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    The Lift微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:写一个关于电影中发生的事情的简短总结 一个男人和一个女人走进电梯,他们几乎不看对方,但他们立即坠入爱河。 但是他们都没说什么? 在电影《电梯》中,我们关注尼古拉斯和安娜的内心生活。他们在同一栋办公楼里工作,我们在电梯里看到他们众多的电梯。通过字幕解释他们的想法,我们看到他们不安全的头脑如何不断阻止他们只是抓住机会,并向对方开放。 随着日子的流逝,我们所有人都非常渴望他们敞开心扉,走出他们的脑海 以英文提供完整的电影剧本。 比安科-电梯 场景1-电梯日。 我们在办公楼电梯里。门打开了。Musac从演讲者那里演奏。 步履整齐的男人尼克拉斯 (28)。他按下地板后退。 然后安娜 (29岁) 也走进来。尼克拉斯给了她一个快速的看。她压上一层楼,站在尼克拉斯旁边。门关上,电梯开始运转。他们只是站在那里… 现在在屏幕上,我们看到字幕,解释他们的想法。 尼克拉斯: 我以前见过她吗?有点像…… 我妈妈…… 弗洛伊德警报。 尼克拉斯 (偷偷摸摸): 不,他妈的,那是弗洛伊德式的严重狗屎…… 我真的只是这么想吗?但是 我们当着安娜的面。 安娜:…… 他很可爱…… 闻起来有点出汗…… 为什么我喜欢这种气味?那是我的恋物癖吗?那叫出汗吗…… 哈哈。 有片刻的沉默。安娜低头看着按钮。 尼克拉斯: 但是我妈妈年轻的时候有点可爱。 他们只是站在那里…… 电梯慢慢向上爬行。 安娜:…… 他在19楼。那不是那个建筑公司在哪里吗?太酷了,他是个建筑师。他很有创造力…… 喜欢! 我们去尼克拉斯。 尼克拉斯:…… 为什么我不说点什么呢…… 他看着他的鞋子。 … 我们回到安娜那里,她意识到… 安娜:…… 那不是那个会计师事务所在哪里吗?哦,该死,他是个会计师…… 意识到: 嗯,我想我可以用一个有钱的人。最后我爸爸想要的人… 他们的手几乎碰到了,但随后电梯到达了19楼。我们听到一个 “声音”,尼克拉斯盯着他逃离尴尬局面的机会,迅速冲了出去。 当门关上时,安娜自言自语: 太好了。他一点也没注意到我… 场景2-电梯日。 第二天。一堆人的鞋子急匆匆地走进电梯。 安娜和尼克拉斯互相注视。 尼古拉斯:…… 嗯,你能看看那个吗? 安娜: 连续两天…… 场景4-电梯日 几周后…… 尼克拉斯独自一人在电梯里。 尼克拉斯:…… 如果她进来,我会说 “我们不能一直这样见面”……她会嘲笑的。即使她没有,至少我尝试了…… 然后电梯停在一个楼层 (pling),尼克拉斯抬头微笑… …。不幸的是,走进来的是一个瘦小的人 (40岁),书呆子。 他们默默地站在那里。然后那个骨瘦如柴的人抬头看着尼克拉斯。 男人: 那是一组华丽的头发。 尼克拉斯的微笑随着礼貌的点头而转变。 场景5-电梯日 电梯里装满了湿透的人。尼克拉斯和安娜在他们的每个角落。安娜拿出手机,看了看自己。她看到她的睫毛膏已经流满了她的脸。她叹了口气。 安娜:… 防水我的as!>… 杀了我... 她转过身,尼克拉斯想知道:…… 她只是看着我吗? 场景6-电梯日。 一段时间后: 我们看到安娜独自一人在电梯里。她很无聊。上下骑行,试图迎接她。他到达顶层,然后按下按钮再次下降。 安娜:…… 我不能一直放弃工作,只是站在这里…… 我们看到尼克拉斯带着一束鲜花。 尼克拉斯:…… 这太疯狂了。 场景7-电梯日 不久之后: 尼克拉斯穿着紧身莱卡短裤和点击式鞋子进入。他摇了摇头。不是最漂亮的景象。 就在电梯关闭的时候,安娜当然走了。她不看尼克拉斯,而是躲在电梯前面。尼克拉斯往下看… 尼古拉斯: 哦,所有的f € % 国王日。 安娜站在他旁边。 安娜:…… 所以他是运动型的。她看着他的屁股。可爱的屁股。 然后电梯到达尼克拉斯楼。 尼克拉斯羞愧地走了出来,他的点击鞋在地板上轻拍。他自言自语。 尼克拉斯: 再也不要骑自行车去上班了! 场景8-电梯日 冬天: 尼古拉斯 (Niklas) 和安娜 (Anna) 在电梯的对面,他们正在从圣诞晚会回家的路上…… 在角落里,一对夫妇正积极地接吻。安娜和尼克拉斯都对这种情况感到非常不舒服。他们互相忽视。 场景9-电梯日 蒙太奇,我们看到他们俩站在电梯里,等待对方。 场景10-电梯-天 然后我们和安娜一起走进电梯。她带着一个箱子和她的东西。她被解雇了。 安娜站在后面。 安娜:…… 最后一次机会…… 我有和他谈谈。 电梯开始下降,但停在19楼。尼克拉斯走进来。安娜吓坏了。 尼克拉斯走到后面,站在她旁边。我们现在看到他们都在想什么。 两者: F/€ K 尼克拉斯:…… 她被解雇了吗?她可能真的很情绪化。 安娜:…… 就这样。我可以告诉他我刚刚被解雇了。问他是否愿意做一些可怜的性行为。 显示屏让我们失望。 安娜:…… 也许不是性,也许只是一些寿司…… 尼克拉斯:…… 这不是很浪漫吗…… 安娜: 在我被解雇的那天… 尼克拉斯:…… 她遇到了她一生的挚爱…… 随着显示器倒计时,音乐开始建立。 安娜:…… 这将是完美的…… 尼克拉斯:…… 也许我们会结婚…… 安娜:…… 今年夏天…… 尼克拉斯:…… 我们将永远在笑…… 安娜:…… 为什么我们不只是在电梯里打招呼…… 尼克拉斯:…… 只是…… 安娜:…… 转…… 尼克拉斯:… 和… 安娜:…… 说…… 现在他们终于转向对方。终于第一次真正看着对方。尼古拉斯对安娜微笑。但是比!一个女孩妨碍了他们。音乐停止了。 门开着。魔法消失了。尼克拉斯把目光移开了。安娜匆匆离开。 然后人们从外面开始慢慢来。电梯门关闭,尼克拉斯仍然被困在里面。 超级:… 从你的脑海中走出来… 比安科。


