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    Samsung Blind Cap短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 在与西班牙残奥会委员会一起展示和试用盲帽后,该委员会表示有兴趣将盲帽作为其在高性能盲游泳者训练课上的主要工具, 以及寻求修改法规,以便在全国锦标赛上实施盲帽 (暂时)。此外,该品牌的价值非但非盈利行动,反而有所增加,再次表明它关注通过其技术改善人们的生活。此外,游泳者和教练的感觉非常积极,因为他们看到了这种新模式的未来,以提醒游泳者。他们认为这是一个伟大的开始,在这个游泳学科中,朝着实现最佳条件迈出了一大步。 执行 在测试盲帽并完成其生产过程之前,我们会见了残奥会委员会,详细介绍了盲帽设计需要解决的需求和问题。然后,我们在 S11 、 S12 和 S13 (盲人游泳者类别) 的精英游泳者训练课上实施了上限,这些游泳者将参加下一届残奥会。与此同时,该应用程序被上传到 Play Store,并提供给所有用户,不管它的使用是否面向使用盲帽的教练和游泳者。该应用程序与机器人和智能手表 Gear S2 兼容。在这个时候,因为它不是一个商业产品,它仅供上述教练和游泳运动员在精英运动员训练和锻炼的委员会本身的设施中使用。这个想法是为了在未来的专业比赛中引入它,以取代攻丝,并且它将被大规模生产。 战略 该公司创造技术,让人们的生活更轻松。盲人游泳运动员应该有技术进步为他们的条件做出贡献,以便能够像精英运动员一样没有任何障碍。因此,在与西班牙残奥会委员会举行了几次会议后,我们意识到我们拥有所需的移动技术, 我们只需要寻找将它应用于这项运动的方法,以消除迄今为止使用的敲击信号。帽子链接到智能手机或智能手表应用程序的重要性在于它给教练带来的自由和自主权,因为我们用单个设备替换了杆子和计时器。因此,教练可以把他们的全部注意力集中在游泳者身上,因为这些设备每天都在使用,并且直观且用户友好,所以教练不需要修改或解释就可以开始使用它。 活动描述 该公司将部分资源用于研究有助于或改善人们生活的新技术。这就是盲帽的想法是如何产生的,这是一种游泳帽,它结合了振动技术来提醒盲人游泳者。一个振动系统,结合在盖子内部,用一个小的振动来代替直到现在使用的攻丝机构,提醒游泳者准确的转弯时间。连接到 Gear S2 (智能手表) 或通过蓝牙连接到智能手机,教练会向泳帽发送一个小振动,以提醒游泳者,只需按下盲帽应用程序上的按钮。一个简单的机制 -- 加入了公司的移动技术 -- 对游泳者和教练来说意义重大,因为它消除了游泳者的轻拍,同时保持了他们之间的联系, 这是游泳训练中必不可少的东西。 概要 50 多年来,盲人游泳一直是残奥会的一项运动。盲人游泳者需要一个警报来知道转弯的确切时间,因为他们的残疾阻止了他们自己确定这一点。为了做到这一点,在所有这些年的过程中,教练使用了一根末端有坚硬海绵的柱子来警告游泳者,这在某种程度上是诋毁和初步的, 记住,我们生活在科技时代。我们想结束这种做法。该公司的技术简化了许多日常问题,那么为什么不帮助改善优秀运动员的日常生活,比如残奥会盲人游泳者呢? 我们的目标是应用该品牌的移动技术和工具来改善这些游泳者的生活,消除迄今为止使用的信号,让一些更微妙和更简单的东西来行使同样的功能。


