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    Smoking Kid短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目 吸烟在泰国已经成为几代人的公共祸害。在过去的 20 年里,泰国健康促进基金会一直在运营并积极推广免费热线 “1600 戒烟热线”,以帮助吸烟者戒烟。尽管投资很高,但电话数量仍然相当低。吸烟者要么忽略了竞选活动,要么没有对关键信息进行过多的思考。这些活动未能引起人们的关注,导致了长期的行为改变。 吸烟儿童运动没有使用恐吓策略或情感暗示来说服吸烟者 1600 戒烟,而是采用了一种名为 “由内而外的反思” 的新方法。吸烟者发现自己处于这样一种情况,他们自己的声音充当了警告信息,从而创造了一个 “自我觉醒” 的时刻。在线媒体被用作在个人层面上与吸烟者交流的直接渠道。 由于预算只有 5,000 美元,而且没有媒体支出,吸烟的孩子产生了巨大的影响,影响到吸烟者和非吸烟者。这项运动不仅成为 THPF 有史以来最有效的运动,也在世界各地引起了巨大的轰动。泰国边境以外的吸烟者经历了自己的 “由内而外的反思” 时刻,引发了一场全球对话,并为许多希望一劳永逸戒烟的人提供了灵感。 描述客户的简报 戒烟是困难的,许多想戒烟的人不能独自戒烟。为了帮助那些不能自己戒烟的人,泰国健康促进基金会提供了一个免费的帮助热线服务,名为 1600 戒烟热线,由专业顾问组成。然而,尽管在广告上投入了大量资金,但 1600 退出线的电话数量太低,不能被认为是有效的。从 2012年1月到5月开始,平均每月只接到 7,057 个电话,2009年至 2,080 年期间,平均每月接到 0.05% 个吸烟者的电话,占泰国所有吸烟者的 2010。除非我们能够增加戒烟电话的数量 -- 这被认为是一种非常有效的戒烟方式 -- 否则泰国的吸烟问题将仍然是一个相当大的问题。 结果 刺激泰国吸烟者行动 这场运动能够创造一个可衡量的行为变化。从 1月到 5 月,完成的电话数量从平均每月 7,057 次增加到 6月的 11461 次,增加了 62%。这标志着一个新的高点,超过了 THPF 过去 20 年的所有反吸烟运动。 此外,在 7月的发射期之后,截至 11月的平均每月通话次数为 9321 次,比发射前的水平上升了 32%。这种持续增加的电话数量意味着其他媒体广告 1600 戒烟线对吸烟者来说不再是看不见的。 远远超过以前的活动 每次呼叫的投资成本从平均 150万美元大幅降低到 5,000 美元 (仅需要生产成本,媒体成本为零) 在没有媒体支出的情况下,该活动最终在一个月内创造了价值 320万美元的令人难以置信的高盈利媒体。 通过普遍的信息影响当地和全球的吸烟者 这段视频成为了一种病毒,并引发了一场全球对话。一些记者、行业分析师和网民称之为 “有史以来最有效的反吸烟广告”。"该视频在前三天内被观看超过百万次,在 10 天内被观看超过 500万次。 许多当地和国际媒体报道了这段视频。这包括半岛电视台、路透社、金融时报、纽约每日新闻、 Adweek 、阿拉伯新闻、芝加哥论坛报、来自印度的德干纪事报和来自菲律宾的 Philstar。该片段在 30 个国家共享,并在社交媒体和博客上的 20,000 多条帖子中被提及。 形势 自 1990年初以来,泰国政府和卫生组织采取了严厉措施,并在反吸烟运动中投入巨资。颁布了立法,包括禁止在公共场所吸烟和消除任何形式的香烟广告。烟草制造商被迫在所有香烟包装上包括 1600 戒烟线,就在显示吸烟对健康长期负面影响的图形图像旁边。此外,1600 戒烟线在所有反吸烟广告材料中占据显著位置。 战略 我们创建了三步交流平台,从直接体验开始,变成了一种社会趋势。 步骤 1: 实验 我们设计这个实验是在最关键的时刻进行的 -- 在吸烟的过程中,创造一个 “自我觉醒” 的时刻,迫使他们反思自己的行为。 超级: 步骤 2: 在线 我们在网上为广大吸烟者重现了同样的亲密体验。该剪辑在前 3 天内达到数百万次,在 10 天内达到 500万次,而且仍在上升。引发了 30 多个国家的在线对话来自世界各地观众的成千上万的评论 第三步: 传染 我们把对话带回了离线世界。VDO 剪辑被许多泰国大众媒体机构接收。此外,世界各地的媒体都承认吸烟的孩子是一个模范运动。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Smoking has been a public scourge for generations in Thailand. For the past 20 years, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation has operated and aggressively promoted free hotline, “1600 Quitline” to help smokers kick the habit. Despite the high investment, the number of calls remained considerably low. Smokers either ignored the campaigns or didn't give the key message much thought. The campaigns failed to create attention that led to long-term behavioral change. Instead of using scare tactics or emotional cues to convince smokers to call 1600 Quitline, the Smoking Kid campaign employed a new approach called “Inside-Out Reflection.” The smokers found themselves in a situation in which their own voice served as the warning message, thus creating a "self-awakening" moment. Online media was used as a direct channel to communicate with smokers on a personal level. With a budget of just $5,000 and no media spending, Smoking Kid had an enormous impact that touched smokers and non-smokers alike. The campaign not only became the most effective ever for the THPF, but also generated massive buzz around the world. Smokers far beyond Thailand's borders experienced their own "inside-out reflection" moment, sparking a global conversation and providing inspiration to many looking to give up smoking once and for all. Describe the brief from the client Quitting smoking is difficult and many who want to quit can't do it alone. To aid those who can't quit by themselves, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation offers a free help-line call service, called the 1600 Quitline, staffed by professional counselors. However, despite