    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the film A man and a woman walk into an elevator, they barely look at each other, but they fall in love instantly. But none of them says anything? In the film ”The Lift” we follow the inner life of Niklas and Anna. They work in the same office building, and we see their numerous enconters in the lift. Through subtitles explaining their thoughts, we see how their insecure minds constantly block them from just taking a chance, and opening up to the other. And as they days pass, we all get really desperate for them to just open up, and step out of their head Provide the full film script in English. Bianco - The Lift Scene 1 – Lift – Day. We are inside an office-building lift. The door opens. Musac plays from the speaker. In steps a well-dressed man Niklas (28). He presses a floor and steps back. Then Anna (29) also walks in. Niklas gives her a quick look. She presses a floor and stands next to Niklas. The doors close and the lift starts to acend. They just stand there… Now on-screen, we see subtitles, explaining their thoughts. Niklas: Have I seen her before? Kind of looks just like… My mom… Freud-alert. Niklas (sneaking a peak): No fuck, that’s some serious Freudian shit… Did I really just think that? But We go to Anna’s face. Anna: … He’s cute… And smells a bit sweaty… Why do I like that smell? Is that a fetish I have? Is that called a sweatish… Lol. There’s a moment of silence. Anna looks down at the buttons. Niklas: But my mom was kind of cute when she was younger. They just stand there… The lift slowly crawls upwards. Anna: … He’s on the 19th floor. Isn’t that where that architecture firm is? That’s quite cool, he’s an architect. He’s creative… Love that! We go to Niklas. Niklas: … Why don’t I just say something… He looks at his shoes. … We go back to Anna who realizes… Anna: … Isn’t that actually where that accounting firm is? Oh damn, he’s an accountant… Realizes: Well I guess I could use someone who’s good with money. Finally someone my dad would like… Their hands almost touch, but then the lift arrives at the 19th floor. We hear a “pling”, and Niklas, eyeing his chance to escape the awkward situation, quickly rushes out. As the doors close Anna thinks to herself: Perfect. He didn’t notice me at all… Scene 2 – Lift – Day. Next day. A bunch of people’s shoes hurry into the elevator. Anna and Niklas eye each other. Niklas: … Well, would you look at that. Anna: Two days in a row… Scene 4 – Lift - Day Some weeks after… Niklas’s alone in the elevator. Niklas: … If she comes in, I’ll say “We can’t keep meeting this way”... She’ll laugh at that. Even if she doesn’t, at least I tried… Then the elevator stops at a floor (pling) and Niklas looks up and smiles… … Unfortunately it’s a small scrawny man (40), the nerdy type, who walks in. They stand there in silence. Then the scrawny man looks up at Niklas. Man: That’s a magnificent set of hair. Niklas’ smile turns with a polite nod. Scene 5 – Lift - Day The lift is filled with soaking wet people. Niklas and Anna are in each of their corners. Anna gets out her cell phone, and has a look at herself. She sees that her mascara has been running all over her face. She sighs. Anna: … Waterproof my as!