    案例简介:Outcome After showing and trying out the Blind Cap along with the Spanish Paralympic Committee, the committee expressed its interest in establishing the Blind Cap as its main tool at high-performance blind swimmer training sessions, as well as seeking to modify regulations in order to implement Blind Cap at national championships (for the time being). Moreover, far from being a for-profit action, the brand's value has increased, revealing once again that it is concerned about improving people's lives through its technology.Furthermore, the feeling of swimmers and coaches is extremely positive, as they see a future for this new model to alert the swimmer. They believe it is a great beginning, that one large step has been taken toward achieving optimal conditions in this swimming discipline. Execution Before testing the Blind Cap and finishing its production process, we met with the Paralympic Committee to detail the needs and problems to resolve with our Blind Cap design. Then we implemented the cap at elite swimmer training sessions in categories S11, S12 and S13 (blind swimmer categories), for swimmers who will compete at the next Paralympic Games. In parallel, the app was uploaded to the Play Store and made available to all users, regardless of whether or not its use was oriented to coaches and swimmers using the Blind Cap. The app is compatible with Androids and with Gear S2, a smartwatch.At this time, as it is not a commercial product, it is only used by the aforesaid coaches and swimmers at the facilities of the committee itself at which the elite athletes train and workout. The idea is for it to be introduced at professional competitions in the future, to replace tapping, and that it will be mass produced. Strategy The company creates technology to make people’s lives easier. Blind swimmers deserve to have technological advances contribute to their conditions to be able to perform as elite athletes without any obstacles. Thus, after holding several meetings with the Spanish Paralympic Committee, we realised that we had the mobile technology needed, and we only had to seek the way to apply it to this sport to eliminate the tapping signal used until now. The importance of the cap being linked to a smartphone or smartwatch app is the freedom and autonomy that it gives the coach, as we replace the pole and chronometer used with a single device. Thus, coaches can focus their full attention on swimmers since these devices are used on a daily basis and are intuitive and user friendly, so that coaches do not require adaptations or explanations to start using it. Campaign Description The company allocates part of its resources to researching new technologies that help or improve people’s lives. This is how the idea arose for Blind Cap, a swim cap that incorporates vibrating technology to alert blind swimmers. A vibration system, incorporated inside of the cap, replaces the tapping mechanism used until now with a small vibration that alerts swimmers of the precise time to turn.Connected to Gear S2 (a smartwatch), or to a smartphone via Bluetooth, coaches send a small vibration to the cap, to alert swimmers, just by pressing the button on the Blind Cap app.A simple mechanism that—joined to company’s mobile technology—means a lot to swimmers and coaches, as it eliminates tapping the swimmer while maintaining the connection between them, something that is essential in this swimming discipline. Synopsis Swimming for the blind has been established as a Paralympic sport for over 50 years. Blind swimmers need an alert to know the exact time to turn, as their disability prevents them from determining this on their own. To do so, over the course of all these years coaches have used a pole with a hard sponge on the end to warn swimmers, which is somewhat denigrating and rudimentary, when bearing in mind that we live in the age of technology.We want to put an end to this practice. The company technology has simplified many daily problems, so why not help improve the daily lives of elite athletes, such as Paralympic blind swimmers?Our objective was to apply the brand’s mobile technology and the instruments required to improve these swimmers’ lives, eliminating the signal used until now, to make something more subtle and simpler that exercises the same function.

    Samsung Blind Cap

    案例简介:结果 在与西班牙残奥会委员会一起展示和试用盲帽后,该委员会表示有兴趣将盲帽作为其在高性能盲游泳者训练课上的主要工具, 以及寻求修改法规,以便在全国锦标赛上实施盲帽 (暂时)。此外,该品牌的价值非但非盈利行动,反而有所增加,再次表明它关注通过其技术改善人们的生活。此外,游泳者和教练的感觉非常积极,因为他们看到了这种新模式的未来,以提醒游泳者。他们认为这是一个伟大的开始,在这个游泳学科中,朝着实现最佳条件迈出了一大步。 执行 在测试盲帽并完成其生产过程之前,我们会见了残奥会委员会,详细介绍了盲帽设计需要解决的需求和问题。然后,我们在 S11 、 S12 和 S13 (盲人游泳者类别) 的精英游泳者训练课上实施了上限,这些游泳者将参加下一届残奥会。与此同时,该应用程序被上传到 Play Store,并提供给所有用户,不管它的使用是否面向使用盲帽的教练和游泳者。该应用程序与机器人和智能手表 Gear S2 兼容。在这个时候,因为它不是一个商业产品,它仅供上述教练和游泳运动员在精英运动员训练和锻炼的委员会本身的设施中使用。这个想法是为了在未来的专业比赛中引入它,以取代攻丝,并且它将被大规模生产。 战略 该公司创造技术,让人们的生活更轻松。盲人游泳运动员应该有技术进步为他们的条件做出贡献,以便能够像精英运动员一样没有任何障碍。因此,在与西班牙残奥会委员会举行了几次会议后,我们意识到我们拥有所需的移动技术, 我们只需要寻找将它应用于这项运动的方法,以消除迄今为止使用的敲击信号。帽子链接到智能手机或智能手表应用程序的重要性在于它给教练带来的自由和自主权,因为我们用单个设备替换了杆子和计时器。因此,教练可以把他们的全部注意力集中在游泳者身上,因为这些设备每天都在使用,并且直观且用户友好,所以教练不需要修改或解释就可以开始使用它。 活动描述 该公司将部分资源用于研究有助于或改善人们生活的新技术。这就是盲帽的想法是如何产生的,这是一种游泳帽,它结合了振动技术来提醒盲人游泳者。一个振动系统,结合在盖子内部,用一个小的振动来代替直到现在使用的攻丝机构,提醒游泳者准确的转弯时间。连接到 Gear S2 (智能手表) 或通过蓝牙连接到智能手机,教练会向泳帽发送一个小振动,以提醒游泳者,只需按下盲帽应用程序上的按钮。一个简单的机制 -- 加入了公司的移动技术 -- 对游泳者和教练来说意义重大,因为它消除了游泳者的轻拍,同时保持了他们之间的联系, 这是游泳训练中必不可少的东西。 概要 50 多年来,盲人游泳一直是残奥会的一项运动。盲人游泳者需要一个警报来知道转弯的确切时间,因为他们的残疾阻止了他们自己确定这一点。为了做到这一点,在所有这些年的过程中,教练使用了一根末端有坚硬海绵的柱子来警告游泳者,这在某种程度上是诋毁和初步的, 记住,我们生活在科技时代。我们想结束这种做法。该公司的技术简化了许多日常问题,那么为什么不帮助改善优秀运动员的日常生活,比如残奥会盲人游泳者呢? 我们的目标是应用该品牌的移动技术和工具来改善这些游泳者的生活,消除迄今为止使用的信号,让一些更微妙和更简单的东西来行使同样的功能。

