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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? Airbnb进入旅游类别,通过提供基于技术的低成本替代方案,从传统酒店中窃取了市场份额。 我们专注于Airbnb无法与之竞争的商业优势: 我们能够通过无与伦比的便利设施提供基于服务的接待体验。 对Airbnb最受欢迎的房源的彻底研究为我们提供了重新设计和升级房间的蓝图,使我们能够吸引Airbnb目标市场的品味和敏感性。我们提供了一个新的体验,利用Airbnb的最好的,并添加了我们自己的: 一个360的体验,迫使他们重新考虑他们以前的选择。 背景 自2008年开业以来,Airbnb已有5亿多名客人入住其列表。其中,60% 报告说,经过他们的经验,他们更喜欢Airbnb而不是传统酒店。与适用于酒店的监管制度相比,Airbnb可以提供更低成本的替代方案。这一点,加上其数字平台的易用性,成功地说服了很大一部分市场进行转换,在许多情况下,甚至不再考虑更传统的选择。 我们的目标很明确: 应对这一趋势,恢复洪都拉斯竞争日益激烈的7亿美元旅游市场的一部分。为此,我们必须利用我们的主要优势: 一流的客户服务,无与伦比的设施和许多便利设施。该国首都特古西加尔巴 (Tegucigalpa) 越来越多地成为游客体验我们独特文化和自然美景的枢纽和发射台。但是我们如何说服他们尝试一下? 描述创意 (投票20%) 我们想到了: 如果Airbnb的市场没有来到我们这里,为什么不直接去找他们呢? 毕竟,Airbnb的房东都是普通人。希望有机会成为家乡游客的好主人的人。相信他们有一个让这些游客感到舒适、受欢迎和自由体验我们国家最好的地方的人。我们意识到我们也有这样的人: 我们的员工。 他们有一个如此优雅、易于使用的平台。很久以来,我们一直在麻烦地将我们的酒店列在所有受欢迎的在线目录上: Hotels.com,Booking.com,Expedia,Trivago,Tripadvisor... 如今,您必须这样做。这只是常识。 那为什么不多一个呢?为什么不使用一直在引导潜在客户的相同平台,而是将他们直接带到我们家门口? 描述策略 (投票20%) 我们的目标是千禧一代 (18-35岁),考虑到2025年,他们将占所有旅行者的75%。大约60% 的Airbnb用户都在此目标人群中。我们特别感兴趣的是,这是一个人口统计,优先考虑旅行而不是购买房屋或为未来储蓄。我们发现,总的来说,由于担心他们的体验是人为的或不真实的,他们不认为酒店是一种选择。 我们的方法是创建Airbnb列表,展示我们在特古西加尔巴最时髦的街区之一的位置,那里有波西米亚风格的咖啡店、手工啤酒和雪茄店,以及城市中最炙手可热的夜总会,距离酒店只有2分钟的步行路程。我们知道,通过这种方法,我们将在旅程的考虑阶段参与目标,从而使我们能够通过短信对话进行转换。 描述执行 (投票30%) 为了成功地使用这个平台来改变对我们有利的情况,我们必须分析Airbnb在我们地区最受欢迎的列表,以确定摄影、描述和主机配置文件中的常见风格选择。我们决定在平台上列出我们的中低价房间。 我们重新设计并重新装修了房间,以适应吸引我们目标市场的趋势: 粉刷墙壁,更换过时的家具,并放入重音件以赋予每个房间个性化的身份。 我们为员工创建了用户个人资料,包括个人资料图片的照片。我们为每位员工创建了个人银行帐户,并分配了一个数字团队来帮助他们跟踪收到的请求和查询,并进行跟进以确保客人留下评论。我们的主人亲自欢迎客人,并向他们展示了他们以备用房间的价格获得的所有便利设施。 列出结果 (投票30%) 如果Airbnb可以实现两位数的增长,为什么我们不能呢?我们的战略将我们的业务目标设定为到2019年第二季度末预订量的15% 增长。3个月后,我们的个人资料共收到4,200多次访问。预订量开始上升,累计32.5% 增加超过90天,远远超过目标,空间仍在增长。目前,我们的93% 帐户已收到至少2个预订。 我们的数字团队确保保持交流在平台上,立即跟进满意的客人 (当他们最有可能提供回复时),并确保他们中的87% 人留下了评论,我们的账户平均有4.8颗星,其中62% 人说他们会向朋友和家人推荐洪都拉斯。通过对我们的个人资料的验证,我们希望随着该计划的继续,保持或建立预订势头。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? The entry of Airbnb into the travel category stole market share from traditional hotels by offering a tech-based, low-cost alternative. We focused on the commercial advantage we have that Airbnb cannot compete with: our ability to provide a service-based hospitality experience with unmatched amenities. A thorough study of Airbnb’s most sought-after listings gave us the blueprint to redesign and upgrade our rooms, allowing us to appeal to the tastes and sensibilities of Airbnb’s target market. We provided a renewed experience, taking the best of Airbnb’s and adding our own: a 360 experience that forced them to reconsider their previous choice. Background Since opening in 2008, Airbnb has had over 500 million guests stay in its listings. Of those, 60% report that after their experience, they prefer Airbnb over traditional hotels. Operating under a friendlier regulatory regime than that applied to hotels, Airbnb can afford to provide a lower-cost alternative. This, combined with the ease-of-use of its digital platform, successfully convinced a large portion of the market to switch over, in many cases no longer even considering more traditional options. Our objective was clear: to combat this trend and recover a portion of Honduras’ increasingly competitive $700 million tourism market. To do this, we had to leverage our primary differentiator: top-notch customer service, unmatched facilities, and many amenities. Tegucigalpa, the country’s capital, increasingly serves as a hub and launchpad for tourists to experience our unique culture and natural beauty. But how could we convince them to give us a try? Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) It occurred to us: if Airbnb’s market wasn’t coming to us, why not go straight to them? After all, Airbnb hosts are all regular folks. People who want the opportunity to be great hosts to the tourists coming to their hometown. People who believe they have a place where these visitors will feel comfortable, welcome, and free to experience the best of our country. We realized that we have people like that, too: our employees. And they had such an elegant, easy-to-use platform. We had long since gone to the trouble of listing our hotel on all the popular online directories: Hotels.com, Booking.com, Expedia, Trivago, Tripadvisor... you have to, nowadays. It’s just common sense. So why not one more? Why not use the very same platform that’s been steering away potential customers to instead bring them straight to our doorstep? Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Our target was the millennial generation (ages 18-35), taking into consideration that by 2025, they will account for 75% of all travelers. Approximately 60% of Airbnb users are in this target demographic. Particularly of interest to us was the fact that this is a demographic that prioritizes travel over purchasing a home or saving for the future. We found that in general, they do not consider hotels as an option out of concern that their experience will be artificial or inauthentic. Our approach was to create Airbnb listings that showcased our location in one of Tegucigalpa’s trendiest neighborhoods, with bohemian coffeeshops, artisanal beer and cigar shops, and the hottest nightclubs in the city all within a 2-minute walk from the hotel. We knew that with this method, we would engage the target during the Consideration phase of the journey, allowing us to make the conversion via text message conversations. Describe the execution (30% of vote) To successfully use this platform to flip the situation in our favor, we had to analyze Airbnb’s most popular listings in our region to identify the common stylistic choices in photography, descriptions, and host profiles. We decided to list our medium-low priced rooms on the platform. We redesigned and refurnished the rooms, in keeping with the trends that appeal to our target market: painting the walls, replacing outdated furniture, and putting in accent pieces to give each room an individual identity. We created user profiles for our employees, including a photoshoot for the profile picture. We created individual bank accounts for each employee and assigned a digital team to help them keep track of incoming requests and inquiries, and follow up to ensure guests left reviews. Our hosts welcomed the guests personally and showed them all the amenities they were getting for the price of a spare room. List the results (30% of vote) If Airbnb could generate double-digit growth, why couldn’t we? Our strategy set our business objective at a 15% increase in bookings by the end of Q2 2019. After 3 months, our profiles had received a combined 4,200+ visits. Bookings began to rise, with a cumulative 32.5% increase over 90 days, far exceeding the target with room still to grow. Currently, 93% of our accounts have received at least 2 bookings. Our digital team made sure to stay active on the platform, following up immediately (when they are most likely to provide a response back) with satisfied guests and ensuring that 87% of them left reviews, which averaged 4.8 stars across our accounts, 62% of them saying they would recommend the hotel to friends and family visiting Honduras. With our profiles so validated, we expect to maintain or build booking momentum as the initiative continues.