a high investment in advertising, the number of calls to 1600 Quitline was far too low to be considered effective. An average of only 7,057 calls per month was recorded from January to May 2012, and an average of 2,080 smokers, or 0.05% of all smokers in Thailand, called per month in 2009-2010 . Unless we could increase the number of calls to the Quitline - which was considered a highly effective way to quit - the problem of smoking in Thailand would remain a considerable problem. Results Spurring action for Thai smokers The campaign was able to create a measurable behaviour change. The number of completed calls went from an average of 7,057 per month from January to May, to 11461 in June, an increase of 62%. This marked a new high and outperformed all of THPF's previous anti-smoking campaigns over the past 20 years. Moreover, after the launching period on July, the average number of monthly calls through November was 9321, up 32% from pre-launching levels. This sustained higher number of calls meant that other media advertising the 1600 Quitline was no longer invisible to smokers. Far Outperforming Previous Campaigns • Cost of investment per call was substantially reduced from an average of $1.5 million to $5,000 (only required production cost with zero media cost) • With no media spending, the campaign eventually generated incredibly high earned media valued at $USD 3.2 million within one month. Influencing smokers both locally and globally with a universal message The video became a viral sensation and helped to spark a worldwide conversation. Some journalists, industry analysts and netizens were calling it the "most effective anti-smoking ad ever." The video was viewed more than a million times within the first three days and more than 5 million times within 10 days. Scores of local and international media outlets reported on the video. This included Al Jazeera, Reuters, Financial Times, New York Daily News, Adweek, Arab News, Chicago Tribune, Deccan Chronicle from India, and Philstar from the Philippines. The clip was shared in 30 countries, and was mentioned in more than 20,000 posts on social media and blogs. The Situation Since the early 1990s, the Thai government and health organizations have taken tough measures and invested heavily in anti-smoking campaigns. Legislation was enacted including banning smoking in public places and eliminating any form of cigarette advertising. Tobacco manufacturers were forced to include the 1600 Quitline on all cigarette packages, right next to graphic images showing the negative long-term health effects of smoking. Also, the 1600 Quitline was featured prominently in all anti-smoking advertising materials produced. The Strategy We created 3-step communication platforms, beginning with direct experiences, turning into a social trend. Step 1: Experiment We designed the experiment to happen at the most critical moment - during the act of smoking to create a ‘self-awakening’ moment, forcing them to reflect on their behavior. Super: Step 2: Online We recreated the same intimate experience for a wide audience of smokers online. The clip reached more than millions views in first 3 days and hit 5 million in 10 days and still rising. Sparked online conversations in over 30 countries with tens of thousands of comments from viewers all over the world Step 3: Contagion We brought the conversations back into the offline world. VDO Clip was picked up by many Thais mass media outlets. Moreover, media outlets around the globe recognized Smoking kid as a model campaign