>… Just kill me... She turns around and Niklas wonders: … Did she just look at me? Scene 6 – Lift – Day. Some time after: We see Anna is alone in the lift. She’s bored. Riding up and down, trying to meet her. He arrives on the top floor, and presses the button to go down again. Anna: … I can’t keep ditching work to just stand here … We see Niklas with a bouquet of flowers. Niklas: … This is insane. Scene 7 – Lift - Day Not long after: Niklas enters in tight lycra-shorts and click-in shoes. He shakes his head. Not the prettiest sight. Right as the elevator close, in of course walks Anna. She doesn’t look at Niklas, but instead hides in the front of the elevator. Niklas looks down… Niklas: Oh all f€%king days. Anna stands next to him. Anna: … So he’s the sporty type. She looks at his ass. Cute ass. Then the elevator arrives at Niklas floor. Niklas walks out in shame, with his click-in shoes tapping on the floor. He thinks to himself. Niklas: Never cycling to work again! Scene 8 – Lift - Day Winter: Niklas and Anna are on opposite sides of the elevator, they are on their way home from the Christmas party… In the corner a couple are going at it, kissing aggressively. Anna and Niklas are both super uncomfortable with the situation. They ignore each other. Scene 9 – Lift - Day A montage where we see them both standing in the lift, waiting for the other. Scene 10 – Elevator - Day Then we walk into the elevator with Anna. She’s carrying a box with her belongings. She’s been fired. Anna stands at the back. Anna: … Last chance… I have to talk to him. The elevator starts descending, but it stops at the 19th floor. Niklas walks in. Anna looks down terrified. Niklas goes to the back, and stands next to her. We now see what they both are thinking. Both: F/€K Niklas: … Was she fired? She’s probably really emotional. Anna: … This is it. I could tell him I just got fired. Ask him if he’s up for some pity sex. The display counts us down. Anna: … Maybe not sex, maybe just some sushi… Niklas: … Wouldn’t it be romantic… Anna: On the day I got fired… Niklas: … She meet the love of her life… The music starts to build, as the display counts down. Anna: … It would be perfect… Niklas: … Maybe we’ll get married… Anna: … This summer… Niklas: … And we’ll forever be laughing… Anna: … At why we didn’t just say hi in the elevator… Niklas: … Just… Anna: … Turn… Niklas: … And… Anna: … Say… And now they both finally turn towards each other. Finally actually looking at each other for the first time. Niklas awardly smiles at Anna. But than! a pling gets in their way. The music stops. The doors open. The magic is lost. Niklas looks away. Anna hurrys out. And then from outside people start trickling in. The lift doors close, and Niklas is still stuck inside. Super: … Step out of your head… BIANCO.