    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? Airbnb进入旅游类别,通过提供基于技术的低成本替代方案,从传统酒店中窃取了市场份额。 我们专注于Airbnb无法与之竞争的商业优势: 我们能够通过无与伦比的便利设施提供基于服务的接待体验。 对Airbnb最受欢迎的房源的彻底研究为我们提供了重新设计和升级房间的蓝图,使我们能够吸引Airbnb目标市场的品味和敏感性。我们提供了一个新的体验,利用Airbnb的最好的,并添加了我们自己的: 一个360的体验,迫使他们重新考虑他们以前的选择。 背景 自2008年开业以来,Airbnb已有5亿多名客人入住其列表。其中,60% 报告说,经过他们的经验,他们更喜欢Airbnb而不是传统酒店。与适用于酒店的监管制度相比,Airbnb可以提供更低成本的替代方案。这一点,加上其数字平台的易用性,成功地说服了很大一部分市场进行转换,在许多情况下,甚至不再考虑更传统的选择。 我们的目标很明确: 应对这一趋势,恢复洪都拉斯竞争日益激烈的7亿美元旅游市场的一部分。为此,我们必须利用我们的主要优势: 一流的客户服务,无与伦比的设施和许多便利设施。该国首都特古西加尔巴 (Tegucigalpa) 越来越多地成为游客体验我们独特文化和自然美景的枢纽和发射台。但是我们如何说服他们尝试一下? 描述创意 (投票20%) 我们想到了: 如果Airbnb的市场没有来到我们这里,为什么不直接去找他们呢? 毕竟,Airbnb的房东都是普通人。希望有机会成为家乡游客的好主人的人。相信他们有一个让这些游客感到舒适、受欢迎和自由体验我们国家最好的地方的人。我们意识到我们也有这样的人: 我们的员工。 他们有一个如此优雅、易于使用的平台。很久以来,我们一直在麻烦地将我们的酒店列在所有受欢迎的在线目录上: Hotels.com,Booking.com,Expedia,Trivago,Tripadvisor... 如今,您必须这样做。这只是常识。 那为什么不多一个呢?为什么不使用一直在引导潜在客户的相同平台,而是将他们直接带到我们家门口? 描述策略 (投票20%) 我们的目标是千禧一代 (18-35岁),考虑到2025年,他们将占所有旅行者的75%。大约60% 的Airbnb用户都在此目标人群中。我们特别感兴趣的是,这是一个人口统计,优先考虑旅行而不是购买房屋或为未来储蓄。我们发现,总的来说,由于担心他们的体验是人为的或不真实的,他们不认为酒店是一种选择。 我们的方法是创建Airbnb列表,展示我们在特古西加尔巴最时髦的街区之一的位置,那里有波西米亚风格的咖啡店、手工啤酒和雪茄店,以及城市中最炙手可热的夜总会,距离酒店只有2分钟的步行路程。我们知道,通过这种方法,我们将在旅程的考虑阶段参与目标,从而使我们能够通过短信对话进行转换。 描述执行 (投票30%) 为了成功地使用这个平台来改变对我们有利的情况,我们必须分析Airbnb在我们地区最受欢迎的列表,以确定摄影、描述和主机配置文件中的常见风格选择。我们决定在平台上列出我们的中低价房间。 我们重新设计并重新装修了房间,以适应吸引我们目标市场的趋势: 粉刷墙壁,更换过时的家具,并放入重音件以赋予每个房间个性化的身份。 我们为员工创建了用户个人资料,包括个人资料图片的照片。我们为每位员工创建了个人银行帐户,并分配了一个数字团队来帮助他们跟踪收到的请求和查询,并进行跟进以确保客人留下评论。我们的主人亲自欢迎客人,并向他们展示了他们以备用房间的价格获得的所有便利设施。 列出结果 (投票30%) 如果Airbnb可以实现两位数的增长,为什么我们不能呢?我们的战略将我们的业务目标设定为到2019年第二季度末预订量的15% 增长。3个月后,我们的个人资料共收到4,200多次访问。预订量开始上升,累计32.5% 增加超过90天,远远超过目标,空间仍在增长。目前,我们的93% 帐户已收到至少2个预订。 我们的数字团队确保保持交流在平台上,立即跟进满意的客人 (当他们最有可能提供回复时),并确保他们中的87% 人留下了评论,我们的账户平均有4.8颗星,其中62% 人说他们会向朋友和家人推荐洪都拉斯。通过对我们的个人资料的验证,我们希望随着该计划的继续,保持或建立预订势头。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? The entry of Airbnb into the travel category stole market share from traditional hotels by offering a tech-based, low-cost alternative. We focused on the commercial advantage we have that Airbnb cannot compete with: our ability to provide a service-based hospitality experience with unmatched amenities. A thorough study of Airbnb’s most sought-after listings gave us the blueprint to redesign and upgrade our rooms, allowing us to appeal to the tastes and sensibilities of Airbnb’s target market. We provided a renewed experience, taking the best of Airbnb’s and adding our own: a 360 experience that forced them to reconsider their previous choice. Background Since opening in 2008, Airbnb has had over 500 million guests stay in its listings. Of those, 60% report that after their experience, they prefer Airbnb over traditional hotels. Operating under a friendlier regulatory regime than that applied to hotels, Airbnb can afford to provide a lower-cost alternative. This, combined with the ease-of-use of its digital platform, successfully convinced a large portion of the market to switch over, in many cases no longer even considering more traditional options. Our objective was clear: to combat this trend and recover a portion of Honduras’ increasingly competitive $700 million tourism market. To do this, we had to leverage our primary differentiator: top-notch customer service, unmatched facilities, and many amenities. Tegucigalpa, the country’s capital, increasingly serves as a hub and launchpad for tourists to experience our unique culture and natural beauty. But how could we convince them to give us a try? Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) It occurred to us: if Airbnb’s market wasn’t coming to us, why not go straight to them? After all, Airbnb hosts are all regular folks. People who want the opportunity to be great hosts to the tourists coming to their hometown. People who believe they have a place where these visitors will feel comfortable, welcome, and free to experience the best of our country. We realized that we have people like that, too: our employees. And they had such an elegant, easy-to-use platform. We had long since gone to the trouble of listing our hotel on all the popular online directories: Hotels.com, Booking.com, Expedia, Trivago, Tripadvisor... you have to, nowadays. It’s just common sense. So why not one more? Why not use the very same platform that’s been steering away potential customers to instead bring them straight to our doorstep? Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Our target was the millennial generation (ages 18-35), taking into consideration that by 2025, they will account for 75% of all travelers. Approximately 60% of Airbnb users are in this target demographic. Particularly of interest to us was the fact that this is a demographic that prioritizes travel over purchasing a home or saving for the future. We found that in general, they do not consider hotels as an option out of concern that their experience will be artificial or inauthentic. Our approach was to create Airbnb listings that showcased our location in one of Tegucigalpa’s trendiest neighborhoods, with bohemian coffeeshops, artisanal beer and cigar shops, and the hottest nightclubs in the city all within a 2-minute walk from the hotel. We knew that with this method, we would engage the target during the Consideration phase of the journey, allowing us to make the conversion via text message conversations. Describe the execution (30% of vote) To successfully use this platform to flip the situation in our favor, we had to analyze Airbnb’s most popular listings in our region to identify the common stylistic choices in photography, descriptions, and host profiles. We decided to list our medium-low priced rooms on the platform. We redesigned and refurnished the rooms, in keeping with the trends that appeal to our target market: painting the walls, replacing outdated furniture, and putting in accent pieces to give each room an individual identity. We created user profiles for our employees, including a photoshoot for the profile picture. We created individual bank accounts for each employee and assigned a digital team to help them keep track of incoming requests and inquiries, and follow up to ensure guests left reviews. Our hosts welcomed the guests personally and showed them all the amenities they were getting for the price of a spare room. List the results (30% of vote) If Airbnb could generate double-digit growth, why couldn’t we? Our strategy set our business objective at a 15% increase in bookings by the end of Q2 2019. After 3 months, our profiles had received a combined 4,200+ visits. Bookings began to rise, with a cumulative 32.5% increase over 90 days, far exceeding the target with room still to grow. Currently, 93% of our accounts have received at least 2 bookings. Our digital team made sure to stay active on the platform, following up immediately (when they are most likely to provide a response back) with satisfied guests and ensuring that 87% of them left reviews, which averaged 4.8 stars across our accounts, 62% of them saying they would recommend the hotel to friends and family visiting Honduras. With our profiles so validated, we expect to maintain or build booking momentum as the initiative continues.









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