    Smoking Kid

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 吸烟在泰国已经成为几代人的公共祸害。在过去的 20 年里,泰国健康促进基金会一直在运营并积极推广免费热线 “1600 戒烟热线”,以帮助吸烟者戒烟。尽管投资很高,但电话数量仍然相当低。吸烟者要么忽略了竞选活动,要么没有对关键信息进行过多的思考。这些活动未能引起人们的关注,导致了长期的行为改变。 吸烟儿童运动没有使用恐吓策略或情感暗示来说服吸烟者 1600 戒烟,而是采用了一种名为 “由内而外的反思” 的新方法。吸烟者发现自己处于这样一种情况,他们自己的声音充当了警告信息,从而创造了一个 “自我觉醒” 的时刻。在线媒体被用作在个人层面上与吸烟者交流的直接渠道。 由于预算只有 5,000 美元,而且没有媒体支出,吸烟的孩子产生了巨大的影响,影响到吸烟者和非吸烟者。这项运动不仅成为 THPF 有史以来最有效的运动,也在世界各地引起了巨大的轰动。泰国边境以外的吸烟者经历了自己的 “由内而外的反思” 时刻,引发了一场全球对话,并为许多希望一劳永逸戒烟的人提供了灵感。 描述客户的简报 戒烟是困难的,许多想戒烟的人不能独自戒烟。为了帮助那些不能自己戒烟的人,泰国健康促进基金会提供了一个免费的帮助热线服务,名为 1600 戒烟热线,由专业顾问组成。然而,尽管在广告上投入了大量资金,但 1600 退出线的电话数量太低,不能被认为是有效的。从 2012年1月到5月开始,平均每月只接到 7,057 个电话,2009年至 2,080 年期间,平均每月接到 0.05% 个吸烟者的电话,占泰国所有吸烟者的 2010。除非我们能够增加戒烟电话的数量 -- 这被认为是一种非常有效的戒烟方式 -- 否则泰国的吸烟问题将仍然是一个相当大的问题。 结果 刺激泰国吸烟者行动 这场运动能够创造一个可衡量的行为变化。从 1月到 5 月,完成的电话数量从平均每月 7,057 次增加到 6月的 11461 次,增加了 62%。这标志着一个新的高点,超过了 THPF 过去 20 年的所有反吸烟运动。 此外,在 7月的发射期之后,截至 11月的平均每月通话次数为 9321 次,比发射前的水平上升了 32%。这种持续增加的电话数量意味着其他媒体广告 1600 戒烟线对吸烟者来说不再是看不见的。 远远超过以前的活动 每次呼叫的投资成本从平均 150万美元大幅降低到 5,000 美元 (仅需要生产成本,媒体成本为零) 在没有媒体支出的情况下,该活动最终在一个月内创造了价值 320万美元的令人难以置信的高盈利媒体。 通过普遍的信息影响当地和全球的吸烟者 这段视频成为了一种病毒,并引发了一场全球对话。一些记者、行业分析师和网民称之为 “有史以来最有效的反吸烟广告”。"该视频在前三天内被观看超过百万次,在 10 天内被观看超过 500万次。 许多当地和国际媒体报道了这段视频。这包括半岛电视台、路透社、金融时报、纽约每日新闻、 Adweek 、阿拉伯新闻、芝加哥论坛报、来自印度的德干纪事报和来自菲律宾的 Philstar。该片段在 30 个国家共享,并在社交媒体和博客上的 20,000 多条帖子中被提及。 形势 自 1990年初以来,泰国政府和卫生组织采取了严厉措施,并在反吸烟运动中投入巨资。颁布了立法,包括禁止在公共场所吸烟和消除任何形式的香烟广告。烟草制造商被迫在所有香烟包装上包括 1600 戒烟线,就在显示吸烟对健康长期负面影响的图形图像旁边。此外,1600 戒烟线在所有反吸烟广告材料中占据显著位置。 战略 我们创建了三步交流平台,从直接体验开始,变成了一种社会趋势。 步骤 1: 实验 我们设计这个实验是在最关键的时刻进行的 -- 在吸烟的过程中,创造一个 “自我觉醒” 的时刻,迫使他们反思自己的行为。 超级: 步骤 2: 在线 我们在网上为广大吸烟者重现了同样的亲密体验。该剪辑在前 3 天内达到数百万次,在 10 天内达到 500万次,而且仍在上升。引发了 30 多个国家的在线对话来自世界各地观众的成千上万的评论 第三步: 传染 我们把对话带回了离线世界。VDO 剪辑被许多泰国大众媒体机构接收。此外,世界各地的媒体都承认吸烟的孩子是一个模范运动。

