,3billion media impressions2. Starting a universally relevant conversation - engagement:+11,5million social engagements98% organic sharing3. Turning debate into a popular movement - community:Film over-represented in regions burdened by conflict; 15.7% of total views in Middle East170.378 joined chance to have their own DNA-Journey (finally won by Manuel from Mexico)Content used by numerous schools, universities, corporations, social communities and talk shows (e.g Oprah)4. Business: Market penetration and -share:Earned media value of USD 122millionROI 162 (value 122/budget 0.75)8% increase in penetration2p.p increase in global market share

    DNA 之旅


    The DNA Journey


    广告公司: &Co. (丹麦 哥本哈根) 制作公司: Bacon




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