    Samsung Blind Cap

    案例简介:Outcome After showing and trying out the Blind Cap along with the Spanish Paralympic Committee, the committee expressed its interest in establishing the Blind Cap as its main tool at high-performance blind swimmer training sessions, as well as seeking to modify regulations in order to implement Blind Cap at national championships (for the time being). Moreover, far from being a for-profit action, the brand's value has increased, revealing once again that it is concerned about improving people's lives through its technology.Furthermore, the feeling of swimmers and coaches is extremely positive, as they see a future for this new model to alert the swimmer. They believe it is a great beginning, that one large step has been taken toward achieving optimal conditions in this swimming discipline. Execution Before testing the Blind Cap and finishing its production process, we met with the Paralympic Committee to detail the needs and problems to resolve with our Blind Cap design. Then we implemented the cap at elite swimmer training sessions in categories S11, S12 and S13 (blind swimmer categories), for swimmers who will compete at the next Paralympic Games. In parallel, the app was uploaded to the Play Store and made available to all users, regardless of whether or not its use was oriented to coaches and swimmers using the Blind Cap. The app is compatible with Androids and with Gear S2, a smartwatch.At this time, as it is not a commercial product, it is only used by the aforesaid coaches and swimmers at the facilities of the committee itself at which the elite athletes train and workout. The idea is for it to be introduced at professional competitions in the future, to replace tapping, and that it will be mass produced. Strategy The company creates technology to make people’s lives easier. Blind swimmers deserve to have technological advances contribute to their conditions to be able to perform as elite athletes without any obstacles. Thus, after holding several meetings with the Spanish Paralympic Committee, we realised that we had the mobile technology needed, and we only had to seek the way to apply it to this sport to eliminate the tapping signal used until now. The importance of the cap being linked to a smartphone or smartwatch app is the freedom and autonomy that it gives the coach, as we replace the pole and chronometer used with a single device. Thus, coaches can focus their full attention on swimmers since these devices are used on a daily basis and are intuitive and user friendly, so that coaches do not require adaptations or explanations to start using it. Campaign Description The company allocates part of its resources to researching new technologies that help or improve people’s lives. This is how the idea arose for Blind Cap, a swim cap that incorporates vibrating technology to alert blind swimmers. A vibration system, incorporated inside of the cap, replaces the tapping mechanism used until now with a small vibration that alerts swimmers of the precise time to turn.Connected to Gear S2 (a smartwatch), or to a smartphone via Bluetooth, coaches send a small vibration to the cap, to alert swimmers, just by pressing the button on the Blind Cap app.A simple mechanism that—joined to company’s mobile technology—means a lot to swimmers and coaches, as it eliminates tapping the swimmer while maintaining the connection between them, something that is essential in this swimming discipline. Synopsis Swimming for the blind has been established as a Paralympic sport for over 50 years. Blind swimmers need an alert to know the exact time to turn, as their disability prevents them from determining this on their own. To do so, over the course of all these years coaches have used a pole with a hard sponge on the end to warn swimmers, which is somewhat denigrating and rudimentary, when bearing in mind that we live in the age of technology.We want to put an end to this practice. The company technology has simplified many daily problems, so why not help improve the daily lives of elite athletes, such as Paralympic blind swimmers?Our objective was to apply the brand’s mobile technology and the instruments required to improve these swimmers’ lives, eliminating the signal used until now, to make something more subtle and simpler that exercises the same function.



    Samsung Blind Cap










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