    Smoking Kid

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Smoking has been a public scourge for generations in Thailand. For the past 20 years, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation has operated and aggressively promoted free hotline, “1600 Quitline” to help smokers kick the habit. Despite the high investment, the number of calls remained considerably low. Smokers either ignored the campaigns or didn't give the key message much thought. The campaigns failed to create attention that led to long-term behavioral change. Instead of using scare tactics or emotional cues to convince smokers to call 1600 Quitline, the Smoking Kid campaign employed a new approach called “Inside-Out Reflection.” The smokers found themselves in a situation in which their own voice served as the warning message, thus creating a "self-awakening" moment. Online media was used as a direct channel to communicate with smokers on a personal level. With a budget of just $5,000 and no media spending, Smoking Kid had an enormous impact that touched smokers and non-smokers alike. The campaign not only became the most effective ever for the THPF, but also generated massive buzz around the world. Smokers far beyond Thailand's borders experienced their own "inside-out reflection" moment, sparking a global conversation and providing inspiration to many looking to give up smoking once and for all. Describe the brief from the client Quitting smoking is difficult and many who want to quit can't do it alone. To aid those who can't quit by themselves, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation offers a free help-line call service, called the 1600 Quitline, staffed by professional counselors. However, despite a high investment in advertising, the number of calls to 1600 Quitline was far too low to be considered effective. An average of only 7,057 calls per month was recorded from January to May 2012, and an average of 2,080 smokers, or 0.05% of all smokers in Thailand, called per month in 2009-2010 . Unless we could increase the number of calls to the Quitline - which was considered a highly effective way to quit - the problem of smoking in Thailand would remain a considerable problem. Results Spurring action for Thai smokers The campaign was able to create a measurable behaviour change. The number of completed calls went from an average of 7,057 per month from January to May, to 11461 in June, an increase of 62%. This marked a new high and outperformed all of THPF's previous anti-smoking campaigns over the past 20 years. Moreover, after the launching period on July, the average number of monthly calls through November was 9321, up 32% from pre-launching levels. This sustained higher number of calls meant that other media advertising the 1600 Quitline was no longer invisible to smokers. Far Outperforming Previous Campaigns • Cost of investment per call was substantially reduced from an average of $1.5 million to $5,000 (only required production cost with zero media cost) • With no media spending, the campaign eventually generated incredibly high earned media valued at $USD 3.2 million within one month. Influencing smokers both locally and globally with a universal message The video became a viral sensation and helped to spark a worldwide conversation. Some journalists, industry analysts and netizens were calling it the "most effective anti-smoking ad ever." The video was viewed more than a million times within the first three days and more than 5 million times within 10 days. Scores of local and international media outlets reported on the video. This included Al Jazeera, Reuters, Financial Times, New York Daily News, Adweek, Arab News, Chicago Tribune, Deccan Chronicle from India, and Philstar from the Philippines. The clip was shared in 30 countries, and was mentioned in more than 20,000 posts on social media and blogs. The Situation Since the early 1990s, the Thai government and health organizations have taken tough measures and invested heavily in anti-smoking campaigns. Legislation was enacted including banning smoking in public places and eliminating any form of cigarette advertising. Tobacco manufacturers were forced to include the 1600 Quitline on all cigarette packages, right next to graphic images showing the negative long-term health effects of smoking. Also, the 1600 Quitline was featured prominently in all anti-smoking advertising materials produced. The Strategy We created 3-step communication platforms, beginning with direct experiences, turning into a social trend. Step 1: Experiment We designed the experiment to happen at the most critical moment - during the act of smoking to create a ‘self-awakening’ moment, forcing them to reflect on their behavior. Super: Step 2: Online We recreated the same intimate experience for a wide audience of smokers online. The clip reached more than millions views in first 3 days and hit 5 million in 10 days and still rising. Sparked online conversations in over 30 countries with tens of thousands of comments from viewers all over the world Step 3: Contagion We brought the conversations back into the offline world. VDO Clip was picked up by many Thais mass media outlets. Moreover, media outlets around the globe recognized Smoking kid as a model campaign



    Smoking Kid






    广告公司: 奥美 (泰国 曼谷) 制作公司: Songmue Production




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