    The Lift

    案例简介:写一个关于电影中发生的事情的简短总结 一个男人和一个女人走进电梯,他们几乎不看对方,但他们立即坠入爱河。 但是他们都没说什么? 在电影《电梯》中,我们关注尼古拉斯和安娜的内心生活。他们在同一栋办公楼里工作,我们在电梯里看到他们众多的电梯。通过字幕解释他们的想法,我们看到他们不安全的头脑如何不断阻止他们只是抓住机会,并向对方开放。 随着日子的流逝,我们所有人都非常渴望他们敞开心扉,走出他们的脑海 以英文提供完整的电影剧本。 比安科-电梯 场景1-电梯日。 我们在办公楼电梯里。门打开了。Musac从演讲者那里演奏。 步履整齐的男人尼克拉斯 (28)。他按下地板后退。 然后安娜 (29岁) 也走进来。尼克拉斯给了她一个快速的看。她压上一层楼,站在尼克拉斯旁边。门关上,电梯开始运转。他们只是站在那里… 现在在屏幕上,我们看到字幕,解释他们的想法。 尼克拉斯: 我以前见过她吗?有点像…… 我妈妈…… 弗洛伊德警报。 尼克拉斯 (偷偷摸摸): 不,他妈的,那是弗洛伊德式的严重狗屎…… 我真的只是这么想吗?但是 我们当着安娜的面。 安娜:…… 他很可爱…… 闻起来有点出汗…… 为什么我喜欢这种气味?那是我的恋物癖吗?那叫出汗吗…… 哈哈。 有片刻的沉默。安娜低头看着按钮。 尼克拉斯: 但是我妈妈年轻的时候有点可爱。 他们只是站在那里…… 电梯慢慢向上爬行。 安娜:…… 他在19楼。那不是那个建筑公司在哪里吗?太酷了,他是个建筑师。他很有创造力…… 喜欢! 我们去尼克拉斯。 尼克拉斯:…… 为什么我不说点什么呢…… 他看着他的鞋子。 … 我们回到安娜那里,她意识到… 安娜:…… 那不是那个会计师事务所在哪里吗?哦,该死,他是个会计师…… 意识到: 嗯,我想我可以用一个有钱的人。最后我爸爸想要的人… 他们的手几乎碰到了,但随后电梯到达了19楼。我们听到一个 “声音”,尼克拉斯盯着他逃离尴尬局面的机会,迅速冲了出去。 当门关上时,安娜自言自语: 太好了。他一点也没注意到我… 场景2-电梯日。 第二天。一堆人的鞋子急匆匆地走进电梯。 安娜和尼克拉斯互相注视。 尼古拉斯:…… 嗯,你能看看那个吗? 安娜: 连续两天…… 场景4-电梯日 几周后…… 尼克拉斯独自一人在电梯里。 尼克拉斯:…… 如果她进来,我会说 “我们不能一直这样见面”……她会嘲笑的。即使她没有,至少我尝试了…… 然后电梯停在一个楼层 (pling),尼克拉斯抬头微笑… …。不幸的是,走进来的是一个瘦小的人 (40岁),书呆子。 他们默默地站在那里。然后那个骨瘦如柴的人抬头看着尼克拉斯。 男人: 那是一组华丽的头发。 尼克拉斯的微笑随着礼貌的点头而转变。 场景5-电梯日 电梯里装满了湿透的人。尼克拉斯和安娜在他们的每个角落。安娜拿出手机,看了看自己。她看到她的睫毛膏已经流满了她的脸。她叹了口气。 安娜:… 防水我的as!>… 杀了我... 她转过身,尼克拉斯想知道:…… 她只是看着我吗? 场景6-电梯日。 一段时间后: 我们看到安娜独自一人在电梯里。她很无聊。上下骑行,试图迎接她。他到达顶层,然后按下按钮再次下降。 安娜:…… 我不能一直放弃工作,只是站在这里…… 我们看到尼克拉斯带着一束鲜花。 尼克拉斯:…… 这太疯狂了。 场景7-电梯日 不久之后: 尼克拉斯穿着紧身莱卡短裤和点击式鞋子进入。他摇了摇头。不是最漂亮的景象。 就在电梯关闭的时候,安娜当然走了。她不看尼克拉斯,而是躲在电梯前面。尼克拉斯往下看… 尼古拉斯: 哦,所有的f € % 国王日。 安娜站在他旁边。 安娜:…… 所以他是运动型的。她看着他的屁股。可爱的屁股。 然后电梯到达尼克拉斯楼。 尼克拉斯羞愧地走了出来,他的点击鞋在地板上轻拍。他自言自语。 尼克拉斯: 再也不要骑自行车去上班了! 场景8-电梯日 冬天: 尼古拉斯 (Niklas) 和安娜 (Anna) 在电梯的对面,他们正在从圣诞晚会回家的路上…… 在角落里,一对夫妇正积极地接吻。安娜和尼克拉斯都对这种情况感到非常不舒服。他们互相忽视。 场景9-电梯日 蒙太奇,我们看到他们俩站在电梯里,等待对方。 场景10-电梯-天 然后我们和安娜一起走进电梯。她带着一个箱子和她的东西。她被解雇了。 安娜站在后面。 安娜:…… 最后一次机会…… 我有和他谈谈。 电梯开始下降,但停在19楼。尼克拉斯走进来。安娜吓坏了。 尼克拉斯走到后面,站在她旁边。我们现在看到他们都在想什么。 两者: F/€ K 尼克拉斯:…… 她被解雇了吗?她可能真的很情绪化。 安娜:…… 就这样。我可以告诉他我刚刚被解雇了。问他是否愿意做一些可怜的性行为。 显示屏让我们失望。 安娜:…… 也许不是性,也许只是一些寿司…… 尼克拉斯:…… 这不是很浪漫吗…… 安娜: 在我被解雇的那天… 尼克拉斯:…… 她遇到了她一生的挚爱…… 随着显示器倒计时,音乐开始建立。 安娜:…… 这将是完美的…… 尼克拉斯:…… 也许我们会结婚…… 安娜:…… 今年夏天…… 尼克拉斯:…… 我们将永远在笑…… 安娜:…… 为什么我们不只是在电梯里打招呼…… 尼克拉斯:…… 只是…… 安娜:…… 转…… 尼克拉斯:… 和… 安娜:…… 说…… 现在他们终于转向对方。终于第一次真正看着对方。尼古拉斯对安娜微笑。但是比!一个女孩妨碍了他们。音乐停止了。 门开着。魔法消失了。尼克拉斯把目光移开了。安娜匆匆离开。 然后人们从外面开始慢慢来。电梯门关闭,尼克拉斯仍然被困在里面。 超级:… 从你的脑海中走出来… 比安科。

    The Lift

    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the film A man and a woman walk into an elevator, they barely look at each other, but they fall in love instantly. But none of them says anything? In the film ”The Lift” we follow the inner life of Niklas and Anna. They work in the same office building, and we see their numerous enconters in the lift. Through subtitles explaining their thoughts, we see how their insecure minds constantly block them from just taking a chance, and opening up to the other. And as they days pass, we all get really desperate for them to just open up, and step out of their head Provide the full film script in English. Bianco - The Lift Scene 1 – Lift – Day. We are inside an office-building lift. The door opens. Musac plays from the speaker. In steps a well-dressed man Niklas (28). He presses a floor and steps back. Then Anna (29) also walks in. Niklas gives her a quick look. She presses a floor and stands next to Niklas. The doors close and the lift starts to acend. They just stand there… Now on-screen, we see subtitles, explaining their thoughts. Niklas: Have I seen her before? Kind of looks just like… My mom… Freud-alert. Niklas (sneaking a peak): No fuck, that’s some serious Freudian shit… Did I really just think that? But We go to Anna’s face. Anna: … He’s cute… And smells a bit sweaty… Why do I like that smell? Is that a fetish I have? Is that called a sweatish… Lol. There’s a moment of silence. Anna looks down at the buttons. Niklas: But my mom was kind of cute when she was younger. They just stand there… The lift slowly crawls upwards. Anna: … He’s on the 19th floor. Isn’t that where that architecture firm is? That’s quite cool, he’s an architect. He’s creative… Love that! We go to Niklas. Niklas: … Why don’t I just say something… He looks at his shoes. … We go back to Anna who realizes… Anna: … Isn’t that actually where that accounting firm is? Oh damn, he’s an accountant… Realizes: Well I guess I could use someone who’s good with money. Finally someone my dad would like… Their hands almost touch, but then the lift arrives at the 19th floor. We hear a “pling”, and Niklas, eyeing his chance to escape the awkward situation, quickly rushes out. As the doors close Anna thinks to herself: Perfect. He didn’t notice me at all… Scene 2 – Lift – Day. Next day. A bunch of people’s shoes hurry into the elevator. Anna and Niklas eye each other. Niklas: … Well, would you look at that. Anna: Two days in a row… Scene 4 – Lift - Day Some weeks after… Niklas’s alone in the elevator. Niklas: … If she comes in, I’ll say “We can’t keep meeting this way”... She’ll laugh at that. Even if she doesn’t, at least I tried… Then the elevator stops at a floor (pling) and Niklas looks up and smiles… … Unfortunately it’s a small scrawny man (40), the nerdy type, who walks in. They stand there in silence. Then the scrawny man looks up at Niklas. Man: That’s a magnificent set of hair. Niklas’ smile turns with a polite nod. Scene 5 – Lift - Day The lift is filled with soaking wet people. Niklas and Anna are in each of their corners. Anna gets out her cell phone, and has a look at herself. She sees that her mascara has been running all over her face. She sighs. Anna: … Waterproof my as!>… Just kill me... She turns around and Niklas wonders: … Did she just look at me? Scene 6 – Lift – Day. Some time after: We see Anna is alone in the lift. She’s bored. Riding up and down, trying to meet her. He arrives on the top floor, and presses the button to go down again. Anna: … I can’t keep ditching work to just stand here … We see Niklas with a bouquet of flowers. Niklas: … This is insane. Scene 7 – Lift - Day Not long after: Niklas enters in tight lycra-shorts and click-in shoes. He shakes his head. Not the prettiest sight. Right as the elevator close, in of course walks Anna. She doesn’t look at Niklas, but instead hides in the front of the elevator. Niklas looks down… Niklas: Oh all f€%king days. Anna stands next to him. Anna: … So he’s the sporty type. She looks at his ass. Cute ass. Then the elevator arrives at Niklas floor. Niklas walks out in shame, with his click-in shoes tapping on the floor. He thinks to himself. Niklas: Never cycling to work again! Scene 8 – Lift - Day Winter: Niklas and Anna are on opposite sides of the elevator, they are on their way home from the Christmas party… In the corner a couple are going at it, kissing aggressively. Anna and Niklas are both super uncomfortable with the situation. They ignore each other. Scene 9 – Lift - Day A montage where we see them both standing in the lift, waiting for the other. Scene 10 – Elevator - Day Then we walk into the elevator with Anna. She’s carrying a box with her belongings. She’s been fired. Anna stands at the back. Anna: … Last chance… I have to talk to him. The elevator starts descending, but it stops at the 19th floor. Niklas walks in. Anna looks down terrified. Niklas goes to the back, and stands next to her. We now see what they both are thinking. Both: F/€K Niklas: … Was she fired? She’s probably really emotional. Anna: … This is it. I could tell him I just got fired. Ask him if he’s up for some pity sex. The display counts us down. Anna: … Maybe not sex, maybe just some sushi… Niklas: … Wouldn’t it be romantic… Anna: On the day I got fired… Niklas: … She meet the love of her life… The music starts to build, as the display counts down. Anna: … It would be perfect… Niklas: … Maybe we’ll get married… Anna: … This summer… Niklas: … And we’ll forever be laughing… Anna: … At why we didn’t just say hi in the elevator… Niklas: … Just… Anna: … Turn… Niklas: … And… Anna: … Say… And now they both finally turn towards each other. Finally actually looking at each other for the first time. Niklas awardly smiles at Anna. But than! a pling gets in their way. The music stops. The doors open. The magic is lost. Niklas looks away. Anna hurrys out. And then from outside people start trickling in. The lift doors close, and Niklas is still stuck inside. Super: … Step out of your head… BIANCO.



    The Lift










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